Wanderer D 5,564 followers · 67 stories

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News Archive

  • 9 weeks
    (Un)Happy New Yuri Contest

    (Un)Happy New Yuri Contest

    This is peak doomed yuri.

    Christmas, that time of the year when, just like St. Valentine’s day, love is in the air. Platonic love, perhaps, but still. And when love is involved, complicated feelings arise, and drama unfolds. In spite of this, the number of shipfics that are fluffy, sweet, traditional and where everything goes smoothly in the end is countless.

    Christmas, just like the average shipfic, is fraught with all that sappy stuff: hugs, kisses under the mistletoe, Santa and his gifts.

    However, for every Santa, there is a Krampus, right?

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    46 comments · 3,961 views
  • 18 weeks
    The Verbal Exchange Contest

    Right principle, wrong character

    The beauty of having an in-house parallel universe is that you have the perfect venue to explore what-ifs and might-have-beens. Even if you do have to turn the character into a colorful horse or a gangly hominid first.

    This latest contest from FanOfMostEverything (that’s me!) asks you to look to those who never got a chance to make themselves heard on one side of the mirror. That is to say, Write a story in the human world featuring an Equestrian character who has never spoken there, or vice versa.

    For more in-depth discussion of the finer points of who qualifies for the prompt, along with the FAQ and greater details in general, please see and direct all questions to the announcement blog. For here and now, have a quick rundown of the essentials:

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    7 comments · 2,081 views
  • 18 weeks
    "Misunderstood" (A Sunset Shimmer x Maybe-A-Villain Story Contest)

    Contest Theme: "Misunderstood" (A Sunset Shimmer x Maybe-A-Villain Story Contest)

    This is a contest about misunderstandings, and about shipping Sunset Shimmer with people who DON'T have to be canon villains.

    Yes, in this Sunset Shimmer x Maybe-A-Villain shipping contest, you get to ship Sunset with someone who might NOT be a canon villain, or with someone who, in your story, might not be the villain people think they are.

    Maybe through a misunderstanding, people wrongly BELIEVE at least one ship partner is a villain. Or the misunderstanding can be about what KIND of villain at least one member of the ship is.

    Sunset's ship partner should be a canon character in MLP or Equestria Girls, though.

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    7 comments · 3,353 views
  • 19 weeks
    Category Three Horror Contest


    Today, I (daOtterGuy) am happy to introduce to you the Category Three Horror Contest! For this contest, I'm looking for horror of specific sub genres. The contest will run from October 1st to November 30th.


    There will be three categories of horror to enter:

    Monster: Stories centered around monsters such as werewolves, eldritch abominations, vampires, and similar.

    Psychological: Stories that mess with the mind instilling anguish through paranoia, hallucinations, mind control, and more.

    Thriller: Stories that spotlight a serial killer, psychopath, killer puppet, and similar.

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    23 comments · 1,967 views
  • 21 weeks
    Pony Poetry Contest

    (TL;DR: Alofel and SecondPrances are hosting a poetry contest, from now until the 18th of October - with up to $75 for winners. Check it out / share it around if you can!)

    Hello! SecondPrances and I, alafoel, are very happy to announce The Pony Poetry Contest, running from September 18th to October 18th! It’s exactly what it sounds like - we’re looking for authors to try their hands at writing some MLP themed poetry!

    - Entries should meet the 1000 thousand word threshold for Fimfiction, and may comprise of single poems, compilations or anthologies. Note that any anthologies will be graded for thematic consistency.
    - Only one entry per person.
    - Every entry must be a new and unique fic, submitted between September 18th and October 18th.

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    27 comments · 1,726 views
  • 21 weeks
    MxM Shipping Contest IV

    commissioned from: daOtterGuy


    One year has passed since the previous edition of this contest, and male/male romance fics remain not only underappreciated on this site, but not even given a fair chance to shine. To encourage and support these stories that we love, we are here to hold this contest again!

    In short, like in the previous editions, we are looking for stories about stallions1 kissing2 other stallions. You will have until until 2024 Oct 19 to write and publish a story centered on such a ship!

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    44 comments · 2,309 views
  • 27 weeks
    Dumb as Doornails Contest!


    Today, I am happy to introduce to you the Dumb as Doornails Contest! For this contest, I'm looking for himbos, stupidity, and bad decision making. The contest will run from August 1st to September 30th.


    The idea is simple: write a story that features a stupid main character. To be clear, I do not mean:

    "Oops! I'm sooo clumsy! I just dropped this little thing!"

    I mean:

    "I used lighter fluid to put out the fire. What do you mean that doens't work?! It's a fluid!"

    The POV character does not need to be the stupid character (or characters), but the stupid character in question MUST be prominent within the stories. No one-off gags, or blink-or-you-miss-it type encounters. If I have to debate whether a stupid characters is involved enough within the story, then that story will be auto-disqualified.

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    30 comments · 3,718 views
  • 28 weeks
    5th Annual Cozy Glow Short Story Contest

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    37 comments · 3,869 views
  • 33 weeks
    The "New Blood" contest: Second Edition

    The "New Blood" contest: Second Edition.

    This is where the magic happens…
    This is where the magic grows...

    Last year we had no idea how this contest would turn out. A contest that limits who can participate was a risky idea, never having been done before. But that didn’t stop it from being a blast for all involved, authors and judges alike. There were so many good entries from so many new authors that finally took a stab at publishing. All around, it was a great success and its goal was achieved. So, because it’s always more fun the second time, here we go again.

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    29 comments · 4,499 views
  • 34 weeks
    2024 Non-Pony Writing Contest

    Or, Fantastic Creatures And How To Write Fanfic Of Them!

    Hey, everyone!

    So it's been since 2020 that I was last able to actually help co-host a contest. I've been a judge in a few since then, but for the most part I took a hiatus from the site. But now I'm back, and I thought to myself: What better way to come back than to host a fun competition? So that's exactly what I'm doing!


    Fantastic Creatures And How To Write Fanfic Of Them
    A 2024 Non-Pony Competition!

    Click the adorable kirin for a surprise...

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    57 comments · 4,522 views

Competition » M/M Shipping Contest II: 2022 Oct 09 - Dec 11 · 11:13pm Oct 19th, 2022

commissioned from: daOtterGuy

Guess who's back?

It's us! About a year ago, we had an site contest for stories about stallions (species-neutral term) kissing other stallions (species-neutral term). And it was a great success! We received so many amazing stories that, winner or not, all contributed to the wonderful experience of reading them.

So of course we're doing it again this year!

The contest begins once you, whoever you are, reads this post, and lasts until 2022 Dec 11. You have until then to write and publish a story centered on a male/male ship. The story does not have to be a romance, or a happy one, as long as we can see the dynamics and chemistry that the stallions have or have once had!


Separate from any prizes, for every entry in the contest, $5 will be donated to OutRight International, an organization aiming to eradicate the persecution, inequality and violence lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer (LGBTIQ) people face around the world.

Note that all prize amounts will be sent by PayPal. If you are unable or unwilling to receive money by PayPal, please contact me, Bicyclette, to try to arrange an alternative. (In the past they have included donations to mutually agreed-upon charities, and money being sent to other writers.)

The base prize pool will be $250, tentatively split this way:

  • First Place: $100
  • Second Place: $65
  • Third Place: $40
  • Judge Prizes: $15 (x3)

However, this is just the minimum! Depending on the turnout, more prize money and prizes will likely be added.

And in recognition of the special reaction M/M stories tend to receive on this site, every comment downvote on anything related to the contest (stories, posts) will add $1 to the prize pool, as well as donate an additional $1 to OutRight International.


Here we are!

Please keep in mind that judges are not allowed to preread, edit, or discuss any entries with the author before the contest results are released! In addition, judges are asked to withhold commenting on entries until after the release of contest results.


  1. All entries must have their main/primary ship be an M/M pairing (or M/M/M polyship, or M/M/M love triangle, or what have you).
  2. Stories can be of any rating or content, though we ask you to stay away from extreme content (fetishes, extreme gore, etc.) and porn without plot.
  3. R63 of canon female characters, AUs, crossovers, and OCs are all allowed. But judges are not guaranteed to know anything outside of G4 and G5 canon material, so please keep this in mind!
  4. Stories must be published and complete between 2022 Oct 09 8PM ET and 2022 Dec 11 7PM EST to qualify.
  5. Authors may submit as many stories as they wish, though each author may only win one prize.
  6. There is a hard cap of 50kw total between all entries by a single author. However, we officially encourage quality over quantity!
  7. Submissions will be collected in the M/M Shipping Contest 2022 Submissions folder. Feel free to join the group and place it in yourself!
  8. If you have any questions about the contest not covered in this post, please feel free to PM me, Bicyclette.
  9. As I, Bicyclette, must interact with all entrants, please keep in mind my DNI policy.

That's it!

Please make sure to join the group if you are interested, since any updates to the contest, as well as the eventual results, will be posted there.

And if you crave more contests to enter, here are some that are currently running as of this writing:

Best of luck, and good shipping!

Note: Questions and clarifications should be directed to the organizers, not the staff of Fimfiction.

Report Wanderer D · 7,941 views ·
Comments ( 30 )

Doodl3s is considering on joining :raritywink:

To daOtterGuy: very nice work you did there, keep it up.

looks like we already have a $3$10$17$31$59$84 donation to OutRight International and as much addition to the prize pool just from this post so far!
very excited!
yes, it was amazing work! love his art
hell yeah

This isnt really important, but, I find it very funny that Weird Al cannonically voices Cheese sandwich

Oooh ill def take a shot! Now what M/M pair... Also, would a poly m/m/f ship work? Like its m/f, and in the story they add another male? The focus would be on M/m ofc

Very excited to write for this! I loved the last contest I joined so I’m definitely joining this one!

bkc56 #9 · Oct 20th, 2022 · · 1 ·

So the rules suggest that donations can be increased by downvoting everything, everywhere, as much as possible. I'm not sure that's the desired behavior for the story entries and the comments on them.

I understand the clause is to try and prevent subject-matter based downvotes, but...

Those downvoting based on content won't have read the rules (since they aren't interested in such a contest) so they won't know the side-effect their vote causes. And those who have read the rules and wish to help increase the size of the donation may vote for effect rather than opinion.

The fact that my idea for an entry went straight back to the Daymac-verse.:raritydespair::trollestia:

Edit: Well, “straight”.

yes, that would work great!
yay, so glad to have you!
maybe! who knows?
hehe "straight". and nothing wrong with that! looking forward to reading it if you do!

Any suggestions for this? I got the fic plot and such in place but essentially its Big Mac and Sugar Belle, and adding a stallion to their poly (takes place after TLP) Theres a few stallions that might work but id love to hear anyones suggestions

Well, I suppose it’s off to The Looney Tunes Show for my Baffy references (one eccentric and the other level-headed… besides the mention of them in the comment section of the Daymac fic, I suppose you’d be able to guess the ship based off of what you’ve gathered from the “Broverse” thus far :twilightsmile:)

(Insert evil Daffy cackle here:trollestia:)

I'm tremendously tempted to try my hoof at this. As far as I can tell, there aren't any Sky Beak / General Seaspray stories on FIMfiction (Why? Don't you people like hippogriff DILFs?) so I would be breaking whole new ground.

oh holy shit. I'm not into pony enough anymore to actually create anything of my own, but I do lurk on this site still- and damn. the pettiness in "every downvote gets another dollar added". I love it. cheers, my dude, I hope this is a resounding success

I'm pretty sure I missed out on the last iteration of this contest because of project indecision paralysis. So I might give this another shot!

I'd hope and assume that most decent folks here would just, I dunno, donate to charity directly instead of trying to game the system by literally spreading negativity. But yeah, risk of shortsighted behavior is always there.

Can the battleship Bismarck be part of the shipping contest? I mean he's a chonky boy but she has good personality!

There is a hard cap of 50kw total between all entries by a single author. However, we officially encourage quality over quantity!

Okay, 50 clopfics of exactly 1000 words each it is! ^.^


looks like we already have a $3$10$17$31 donation to OutRight International and as much addition to the prize pool just from this post so far!

Be honest... did you foresee the repercussions when you made that donation promise... or the flaw of the pledge's intention?

Stay with me for a moment.

Do you think the individuals that are downvoting everything would even give the time to listen to something they already disagree with, let alone, become aware of their punishment for being a hater? And do you think that those who are actually supporting this topic, wouldn't downvote everything just as a way to increase the donation/prize pool?

I wouldn't be surprised if you'll add over a hundred dollars for each pool by the time this is all over.

break that new ground! later season characters especially have far too few fics for them
thanks, and me too!
would be excited if you do, so please do!
do it coward
hell yeah!
thanks for your concern!

there might be better places to ask this than the comments of this post! if you want to stay on this site i suggest the contest group or The Coltcuddlers, or if you have Discord i could PM you something

Alas, I am a coward...
I won't be able to write Bismarck 38-cm gun fire a 45.3 kg of shell into our heart.
I deeply apologize.


thanks for your concern!

... theres something going on here, isn't there?

Posh #24 · Oct 21st, 2022 · · 6 ·

5693587 I believe it’s a polite way of saying “shut up.”

I would have just said “shut up,” personally, but I’ve never been good at PR.

I downvoted a random comment. Where do I send my dollar?

Comment posted by TheCrystalRing deleted Oct 27th, 2022

The folder doesn't allow stories to be added. Is this just a glitch or intentional? I know there are two stories for this year's contest in the "Intended" folder, and I was hoping to add my entry but it doesn't work.

Looking forward to seeing everyone's work! I'm nearly done drafting mine.:twilightsmile:

Oh hey anothercontest I would have really liked to participate in, such a shame I wasn't allowed to. And not because I missed the deadline.

The one with rainbow dashes dad and fluttershy's brother reminds me of danny gonzalazs Homecoming vine, And im all here for it!

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