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The Main 6 have a picnic together. It seems like a regular relaxing day, except that Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash put fart powder in the cupcakes and the cider, causing the ponies to fart uncontrollable, much to the amusement of Rainbow and Pinkie, the annoyance of Applejack, and the embarrassment of Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy. Rainbow and Pinkie convince the other four to have a farting contest with them. Which pony will outfart the others?

Contains: Fart (obviously). If you don't like it, read something else and don't even comment. If you either find it funny or have a fetish for it, read on!

I did this because my fart stories are generally better received than my stories involving watersports, in part because some people just find them funny and can appreciate them the same as those with the fetish. This time will use all of the Main 6.

As usual, if any of the ponies seem too OoC or the scenarios seem too unlikely, don't take it too seriously, this was just written for fun. I do try to keep them a little in character though, like 28 Pranks Later shows Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie think farts are funny while Applejack is unamused, calling whoopee cushions (and therefore fart jokes in general) a "joke shortcut".

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash thinks it would be absolutely hilarious to prank Princess Twilight Sparkle by putting fart powder in her tea. Soon after, Princess Celestia arrives to hang out with Twilight. Can she hold it in? And how will Celestia react if she can't?

While in the human world, Sunset Shimmer is farting non-stop after having a big bowl of beans for lunch. While she is alone trying to deal with this and avoid further humiliation, three familiar faces attempt their revenge...

Contains: Fart (obviously), and Chapter 2 has a brief scene of facesitting. If you don't like this stuff, turn back and read a different story. If you find it funny or have a fetish for it, read away!

I did this by request. Considering how unpopular my stories are, I have to appreciate someone who likes them enough to make a request of me. Don't take it too seriously - quality probably won't be too high and some of the scenarios might be stretchy or OoC, but that's just how I write. This will also be my first story not containing watersports in any form.

Chapters (2)

Ever since becoming a princess, Twilight Sparkle is twice as gassy as she was before. Concerned that she's not worthy of being a princess, she tells Princess Celestia, who reveals the cause of her gassiness and tells her how to deal with it.

Contains: Farts (obviously).

As with my previous story, I don't think this concept is actually canon, but I do think it's fun to fantasize about all the same. At least for people who either find it funny or have the fetish. Not meant to be taken seriously, to the point that, like the Smelly Rainbow Dash story, I gave it an Alt. Universe tag.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to BIG Business

After the troubles with the titanic nobles had been resolved everypony thought that was the end of any size related shenanigans. But little did any they know; it was only the beginning. With the book still discarded in the woods sparking with a little of Blueblood’s magical residue left on it, the incomplete spell is cast automatically one last time and heads towards the closest town: Ponyville. And who is the poor pony who gets hit? Big Macintosh. With the incomplete growth spell now introducing different side effects, Big Macintosh will now solely become the biggest thing in the kingdom. Wanting to do something remarkable for once in his life after being left forgotten about on the farm while his big time hero sister Applejack defends Equestria, it looks this will be the perfect opportunity. Looks like Big Macintosh is going to enjoy living large.

Contains Macro/Micro

This is the second story in the Titanverse trilogy

Cover art by Tsitra360

Chapters (7)

After constantly having their reasonable (to them) requests ignored by the princesses, a group of nobles decide to take matters into their own hooves so they can get the benefits they want. How are they going to accomplish this? By casting a growth spell on all of them and making themselves the biggest things in the kingdom. There’s no way the princesses will ignore them now, right? Join this group of supersized nobles as they stroll around a now tiny Equestria, exploring the wonders of their newfound size and the perks of being bigger than mountains.

Contains Macro/Micro

This is the first story in the Titanverse trilogy

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to MEGA Macintosh

The mighty Queen Chrysalis has failed to conquer Equestria so many times, so she decides it’s time to go back to basics; crush her enemies underhoof. And how will she do it? Literally. After swiping the spellbook from the forest she constructs a growth ray using the little bit of leftover magic residue in it and some of her own hive’s supply of love to power the ray. She fully intends to grow into an unstoppable titan and finally conquer the kingdom. But unfortunately, like all of Chrysalis’ plans. It’s going to go wrong. Though not in the way she intended. And who knows, there may be a lesson for the Queen to learn at the end of this.

Contains Macro/Micro

This is the final story in the Titanverse trilogy

Chapters (7)

On what is to be the one of the greatest achievements for the changeling army, and an invasion is declared on the crystal empire by an army of thousands...and one unwitting soul.

But on Crux' attempt to escape the army's trials, the very position he'd tried to escape lands on a power unlike anything he'd ever known before...

Contains: weight gain, muscle growth, and macro.

Based on the recent image "Empowered" by Clock-Face, whose permission I am grateful for.

Chapters (1)

To vanquish a particularly troublesome bad guy Celestia called upon the sun's full power. She and Luna saved the day, but unfortunately the experience left her super-sized. Unable to move about without smashing something, Celestia has been indefinitely forced to sit still with nothing to do. Luna hatches a plan that will hopefully cheer her sister up and even get used to being huge.


Just a fun little story to stretch my writing muscles again. Not that there's much to stretch, ha. It pulls heavily from Blobskin’s mature story 7 Days of Macro Dreams but doesn't have much to offer in the way of lewd-ness. Sorry, guys - I hope you can dig it anyway.

Graciously edited by Habitual!

Chapters (2)

A Trade with Sayer who's half of the trade can be found here:

Eat the Rainbow(Warning, Vore, Macro/Micro, and other such, don't like, don't look)

For his half, he requested a story in which Rainbow Dash get's a bit of an Inflated Ego, along with inflated everything else, courtesy of everyone's favorite Party Mare. Of course, being Pinkie Pie, she tends to take things a little too far, and she also tends to lean on, and even break, a certain wall throughout the fic. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.

Chapters (1)

Fanfictions about adorable colossal ponies, averege humans and size difference in one big pack. If you like these kind of scripts, then read and enjoy!

Including: longer and shorter stories, cuteness, friendship, maybe romance.
Not including: sex, porn, dark, violence, vore, mature.

Chapters (3)