• Member Since 16th Nov, 2014
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Geek boy, aspiring writer, and proud Brony with a story to tell.


In the early days of the nation of Equestria, there existed a group of heroes known as the Pillars of Equestria. By the modern day, they have mostly faded into myth, with many of the facts about them obscured if not lost.

But what is lost can be found if one knows where to look, and sometimes even by accident. Now Twilight Sparkle will, with aid from her friends, help bring to light the truth behind the Pillars of Old Equestria, their connection to the Elements of Harmony, and other secrets of Equestria's past and present that will shape its future.


Featured on 6/28/2022 and 8/30/2022!

This story draws primarily from the Legends of Magic comic series, written by Jeremy Whitley and with art by Brenda Hickey, Tony Fleecs and Heather Breckel. Additional stories will be acknowledged across individual chapters.

Part of the Quiververse

Chapters (9)

Quiver Quill has managed to integrate fairly well into life in Ponyville, having found a place and quite a few friends there. Chaos, however, has found its way to him once more, this time in the form of Discord. Once the two are left to deal with one another without the intervention of a mature mutual friend, the sparks will fly.

Featured on 4/29/2022!

This story references events from the Manehattan Mysteries arc from the IDW comics (Issues 21 to 22, Story by Ted Anderson and Art by Agnes Garbowska and Bill Forster), as well as issues 2 and 6 of the Friends Forever series (Story by Jeremy Whitley and Art by Tony Fleecs and Lauren Perry, and Story by Thomas Zahler and Art by Agnes Garbowska respectively).

Part of the Quiververse

Chapters (1)

While out for dinner, Sunrunner and Flash Sentry entertain Twilight Sparkle and Quiver Quill with stories of their time in the Royal Guard. From their time in the Academy to their adventures on the night of Nightmare Moon's return, they tell the tale of how they became friends and forged the bond they have today.

Part of the Quiververse

Chapters (6)

After more than a few missteps, Sunset Shimmer's cousin Sunrunner has arrived in Ponyville to reunite with her old friend Quiver Quill. But events are transpiring that will lead to her having quite a few meetings and reunions before her visit is over, as well as the two facing their mutual past.

Featured on 5/1/2019!

Part of the Quiververse

Chapters (9)

No one is without scars. Some are on the surface, and fade with time, but others run deep, and may never fully heal. And any number of things can cause those scars to reopen.

Sunrunner's scars run deep, thanks to the strong emotions tied to them, but she manages them well enough. She has to, given she's an officer in the Royal Guard. But when circumstances lead her towards having to face the roots of some of her deepest scars, she might just find herself on the way to healing one of her oldest and deepest ones. Along the way, however, she'll be reminded that the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Part of the Quiververse

Chapters (4)

No one is without some scars. Some are on the surface, and fade with time, but others run deep, and may never fully heal. And any number of things can cause those scars to reopen.

Quiver Quill's scars run deep, deeper than even his closest friends in Ponyville are aware of. And thanks to helping to organize a class assignment at Ponyville Elementary, his scars will start to come to the surface thanks to interacting with a filly who's caused quite a few scars of her own - Diamond Tiara. His interactions with her will lead to both of their collective scars coming to the fore, and force them to see the results of their actions.

This story contains elements from the episodes "Twilight Time", written by Dave Polsky, "Crusaders of the Lost Mark", written by Amy Keating Rogers, and the comic story "Don't You Forget About Us" from issues 38-39, written by Christina Rice with art by Agnes Garbowski. Cover art courtesy of LadyGoth88.

Part of the Quiververse

Chapters (9)

Old legends speak of a select group of ponies, linked by common ancestry and hidden in plain sight. Where they came from is a tale that dates back to before Nightmare Moon, and has its origins in a war beyond most ponies' comprehension. You've probably seen them without even recognizing them, thanks to their unique magic, but rest assured, they're on your side. They are known as the Order of Gallopfrey.

Quiver Quill and Lyra Heartstrings are among those who know of the myth, but the truth behind it is something they could only dare to imagine. But as time and magic shift around them and all of Equestria is threatened, they find themselves forced to grapple with that old mystery. Fortunately, they won't do so alone, as they find themselves dealing with a mad pony with a big blue box. Get ready, Equestria, because the Doctor is in.

"Doctor Who" and the TARDIS are the property of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). This crossover is in no way authorized by the BBC or any of its associated organizations.

Part of the Quiververse

Chapters (6)

A letter from author A. K. Yearling invites Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash to visit the nearby nation of Maretonia. Their friend and fellow Daring Do fan Quiver Quill is invited along for the ride. But what seems at first to be a simple trip to meet a famous author turns into an adventure as Quiver faces not only a great danger to the world, but also his own courage and self-worth.

Part of the Quiververse

Chapters (6)

Every story, big and small, has some little thing that goes wrong during production, from a production gaffe to a misspoken line. Here's a glimpse at some of those incidences during production of the Quiververse, as well as some comments from those involved in bringing it all together, and a few small glimpses of what was different from canon before Twilight Sparkle ventured through the mirror.

Chapters (24)

Pinkie Pie is close with her family, be it her immediate relatives or her honorary one. A not-too-recent visit from her immediate family, as well as her discovery of being related to Applejack, have given her even more reasons to be close, and to be joyful. But when she discovers the family record of her new friend Quiver Quill, she goes off to discover whether or not they have a relative in Ponyville in the hopes of sharing that joy with them. But she soon gets a reminder that there's more than one way to have a family.

Parts of this story are adapted from "Pinkie Pie and the Rockin' Ponypalooza Party", written by G. M. Berrow, as well as "Hearthbreakers", written by Nick Confalone, and "Maud Pie" written by Noelle Benvenuti.

Part of the Quiververse

Chapters (1)