• Member Since 28th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 27th, 2016


I like gaming and Rainbow Dash. I wish to marry her, I know, I like one techni-colored pony.


Comments ( 32 )
  • Viewing 28 - 32 of 32

I know this is mega late ^^ But thank you so much for watching me, i'm glad you enjoy my stories and hope you continue to!-FE:heart:

I hope you liked marrying Rainbow Dash :twilightsmile:

Thanks for adding An Unexpected Guest to your favorites! :pinkiehappy: :twilightsmile:

Thanks for giving Woundsalt a little love!

Thanks for the favs!

  • Viewing 28 - 32 of 32
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I'm Back! With News ansd Name Changes! · 10:30am Dec 30th, 2014

Hello, I am back from my 4-5 month away time from fimfiction.net. But news! I'll be reading tons and tons of stories (Especially Diares Of a Madman) and wont be reading your crap that you'll most probably wont do anyways. Two, I may or may not make another terrible at needs tons of editing but still will fail even though so don't read it till I (most probably) edit it terribly (once again most probably). Three, I need a new profile avatar and too lazy to change it myself, so anyone who is both

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