• Published 14th Apr 2013
  • 1,282 Views, 25 Comments

Episode 1: Nightmares and Lunascapes - mr lovecolt

An aspiring author is invited to do a reading in Ponyville, where odd coincidences keep adding up between his stories and reality.

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The rays of morning sunlight passed by Sugarcube Corner, then the Ponyville Library, and lingered on the Carousel Boutique until they reached the Ponyville Hospital, where they came to rest on Edger’s cheek through the window that faced Canterlot in the distance. Edger felt the warmth on his face and opened his eyes. He looked around the room and realized that he was in Ponyville Hospital. Edger’s eyes came to rest on the two forms that sat in the chairs in the corner of the room. Pinkie Pie and Caramel both sat together as their heads gave each other support. He looked at Pinkie Pie and noticed the bandages wrapped around her head. He turned to Caramel and found that small bandages lined his barrel. It was then that Edger realized that it wasn’t Forge who had been in his dream, but Caramel.

A knock at the door interrupted Edger and he turned his gaze to see Princess Luna enter the room, followed by Twilight Sparkle and Rarity. Rarity gently nudged Pinkie Pie and Caramel, and they both yawned and opened their eyes. It was only when Pinkie moved that Edger noticed that one side of her head lie flatter against the bandages.

“Pinkamina,” Edger asked, “What happened to your ear?”

“Tiller, if you don’t mind, could you call me Pinkie?”

“I’ll make you a deal," Edger replied, “I’ll call you Pinkie so long as you call me Edger.”

“Hmm,” Pinkie raised a hoof against her chin, “Deal. And my ear was bitten off by one of those shadow things you keep talking about.”

“You seem awfully… positive… about that.”

“Well, I do have another one.” Pinkie Pie replied as she flicked the other side of her head to the good ear beneath the bandages.

Edger watched as Twilight Sparkle rolled her eyes at the pink pony and then turned to Princess Luna. Edger looked around the room for a moment and pressed his hooves together.

“The shadows were real?” He asked.

Princess Luna nodded. Edger turned away from the ponies and towards the window. He thought of Fluttershy and how she would never be able to fly again. He thought of Caramel and how he knew the shadows were responsible for his injuries. He thought of Pinkie Pie, and though she didn’t show it, he knew that she had to feel upset about what had happened to her, as well.

“So that means that the attacks were my fault, too.”

Edger’s lips trembled as he continued to stare out at the morning sun.

“That is not true.” Princess Luna said, “The shadows used your abilities against you. Script used your abilities, too. We are going to find out what he knows, but we know that there’s more to him than just a unicorn with a penchant for pill making.”

Princess Luna made her way from the door to the bed, where she placed a hoof on Edger’s shoulder.

“Edger,” Princess Luna continued, “There are things that we are going to need to discuss with you about your abilities. There are some other unicorns I’m going to introduce you to. They are like you. They will help you control your abilities, rather than try to hide them.”

Edger nodded and turned to the others. As he stared out the window, he felt another wave of energy flow through the room. But this time, he simply shook his head. His gaze turned from pony to pony, and sighed with relief as they remained as they were. He looked back out to the sky, at the golden orb surrounded by orange rays.

In my soil you plant the seeds of your love.

And as the earth of your eyes surround me,

Comfort me, I feel forgiveness take hold.

My soil opens, and then as I climb above

The earth, inspired by all that is around me,

I give my own seeds of love to the world.

It is this cycle that I admire in you.

I want to thank you, friends, for all that you do.

Edger turned back to face the ponies. Princess Luna motioned towards all of them, and they nodded their heads to leave the room.

“We all need to go check on Fluttershy.” Twilight Sparkle said, “They’re going to let her spend the evening at her cottage, but soon they’ll start the physical therapy. Please don’t blame yourself, Edger.”

Edger nodded his head, and she, Rarity, and Caramel left the room. Pinkie Pie, however, remained in the room. She moved past Princess Luna and stood next to Edger.

“Till-,” Pinkie Pie corrected herself, “Edger, I’m sorry about what had happened four years ago. And I want you to know that I didn’t mean to cause it.”

Edger smiled and opened his arms to his old friend. Pinkie Pie smiled so large that Edger worried she would break her face. But she ran over the remaining distance and gripped Edger in the tightest hug she could. Pinkie Pie slowly released her grip and then backed away. She made her way to the door but turned to Princess Luna before leaving.

“My Pinkie senses tell me you’re taking him away again,” Pinkie Pie said with a glare as though unaware she was talking to a princess, “But I fully expect a progress report on one of my best friends.”

“I would expect nothing less, Pinkie Pie.” Princess Luna said with a chuckle.

Pinkie Pie turned to Edger with the smile plastered on her face once again. Edger smiled back at her, and for the second time since his arrival in Ponyville, his smile was sincere. When Pinkie Pie left, Princess Luna turned to Edger, but her face was more serious than it had been all morning. Edger suddenly noticed that Princess Luna had a determined look in her eyes as she made her way towards him. Edger’s smile slowly faded as she continued towards him.

“Edger, you how much of a danger your ability is to all of Equestria, don’t you.”

She stated it as a fact, not a question. Edger nodded and his body grew heavy. He sighed; his sigh was resigned. And yet, he felt serene as he waited for her to finish her journey towards him. He felt her hoof as it slowly traced its way along his neck. He felt his neck tighten as her other hoof rose to the other side of him. He waited for just a moment for the tightening to continue.

“We will be able to help you.”

Edger jerked to the side for a moment.


“We will help you, Edger.” Princess Luna repeated with a confused look on her face, “Did you think I was going to execute you?”

Edger’s lip trembled as he nodded. The hooves around his neck loosened.

“We would never do that to another pony.” Princess Luna reassured him, “Though knowing that you were willing to sacrifice yourself for the sake of others is a good sign. It shows that you know what power you actually have. You’ll make a great student.”

Edger laughed, but soon his laughter broke as sobs made their way through his throat. Within moments, the choking sobs were joined by the shaking of his shoulders and falling tears. Princess Luna held Edger as he continued to cry. Finally, after what seemed like hours to Edger, he finally faced Princess Luna.

“Before I go,” Edger asked, “Is it all right if I write letters to my…”

“Yes?” Princess Luna asked.

“Can I write letters to my… friends?”


Dear friends,

There are so many things that I want to say to you. As the bearers of three Elements of Harmony, you understand that friendship consists of honesty, kindness, laughter, generosity, loyalty, and magic. However, these are the elements that define only one group of friendships; yours. I want you to know that I, too, have discovered my own elements of friendship: Admiration, Inspiration, Comfort, and Forgiveness.

Dearest Twilight, I am so happy that you admire my work, and I am even happier to know that it is due to my poetry, rather than the stories that I now look back on with fear. When you admire someone, you make them realize that they are good, just as they are, and do not need improvement. I want you to know that I admire you so much, and even though I never got to read in front of a crowd, reading my poem in front of you was one of the happiest moments I’ve had in a long while. Just remember that all poems are spells, and all spells are poems.

Dearest Rarity, when friends are near each other, we inspire one another. We inspire each other to create, to change, and to improve. Though we accept each other for what we are, it is through that acceptance that we can look into ourselves and feel that inspiration change us and improve us. We all have the ability to create, whether we create through the soil, or create a story, or even a new fashion trend. You inspire me, Rarity. In fact, I may have an idea about a short story about a fashion designer who talks to her ponnequins.

Dearest Caramel, there are so many ways that you have saved me. Thank you so much for not giving up on me. The comfort of a friend is so much different than the comfort of a family member, or even a special somepony. The comfort of a friend is through a chosen bond, a chosen bond made even more special than that of a special somepony simply because it has no motives other than the desire to help that pony. I know ponies had certain ideas about what you wanted from me, and I am so grateful that your desire to comfort me was stronger than your fear of what others thought of you. If you hadn’t done that, I know I would not be writing this.

Dearest Pinkie Pie, my oldest friend, and my closest friend, I want you to know that I do not forgive you. Not because you do not deserve forgiveness, but because there is nothing to forgive from you. Thanks to Twilight’s admiration, Rarity’s inspiration, and Caramel’s comfort, I realized that the strength of your friendship is enough to make me realize that the only person I had to forgive was me. I forgive myself for believing that what happened was my fault. It wasn’t. Who I am or what I do does not control the actions of others. When a friend makes a mistake, a true friend forgives, and through that forgiveness, they both grow.

I will be sure to write again once I have the chance. I love you all so much. Thank you for being my friend.


Edger Allegore Poeny


Edger’s four elements of friendship sat at a small table outside of Sugarcube Corner and read the letters that had arrived to them in a blaze of blue electric sparks. The sun had begun to set, and they had just finished helping Fluttershy pack for her first few days of physical therapy. Mrs. Cake arrived and set down a glass of water with a squeeze of lime for Rarity, a daffodil sandwich for Twilight Sparkle, a plate of hay fries for Caramel, and thirteen corncakes for Pinkie Pie. Rarity rolled up her scroll and set it on the table.

“I do not speak to my ponnequins.” Rarity said with a dignified huff.

“Oh please, Rarity,” Twilight Sparkle replied, “You have names for them.”

“That’s just to tell them apart.”

As Rarity and Twilight Sparkle bickered over the importance of naming inanimate objects, Caramel noticed that Pinkie Pie hadn’t even started on her first corncake. Caramel leaned in closer to her.

“Is everything all right, Pinkie?” Caramel asked.

“Four years,” Pinkie Pie said as she traced her hoof along the table, “I’ve missed out on four years of one of my best friend’s life.”

“Well, think of it this way,” Caramel replied as he tried to use Pinkie Pie logic, “So you’ve missed out on four years. That just means that you’ll have to pack an additional four years’ worth of friendship in the time you do have with him. That means you have more friendship stuff to do with him now that you are back in each other’s lives.”

Pinkie Pie turned to Caramel and squinted.

“Like,” Caramel continued, “Let’s say you know him for eight years and do eight years’ worth of friend stuff. But if you only have four years, that’s four years, but with eight years of friend stuff you need to do. You get to do twice as much as you would have done.”

Caramel knew it didn’t make sense, but he hoped that the pony who was able to make herself appear in mirrors and apple carts as well as outrun Rainbow Dash would be able to make sense of what he said.

“You’re… right Caramel!” Pinkie Pie yelled and shoved three corncakes in her mouth. “I just need to get a schedule together to put eight years’ worth of friend stuff into four years. Twilight can help me. She’s great at schedules.”

Caramel’s eyes widened as he turned to Twilight Sparkle, who sat unaware of what acts of defiance of time and space he had inadvertently introduced into her life. Rarity took a sip of her water and looked out to the town.

“Don’t you find it funny how after an adventure like this everything seems lighter for a moment?”

Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle nodded, but Caramel shook his head.

“Oh, Caramel,” Rarity said, “Just go on a few more adventures, and you’ll see.”

The girls chuckled to each other as Caramel began to chew on some hay fries. Caramel picked up his scroll once more and then put it into his saddlebag.


Fluttershy stumbled backwards as she stood from her couch and almost fell back onto it. Before she hit it, her barrel landed in the soft paw of a lion’s arm.

“Fluttershy,” Discord said as he helped her regain her footing, “I can get the tea.”

“No,” Fluttershy said abruptly as she made her way to the kitchen, “I can get it myself. What sort of hostess would I be if I can’t even get a friend tea?”

Discord’s eyes dilated, one after the other, as he watched Fluttershy make her way to the kitchen and return with a cup of tea. Angel sat next to him, and he ruffled his fur with his eagle claw. Though they still fought one another, Discord knew that it was for play. Discord had taken a liking to Angel in the time he had taken to get to know him. He always loved their talks when they had tea while Fluttershy was out. Discord pretended to ignore Fluttershy’s wobbling as she bent over to set the teacup on the table in front of them.

“So,” Fluttershy said as she sat down on the couch, careful to avoid touching the cushions with her back, “While I’m in therapy, you’ll keep the animals fed?”

“Why, of course, Fluttershy.” Discord replied as he snapped the fingers of his paw.

A pole appeared in his paw with a carrot attached to a string. He dangled it in front of Angel, who glared at him, but took off after the carrot.

“I even have Angel’s exercise regimen figured out.”

Discord offered a smile to Fluttershy, who only quirked an eyebrow at him. Discord sighed and then snapped his claws together. The pole disappeared but Discord allowed the carrot to remain for Angel. Angel smiled at him before taking a huge bite of the carrot.

“I’m sorry, Discord,” Fluttershy whispered, “I’m not being a good hostess.”

Discord closed his eyes, and then made his way to the couch. He sat down next to Fluttershy and placed his arms around hers, careful to avoid her back.

“Fluttershy,” Discord said, “You were the first pony to ever try to be my friend. Don’t say you’re not a good hostess. Don’t say you’re not good at anything. With all I’ve learned from you, I’d hope you’d at least learn what an amazing pony you are.”

Fluttershy looked up to Discord’s eyes for a moment, and Discord could see a hint of a smile on her face. The smile disappeared however, as Fluttershy winced and reached for her back. Discord stood up and turned to face Fluttershy.

“I think somepony wants to see the butterflies.”

“Not tonight, Discord.” Fluttershy said as she tried to laugh through the pain, “I’m just really tired. And I have to get up early tomorrow to go to my therapy.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to see the butterflies?”

Discord watched as Fluttershy’s eyes batted at him for a moment before she turned towards the stairs.

“I’m sure.” Fluttershy replied, “Maybe if my therapy goes well.”

“I’ll just let myself out then,” Discord said, “Do you want me to come in the morning?”

“The afternoon will be fine.” Fluttershy replied, “You had said you had to get into some mischief with the mayor’s hair dye, remember?”

“Oh yes,” Discord laughed, “I’ve always figured she would look great with blue dragon scales. Would you like a picture?”

“Of course I would.” Fluttershy squinted and gaze Discord a mischievous grin before she made her way up the stairs. “Good night, Discord.”

“Good night, Fluttershy.” Discord replied.

Discord raised his paw to Fluttershy as she disappeared upstairs, then shook his head as he snapped his fingers and appeared outside. He shook his head again and wished that his ability to manipulate reality could be permanent so that he could give Fluttershy her wings back.

“That’s not how chaos works, Discord.” He said to himself as he took off into the night.

Fluttershy stood for a moment at the curio next to her bed. She raised her hoof to the glass pegasus that stood next to the glass manticore. The pegasus’ wings spread proud into the air and it had a hoof raised as though it was about to take flight. Behind the pegasus and the other animals, Fluttershy had placed the unicorn she had bought in Manehatten, and the broken horn lay at its hooves. Fluttershy closed her eyes and made her way to the lamp. She hesitated for a moment and considered leaving it on, just for tonight. Fluttershy’s breathing quickened, but she regained control as she tapped off the light. Twilight had told her that whatever had happened in Ponyville was over. Princess Luna had promised her that much.

Fluttershy turned to get into bed, but that was when she looked into the corner. The moon was out now, and it had cast shadows along her wall, but for a moment, Fluttershy could have sworn she had seen the shadows move. just a hallucination, Fluttershy thought to herself, traumatic experience is all. Fluttershy closed her eyes and then opened them again. The shadows bent around the corner of her room until she could see a dark hoof emerge from the wall. Fluttershy slowly back away and sat on the edge of the bed. She closed her eyes again. Hush now, quiet now, it’s time to lay your sleepy head. Fluttershy opened her eyes, and the shadow had now coalesced into the form of a shadowy pony. She sat frozen on the bed, unable to move. Hush now, quiet now, it’s time to go to bed. Fluttershy closed her eyes and a small tear fell onto the bed. Fluttershy didn’t want to open her eyes, but she knew it had to be a hallucination. Twilight had promised her. Princess Luna had promised her. Fluttershy opened her eyes.


In the dungeons of Canterlot castle, behind a thick wooden door, Script sat in a corner as he scratched at his fur. The scratching continued until he began to bleed. Finally, he took the utensil he was using to scratch at his skin to make markings on the floor. He started with a small circle at the top, and then he made a straight line down a few inches until he reached a point where he was satisfied and then ended the line with a curled flourish. He then drew a large ‘X’ in the middle, and on each of the four ends of the ‘X’ he made five more lines. He then began to laugh to himself as he held the utensil in his hoof up to his face.

“We shall make sure to bring him home now, won’t we?” Script said as he placed a yellow feather dripping with his blood in the middle of the image he had drawn.

Comments ( 9 )

So, do we have opinions on this one now that it is done? The second series is going to be in the cosmic horror genre, where we'll see some more of this Helioselene mythos, and it will also help us delve into the third story after it, but I want to wait until the second is finished before I give more details.

2510453 I have to say this. You need to write more!!!!! :pinkiehappy: Seriously this is exactly the kind of horror story I like to see! Now I do love the blood, but when it comes to written stories I love the atmosphere to them the most since I find a well crafted atmosphere does the best for written horror. I also respect horror films that don't jump straight into the blood, 30 Days of Night for instance, so you have even more props from me in this respect as it just builds more tension

I love how you've written this story, nothing happens too quickly or to slowly. A few aspects, namely the shadows and lights, call to mind one of my favorite video games Alan Wake. :ajsmug:

So all I can say is that if you keep turning out stories like this then you'll be a MORE then welcome addition to my group All Things Horror!

2521242 My one worry in regards to the story was too much of a similarity to the shadows from Alan Wake. But Don't worry, they, was well as the ponnequins and batkins, will have further explanation in the next story.

Beyond that, though, I'm most happy that you enjoy my work.

2521350 Oh don't worry, it's nothing overly similar just comes across like a bit of a nod to Alan Wake more than anything since living shadows aren't really a new idea in the slightest

3889585 Not really; she simply makes the assumption that he is gay and then mentions about finding a stallion in Ponyville to strike his fancy. He doesn't correct her. I wanted it to be something that was mentioned but not drawn out, as though it were no big deal.

3889611 Now remember, this phrase is the author in the story describing his philosophy of horror - hence, the story "The Offering" was simply en event that happened to a stallion which offered no true resolution to the reader in that universe. I imagine that in the Equestrian society, such a story would be very unnerving. The stories that I am writing in this universe, however, are all going to be as one long arc.

I liked this story. My one gripe I expressed: that Fluttershy and Pinkie would actually be among the three most powerful members of the Mane Six against the described threat, rather than the weakest. I think those two often get underestimated because they are, respectively, shy and goofy.

Your concept of Tiller as being able to summon shadows from dreams into reality was a very interesting one. Characterization was good. Script as Tiller's treacherous friend was a very effective surprise. I'm guessing he's some sort of black magician connected to the cult. I'm also guessing he has some longer-term purpose. (Ever seen In the Mouth of Madness -- that's obviously how Tiller's power could be misdirected).

Indeed, Rainbow Dash would not take any kind of romantic rejection well -- especially if there was serious involvement before the rejection. I notice that you seem to be some kind of Twilight/Luna shipper -- at least friendshipper. I've always thought the show should do more with the two of them together.

Larger issue: shouldn't Celestia and Luna be concerned about what's going on in Flatts? Among other things, the town seems to be dominated by a violent and insane cult which is devoted to their overthrow. I'm guessing that they would at least send investigators. (Sounds like a Call of Cthulhu scenario!)

Will read the sequels.

The thing that got a :trixieshiftright: from me is Luna's stance on religion and the 'lesser gods'. What was he blaspheming against?

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