• Member Since 12th Aug, 2012


Retired, but I still check in.

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Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



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Sunset Shimmer has been accepted by the girls at Canterlot High as a friend and she's learning a lot about friendship. However, she still finds herself missing her old home more often than not. She decides to volunteer her time at the local horse park to try and give herself something to do and reconnect, at least vaguely, with her equine roots.

Before the Battle of the Bands Adagio Dazzle had everything she thought she needed. Ambition, power, loyal-ish minions and her voice. Now, she has nothing. No friends, no magic and no future unless she can figure out how to pick herself up after the defeat of the Dazzlings.

Perhaps fellow failed villain could help her through these tough times?

Chapters to be released once per month. Unless life gets in the way.

Chapters (12)

Worlds apart, Princess Celestia's dream comes into contact with a human on Earth. To her, he's a handsome stallion with a funny accent. To him, she's a gorgeous woman ruling an odd kingdom. As they go to sleep each night, they dream of each other and a bond develops that neither one expected, only to be tested as things begin to change on Earth.

Chapters (6)

In all his years of running his own shop, Doughnut Joe has seen thousands of ponies. Some he knew, most he didn't, and many he would never see again. But he never minded that, for he always had his regulars.

Youtube reading by ChaoticSeven!

Chapters (1)

Vinyl Scratch and Octavia moved in together a few months ago, and have been together even longer. Be that as it may, Octavia has never seen her lover without her trademark glasses, and she can't help but wonder why.

Now with a reading by Sojourner!
A/N: I'm hella stressed this week and just needed to write something cute to make me smile. Bestship, ho!

Chapters (1)

Spike finds out to his dismay that his love for Rarity may be nothing but a mere fantasy. With the help of Twilight, he soon finds a way to cope with life's harsh realities.

This work of fiction is a tranformative original work based off My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic a trademark of Hasbro. Bitter Sweet is not endorsed or recognized by Hasbro, their subsidiaries or any other publisher.

Chapters (1)

Spike always thought that his love life was simple: chase Rarity, eventually win Rarity. But a surprise confession from a friend complicates matters in a way he never could have expected.

Cover art by the very talented Magello!
Further thanks to Setokaiva for lending his discerning eye.

Chapters (4)

Twilight isn't sick. She's perfectly healthy in fact. And yet, something doesn't feel quite right, and it hasn't for weeks now and Pinkie's starting to get worried. Friends make sure friends are alright, don't they?

Chapters (6)

Every Hearts and Hooves Day, Roseluck tries to say three little words to Cheerilee, and every Hearts and Hooves Day, she fails. But this year, something's different.

Chapters (1)

You know what they say once you hit rock bottom...

Chapters (4)

Winter, for some ponies a fun time of the year where they get to play in the snow and skate on the ice. For some ponies, winter is but a bothersome time of year when the snow gets in their way and they try to keep warm each day. For Fluttershy, it is a lonely time of year, a time where she feels as empty as her house.

Each winter day, each and every year when the winter season comes, Fluttershy awakens to loneliness. This year though, things are slightly different. This year, she has somepony beside her to listen to her pains and try to fill the void of loneliness.

The cover image for this story is the artwork 'Flutter Snuggle' by Kurokaji11.

If the cover-art and the name of the author for this story wasn't an obvious enough hint, then I shall forewarn you that this story contains FlutterDash shipping.

I do not - nor do I claim to - own any characters or artwork I use in this story unless otherwise stated - they belong to their respective series and owners.

Chapters (1)