Princess Celestia calls Twilight in to reveal one of Equestria's deepest, darkest secrets. This is definitely, absolutely the first time Twilight's heard of it.
The Brief Reign of Princess TwilyPrincess Celestia was quite clearly overworked lately. Twilight just had to find a way to help. Unfortunately, the only answer she found was a bit Forthwith
3,483 words
· 2,968 · 33
SouvenirJust as Princess Celestia puts the finishing touches on a great gift to her subjects, Twilight interrupts her mentor with an odd question about an obscure beast. Why is she acting so strange, though?by TinCan
3,358 words
· 434 · 4
The Princess of BooksLuna didn't like a novel somepony wrote about Nightmare Moon. Somehow, this is Twilight Sparkle's anowack
17,954 words
· 2,290 · 30
The ContestFluttershy returns to defend her title as Quiet Game world Cold in Gardez
6,714 words
· 2,060 · 26
Today is Lupercalia, a holiday in Ancient Rome where loincloth-wearing priests ran through the streets whipping people with thorny sticks to bring them good luck! We’ve got all the luck that we need if you’ve joined us, so we’ll skip that part (unless you really want to). If you need any help figuring out how the site works, don't be afraid to ask. I'm always happy to help, and we're all glad that you are here (with or without thorny sticks)!
Hey, thank you for the follow! I'll try not to disappoint!
Thanks for your fav on "To be a Princess"
Thanks for the watch!
Hello there! Welcome to FIMFiction.
Today is Lupercalia, a holiday in Ancient Rome where loincloth-wearing priests ran through the streets whipping people with thorny sticks to bring them good luck! We’ve got all the luck that we need if you’ve joined us, so we’ll skip that part (unless you really want to). If you need any help figuring out how the site works, don't be afraid to ask. I'm always happy to help, and we're all glad that you are here (with or without thorny sticks)!