• Member Since 3rd Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen Jul 3rd, 2023

Lame Joke

Even my name is a lame joke. My stories sucks, pls dont read

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  • 205 weeks

    Ah well, i looked through the rules and theres nothing bout referring to an external websites i think. imma take down this immediately if its breaking the rules.

    Read More

    1 comments · 187 views
  • 205 weeks
    hapy birt day big boi

    happy birthday to me

    happy birthday to me

    why am i still alive

    i should kill myself

    and die

    2 comments · 190 views
  • 210 weeks

    oh no

    5 comments · 192 views
  • 212 weeks
    i play pokemon go everyday

    pokemon go is outdated tbh

    just found out that i have the app on my phone even tho i never play it before

    something's wrong, i can feel it

    4 comments · 203 views
  • 217 weeks
    me no write stories

    right, im not gonna write stories for a long time. as in my next story will be around december or smth cuz lockdown in my country is almost over and i gotta busy life :fluttershysad:
    to the ppl who actually like my shit, dont worry i got like, 50 unfinished stories :rainbowwild:

    from time to time i might update my incomplete stories like google translate and the reddit story but it wont be long or frequent.
    so i guess see yall 6 months later?

    2 comments · 191 views

This is my moment

Gotta enjoy it
Cause I gave myself a career just to destroy it


torn · 12:33pm Aug 18th, 2020

Ah well, i looked through the rules and theres nothing bout referring to an external websites i think. imma take down this immediately if its breaking the rules.

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Report Lame Joke · 187 views · #imsorry
Comments ( 10 )
  • Viewing 6 - 10 of 10

forgot to fav it for like, 6 months lol, just realised that some stories of my favourite series in fimfiction werent fav'ed.

thanks YOU for writing this piece of art!

Thanks for the fave! :moustache:

Oh no, it was not me that removed the story
A staff member said that I had submitted that story with teen tag instead of mature tag which was the proper rating. Thus it was banned.
Sorry to disappoint you fellow reader.

why did you remove appeljack the wonderbolt

  • Viewing 6 - 10 of 10
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