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Pinkie Pie considers herself to be pretty good with kids. She loves spending time with them and after that disastrous night babysitting the Cake Twins, she feels she can win over any child. Then she agreed to babysit Calvin, a kid so mischievous and cunning no one else in the state dares to look after him. But Pinkie is up to the challenge.
It'll take all of Pinkies skills to take care of Calvin, and it'll take all of Calvin's wit to survive Pinkies insanity.

This my very first full fan-fiction, so if you have any constructive criticism about my writing, I would love to hear it! I really want to improve my writing ability.

Big Thanks to my editor, Husqvarnic.
I don't own MLP. Hasbro does.
I don't own Calvin and Hobbes. Bill Watterson does. If you haven't read these AMAZING comic strips, you owe it to yourself to look them up right now!

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to How many friends have you made today?!

Things are a lot better for Anon since the events of Ponyville. His store is doing great and he enjoys the company of all his friends. As the days go on, he finds that the problems of the past are quick to haunt him as he is forced to face the one thing that hurt him the most.

Chapters (29)

A machine made for war awakes in a new world. Stuck in surroundings which puzzle it; can it, or will it be able to become something more than what it is?

Crossover with Keith Laumers Bolo-verse
Other tags include : Slice of Life, Possible Romance believe it or not! And a bit of humor.
Please beware of any spoilers in comments as well :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (159)