• Member Since 7th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 20th, 2023


My name is Broovian, previously Broovian15 until I found out no one actually had Broovian. So now I'm the Broovian, the brony whoovian ready to give a helping whatever wherever and whenever I can.


[no title] · 6:05am Jun 20th, 2013

Hello everyone. I'm a broovian and I need your help. Though this is not broovian related. I'm working on a story that needs a picture. And I need a picture of elven ponies. Ones that include Applejack if you can swing it. I don't mean saint nick elves I'm talking about dungeon dice, walk out the trees and kill you with arrows kind of elves. Elves with ears that put Spock to shame. Those kind of elves.

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Report Broovian · 429 views ·

Hello, welcome friend, what do you need?

My name is Broovian, previously Broovian15 until I found out no one actually had Broovian. So now I'm the Broovian, the brony whoovian ready to give a helping whatever wherever and whenever I can. I may not be the best but I'll do what I can.

I'm quick to defend the ones that need it and always looking for a debate, whether it be about philosophy or headcanon. So if you need an editor give me a call and I'll see if I can help. If you need ideas for a story, I think I could put my questionably adhd head to use and if you ever need someone to argue with, I think you'll enjoy this.

Comments ( 26 )
  • Viewing 22 - 26 of 26

1997540 Adorable pariah, funny scenes with Trixie, and knowing that if you're doing it it'll be done right.

Oh hey you're not dead! So what made ya fav good ole' pariah mein olde freund?

1950905 I will keep that in mind but feel free to leave thoughts and comments on each chapter as you feel they should. though I did kinda geek out a little in one chapter and made a reference to the Fifth Element that will keep coming back every so often.

1950868 ah, okay. Personally I would have went with a group. By your description he had a hand in their downfall for stupid reasons or the good for the many not including him. Alone or not he's going to feel the soul crushing guilt but with other survivors he's got all the more motivation to make up for it even if what he thinks will make up for will destroy everything.

Always keep in mind a characters motivation its what makes them do what they do and makes them them. As long as they're acting on that then they'll be in character (within in reason of course)

1950610 thank you though its just one thief doing what he can against over whelming odds while struggling to come to terms with his past and what he has done. but I do thank you for your opinion and I will see what I mite be able to do.

  • Viewing 22 - 26 of 26
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