• Member Since 1st Jun, 2014

Rossby Waves

Get off my cloud, you rapscallions! D:<

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Luna has a brilliant idea to cure Twilight of her ophidiophobia. Twilight thinks there are far too many hypothetical coils involved in this plan.

Preread by KevinItk

I blame Blissey1, Silfoe—the former because he commissions snake princess pics, the latter for drawing them so gorgeously—Fractalman, and also Damaged. Y'all know why.

Chapters (1)

Exploratory side story to two rarely elaborated characters from The Village Called Respite.

It is an open secret that Stalwart and Abacus' romance together started when they first met after the latter got stuck in a tree. An odd beginning, to the story of a village guard and a schoolteacher, but Respite finds ways to bring ponies and changelings together, and a beginning is merely that.

Not much to say here, really. I wanted to do some practice with fluff and romance, and Carapace was willing to let me use his story's characters for the task. Thank him for writing a story that got me invested enough to write for, and those that encouraged me to post this in the first place.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Village Called Respite

That little filly from Cloudsdale has blossomed into a true mare of Respite with the help of those not-quite altruistic twins. Joined by their bubbly friend, Toola Roola, they're ready to take their first steps into adulthood. But outside the village gates, the world is changing fast.

Can Sure Stroke and her friends keep up? Or will their happy life in that village hidden in the untamed Neighagara Forest take a turn as the world comes knocking at their door?

Cover art by Arcticwaters.

Chapters (19)

In all the high schools throughout Canterlot, there's a very special day the week before prom. A day when all the fillies and colts will do their best to pluck up the courage to offer a flower to their crush. It's a shame Shining's is the Prince of Love.

He might be in just a bit over his head.

A request by SPark and Cynewulf from way back in December/January.
Preread by like half of my friends at this point (Brasta Septim, M.E. Lovecolt, Alto, Cynewulf, SPark, and Timaeus).
Cover art by Dreamingnoctis.

Chapters (1)

The failed invasion of that mad queen, Chrysalis, rocked the changeling community. From the hives nestled outside Equestria, to their kin living in peace within, they watch those colorful ponies eye one another with suspicion and let themselves be swallowed by fear and distrust.

A gamble by Princess Celestia has summoned forth the diplomat to the Seekers, the one changeling who may be able to ease tensions between their races and restore balance. The Bearer of Magic has been summoned after a century of peace.

And, like her mother before her, Princess Twilight Sparkle will answer the call.

Preread by Alto, Cynewulf, and Timaeus.
Cover art by FoughtDragon01, used with permission.

Chapters (12)

Something terrible has happened! Rarity is distraught, her boutique in shambles, and her muse nowhere to be found! When Twilight checked her calendar, she found that it was indeed Wednesday.

Covert art belongs to lilfunkman and is used with permission.

Chapters (1)

Her service has ended, her armor removed and tucked away deep in a locked chest beneath her bed. But Fizzlepop Berrytwist hasn't escaped her past just yet. Memories of actions taken in the Storm King's service haunt the mare formerly known as Tempest Shadow.

But a tiny sparkle in the shadows lights the way to a new future.

A story written for my patrons, as voted upon by them.

Artwork originally by 1racat.

Chapters (1)

Starting over is never an easy thing to do. Lost, alone, and cold, sometimes a friendly smile and mug of cocoa are all that's needed to warm the heart.

And right now, Bon Bon is very cold.

Preread by Carabutt and Crystal Wishes.

Cover art by Rossby Waves.

Chapters (2)

A natural-sensuous beauty the likes of which this pegasus had never seen. Smoldering teal eyes and an inviting smile full of sharp, pearly white teeth and gleaming fangs, a picture quite fetching for any pony drawn to such feminine wiles. Too bad he's not sure if he should trust the accused, changeling or not.

Fortunately, she's more interested in winding him up each and every time he brings her lunch while she awaits trial.

Preread by Rossby Waves.
Written for SPark's Twilight SParkle's Secret Shipfic Folder contest.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Village Called Respite

A special day for two races brings about a flurry of questions from Respite's newest filly before the village gathers to decorate the Hearth's Warming tree and dance the night away.

Just relax, silly Doodle. It'll all make sense in due time. The terrible twins are just happy to tell you all about their traditions before they drag you close to the fire to dance and laugh and sing within the Faerie circle.

Preread by Rossby Waves and Zodiacspear.
Artwork also by Rossby Waves.
Written for Cynewulf's Worldbuilding Contest.

Chapters (1)