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[Featured on EqD and FiM Fiction] Chrysalis is brought to Canterlot to stand trial for her failed invasion. Thinking her fate is sealed, she is determined to be defiant to the very end. Loosely based on March to the Scaffold, the 4th movement of the musical piece Symphonie Fantastique by Hector Berlioz.
All links to the music pieces are in the Author Notes.
Dramatic reading of the entire story by Illya Leonov
Dramatic reading of Chapter 1 by xPsychoShyx
Picture is by Huussii

Chapters (19)

It's a coincidence, right? I-I was just talking. J-just wishing. Wishing n-never worked. B-but here she is, and here I am. Oh I hope she doesn't hate me when I...ask her.

That star. I wish for somepony like me; you know, not that social, and I end up in this town. Crazy ponies, crazy friends, crazy...everything. Including ME!...Except... there's her...I guess the star DID grant my wish....

This is gonna be fun.... I decided on doing a ship-fic but I got this funny idea in my head to do a first person fic from two perspectives switching between the two mane characters. And lemme think...
1. I'm thinking of this as I write so I don't know what happens before I write it in...sorta.
2. Please comment, rate, and fav if it's worth it to you.
3. Give honest opinion please.
4. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shall represent a P.O.V. change.

Chapters (7)

It's an older sister's duty to push the more stubborn sibling to do what's good for herself. It may seem harsh at first, and it may take weeks of it to have the whole thing work out, but it'll work out sooner or later... At least Celestia hopes for Luna's sake.

Banished into the morning, Luna must take on the most challenging task she has ever faced. One of which she herself does not know if it is at all possible. Is it possible? Perhaps no one will ever know.

Picture provided by *johnjoseco of deviantART.

Tie in piece to: Elements of the Past and The Legacy of Harmony. As well as other chaining stories.

Chapters (5)

Lyra discovers a way to bring the dead back to life. Naturally, this leads to some... strange circumstances in the lives of her and her assistant Bon Bon.

Based off of H.P. Lovecraft's "Herbert West - Reanimator." No, you don't have to have read the original story to understand/enjoy this one.

Chapters (1)

We all have secrets. For some it's nothing more than having an extra scoop of ice cream after dinner, for other's it's something much more morbid and disturbing. Those who pursue the truth, be warned, sometimes the darkest secrets of certain ponies are best left hidden in the shadows of their silence.

(Cover art by Stalin the Stallion)

Chapters (1)

Every week, in secrecy, Scootaloo goes to her parent's house. She's afraid of other ponies finding out because her parents are rather... strange. But maybe things aren't as they seem, as her parents are about to tell her something that can turn her entire world upside down...

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie has an existential crisis while painting her room. This self-parody is dedicated to Professor Piggy, who once told me that I could write a story about Pinkie watching paint dry and weave it into an incredible psychological journey. Let's see if he was right.

Featured on Equestria Daily.

Dramatic reading by MicTheMicrophoneZero.

Cover art by chaosdrop.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy is wondering why her friends have been acting oddly around her. Meanwhile, the rest of the Mane six are at a loss as to how to deal with her.

Chapters (1)