A pony wakes up in an abandoned facility, and everything is wrong. This is a story about the end of the world, and the sorts of people who wish for it.
1261970 Not any more you won't have to. I'm going to wait a bit before messing with chapter 4, I really need a bit of feedback on Spiral's character first.
Fallout Equestria: Pink EyesFallout Equestria side story - A young filly begins her adventure looking for her mother.by mimezinga
134,575 words
· 3,386 · 84
Fallout Equestria: HeroesA Fallout Equestria Sidefiction. A lonely guard, inspired by Littlepip, goes to save her brother.by No One
582,905 words
· 2,405 · 70
Fallout: Equestria - MemoriesOne crazy pegasus, one roboleg, a contingent of Steel Rangers, and an adventure of infinite detours. Put all that together and what do you get? A rip-roaring mosh pit wrecking its way across the Wasteland, leaving nothing but confusion in its wake. by TheBobulator
386,808 words
· 907 · 64
Set in the Optimalverse, a middle-aged woman confronts what emigration to Equestria - uploading to a virtual existence - really means. But can she truly understand - and more importantly, should she trust the artificial intelligence Celestia?
Four months after the end of human civilization, six ponies come together to rebuild. They learn that the apocalypse has not made friendship any easier.
Meet the most cynical pony in Canterlot, who under the latest Princess' orders, moves to Ponyville to meet up with the Mane Six for his own quest to find friends. Many Swear words ensue.
One crazy pegasus, one roboleg, a contingent of Steel Rangers, and an adventure of infinite detours. Put all that together and what do you get? A rip-roaring mosh pit wrecking its way across the Wasteland, leaving nothing but confusion in its wake.
Uh, on Skyward? Still, thanks!
Nice work my friend
Welcome to the Fallout: Equestria Group! Feel free to PM me if you have any questions!
Thanks for the watch!
Not any more you won't have to.
I'm going to wait a bit before messing with chapter 4, I really need a bit of feedback on Spiral's character first.
Hey, don't worry about it. You look like you know where you're going with it.
Hey, Chapter 3's going to be up in less then half an hour. I'm just about to finish editing it!
Thanks for the fave!