• Published 27th Feb 2024
  • 1,608 Views, 63 Comments

Strange and Stranger - False Door

Flurry Heart is searching for the oddly shaped missing piece to her heart. Turns out it might be human shaped.

  • ...

What I Once Knew

At breakfast, Flurry and Anon sat so close to each other that they were practically on the same chair. Their blossoming relationship and exuberant discourse always dominated the table.

“And then we're gonna go walking and then we're gonna do dominos and we're gonna plan our wedding some more and then tonight we're gonna go on a ghost tour in the Historical District.”

“Alright alright,” Cadance sighed with exasperation. “Have fun. Just don’t forget that you have other things including a presser at noon.”

“Yeah, we know,” nodded Flurry, twirling her fork in the air.

“How's your research going?” muttered Shining without looking up from his plate.

Twilight shrugged. “It's going about as well as it ever goes. If anything, it's really interesting that I've realized how similar the Crystal Heart is to the Tree of Harmony.”

Flurry's eating was interrupted once more by a sudden thought. “Oh, um… we've been talking and we don't want to have to say goodbye at the end of the week and have Anon go all the way back to Canterlot. So we thought it might be best if Anon were to move into the castle.”

“Wow, I think that's a really great idea,” agreed Twilight with more zeal than she'd shown the entire trip.

“Of course you do,” Shining quipped snidely.

“It's someone else’s turn," she whispered sternly.

Cadance put a hoof to her chin in contemplation. “Well that sounds like a reasonable-”

Shining cleared his throat loudly. “I just don't think it's good to do this right away. It's highly unorthodox when we're already inviting a lot of contention announcing a royal engagement before courtship.”

“Well what if we just got him a place in town?” suggested Cadance. “Long distance relationships are no fun.”

“Oh, you don't have to get me a place,” said Anon. “It would feel weird. I should be able to float my own boat till I find another job in the empire.”

“Well if he's not going to live in the castle, we need to at least extend royal security detail to him,” argued Flurry.

“Of course.”

Shining tried to cut back in again. “Okay, maybe that's a solution but not for right this second.”

“We can go house hunting,” gasped Flurry without concern.

Breakfast petered out, the rest of the company leaving while Flurry and Anon continued sitting extremely close and gushing over houses and locations and visiting every day until they got married and were together forever.

Anon raised a finger. “I almost forgot; I wanted to show you something. Will you take us to my room?


In a flash they teleported to Anon's castle bedroom. He collapsed to the floor with an oof after unexpectedly losing his chair.

“Oh, sorry,” giggled Flurry.

“It's okay,” he grunted, stumbling to his feet. “Now, I want you to sit on the floor and close your eyes.”

“Okay,” she said, dropping to her haunches. She shut her eyes, trembling with overly generous excitement. She heard a shuffling before he came back to stand in front of her.

“Okay, you can look.”

Flurry opened her eyes to see Anon smiling overtop of a book in his hands with silver hearts printed on the cover.

“Ooo! What is it?”

“I got my photos back from the trip so far and put the best ones together in an album last night. It’s almost our one weekiversary of knowing each other.”

“I wanna see,” gasped Flurry exuberantly.

Anon sat on the floor and settled between her hind hooves. He carefully opened the book. His fiancée watched eagerly over his shoulder.

“Oh, the sculpture garden.” She pointed at the page”

“Yeah, there were so many good ones from there I couldn't cut it shorter than four pages.”

He flipped slowly through the photos which seemed to be organized by event but not in chronological order. There were pictures of them posing with food, the Mystery Spot, a sunset, restaurants, ice cream, the street fair and the city. Some she remembered taking or posing for. Others were surprises. It ended with the selfie they took at the end of the castle tour on the first day.

“The Crystal Heart,” she laughed, remembering his prank. “That's the first picture of us together.” She crossed her forelegs over his chest and clutched him to her barrel. “You filled that whole book with just a few days worth of stuff. Just think of everything we have to look forward to.” - - -

“Don't worry. I've done a hundred of these,” boasted Flurry as she swatted a wrinkle out of Anon's suit. “This is one of the only talking things I'm good at because there are clearly defined parameters and lots of arguing. Just sit there next to me and smile and if they ask you a question, you only answer the question. That's how we can stay on topic, not ramble and not say anything stupid that will follow us for decades to come. Ready?”

“As I'll ever be,” he shrugged.

Flurry nodded and turned away. “Alright, we're on.” She led him out onto the little stage where the murmuring of dozens of ponies swelled in his ears. A gaggle of eager reporters waited in the pit below the platform. A staccato of flashbulbs erupted immediately. The princess sat on her haunches behind her microphone which sat atop a long table. Anon seated himself in a chair behind his mic at the other end and looked out over the crowd. He'd never done anything like a press conference before. But now that he thought about it, that was kind of strange. If a benevolent alien who spoke a common language got stranded on earth, he'd probably do an ass load of pressers and interviews. Then again, there were so many speaking, highly intelligent creatures living in this world that maybe it wasn't as big of a deal when one more popped up.

“Woah,” he laughed, eyes darting across the sea of journalists. “This is crazy,” he announced to the room. “Feels like I'm doing a con panel or a postgame interview.”

“Your mic is on,” whispered Flurry urgently.

“Oh.” He frowned and quickly clammed up.

“Alright, we've got twenty minutes and just to start things out with the obvious one, no, we do not have a date for the big day as of yet.”

The reporters began to scribble on their pads and Flurry pointed to a raised hoof in the front row.

“Can you ballpark the big day?” asked the bespectacled mare.

Flurry screwed up her face. “Mmm… Two years down the road. That's a liberal timeframe estimate.” She beckoned the next question.

“Do you have any concerns about the empire wide perception of having an extra dimensional being, one most ponies have never seen before, being second to the throne?”

“You mean fear over Crystal Ponies rejecting Anon?” asked the princess.

“In short, yes.”

Flurry shook her head adamantly. “None whatsoever. It's just a matter of socializing. He's no different from you or I and the more time he spends with the Crystal Ponies, the faster they'll warm up to him. In the Crystal Empire, love comes first and that's exactly what we have so I'm not worried.”

“Do you see Anon taking an active leadership role in the Crystal Empire after your presumptive transition to power?” asked another reporter.

“Perhaps eventually. I think he'll be taking things slow at first to give him time to grow into the position.”

“Do You feel prepared to take on the role of reigning princess?”

“Absolutely. I'd say I've had more preparation than the average princess.”

“Question for Anon: In your time in Equestria, would you say you've adjusted well to life living amongst ponies?”

Anon blinked in surprise. “Oh, uh, yes. I love ponies. Very friendly and I've felt nothing but welcomed here.”

Flurry smiled at him and nodded in approval before calling on the next hoof.

“Can you confirm that Anon rode you while flying over the city?”

The princess' expression collapsed with embarrassment. “Um… that's news to me,” she lied. “Who said that?”

“The Mirror reported the sighting and even has what appears to be a photograph of the event.”

“Well, they say a lot of things,” she chuckled casually. “But we're not here to address wild conspiracy theories. Let's try to keep it within the constraints of the wedding and our future plans.” - - -

Just like the others they'd shared together, their day was full of love and happiness… and some accidents.

That night Flurry and Anon wandered the lamp lit streets after their ghost tour of the oldest part of town.

“That was so cool,” declared Anon. “I like spooky stuff but I've never been on a tour like that before.”

“Me either,” added Flurry. “I haven't done a lot of the stuff that we're doing. Well… not very often anyway. You just never do stuff that's in your hometown.”

Anon yawned and wrapped an arm around her neck. “Man, that was a big day. Super tired now.”

“Want me to take you back right now?” offered Flurry.

“Just wait till the end of the street,” he sighed, wagging his head lazily.

They walked alone to where the road ended at a low brick wall topped by a wrought iron fence and then Flurry zapped them back into the castle right in front of Anon's door.

Anon stretched his arms and then grabbed Flurry's face softly. He closed his eyes and they shared a passionate goodnight kiss.

“See you tomorrow,” said Flurry with a gentle smile.

Anon put his hand on the door handle but hesitated contemplatively. “Flurry?”


“I love you.”

Her stomach did a somersault as she heard the three words she'd only ever heard from her close family.

“I love you too, Anon.” No sooner did the words leave her mouth than she felt an uncomfortable pang in her heart, smothering her euphoria like a bird hitting a window with a sickening thud.

Anon frowned unexpectedly and grabbed his chest almost as if he were experiencing the same strange feelings.

“What is it?” asked Flurry.

“Nothing,” he mumbled, face still pinched with uncertainty. “I think I'm just… tired.”

“Oh, well, get some sleep.”

Anon nodded with perturbed absence. “Yeah…” he pushed his door open slowly. “Good night.”

“Good night.” - - -

Anon rolled over beneath his sheets and sighed as he slowly drifted back to sleep. Technically awake but not really aware, he settled on his back in the pampered total silence he'd become so accustomed to in castle life. He winced at an annoying twinge in his scalp. Then he grunted softly as a little gust of wind hit his face.

His eyes opened lazily to find an ethereal pink bird, almost ghost-like, sitting upon his chest and looking at him curiously. He shot upright with belated surprise, startling the bird to flutter away onto the floor.

“What the…” He rubbed his eyes wearily and peered over the edge of his bed, expecting the sight to vanish with his sudden lucidity. Instead he saw it, still there and looking up at him expectantly. It was like no bird he'd ever seen, hot pink and translucent. It was small with a fringe on its head and long, curly plumage trailing its tail that swept the floor behind it like a broom.

Anon furrowed his brow in confusion as the strange animal hopped away to the door. It stopped there and looked back at him, waiting once again.

“Uh… Excuse me?”

The bird gave no response but ruffled its feathers and began to preen itself.

Perplexed, Anon got to his feet and approached the tiny intruder. The creature turned and bounced through the closed door as if it were nothing.

“Okay,” he shrugged, reaching for his pants. “I guess you got me.” After quickly throwing his clothes on, he cautiously poked his head into the hall. Once again, the bird was sitting there, apparently just waiting for him to catch up. It turned and hopped animatedly down the long runner rug like a fleeing rabbit.

Anon walked briskly behind to keep pace but not getting too close. At the end of the hall it turned right.

He caught up just in time to see the bird take flight. It flapped past a fully alert posted guard and sailed over the rail of the balcony and down into the foyer.

Anon slowed as he came upon the guard. “Are you seeing this weird bird?” He pointed ahead and over the railing.

The uniformed mare blinked. “Bird, sir?”

“Uh, never- nevermind,” he mumbled. If she could see it, she would have. The guard watched him curiously as he broke into a jog and hit the stairs going down.

Anon passed another couple of guards as he reacquired the animal and went outside into the night. He followed it through the cloister and back inside through a pair of large doors which surprisingly were unlocked. Beyond was a large chamber he remembered visiting once before. The place where the Crystal Heart resided.

The bird flew straight as an arrow, right into the heart where it vanished in a burst of glowing pink particles.

“Anon?” came a familiar voice.

He slowed to a stop as he became aware of his company. Cadence, Shining, Twilight and Flurry had all mysteriously gathered here at whatever o'clock in the very early morning.

He pointed to the heart. “Did you see the-”

“We all saw it,” answered Shining. “That's what brought us all here.”

The room was full of pop-up tables and open books that weren't there earlier in the week. It looked like Twilight had set up a little research station. The mood of the room seemed inexplicably dower, especially from Flurry.

“What's going on,” he asked, worry creeping into his voice.

Twilight stepped aside slowly to reveal the last thing he expected. Floating behind her in the air was a bizarre looking fissure in spacetime. Its outline warbled a bit but it was distinctly in the shape of a human standing upon the floor, just Anon's size in fact. It looked like someone had cut his very silhouette out of a roll of paper to make a window.

Anon's eyes widened. “What the hell is this?” he breathed.

“Anon, I think this is an interdimensional tear leading back to your home planet. She gestured breathlessly to the anomaly with one hoof. “Does this place inside it look familiar to you?”

Mouth open wide with shock, Anon warily approached the tear.

“It appears stable but don't touch it yet,” warned Twilight.

His eyes bulged as he peeked inside the gap and beheld a cheap, lived in renter’s interior. “Oh my God, that's my brother's apartment! That's exactly where I vanished from. He was at work and I was sitting right there on the couch playing Neptunia and eating Cool Ranch Doritos and then I got zapped here.”

He took another step forward and shouted into the tear. “Hello?”

“We haven't seen or heard any activity on the other side,” explained Twilight. My light doesn't penetrate to the other side either so I doubt we're even visible from that end. I think it must be meant only as a traversable portal just for you.”

“It looks completely different now,” murmured Anon. “He probably doesn't live there anymore.”

The dilemma was so clear and weighty that no one had to explain a thing more. If this had happened a week ago, he would have been sad to leave but elated to return to his family and his own world. But right now it was cruel. It felt once again as if he'd been ripped open.

He turned to Twilight with a pained expression. “This isn't real; this is a weird dream. Why would this be here?”

“It’s the Crystal Heart,” said Twilight. “It's the only thing I've found with this kind of power. That's the whole reason I organized this trip but it seems that simply bringing you to the Crystal Empire was actually the catalyst for the solution to reveal itself because now the heart has called us all here to see this.”

Anon shook his head. “But… I don't understand?”

“Tell him, Flurry.” She looked at the princess who appeared the most distressed out of all of them.

“Anon, I- I made a stupid wish on the heart a long time ago that I could find my soulmate.”

“How long ago?” prodded Twilight.

“It was about five years ago,” she whimpered. “I remember because it was after a really bad Hearts and Hooves day.”

“You’re saying that your off the cuff wish is what brought me here to Equestria and stranded me here for those five years since.”

“I’m so sorry,” she cried. “I had no idea anything would actually happen. How could I? I was just sad and angry. But then it brought me you.”

“Sort of,” corrected Twilight. “He was clearly meant for you but he appeared in Canterlot Castle for reasons that still escape me.”

Anon threw up his hands. “And now, after being trapped for years plus one week with Flurry, it’s sending me back?”

“No, Anon. It brought you to our dimension all by itself; if it wanted to send you back, it would just send you back. It’s clear to me that by the way this has been presented to us, you’re meant to make that decision for yourself. We’re just here as witnesses… and interpreters I suppose.”

How long had they been down here convening about this in his absence, wondering if maybe they should wake him up, if he could ever be ready for this revelation? He’d been beckoned here late by the heart’s design.

An overwhelming explosion of dueling emotions broke upon him like a tsunami. It was all an accident but it was all orchestrated. There was no way back but by the esoteric force which brought him here. He was summoned against his will to try out for the part of Flurry Heart’s soulmate, selected from an infinite multitude of other beings in the multiverse and now it seemed, after finally understanding his place here, only now was he offered passage back to his own world and his own family.

Anon turned to Flurry with a grimace. “I’m gonna be sick.” He doubled over, bracing his hands on his knees as he waited for his guts to either revolt or settle.

“I’m really sorry about all this but at least now you can finally see your family again,” said Flurry with a withering, fake smile. “It's okay, Anon, you don't have to worry about me.” Her voice cracked as she lost her composure. “I can't,” she squeaked before Teleporting from the room.

“Flurry,” he groaned in despair. “Come back.”

The room fell silent but the heart still spun and the tear softly morphed, awaiting the verdict.

“What are you going to do now, Anon,” asked Shining Armor grimly.

The man stood up shakily. “I have to talk to Flurry.”

Cadence shook her head. “You’ll have to just wait then. When she disappears there’s no finding her.”

Anon looked back at the dimensional rip, standing there, waiting for him. “I might know where she went,” he breathed.