TwiLuna 55 stories
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By this point in their relationship, Twilight is more than accustomed to Luna's mischievous proclivities. So when Luna asks for Twilight's help acquiring a present for her sister, barely an eyebrow is raised. Not even when it's mere minutes before present opening time at a Hearth's Warming Eve party.

That is, until she finds out where this very special present resides.

An Enchanted Library server Secret Santa story for iAmSiNnEr!

Thanks to SigmaSonicX for editing and Lillowisp for the cover art!

Chapters (1)

Ponies say that the beauty of Celestia is unrivaled, but Twilight has a different opinion. Luna explains the origins of the stars, and Twilight learns to craft them.

Chapters (1)

About nine months ago, Luna and Twilight started dating. The first couple of months were amazing. They hung out nearly daily, especially as Twilight refined her teleportation magic. They bought each other gifts, Luna specifically catching an eye on how to spot magical artifacts at antique stores. They curled up with each other at night when their schedules allowed them to, which Luna enjoyed dearly even if things hadn’t gotten super intimate yet. Their conversations were long and fascinating, even if Luna would admit that most of her interest came from her lack of knowledge of the last thousand years.

But lately, Twilight is too busy and keeps canceling all of their dates. Worried something is wrong, Luna reaches out to somepony who might be able to her.

Written for My dearest for Jinglemas 2022

Cover art by Lulubellct

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle dreams sometimes.

Sometimes she dreams of grand ballrooms, of dancing, of costumes and whirlwind romance. She dreams of herself as the graceful, wise ruler of Equestria.

Everything that she believes that she is not in reality.

If only she could make her dreams a reality. If only there were a dark, mysterious mare who could convince her.

Art is exclusively owned by MintyRoot . All credit goes exclusively to them for the attached piece.

Rated teen and for over the top innuendo and jokes of a sexual nature.

Chapters (1)

Staying up until midnight to wait on a beautiful mare never felt so right.

On another beautiful winter night, lovingly crafted by her girlfriend, Twilight awaits her with bated breath and takes the time to appreciate Luna's work. Midnight was always her hour, and winter always her season.

She might pine for her home in Ponyville, but her heart belongs to the Princess of the Night.

Preread by Timaeus
Art by MagnaLuna

Chapters (1)

After meeting Princess Luna at Nightmare Night, Twilight Sparkle has something to say to the recently-returned princess. She's sure she saw who Princess Luna was that night and feels a connection to the mare. Twilight Sparkle knows Princess Luna. That should make things simple, right?

Set after Luna Eclipsed during Season 2. Buy this story! Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (1)

When Twilight Sparkle mysteriously appears and tells Princess Luna she needs to be saved, Luna finds herself fighting an adversary that neither steel nor magic can dispose of.

Chapters (1)

Not porn, I swear, but that name was too good not to use. Blame this entirely on Knight of Cerebus for the idea.

Tirek's return could have been handled better with exactly one change in choice. Celestia shouldn't have sent Discord to take on Tirek, she should've sent Twilight and Luna, though they've got their own distractions.

Chapters (1)

It's not easy to go back to your life after a thousand years of insanity and exile. It's not easy for Luna to even leave her room. All the same, there's a special somepony that Luna desperately wants to get closer to, and that's worth facing the outside for. All she has to do is get up the nerve to talk to her.

Chapters (1)

On one lonely and dull night, Princess Luna finds comfort in the last pony she'd expect to see her.

Her night gets completely turned around.

Story inspired by cover art, which is by MagnaLuna. Check her out, she has a lot of good art.

Made popular 1-28-18 Thanks!

Chapters (1)