• Member Since 26th Jul, 2015


Maltrazz the Plotsmith. Writer, reader, gamer, and connoisseur of Villains. "A Hero, pony or otherwise, is nothing without an excellent Villain."

Ongoing 5 stories
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Total Words: 312,191
Estimated Reading: 20 hours



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Following the return of the Crystal Empire, Twilight begins some intensive research into the history of the Empire and its late king. Modern historians know next to nothing about the enigmatic dark mage. Who was he? Did he have family? Loved ones?

The answers to those questions changes everything the Element of Magic knows about herself, and in doing so catches the attention of a shadow that yet clings to the frailty of life...

Cover art made by Skijarama!
Reading can be found here.
Edited by RC2101_Copey.
Featured on 20/10/2018.
Russian Translation: Here

Chapters (31)

This story is a sequel to CoH (Book One) : Of Magic and Masquerades

After the chaotic debacle in the Crystal Empire, and a week's respite, Twilight secrets Sombra away to his new home in the Everfree Forest. The Castle of the Two Sisters is vacant, decrepit, dark. It's the perfect place to hide the former tyrant.

While she plans to continue her tutelage under her new friend, however, a metaphorical wrench is thrown into said plans when Ponyville makes a new and sudden addition to its town guard.

Chapters (11)

No important political meetings to attend? Check! No letters to answer? Check! A magical and child-safe gift for Flurry Heart that she's sure to love? Check!

Her schedule was clear. Shining and Cadence were off on vacation. She'd prepared all her materials. Twilight Sparkle was more than ready to spend a fun-filled weekend babysitting her favorite niece.

But she wasn't prepared for King Sombra's return. Nopony could prepare to be trapped with him inside a storybook of fairy tales.

And nopony's ever ready for an unhappy ending...

Proofread by: Alicornpriest

Winner of November 2017 NaPoWriMo: Goal of 50k smashed!

Now Featured on Equestria Daily - First hit the Featured Box on April 28th!

Chapters (20)

Twilight lives her life as The Princess Of Friendship, and whole heartily submits to her duties. Though she is grateful for all that she has, she still feels that something is missing. While Cadence plays match-maker for Twilight, Princess Celestia gives the young alicorn a special friendship task of her own. Twilight must find her passions and pursuit her dreams once more, and with the help of two strangers, what could possibly go wrong?

::Sex Tag For Suggested Content::

Edited Chapter(s) 1--5 by JadeCrossroads
Proofread Chapter(s) 6 Gapeagle

Chapters (10)

Twilight didn't want to use dark magic. She had seen what had happened to the last user of it. But she had to. The Crystal Empire was in danger, and it was the only way to get to it's heart.

About a year later, Twilight is plagued with nightmares. Tempting her to give in to the corruption. To join King Sombra. Will she prevail? Or will she fall? And what effect will it have on her friends?

Diverges from Canon after Season 4.

Chapters (1)