• Member Since 25th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 11th, 2023



Ermagherd... The Interloper... · 10:50pm Aug 6th, 2014

So, I haven't updated in a while. Mostly because of the Army keeping me busy for a few weeks and work making me close up shop a lot lately, which means I go home and veg out before going to sleep.

However, not all was lost in that time.

I made numerous fixings to the previous chapters. I spent hours doing some tidying up, especially with the dialogue (special shout out to Ghost-091 for that rubric on proper dialogue).

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Report JohanssenJr · 351 views · Story: The Interloper ·
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Hello JohanssenJr, did you get my mail?

It's registered on my sent list but I got no confirmation from you.

1160306 I'm just super glad there are people out there that still study history. Sadly, the schools hardly touch The War Between the States anymore. I read the first chapter and realized "Battle of Sharpsburg? All my yes." So I kept reading. Then the feels hit, and I couldn't stop. The feels that hit me were the same ones that Where the Red Fern Grows hit me with. And I love that book.

Thank you very much for the Fave of my story The Youth in the Garden. That you would means that my attempt to commemorate a life and a battle worked to some small degree.

Thank you very much for the fave on Night. :twilightsmile:

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