• Member Since 11th Jun, 2017


I am the king of nothing

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David had a decent run of things in Equestria for a while now... A house, decent job doing silly little precision tasks that took the average pony waaay longer to do in exchange for some bits... Semi-frequent home-invasions...

Waking up to his- very dead- phone blowing up, and a Princess knocking on his door, out of breath and desperate, he has to figure out exactly why she's shown up.

Or more accurately- why she's now chasing him. Preferably after he's booked it, and no longer feels a mortal fear from the sheer insanity that was on his phone.

Such is life for human David.

I had the inspiration to write this just by seeing the image (and wanting to make myself write more/post more) and originally it was going to be an Anon- but then I had a funny idea.
I gave myself Edgerunners PTSD. And I couldn't fit the joke in well. It was not worth it.
... At least I got more third person practice!
Therin lies the sunk cost fallacy, and my desire to write more third person.
Ah well, I had some fun with the banter, so worth!

Give Icey some love. Peak funny arts.
Obligatory Ko-fi beg.

Featured on release day, and got to 1st at that. (Also apparently featured on EQD-) Thanks to y'all for enjoying my silly horsewords, to this day. :raritywink:

Chapters (5)

When Shining Armor is alone for the weekend, he gets an unexpected visitor.

Contains: Implied Sex

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy is dead. But that's okay, Twilight can fix it. She can fix anything.

Written for Science Fiction Contest 3

Chapters (3)

This story was commissioned by Caladis

Despite her lineage and ongoing best efforts, Flurry Heart has always struggled to make a romantic connection. When left to her own devices, she tends to over share and overwhelm prospective stallions with her desperation and foal-like quirkiness. Unable to find a true special somepony or take the Crystal Empire throne without getting married, her life as a princess is beginning to look bleak. But her hope is rekindled when she meets Equestria's only resident human who seems to share many of her bizarre proclivities.

Chapters (9)

After a strange alien creature named Anon suddenly showed up in Equestria, it was only natural that Twilight Sparkle would want to help him adjust to his new environment. To do so, she enlists the help of local school teacher Ms. Cheerilee. With her guidance, Anon should be able to learn how to do things the "pony way," and before he knows it, he'll be another friendly face in Ponyville's growing community.

Unfortunately, Cheerilee isn't exactly a fan of the new human in town, nor is said human particularly happy to be under the tutelage of an elementary school teacher.

Is there any hope of them getting along?

Chapters (12)

Pinkie Pie is an eldritch Horror and decides to show her lover Anon, her true form to get him out of his slump. But when Anon sees pinkie for who she truly is His mind does not break and he does not care. Why? Well, he is 6th dimensional being thats why. (I have never done Romance before no promises.)

inspiration: More Than An Alicorn by Blobskin (You should read this NOW!)

inspiration: Pinkie Pie is an Eldritch God By I Vicious I (You should also read this story RIGHT NOW!)

Chapters (1)

Luna gains the ability to blow up any type of food with her mind. So she proceeds to blow up food in peoples faces.
(Omg my bad photoshops strike again.:pinkiegasp:)

Chapters (1)

The Grim reaper has some words for Celestia. Turns out She is overdue on her death.

(My ass photoshops just dont stop coming :scootangel:)

Chapters (1)

Anon didn't pay taxes back in the human world and now that his former government has found him, and they will take him back to earth by any means. [fun fact the only thing the joker fear's is the IRS]

source of picture https://www.dontmesswithtaxes.com/2022/11/irs-ci-domestic-and-global-tax-crime-efforts-pay-off-in-fy2022.html

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Anon runs the 1s with the bug queen

After 1v1ing bug queen and absolutely running her fade, Anon thinks he can now take on Sunny D. Why exactly? Well he beat up the over sized ant and that broke into his house, and Sunbutt lost to her so surely he can take on the number 1 cake eater in the world.

(I love taking a photo off the internet and putting GREEN over it, I am so original :derpytongue2:)
(Anon 1v1ing the bug queen is no longer a 1 shot i am truly getting desprate :ajsleepy:)

Chapters (1)