Episode 1: Nightmares and Lunascapes

by mr lovecolt

First published

An aspiring author is invited to do a reading in Ponyville, where odd coincidences keep adding up between his stories and reality.

Edger Allegore Poeny is a poet and social commentator, but when his agent discovers a hidden group of horror stories and publishes them, Edger is met with growing acclaim. He is invited to Ponyville to perform a reading of not only his work, but also his poetry. However, when he arrives, Edger can't help but notice that some of the ponies there bear a striking resemblance to characters in one of his stories.

(This would fall under the category of 'slow burn horror', where the horror builds only slightly until the very end. This also falls under the category of "Gothic horror" given its focus on atmosphere to evoke a sense of despair, rather than exclusively on action.)


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Tiller shivered in the corner of one of the barn’s numerous anterooms. When he had originally helped build it, he was told that these rooms were to be used for storage of the multitude of crops that his village raised. Looking back on it, he realized he should have asked why rooms built for that purpose required extra stud beams. Obviously, that question was now moot, because he knew now that the real purpose of these rooms was to keep certain ponies inside, not plants. Without windows, the only light that managed to enter the anteroom did so through the chinks in the barn roof. Slivers of evening light cascaded down onto the hay at his feet and sliced at the floor beneath him.

Tiller looked up and saw a piece of moon through one of the chinks; tonight, Luna’s moon had taken on an orange hue. It was the moon that preceeded what he had learned was the Summer Sun Celebration. From what few outside ponies he had met, the Summer Sun Celebration was an occasion for revelries and games played between the mares and stallions. The ponies would stay awake all night and bask in what was the shortest night of the year as they waited for the moment that Celestia’s sun would rise. For the elders of Flatts, however, the occasion was met with candle-lit vigils and chants. According to this small village that lay a few miles outside of Dodge Junction, Tiller had come to learn that all such celebrations were merely opportunities to engage in vice and worship of usurpation. Nopony had ever come to Flatts for visits; the few outsiders he had met had come by accident. Tiller thought back and wondered whether any of the ponies of Flatts had ever actually left Flatts, either. He searched his memories and tried to think of one example, but his mind came back as empty as the room in which he now resided.

Tiller pressed his ear to the wall. Maybe if he listened hard enough, he could hear the sounds of the elders in the main section of the barn. The wooden planks were so cold they bit at his ear. Tiller shivered and wondered how, in the midst of Summer, in an area of Equestria he knew to be well to the south, this barn wall could feel so cold. He still pressed his ear to the wood and strained to hear just one sound. He wanted sound, even if it was only the sound of the elders.

There was nothing.

Tiller rose to his hooves. He winced and turned his head as he put weight on his hind hoof. Even in this light, Tiller could make out the shape of a round bruise that discolored his green fur; a gift from Ag, one of the elder’s enforcers. He shook his head and made his way toward the other side of the room. He knew that he had been placed in the anteroom situated closest toward the center of the village. If he strained enough, perhaps he could at least hear the soft chanting from the other villagers as they awaited the coming of the sun. He pressed his ear against the wall, only to pull back the moment he felt something stick to his fur. He reached up to touch where his ear had come into contact with the sticky substance and shuddered as he realized he had blood on his hoof. It was still wet, which meant that somepony had been taken out of here only moments before he was thrown in.


Tiller gasped at how strained his voiced sounded. His body began to shake at the realization that he held his best friend’s blood in his hoof. He leaned forward to steady himself on the wall and felt a small indentation on it. Forge must have attempted to break through the wall with his hooves, and then finally with his own head. If only Forge had known that Tiller had helped build that barn, he would have known how pointless it was to try to escape. And now, he was probably somewhere semi-unconscious after giving up, or perhaps the elders had finally gotten tired of his stubborn refusal to give up and so they went ahead and took him to the main room to commence his punishment. The second one sounds more likely, Tiller thought, allowing himself to snicker at the thought of his best friend’s inability to give up. His snicker went away moments later as the sound of a latch clicked and broke the silence.

Torch fire bathed the room in light, and Tiller fought the urge to turn towards the door to find out which enforcer had come to deliver him to the elders. Please, just don’t let it be Ag, Tiller thought as he turned to face the stallion in the doorway. The stallion’s sides almost touched the edges of the doorframe, and Tiller knew that it had to be Ag. Though Tiller was smaller than most of the other stallions and it made all of the others look larger, very few stallions rivaled Ag in size and strength. As though it recognized the stallion that did this, the bruise on Tiller’s leg grew sore again. He winced and tried to sit back down. The stallion made his way into the room and Tiller tried to shrink back into the corner. Each step the larger stallion took only made Tiller’s heart beat faster and his breath intake shallower. Tiller knew from experience that showing any sign of aggression or defiance against Ag would only provoke his already cruel demeanor, and so he tried to remain as still as possible so that Ag come gather him and take him away; he did not want to give Ag a reason to add more bruises to his body.


Tiller’s eyes shot up and he looked into eyes that were blue as ice. These are not Ag’s eyes, Tiller thought as he tried to move. He looked up and saw brown tufts of mane and a small bloodied scratch on his forehead. This is not Ag’s mane, Tiller’s train of logic continued, but his body still refused to move. He looked over the stallion’s body and saw the golden fur that looked as though it was permanently covered in dust and the anvil and tongs that made his cutie mark. This is not Ag, Tiller’s mind pleaded as it begged for him to move.

“Forge?” Tiller asked.

“We have to run, now.” Forge replied in a voice much lower than Tiller’s, “The other enforcers are on their way. I can’t fight them all off.”

“I’m so sorry, Forge, I’m sorry.”

Tiller felt the large hooves of the stallion wrap around his chest to pull him up. Tiller’s muzzle came to rest in Forge’s chest. Tiller inhaled deeply as the scent of metal shavings and forest trees invaded his nostrils. Now that the door was open, Tiller could hear the sound of hooves in the distance.

“Don’t ever say that, Till. Do you understand me?”

Tiller looked back up into Forge’s eyes. He nodded as Forge let go of him and made his way to the door. Tiller immediately followed him, but as they reached the hall between the anterooms and the main room, he could hear one of the elders yell at the top of his lungs.

“Iron! Ag! Get them!”

There was now only one thought in Tiller’s mind, and that was to run. And that was what he did. He ran behind Forge as they made their way through the barn and leaped over the two enforcers that Forge had knocked unconscious. Tiller could hear the hooves of Iron and Ag behind him, and the hooves of Forge ahead. They turned a corner of the hall that led towards one of the side exits, and Tiller breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that it was open just a crack and that they wouldn’t have to waste precious seconds fiddling with the latch.

A moment later, Tiller and Forge were outside. The final colors of evening had disappeared. It left only the blackness of night, as well as Luna’s moon and stars. In the distance, Tiller could make out the forms of the other ponies of Flatts as they surrounded a small fire in the center of town. The sound of chanting filled the air.


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“We have to get to the Everfree Forest, Forge.” Tiller said as he pointed towards the darkened wood.

They were soon within the first rows of trees, and as the brambles bit at their hooves branches swung back and forth to swat at their eyes. Tiller tried to run as straight as he could, but being smaller than Forge, he had to find other ways around the large trunks of dead trees that littered the forest floor. Occasionally, Forge would turn around and help lift him above the trunks, and they would continue on their way. Tiller was more or less familiar with this area of the Everfree Forest; he and Forge would sometimes spend hours here on their free days to get away from the other stallions’ prying eyes.

Tiller scoffed. If it hadn’t been for that one pony, Tiller thought, that one naïve pony. All of the memories of the past twenty four hours compressed into moments: the kiss they shared, the promise they made, the confrontation with the elders when they returned, the trial, the judgment, and the detainment. We should have run the moment we knew how we felt, Tiller thought as he stumbled on yet another tangle of branches. He turned to Forge and noticed the fresh lines of blood that ran through his fur. The fresh cuts were from the branches to be sure, but beneath them, Tiller could make out numerous other bruises that must have been obtained by one of the enforcers. Tears rolled down Tiller’s cheeks. I should never have said anything.

The darkness ahead of them parted to reveal a small clearing. There, a large tree stood alone, its branches reached towards the sky and its roots lifted just above the ground. Forge immediately grabbed Tiller, dragged him towards the tree, and slid with him under the roots. The moon had moved a bit since they had escaped the barn, and Tiller calculated that they had been running for nearly an hour, judging by how hard they were both breathing. Tiller felt Forge’s chest rise and fall as he himself struggled to keep from crying.

“Sh-h, Till, it’s going to be okay. Please don’t cry.”

“I’m s-sorry, Forge. It’s just… this is my fault. I never should have told you how I felt.”

Tiller felt two hooves push him up into a sitting position, and then he turn to see Forge’s blue eyes staring directly into his.

“Do you not feel that way, Till?” Forge asked as his eyes pleaded.

“Of course I feel that way. I’ve felt this way for ages.”

“Then that’s all I care about, Till. I was so happy when you told me how you felt about me. I never would have been able to say it first.”

“But now look at us, Forge.” Tiller said, “You know what will happen to us if we get caught again. And look at me. I’m so much smaller than all of the other stallions, and weaker, too. I’m sorry that you had to save me and I couldn’t save myself.”

“Well yeah, you were born as a unicorn, so you are supposed to be smaller than us earth ponies.” Forge said, “Besides, I like that you’re smaller than I am. It means I get to do this.”

Before Tiller could say anything, Forge leaned forward and wrapped his hooves around Tiller’s entire body. Forge leaned his head forward under his chin came to rest near the back of Tiller’s head. Tiller’s muzzle was once again in Forge’s chest, his smaller body almost consumed by Forge’s. Tiller smiled for a moment, but the smile faded as he felt something cold and wet fall onto his horn. Tiller slowly pushed back.

“You could have saved yourself, you know?” Tiller said, “You could have said that I was using magic to trick you into kissing me. I told you to say that I was using my magic to tempt you, but you didn’t say anything in your defense.”

“Till, you know I couldn’t have done that.”

“But now they’re going to punish you, too.”

“If I had lied to save myself, then my punishment would have been worse.”

“What do you mean?”

“If I had lied to save myself, I wouldn’t have been worthy of the feelings you said you had for me.”

“Forge…” Tiller began, his voice halting.


Forge pressed a hoof to Tiller’s mouth, and a moment later, Tiller heard it. The sound of hooves approached the clearing. There were more of the enforcers, not just Iron and Ag.

“Stupid Everfree Forest.” Tiller heard Ag yell, “Verdant and Apiaris, the elders are upset that you let Forge go.”

“We weren’t expecting him to have that powerful of a kick. You want us to search for him?” Apiaris replied, “We can’t wait to get our hooves on him.”

“No,” Ag replied, “We’re not allowed to administer punishment to them. Besides, I have a feeling they’re together. That coltcuddling unicorn is probably using his magic to make Forge protect his weak hide.”

A shiver ran down Tiller’s spine. The sound of hooves approached the clearing and became louder until he could see them out of the corner of his eye. For a moment, nothing at all moved. Tiller looked at Ag for a moment, and then turned his gaze to Apiaris, Iron, and Verdant; these were the four enforcers of the elders of Flatts. These four stallions were also friends of Forge.

“You really think Tiller is capable of that kind of magic?”

“There’s no telling what kind of power the unicorn has, Apiaris, but I know Forge, and he is not a coltcuddler. He would never allow himself to buck something like Tiller.”

Tiller tried to make himself smaller, but he immediately felt Forge’s hoof rub up and down his back, as though he were silently telling him not to believe anything the others had just said.

“They’re heading north.” Iron said, “I can feel it like a compass.”

“Good, Iron. We have to get them back to the elders to administer punishment.”

Tiller and Forge remained motionless for a few minutes. Even after the sound of hooves disappeared in the distance, they remained still.

“Forge,” Tiller whispered, “We have to get out of here. The ancient ruins are nearby. We can hide there for a bit until we decide where to go.”

“But where will we go, Till?” Forge asked, for the first time showing a hint of fear in his voice, “What if ponies are like this everywhere?”

“They aren’t. I know it. There’s a town called Ponyville just beyond the Everfree-“

“But it’s just going to be another small town, Till.”

“Then we’ll go to Phillydelphia. We’ll go to Manehatten. Come Tartarus, we’ll go to Vanhoover if we have to.”

“You go first, Till.” Forge said, “I’ll be behind you. I remember where the ruins are, but we can’t risk both of us struggling to get out of here at once.”

Tiller felt Forge’s muzzle once again, and he carefully lifted his body out from beneath the tree. He looked back and forth, but a sudden snap of a twig sent him leaping into the air. He took a deep breath, and ran into the thicket. He knew that the ruins of Celestia and Luna’s old castle were up ahead, just a few miles, but he couldn’t risk being caught. Not now. Not when they were this close to freedom. Tiller snuck from tree to tree, glad that his body was a dark green color. He hoped that Forge’s dusty fur wouldn’t give him away.

There was another snap behind him, and a small gasp escaped from Tiller’s mouth. He froze, waiting to hear if the sound was getting closer. There was another snap and Tiller could see the bush next to him tremble. Run, Tiller thought, but this time, all he could do was remain still.

A moment later, the bushes parted and Tiller finally accepted the urge to run, but as his legs moved, he turned to see a small bunny emerge from the bushes.

“Oh hello, little guy,” Tiller said, lowering his body to the creature, “You shouldn’t be out here. It’s too dangerous for a little guy like you.”

Tiller saw the bunny wiggle his nose at him before he scampered off into another part of the forest, and Tiller sighed. He looked around to start to run again, but then he saw a dark pair of eyes staring out of the bush that the bunny had jumped from moments ago.

“Gotcha.” Iron said as he leaped out of the bush.

Tiller screamed and turned to run, only to be met by the side of Ag’s flank. The taste of sweat and dirt filled his mouth and he fought the urge to gag as he fell to the ground.

“Well what do you know, Ag,” Iron laughed, “Looks like he couldn’t wait to taste your flank, too.”

Tiller kept his body as close to the ground as possible as Ag played along.

“What can I say?” Ag preened and puffed out his chest, “If the mares want me so much, it only makes sense that a wannabe mare would want me, too.”

“Ag… Iron… please… don’t do this.”

“You shut up!” Ag yelled as he stomped down on Tiller’s chest. “The one unicorn… yeah right. What have you done to Forge?”

“He was able to escape?” Tiller asked as he tried to not focus on his previous comment.

“We’ll find him. And then once the elders are through with you, whatever magic you used against him will fade, too.”

There was a look in Ag’s eyes that Tiller couldn’t quite make out. It was similar to the look that he had seen once when he accidentally came across a timberwolf. It was the look that a predator gives once he finds his prey. He didn’t get to see Ag’s eyes for long. A strong hoof slammed against the back of Tiller’s head and the last thing he saw was the tip of an old ruined spire as it glistened in the moonlight as everything turned to black.


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The sound of hooves as they fell onto the floor in applause greeted Edger as he slowly closed the book from which he was reading and turned to face the audience. A dark blue aura surrounded a nearby glass of water, and it floated through the air towards his lips for him to drink. The aura then moved to his glasses, and it readjusted itself on his face. He finally looked up to the clock that hung above the front door of the Manehatten Public Library.

“Thirty minutes, three-thousand one hundred words.” Edger said to himself as he pulled away from the microphone.

“Approximately one hundred words per minute… Perfect timing.”

Edger sighed as he placed his hoof on the book he had just closed. The collection of short stories that his agent had published had turned out to be quite a bit lucrative for him, thought not nearly as lucrative as his job at the Manehattener, but far more lucrative than the royalties he had received from any of his published poems. Still, he was merely an up-and-coming author, and his first book was simply a collection of short stories. Add to that the fact that not many ponies had even heard of a pony dedicated to writing horror fiction such as this, it was a wonder that he was here now, speaking to a group of approximately one hundred ponies. Edger slowly smiled as the applause died down, and he took a moment to look to the side at his agent, Script.

It was Script who had found his stories one night after Edger had been in a hurry to submit his most recent articles for the Manehattener. He had apparently given Script the incorrect scrolls, and instead of reading Edger’s latest commentary on the state of modern interpretive lyrical bouts, or, “rap battles” as the more common term demanded, he instead read through a collection of stories that pressed through different states of the pony mind. The critics had a few favorites.

One Thousand Years, a story about Princess Luna’s time spent on the moon and the loneliness slowly driving her mad, seemed to be more disturbingly humorous than truly frightening. The Hearth Warming Eve Present, a story about a bullied child being given a magic box that granted her popularity, was more of a commentary on social status, but still a bit gruesome at parts. But it was this story, The Offering, that set the critics’ words flying like a pegasus in a hurricane. And it was this story that Script insisted he read as much as possible.

Edger had never intended for Script to find them – they were more of a distraction and a means to release himself of writer’s block for his other works. Still, as he looked over the crowd, Edger knew that he would have to find some way to thank his agent for bringing him to a wider audience. Maybe after this was over, more ponies would be willing to read his poetry.

As his attention moved from pony to pony, Edger couldn’t help but notice one particular mare in the audience – a small purple alicorn.


“My, that was fascinating,” Twilight Sparkle whispered to Rarity.

“Though I must say the subject matter is rather… harsh… the style it was written in was almost like a song,” Rarity replied. “What did you think, Fluttershy?”

There was no response.

“Fluttershy?” Rarity asked again as she turned to where her yellow friend sat.

Fluttershy’s seat was empty, but beneath the seat, Rarity could see two small legs jutting out.

“Fluttershy, dear, please get up,” Rarity whispered, “It was just a story.”

A soft purple aura surrounded Fluttershy as she was lifted back into her seat as inconspicuously as possible. A couple of ponies began to chuckle, but when Twilight Sparkle turned to glare at them they immediately stopped and turned back toward the author on stage.

“Why… why would sompony… write about that?”

“I don’t know, but we can always ask him, can’t we?” Twilight suggested.

“A wonderful idea, Twilight.” Rarity replied, “Let’s try to get into that mind of his. I just want to find out why he dresses like that. Maybe it’s just something that the intelligentsia does. It almost makes me want to work on more designs for stallions.”

Twilight looked up to the stage as Edger began to take questions from the audience. She noticed that he wore slacks and a vest. She had noticed that a good deal of the other ponies in the audience wore similar styled clothing. She then looked down to the clothing that Rarity had designed for the three of them. Rarity almost matched the surrounding ponies with her black turtleneck and matching beret, but Fluttershy’s white skirt and her own blue flowered dress seemed a bit out of place. Still, Twilight was glad that they had come to Manehatten for this book reading and to see some of the sights. Though they had insisted that all six friends come, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie couldn’t make it. Rainbow Dash just laughed at the idea of going to a book reading unless it involved Daring Doo, Applejack had fallen behind on the household chores, and Pinkie Pie just said that her Pinkie senses were telling her somepony important was coming to Ponyville. To be honest, Twilight was relieved it was just the three of them. Strange adventures always seemed to happen when they were all together, and Twilight felt that she, Rarity, and Fluttershy would be the least likely to cause any overt mishaps.

“I think I do have a question.” Twilight said to herself as she raised her hoof.


Edger looked over to his agent. He had enough time for one more question. He saw as the purple alicorn’s hoof rose into the air.

“Yes, Princess Sparkle?” Edger asked.

“Oh, you know my name?” Twilight Sparkle asked, obviously embarrassed.

“Princess Sparkle, there are only a few alicorns that we know of. Besides, you’re one of the Elements of Harmony.”

“Oh, right.” Suddenly Twilight Sparkle felt herself getting almost as shy as Fluttershy. “I just wanted to say that I love the way you read your story. Your voice is so delicate that it makes the words themselves more potent to the listener.”

“That’s kind, Miss Sparkle.” Edger replied.

“My question though is that not very many ponies have tried their hoof at writing horror stories. Why do you choose to write what you do?”

Edger looked over the purple alicorn and through the rest of the audience. He could see it on their faces, too. He could hear the questions. Why write about terrible things happening to other ponies? Why write about inflicting pain and suffering onto these characters? What terrible sin had they done? The unasked questions seemed to exude from each pony like a dark energy that slowly settled in the air above his head. He could feel the questions surround him and begin to smother him. Edger shook his head and drew a sip of water from the glass on the table next to him.

“Princess Sparkle, it is true that critics of my work don’t understand why I write the way I do. And it is true that I am the first pony in a long while to try it. But the way I see it is that for every light there is a shadow, for every cherished dream, a dashed hope. There are many lessons to be learned in triumph, but sometimes, the hero must fall. I’m not saying it’s pretty, and I’m not saying that it’s kind, but in the real world, the good guys don’t always win. And sometimes, just recognizing that is the lesson.”

Edger watched as she slowly sat down next to her friends, whom Edger immediately recognized as Miss Rarity and Miss Fluttershy. Script appeared next to him and enveloped the microphone in his own magic.

“Thank you all so much for coming this evening, and we all do hope you stay for the hors d’oeuvres and wine as well as take a chance to get to know Edger Allegore Poeny and purchase a signed copy of his book, Nightmares and Lunascapes. And be sure to read his weekly column in the Manehattener, Poenytales.”

Hooves shuffled on the tiled floor, and the ponies made their way into the main atrium, until only Edger and Script were left.

“Princess Sparkle asked an interesting question, didn’t she?”

“That she did, Script,” Edger replied, adjusting his glasses once again.

“You know, Edger, it wouldn’t hurt to try to network with her.”

“I’m fairly certain these stories aren’t exactly suited for royalty.”

“I’m not talking about royalty, Edger. I’m talking about royalties. A big part of the literary world is networking with those who can help widen your audience. And did you fail to notice the two ponies she was with?”

“Of course I did: Miss Rarity and Miss Fluttershy, the Elements of Generosity and Kindness.” Edger levitated his book into a small black saddlebag and finished the rest of his water. “These stories don’t exactly mesh well with those two qualities, either.”

“Rarity is a famous designer and is well known by the likes of Hoity Toity and Sapphire Shores. Fluttershy was even involved in the fashion industry with Photo Finish until she took an early retirement. Those are the ponies that everypony knows, and it wouldn’t hurt if they got to know you, too.”

Edger shook his head and sighed.

“I’m just saying strike up a conversation with them, is all.”

“If you insist.”

Edger and Script made their way into the atrium. Another night of book signings, Edger thought, of this collection that I never really intended to publish in the first place. Edger thought to the small book of poetry that he always kept on his desk in his loft. He wondered how many copies of it sat on shelves in libraries across Equestria collecting dust. Edger entered the atrium and was greeted once more with applause from the audience. He looked out through the window to the skyline of Manehatten. Working so hard as a columnist, wanting to get my voice heard, and working so hard on my book of poetry, and this is what gets me fame? The gruesome tale? Edger shook his head, maybe Princess Sparkle was right; why should the public be allowed to see such things?

“Thank you all so much for being here.” Edger said as he flashed a well-trained smile. “I truly hope that my tales don’t keep any of you up at night.”

Edger watched as his audience laughed, except for Fluttershy, who just let out a small squeak as she lowered her body to the floor, trembling. Edger made his way to the table and was greeted immediately by Twilight Sparkle.

“Oh Edger, I just wanted to say once again how much I enjoyed hearing your story.”

“Why Princess Sparkle, that-”

“Please,” Twilight said, “Just Twilight will do.” Edger chuckled as her wings ruffled slightly, slapping Rarity in the face. Rarity squinted her eyes for a moment, but then took a deep breath and let the smile reappear on her face.

“Very well, Twilight. I was actually hoping to be able to talk with you and your other friends after the signing. A group of one hundred won’t be too long.”

“Yes!” Twilight said a little too loudly, “I mean, of course, it would be an honor to talk with an author.”

Author… yes. Edger thought as he sat down to begin the more tedious part of the evening. The only part that made the night truly uncomfortable was when the occasional stallion would look over at him, shake his head, and then whisper something into whatever mare he was with. But, just as he had said, that part of the evening went rather quickly, and in another half an hour, most of the other ponies had already left the library, leaving only the five of them. Script levitated a bottle of wine and filled the five glasses, four of which hovered midair surrounded by different shades of blue and purple aura, while the fifth rest gently within Fluttershy’s forehoof.

“Oh Edger,” Rarity said, batting an eyelash, “The story was fascinating, absolutely fascinating. The three of us had come to Manehatten to take in some of the sights and engage in some of the culture, but I must say I was not prepared for this.”

“Why thank you, Miss Rarity,” Edger replied, And I must say that-”

“Oh, I was so scared, Mr. Poeny! I just don’t know why you would write something like that! It’s just so mean what they were doing to him! He’s going to be all right, isn’t he?”

Edger slowly turned to see Fluttershy trembling next to Twilight, and her eyes had begun to water.

“Miss Fluttershy, the story is already written. You don’t have to finish the story is you don’t-”

“But I can’t just leave without knowing. I mean, I would be absolutely heartbroken to find out he did. I know it’s not real but I just can’t stand the idea of somepony doing that to another pony. That shouldn’t happen.”

Edger took in a deep breath and looked to Fluttershy’s companions. Rarity was blushing, and Twilight simply gave a very awkward smile. Edger turned to the table where he was signing, and levitated a book towards Fluttershy.

“If you want to find out what happens to Tiller and Forge, I won’t stop you. But be warned,” Edger said as he held the book in place for Fluttershy to grab, “I make no promises to you as to their fate. What is done is done. And that is inescapable.”

Twilight Sparkle watched as Fluttershy set down her wine glass and took the book from the air. So much for a pony not making a scene in Manehatten, she thought. Then she remembered something else. Something about another book that she had in her library.

“So Edger, have you ever given any readings outside of Manehatten?”

“Not so far.”

“I know this will probably be presumptuous of me, but I was wondering if you had free time would you like to come to Ponyville to give a reading?”

Edger coughed as an errant sip of wine went down his throat and into his lungs.

“Ponyville? Do you really think this work is suitable in such a place?”

“Well, maybe not, but I do recall you also wrote a book of poetry.”

Edger turned around and set the glass of wine on the table. He stared into its almost empty contents before regaining his composure.

“You… know of my book of poetry?”

Edger could see Script roll his eyes out of the corner of his own, but he could not take his attention away from Twilight for another moment.

“Yes, I keep it in our town library. The poems are beautifully done. They’re melancholic, but there’s still so much hope to them. Very different from this story.”

“That’s not to say these stories aren’t well written, darling.” Rarity interjected, “But with such a multifaceted talent – author, poet, and columnist – you have so many avenues to pursue with your public readings. Don’t just settle on this one.”

Edger stared out to the skyline once more. He watched as the buildings themselves darkened to leave only their silhouette against the black sky. For a moment, it seemed as though the only thing that existed was that soft, white line. Luna’s moon had just begun to appear from behind the buildings; she was going to bring light to this dark street soon. He lifted another bottle of wine and filled the mares’ glasses as well as his and Script’s. There was no way Script would talk him out of this. Even if it meant going all the way to Ponyville, he would read his poems in front of another audience.

“What say us to a toast then? Are you heading back tomorrow? I will join you. I don’t have another reading for another week, so I can spare a few days in Ponyville.”

“Now Edger, you still have work to do with the Manehattener.” Script reminded him.

“Nonsense. You have enough of my commentary to last for a few weeks. Besides, what if this trip inspires me to write some more of these stories that everypony is so intrigued with?”

Script huffed and Edger knew he had won the argument. He turned to the three mares.

“Now how about that toast?”

As they tapped their glasses together, Twilight Sparkle thought to herself, Wow, Pinkie was right. She is going to meet somepony important.

As Edger and the mares continued talking, Script made his way to the window just as Luna's moon broke over the skyline. It was at that time a few errant clouds moved in front of it, and they blocked the light of the moon from the street. The change in light was almost imperceptible, but as Script turned around, he swore he could see a darkness settle over the four ponies he looked at.


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(Well, this is the chapter that has what could be considered graphic content. It's not necessarily gory, but it does have some physically cringeworthy images, I guess. Is that how these warnings go?)

The traffic had long since died down on the streets of Manehatten to the point that now, anypony’s hooves could be heard as they clacked on the pavement. Luna’s moon still hid behind a wall of clouds, and it left the lamp posts to shed whatever little light they could. The darkness was punctuated with golden circles of light, and each revealed a small vignette which Fluttershy watched from the window of her and the girls’ suite.

A large stallion stood at a lamp post; he had a bandage wrapped around one of his hooves, and a scar ran down the side of his leg. He looked back and forth, until his eyes came to rest at the occupant of another circle of lamp post’s light. In that one, a zebra mare stood and slowly ran her hoof through her mane. Though the patterns on her body were black and white, she had died the white stripes of her mane and tail purple. She had headphones on; she was apparently listening to music. Fluttershy watched as the large stallion slowly left the light of his own lamp post. She could hear his injured hoof as it trailed just behind the other three. Clop, clop, clop… clop. Clop, clop, clop…clop. The stallion emerged from the darkness and was now in the circle of light of another lamp post, just a few away from the zebra, who now rummaged through her saddlebag, completely unaware that a stallion approached. Fluttershy wanted to call out, but she had no idea what she was watching, and in any case, no sound could escape from her lips. She watched as the stallion moved another circle of light closer toward the zebra. Clop, clop, clop… clop. Clop, clop, clop…clop. Finally, the stallion now stood in the same circle of light as the zebra. Fluttershy watched as the zebra slowly looked up from her bag, her eyes darted from side to side, and then she slowly turned around and looked up at the stallion that now faced her. The lamp posts on the street flickered for a moment, and then went out. Fluttershy squeaked and ducked below the window, but then regained her composure after a few moments and looked out the window again. The lamp posts were back on, but the zebra and the stallion were nowhere to be seen.

Fluttershy turned to the small table that stood next to the window. On it sat a small glass unicorn that she had bought from a vendor near Central Park. She still remembered how she tried to remember the way Rarity taught her to haggle. She remembered Rarity blushing and Twilight staring with her mouth agape as she said that the vendor was attractive and attractive ponies are always nice to other ponies who want to buy their wares. Fluttershy should have realized that it wouldn’t work on a mare vendor, but she was too nervous. Looking back though, it was still funny, in the end. Fluttershy touched the small unicorn with her hoof and held it for a moment. It was perfect for her collection. She already had a pegasus, a griffon, a dragon, and even a manticore glass figurine. Soon, she would have all of the creatures for her collection.

Fluttershy turned to her nightstand. There, within another circle of light, sat the book. The book was blue, and lettering of the words “Nightmares and Lunascapes by Edger Allegore Poeny” scrolled through the cover, the serifs of the letters curled towards the edges of the book like tendrils. She inched closer towards the book, half expecting it to lift itself up by the tendrils and move away from her. In the other room, she could hear the sound of the girls as they sighed in their sleep.

Fluttershy finally moved close enough to the book to where she could touch it. She lifted her hoof to grab the book, but then moved away at the last second. She shook her head, then grabbed the book and opened it. She flipped through the pages as quickly as she could until she got to the story marked “The Offering”. A few pages later, she had reached the part where Edger had left off.



Enas alithinos theos

mas katharisei apo ti̱n amarti

na mas kanei katharo gia sas

Cold water splashed onto Tiller’s face. He shivered and blinked as his body spasmed into wakefulness. As he rubbed his eyes and looked around, he realized that he was back in the barn. His first thought was not that he had been captured again, nor was it even what he knew was about to take place. His first thought was that he had failed Forge.

He failed Forge again. Forge…

“Where is Forge?” Tiller demanded.

Apiaris moved from behind his elder and walked toward Tiller. A moment later, a hoof landed heavily on the side of Tiller’s face.

“Forge is none of your concern.”

“Apiaris!” Elder Smith shouted.

“Sorry, elder.”

Apiaris stared down at Tiller, and Tiller hoped that the outburst meant that Forge had gotten away. Apiaris went back to where he was standing behind the elder. Tiller looked around and saw the other three elders with their enforcers. A table rest in the middle of the room, and another stallion stood by it, looking over the metal tools that rest on a smaller table next to him. He watched as the stallion slowly lifted each tool, as if inspecting each one. He lifted a cloth to each one to shine them and then set them back on the table. The corners of the table had ropes tied to them, and a fifth one where a stallion’s neck should be placed.

“For years,” Elder Smith said, clearing his throat, “We had treated you well. Your birth as a unicorn in this village was seen as a blessing, a sign of the return of the One True God, the Twenty-Hoofed One, and the Purifier.”

Ag and Iron moved from behind their elders and went to pick Tiller up. They grabbed his shoulders and yanked him from the floor. Tiller attempted to struggle, but after a nod from one of the other elders, Ag lifted a hoof and punched him in his flank. Tillers legs went limp and they continued to drag him to the table.

“You have sullied that blessing.” Elder Smith continued, “And we will now make an offering to him so that he will know that we did not intend to present such an abomination to him for a vessel.”

“What do you mean ‘vessel’?” Tiller asked, “Why won’t you tell me?”

Tiller's question was ignored as he was strapped to the table. The four elders stood by and glared at him, and behind them stood each of their enforcers. He tried, for a long time, to get one of the elders in particular to look him in the eyes, to see his eyes pleading for him to do something. Daddy, daddy please, help me.

“You knew the punishment for what you did, Tiller.” His father said, “This is my punishment as much as yours. I am to watch because that is my punishment for siring a coltcuddler.”


“You are not to call me that ever again.”

Tiller’s father tapped his hoof against the floor, and Ag immediately came from behind him with a bridle. Tiller could see the look of glee on his face as he forced the bridle into his mouth and tied it behind his head. Finally, Tiller looked up as tears streamed down his face. There would be no one left to help him.

The first incision elicited a howl of pain from Tiller, whose legs had been strapped down with rope. The rope already bit into his skin as the scalpel edged its way down his testes. He felt a warm liquid run down his thigh, but he wasn’t sure if it was blood or if he had urinated on himself. The smell that wafted through the barn a few moments later let him know it was the latter. He could already feel himself become woozy. He saw out of the corner of his eye one of the elders nod her head, and a bucket of cold water was thrown on his face. He jittered from the shock.

“You are going to be kept awake through this. This is the punishment of being failed offspring.”

Failed offspring? Tiller looked over to his father once again. He remembered tilling the soil with his father, every planting season. Was he a failed offspring then? He looked over at the elders. He remembered helping them build the village with his father, lifting up this very barn. Had he failed at that?

Vessel… vessel… Tiller thought of these words as he looked around the room. Above him, Tiller finally noticed the drawings. Somepony had drawn a large image on the roof of the barn; the image was of a large monstrous creature that held a sun in his left fore hoof, a moon in his right fore hoof, a star in his left hind hoof, and the world in his right hind hoof. Each hoof was surrounded by four other hooves, and they each held a combination of weapons and plants. His body, too, splayed out, and each hoof, as well as his head, formed the points of a star.


The ice water had worn off and he once again was forced to focus on the pain occurring between his legs. He looked down and watched as skin around his testes had been splayed open on the operating table using scalpels. His legs spasmed, but each spasm just ripped it open even more. The sight became too much for Tiller, and he vomited without realizing he still wore the bridle. The vomit remained in his mouth, and he turned to his side and started coughing to get as much out through his teeth as possible. Finally, he gave up and tried to swallow the rest of it back down.

“Where are the emasculators?”

The stallion at the table looked around, and Tiller watched with wide eyes as a thin, metal object moved above his head that looked like a metal griffon claw. More tears fell from his eyes as he watched the emasculator get closer and closer to his testicles. They opened slowly, and he watched as the stallion in front of him looked on coldly. To him, this was nothing more than a task to perform. Tiller whinnied and felt more of his testes rip, and he finally gulped on his dried vomit and remained still, his chest heaving up and down. The emasculator clinked closed with a pinch. He saw his vision begin to tunnel. He would be out, and they couldn’t do anything about it.

Another cold splash of water hit his face, jolting him back to consciousness. He looked back and forth for a moment and wondered if it had all been a dream. He looked around but saw the same elders surrounding him, the same stallion operating on him, and his father, whose face was now inscrutable.

All of the energy was gone from Tiller.

Hey Till…

Tiller looked up and saw Forge standing over him. His face smiled down at him, his brown mane draped over his blue eyes.

I’m sorry, Till. I’m sorry this happened.

Tiller shook his head but then looked back up to the stallions eyes.

I had to save myself, Till. I had to tell them that you used some sort of magic on me. See? Forge spun around to show him his backside, which had been covered with lashes. They only gave me lashes.

Tiller only nodded. That’s right, he thought, that’s what I told you to say. I told you to save yourself.

Do you remember what we said to each other? Alone, in the ruins, when we kissed? We were both so alone and we knew that nopony knew us for what we were? Do you remember how we made a list of reasons why everypony needed us? How we could show that list to everypony and they could just look past what we were to each other and instead what we were to them?

Tiller only nodded again. I love you, Forge, he thought. Forge smiled at him and opened his mouth.

There was another splash of cold water on his face, and Tiller looked around. Forge was gone, as was his father and most of the elders. He tried to call out to Forge, to his father, to anypony, but he was still restrained by the ropes and the bridle. Had he not just said those things? Had Forge not just been there?

Tiller looked down between his legs. His testes were gone, and the stallion was busy sewing the skin back. Each thread pricked at his skin, but for some reason, the pain was gone, or numb, at least. Just a little prick and the sliding of the thread made its way through centimeters of skin. He didn’t struggle anymore. It was over. Tiller closed his eyes.

A searing pain grew against his side, and he turned and saw a branding iron pressed against his flank over his cutie mark. Tiller screamed one last time, but he tried his best not to struggle as the heat burned through his skin. The branding looked almost like horseshoes, but after a while he was able to identify them as two c’s.

The bridle was removed and the ropes loosened. His legs trembled, but he didn’t kick. His eyes burned but he didn’t cry. All of that was gone from him now as he looked up into the eyes of the final elder in the barn.

“You have until sunrise to leave Flatts. If you are seen, you will be killed. Your name is to be wiped from your family tree so that their shame does not live on… and to think that your father was so proud to have sired the one unicorn. We won’t make that mistake again.”

Tiller rest his head on the table, unresponsive to the sounds of the elder who made his way through the barn and out the door, leaving him in the darkness. The only thing that Tiller could see was the face of the creature that had been painted on the roof above him. Its mouth hung open and it revealed several teeth sharper than any pony’s. But the eyes simply stared at him. Tiller wondered if these were the true eyes of Helioselene – cold and vacant, able to view anything that anypony did with the same flatness that it would to view the sun or moon.

Tiller hobbled off the table and limped out of the barn. The darkness slowly embraced his head, then his forehooves, then his barrel, then his hind hooves, until finally, even his tail disappeared into the darkness.


Fluttershy closed the book and set it next to her on the bed. She looked around the room and slowly made her way to her suitcase. Fluttershy knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight, so she decided she may was well finish packing her things. She pulled out the dresses from the closet, one by one, and folded them into the suitcase. Each movement was slow and deliberate. Each movement had to be controlled. Fluttershy didn’t want to make any noises to wake up Rarity or Twilight. Fluttershy reached out for the book that she had been given. Fluttershy shook her head and placed it into the suitcase.

Finally, she turned to the small table to pick up the unicorn. Fluttershy’s mind imagined staring down at Tiller as he struggled against the restraints. Her breath hitched and a small sob escaped from her lips. A tear fell down her cheek and her hoof trembled. Fluttershy could only watch as the small unicorn tumbled out of her hoof and landed on the floor. In the silence, a tiny snap reached her ear, and she bent over to pick up the unicorn. She inspected it and saw that the horn had broken off and now lay on the floor next to her. Fluttershy picked up the broken horn and held both pieces in each hand. She joined the two pieces together again, then pulled them apart, and repeated this a few more times as more tears fell from her cheek.

“What is truly broken can never truly be fixed, can it?” Fluttershy mumbled to herself.

The Train

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Edger shivered as he tightened the scarf around his neck. It was autumn, and while it would be warmer in Ponyville, he was glad he decided to bring the scarf along with him while he waited for the train to arrive in Manehatten. Here, the leaves had already begun to fall, leaving behind empty brown branches. Edger considered them as his eyes traced each branch as they twisted upward toward the sky. Celestia’s sun had just broken over the horizon, and the pocket watch he kept with him ticked seven o’clock. The train would be arriving in fifteen minutes. Edger looked around the platform; there was nopony there. But Edger knew that the first train that would come in would carry within it numerous ponies that commuted to Manehatten each day. Sometimes, he would sit in public just so he could watch the different ponies interact with each other, to get a feel for their dialogue. Their speech patterns, their inflections, and their body language – each of these things fascinated Edger. Unfortunately, it was only him on this cement platform as he waited for the train to arrive. The trains always left the Canterlot hub station early in the morning, arrived to their destinations, and then returned to Canterlot in the evening. Edger heard the sound of the Manehatten clock tower ring; each bell clang echoed through the air, the waves of sound bounced through the streets, the language they spoke, unintelligible yet stern. They rang with the finality of a judgment.

The sound of flapping wings woke Edger from his reverie, and he turned to see Twilight Sparkle as she stepped onto the platform, her wings ruffling back and forth as she climbed each step.

“Are you still getting used to your wings, Miss Twilight?” Edger asked.

“It’s just the little things that annoy me, really.” Twilight Sparkle replied, “Flying turned out to be pretty easy, but it’s the whole walking around while keeping them attached to my sides that’s tedious.”

“That and the occasional accidentally slapping me in the face part.” Rarity added from behind Twilight.

Edger looked behind Twilight to see Rarity and what must have been fifteen suitcases, all surrounded by her aura. Edger chuckled to himself and looked down at the small bag he had next to him.

“Oh Edger, darling, do your pants always have to be so large on you?” Rarity asked.

“I like them that way.” Edger replied, “They help me move easily.”

“Well,” Rarity continued, “At least let me design a pair of slacks for you, please. I’ve been inspired to design a line of coltware pants, and I would feel honored if you could model some for me.”

“No, I’m fine, Miss Rarity.” Edger replied as he tapped a hoof on the platform, “I don’t want you going through that trouble.”

“Nonsense.” Rarity said, “You don’t even have to model them for me, if it makes you uncomfortable. But I would like to make one design for you, oh, and a wonderful black vest to match, and a hat to complete the ensemble.”

Edger looked over to Twilight Sparkle, who simply shrugged her shoulders.

“Very well, Miss Rarity. I suppose so, given your history of fashion, and if Fancypants has a good opinion of your work, then I guess I’ll have to give you a try, too.”

“Oh, you know Fancypants?” Rarity asked.

“Not too well, I’m afraid, but I did see him at one of my readings.”

“And what did he have to say about the reading?”

“Well, I could tell that he was uncomfortable with it, but he’s really a nice stallion, so he shrugged his shoulders, smiled to everyone else in the audience, and said ‘I, for one, find it-”

“Charmingly rustic?” Twilight and Rarity asked in unison.

“Yes, that is what he said. How did you two know that?”

“I get the feeling that ‘charmingly rustic’ is his comment for anything that makes him uncomfortable.” Rarity replied.

“Fortunately,” Edger continued, “None of the other ponies could read his expression, and they all jumped on the bandwagon, so to speak.”

“Well then, I can’t wait to see what you think about what I have in store for you.”

“I’m sure it will be charmingly rustic.”

“Just you wait and see, my little stallion.” Rarity replied.

Something shuffled behind Rarity, and Edger looked back further to see Fluttershy approach the station. The moment he saw her, Edger knew that Fluttershy had read the last part of the story. Her eyes were red, as though she had been crying. Some of the feathers in her wings stuck out as odd angles; Fluttershy hadn’t thought to preen herself this morning. Fluttershy looked at him for a moment and then turned her head away.

“Miss Fluttershy,” Edger asked, “Is everything all right?”

“Everything’s fine, Mr. Poeny.” Fluttershy replied quickly, “I just get bad allergies when I leave Ponyville.”

Edger nodded, knowing from her hunched shoulders and her turned head that she was not telling the truth and that she was uncomfortable near him. Edger turned to Twilight Sparkle and Rarity, who had moved over to the side of the platform where the train would arrive. A few more ponies had arrived as well, but they remained on the other side of the platform.

“So,” Edger said, “Do we have a plan for the reading?”

“I’ve already corresponded with Mayor Mare last night and she thought it was a wonderful idea. She felt it best to give you a day or two to get the feel of the town and get to know some of the ponies, so she was thinking of you performing the reading the evening of the day after tomorrow, which would be a Tuesday.”

A train whistle blew, and moments later the train pulled into the station. Edger watched as the doors opened and ponies rushed out of it. He glanced from face to face as they each exited the train. The colors of each pony were different, as were the shapes of the eyes, but the mouths and the eyes themselves were all the same. Their mouths were emotionless, and Their eyes carried in them a cool indifference as they stared forward to their final destination.

“What were you thinking about, Edger?” Rarity asked.

“A sea of faces, blank as the waves. The blankness is their judgment. Their judgment floods the city.”

Twilight Sparkle and Rarity turned to each other and then back to Edger.

“Was that a part of a poem?”

“No, that’s just how my mind works. Come on, let’s get settled.” Edger turned to Fluttershy. “May I help you with your bag?”

Fluttershy turned to him and moved to the door.

“No thank you, Mr. Poeny, I can manage.”

Fluttershy immediately entered the train, followed by Twilight Sparkle. Rarity and Edger stayed on the platform for a moment, and then Edger turned to Rarity to help her with her bags. A light blue aura surrounded half of the suitcases, and a purple aura surrounded the others.

“Fluttershy is just really shy, as her name suggests.” Rarity said.

“I know she finished my story.” Edger replied, “And I know that whatever it did to her, it has made her not really fond of me at the moment.”

“Oh just give her time. She likes everypony after she gets over her nervousness.”

As they made their way onto the train, Twilight Sparkle waved them over to a corner cabin. Fluttershy sat at one of the window seats and stared out towards Neighagra Falls in the distance. Edger immediately took a seat next to Twilight Sparkle, leaving the empty seat next to Fluttershy for Rarity. After only a few moments, the train had started up again and started its way towards Ponyville.

“So Edger,” Twilight Sparkle said, “What are your friends in Manehatten like?”

“Friends?” Edger asked.

“Yes, darling,” Rarity replied, “Any mare friends… or colt friends?”

“No… nopony like that.” Edger chuckled. “When you move to a place like Manehatten as an adult, it’s difficult to obtain friends. Besides, I prefer observing ponies to interacting with them. I do have my agent, Script, but he’s more of an acquaintance, really.”

“Well, who knows, maybe one of the stallions in Ponyville may strike your fancy.” Rarity said, “After I put you in the outfit I have in mind, I would be surprised if you weren’t beating off the stallions left and right.”

“You certainly do have a way with words, don’t you, Miss Rarity?” Edger said, not wanting to point out the double entendre, “Please, excuse me. I’ll be right back.”

Twilight Sparkle and Rarity nodded as Edger stood up and made his way down through the carts. When he was out of sight, Rarity turned to Twilight Sparkle with a smile on her face.

“Rarity, no.”

“What?” Rarity asked.

“I know what you’re thinking, and it’s not a good idea. He’s not interested in having any special somepony at the moment.”

“But who knows?” Rarity replied, “Lightning may strike. Why, he’s just the sensitive, brooding type. He was probably really shy as a colt, which is why he doesn’t feel like he could be with another stallion. What if he’s a virgin, just waiting for some more experienced, handy small-town stallion to show him the way out of his shell?”

Twilight Sparkle watched with curiosity, and then a twinge of fear, as Rarity’s face slowly reddened as she continued with her description.

“I bet he’s just secretly desiring for some big stallion to come and sweep him right off his hooves. Oh Edger will probably play coy for a bit, as a protective measure, of course. But then the big lug of a stallion will do something goofy and dramatic to show him how much he cares for him.”

“Rarity…” Twilight Sparkle began.

“And then Edger will want to say how much he cares for him, but because Edger’s so artsy and sensitive, the big idiot stallion will completely misread the message and then become upset, leaving our poor Edger wondering what to do next. He’ll do the only thing he can think of.”

“Rarity…” Twilight Sparkle repeated, louder this time.

“He’ll finally become impulsive for once. He’ll run up to that big lug of a stallion and he’ll press his softer, more delicate city stallion lips to the other’s rough, sun baked lips. And he’ll throw his chest into that big lug’s, and that big old idiot lug of a stallion with wrap his hooves around him, and then throw him down onto the hayloft, and they’ll moan in ecstasy and-”

“Rarity!” Twilight Sparkle yelled.

“What!” Rarity exclaimed.

“You’re banned from checking out anymore romance novels in my library.” Twilight Sparkle replied.

“Well then,” Rarity said as the flush left her cheeks, “Fluttershy, what do you think?”

“I don’t think you should try to set him up with anypony, Rarity.” Fluttershy whispered.

“Why in heaven’s not?”

“He has a cruel mind.”

“Fluttershy, it was just a story.”

“Did you finish it?”

“Well, no, but-”

Fluttershy dove into her saddlebag, pulled out the book, and gave it to Rarity.

“The part where he left off begins on page one hundred thirty-seven. It’s one of the last stories.”


Edger shut the door to the lavatory and latched it shut. The train began to wobble back and forth, sending Edger into the wall. The lavatory was white, and all of the surfaces shone off of each other to the point where Edger almost couldn't tell where the main light source came from. He sat in the corner for a moment and tried to regain his bearings. His breathing was short, and his heart pounded. Finally, he levitated from the two pockets of his pants a small bottle from one and a small flask from the other. Seven-thirty in the morning and I already want a drink, Edger thought as he opened both containers. He tilted the bottle until a small pink pill landed on his hoof. He took the pill with a small swig of his drink.

“My special somepony is named Grey Moose Vodka.” Edger laughed to himself at his corny joke.

Suddenly, the train jolted and the lights flickered. Edger stood quickly and started to run toward the door. He fumbled with the latch with his hoof, but when that didn’t work, he tried it with his magic. The door wouldn’t unlatch no matter how much effort he put into his magic.

“Please, please,” Edger pleaded as his pulse raced, “Celestia, Luna… anypony… please... not here.”

Edger struggled with the latch for another moment before taking a step back. The lavatory light still flickered, and each time it came back on, the light reflected off of everything in the room, until Edger couldn’t even stand straight. He closed his eyes and tried to control his breathing.

“It’s just another hallucination, Edger. You are going to walk up to the door and unlatch it. It’s just a latch. It was probably magnetized or something.”

Edger slowly made his way back to the door, but before he could touch it, he caught his reflection in the mirror. Or what was supposed to be his reflection. When he turned to the mirror, he saw that the stallion that stood before him had no facial features. But each time he moved, the image moved with him. Hallucination, it’s just a hallucination. A sound echoed off of the walls of the lavatory, and it took a while for Edger to catch the words, but finally he began to hear it. The whispers echoed one after the other.

A sea of faces blank as waves… a sea of faces blank as waves…

“Stop it!” Edger shouted, covering his ears. “Stop it!”

The walls rattled around him and even seemed to bend with his every movement. Edger fell to the floor as the rattling moved from the walls to the door. Edger looked ahead and waited for whatever it was on the other side of the door to come through.

“Please, just stop…”

A black aura surrounded the door and the latch, and Edger held his breath as the latch slowly came undone. The door flung open and Edger lowered himself to the floor as best he could.

“Sir,” a low voice called out, “Are you all right?”

Edger looked up to see a unicorn with black fur with a concerned look on his face. The small amount of white mane he had on his head was mostly covered by a conductor’s hat. Edger’s legs wobbled as he struggled to stand once more.

“Sorry,” Edger said, “I just get panicky in small spaces, and the door was stuck.”

“Ah, my daughter gets claustrophobic, too.” The conductor said. “Do you need any help finding your seat?”

“No!” Edger said too loudly, “I can find my seat on my own.”

Edger quickly moved past the conductor and made his way back to the three mares he was with. As he made his way, he could see Fluttershy as she looked out towards Neighagra Falls. Soon, they would be passing Foal Mountain, and then they would switch trains at Canterlot to Ponyville. He wasn’t sure what he could possibly say to Fluttershy to make her not feel as hurt as she did. Maybe reading some poetry would help her see that he wasn’t the monster she obviously thought he was. Edger finally got back to his seat, only to find Twilight Sparkle nose first in his book.

“Oh, I see Miss Fluttershy shared the book I gave her.”

“Yes, dear,” Rarity replied, “Twilight is just finishing it as we speak. You were gone quite a while.”

“Oh, I just went for a little walk. I woke up early this morning, so I just wanted to make sure my hooves were stretched.”

“I see. Well, I did find the story to be quite dark. There was no resolution in it; it was just that this horrible thing happened to him, for no other reason than him being with that Forge stallion. It just seems so barbaric.”

“That’s how horror sometimes works, Miss Rarity.” Edger explained, “With horror, things just happen to ponies, sometimes without proper explanation. When that happens, the reader is left to wonder 'if something like that can happen to this pony for no reason, can something happen to me, too'?”

“The anatomical detail in this conclusion is pretty, well, detailed, Edger,” Twilight Sparkle commented as she closed the book, “When you write, how much time is spent studying these things?”

“A good writer wants to know as much about his subject matter before attempting to write. I felt that those details added to the gruesomeness of the story.”

The questions continued on for a while, and Edger was comfortable once again as the two mares confronted him with questions he was used to. He answered Twilight Sparkle and Rarity’s questions with practiced ease. What is it like being a writer? Where does the inspiration come from? The answers always came with a practiced sincerity. Writing is like letting one’s soul be seen. Inspiration comes from everything – dreams, nightmares, they both contribute.

“But if writing is letting one’s soul be seen,” Fluttershy asked, “Why are we seeing this story?”

Edger looked over to Fluttershy, who still hadn’t even turned from the window to face him. Instead, she moved her attention to the city of Canterlot that rested at the top of the mountain. Edger thought for another moment, and his mind went to the small book of poetry that nopony wanted to read, and then to the small blue book that Twilight Sparkle held in her hooves that had people clamoring for more. Which is the writer that ponies want me to be? Edger thought as the train began to enter the tunnels beneath Canterlot.

“I do have other things that I have written, Miss Fluttershy. They aren’t all gruesome like this one.”

“But why is it this story that you’re using to make yourself famous?”

Edger turned back to the aisle and watched as window by window turned to dark as it continued through the tunnel. The darkness wrapped like rings through the seats, and the ponies disappeared, one by one, until finally, their own train car entered the tunnel and everything turned to black.

“I wish I knew, Miss Fluttershy. I wish I knew.”

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The wooden planks of the platform in Ponyville felt foreign to Edger as he stepped off of the train; the creaking made him think of bones being bent to the point of breaking. It was definitely warmer here, but Edger could already see that the leaves here, too, had been lost to the winds. He sighed and used his magic to remove the scarf from around his neck, and then he turned to the ponies that walked in front of him in the town square. Everyone seemed to be smiling at nopony in particular as they went about their day. Edger heard the train whistle behind him go off, and then he heard the sound of the engine as it began to chuff off to its next destination.

“I’m very tired, so I think I’ll just go home.” Fluttershy said behind him.

A moment later, Edger saw a yellow flash burst above him that headed towards the Everfree Forest. Twilight and Rarity soon joined him on the edge of the platform.

“I promise,” Twilight Sparkle said as they stared off at Fluttershy, “She’s just very shy and sensitive.”

“So are there any sights to see here in Ponyville?” Edger asked, ignoring her comment.

“We do have some lovely parks nearby,” Twilight Sparkle offered, “I don’t think the leaves have fallen from the trees there yet. It’s too bad you weren’t able to come here a week earlier, Edger. You could have witnessed the Running of the Leaves.”

“I’m sure it was a beautiful sight, Miss Sparkle. And as far as attractions go?”

“Well, Ponyville does house my legendary Carousel Boutique.” Rarity added with a smile.

“And then there’s Sugarcube Corner. But you’ll probably want to come with me to the library so you can get a feel of what it looks like before your reading. Did you bring any of your books to sign?”

“I brought a few.”

Edger spoke with a slight weariness, not holding out hope that the ponies here would be too interested in poetry. As he lifted his suitcase, Edger looked around once again as they began to make their way through the town square. An ice blue unicorn with almost matching mane sat on a park bench and strummed a lyre. Occasionally, the mare would stop playing and look at her hooves, sigh with a slight smile, and then return to her playing. A tiny Pegasus hovered over a bird’s nest, trying to take photographs of it. All of these ponies seem so happy, Edger thought.

Suddenly, Edger felt as though he was hit by a wave of magic. The magic tightened around his horn for a moment, but just as quickly as it came, the wave of energy left. Edger quickly looked around to see if any of the other ponies felt it, but nobody had seemed to notice. Not again, Edger thought as he began to reach into his pockets.

“I’m guessing you felt that?” Twilight asked.

“You mean you felt it, too?” Edger asked, “The wave of energy?”

“Yes, but for some reason, only the unicorns can feel it. We’ve just gotten used to it.”

“Shouldn’t that be investigated?” Edger asked.

“We have, and as far as we can tell, the waves of energy are half-lives from the energy that my friends and I expelled when we defeated Nightmare Moon.” Twilight Sparkle began looking up to the sky, as though she were preparing a lecture, “The discovery of one of the long lost Elements of Harmony must have released a very ancient energy pattern. So every now and then, a burst of energy will come from the ancient ruins of Celestia and Luna’s old castle. But after numerous tests, we’ve come to the conclusion that it’s basically harmless, slight headaches notwithstanding, and it doesn’t seem to have any lasting side effects, so after concluding our studies, our only option was to let it be.”

Twilight Sparkle looked down and back to Edger, but frowned when she saw that he had frozen and his eyes shifted back and forth.

“Edger?” She asked.

“Edger, darling, are you all right?” Rarity asked.

“Edger?” Twilight Sparkle repeated herself.

“Yes!” Edger suddenly shouted, looking from side to side, “Why don’t you just show me where I’m going to stay?”

The two mares looked at each other for a moment. Suddenly, a small blue scooter appeared from the side and almost crashed into Edger. Edger leaped into the air and fell to the ground immediately as he covered his face with his hooves. Scootaloo skidded around them and landed inches away from Rarity’s tail.

“Is he all right?” Scootaloo asked.

“I think you just startled him, Scootaloo.” Rarity said, “Why don’t you go on and find Sweetie Belle?”

Scootaloo waved her hoof, laughed, and then took off. Rarity leaned forward and offered her hoof to Edger.


Edger leaped to the side, took a deep breath, and then shook his head.

“I guess I just wasn’t expecting that wave of energy to hurt my head like that.” Edger laughed. “So shall we go?”

“Well, I was hoping to reorganize the library before the reading, so why don’t you go ahead with Rarity? You’ll be staying with her, after all.”

Edger nodded and they continued on their way through town.


Edger made sure to keep his head as close to the ground as possible as he made his way through Ponyville. As long as he focused on the ground, he wouldn’t be able to see anything that was around him. He had learned of ways to cope with his hallucinations.

Just after the wave of energy had hit him, the sky above had turned to grey, but not from clouds. Edger had looked up and saw smoke hovering above him. The shadows of the buildings wavered in front of him, and Edger thought he saw hooves emerge from the shadows. In front of him stood two ponies, but just as he had seen in the lavatory on the train, these ponies had no faces, nor manes, nor tails, nor even fur. They stood there for a moment, and Edger had wondered how they could see he was there if they had no eyes. As though an answer to his thought, black holes appeared where eyes should have been. Hallucination, Edger thought, another one. Edger took a deep breath. He knew that he was speaking to Twilight Sparkle and Rarity a moment ago, these two images - one with a horn and one with both horn and wings - in front of him had to be them. Pretend to be okay, Edger reassured himself. He focused his eyes in front of him to the white ponies, and he could begin to make out small whispers.

Edger… Edger… are you… Edger…

Edger took a moment to think. He knew he must have looked strange at the moment. They probably asked me if I was all right, he thought. Before he could answer, the sound of claws scratching windows ripped through the air. Tiny creatures that looked almost like foals beat at the windows with pointed teeth.

“Yes,” Edger shouted as he tried to will the images and sounds around him to go away, “Why don’t you just show me where I’m going to stay?”

The two white ponies in front of Edger tilted their heads back and forth, as though they were considering what Edger had just said. You know that they are Twilight and Rarity, Edger thought, the white ponies are fake… the white ponies are fake… Suddenly, one of the bat-like creatures appeared at his side. Edger watched for a moment as its teeth opened and pointed at him. The angles of the teeth bent outward towards him like daggers. The small bat creature turned around and came to a stop near one of the white ponies. The three of them chattered back and forth as Edger thrust his hooves over his eyes. Not real… not real…

Him… go find… Edger…

The sound of laughter filled the air. Edger opened his eyes to see a small, orange philly with a pink mane wave at him and then take off on a scooter. Edger looked over to Rarity and Twilight Sparkle, only to see them looking back and forth with concerned looks on their faces.

“I guess I just wasn’t expecting that wave of energy to hurt my head like that.” He said with a small laugh. “So shall we go?”

Edger began to walk forward a few steps.

“Well,” Twilight Sparkle began, “I was hoping to reorganize the library before the reading, so why don’t you go ahead with Rarity? You’ll be staying with her, after all.”

Edger nodded, and he made his way next to his purple-maned companion. The two of them waved Twilight Sparkle off as she headed in the opposite direction. Edger and Rarity stood for a moment at the town square. The wind slowly wound around them, but unlike the cool wind of Manehatten, this wind was much more comfortable. For a moment, Edger managed to forget about the vision he had just had as he and Rarity took a few steps towards the boutique. Edger hadn’t paid attention, because as he turned, he suddenly found himself with his face in the neck of another stallion. Edger stumbled back a step and shook his head.

“Oh I’m sorry.” A deep voice said.

Edger looked up and his eyes widened. A pair of icy blue eyes stared back at him. The stallion was at least three hooves taller than he was, with a tan-colored coat and brown fur. The size, the eyes, even the hairstyle, this has to be another hallucination, Edger thought, instinctively reaching into his pocket for his pills. This is too much, Edger thought as he began to pull out the pills.

“Oh, Caramel, you clumsy lug,” Rarity said playfully, “You nearly trampled our dear Edger to death.”

“Wait, you see him, too?” Edger asked.

“Well, of course I do, dear.” Rarity replied as she raised an eyebrow.

“I’m sorry,” Edger said as he turned to the tan stallion named Caramel, “It’s just that when I saw you, I thought I was having visions.”

Edger had answered honestly, but when he saw one of Caramel’s eyebrows raise, and then Rarity’s other eyebrow raise as she looked at the two of them, Edger knew he had to think of something.

“No!” Edger yelled, “I didn’t mean it like that, I just…”

Edger scuffled his hooves on the ground and brushed up against a book. The book was blue, and it had very familiar scroll to it. He looked back at Caramel, who reached down to pick up the book.

“Edger… As in Edger Poeny? Are you serious?” Caramel asked.

Edger took a deep breath. Another fan, Edger thought, I can deal with this.

“Yes,” Edger smiled, “And if I may ask, are you enjoying my work?”

“Dude, I just finished ‘The Offering’ and it is completely twisted. Do you realize how hard it is to find stories like this?”

“So you like it because it’s twisted?”

“hmm, hmm.”

Edger and Caramel turned to Rarity, who had coughed as delicately as possible to get their attention. Edger began to feel very uncomfortable about the way Rarity was staring at the two of them.

“Caramel, if you don’t mind, we were just heading back to my boutique to get Edger some more suitable attire for the reading that he is going to give at the Ponyville Library on Tuesday. Would you be so kind as to accompany us so that we can arrive at my home in a timely manner?”

“Of course,” Caramel said, “That is, if Mr. Poeny doesn’t mind.”

“I’m quite sure that I’m younger than you, Caramel,” Edger replied, “You can call me Edger. I’m not famous or anything.”

“Dude, a lot of the guys in Ponyville like your work, Edger.” Caramel replied.

“I’m sorry about back there,” Edger said, abruptly changing the subject, “You just remind me of a character that you recently read about in my story.”

“Oh?” Caramel asked.

“Yes.” Edger replied, “Obviously, as a writer I take certain characteristics from ponies around me, but to be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever met a pony that matches so many of the characters that I’ve written of. You remind me so much of Forge.”

“You know, I also do iron forging.”

“Of course you do.” Edger replied as he shook his head.

“But usually I like to help out at Sugar Cube Corner with Pinkie. I’m really good at caramelizing.”

“As it should, as your name would suggest.” Edger said, “Wait… Pinkie Pie is another of the Elements of Harmony, correct? I would very much like to meet her, along with Rainbow Dash and Applejack, if possible.”

“Oh darling, I’m sure that could be arranged.” Rarity said, “Why, I wouldn’t be surprised if Pinkie hasn’t already discovered about your coming and is hard at work on a party for you.”

By this time, the three ponies had made it to a large, three-tiered building that lie somewhere in between the town square and the marketplace. Edger looked at one of the windows, only to see the image of a white cat with a purple bow that stared at him for a moment before a smile slowly crept up its face. Before he could point it out to Rarity, the cat jumped off from the windowsill.

“Caramel, why don’t you run along, now?” Rarity said as she pushed her hooves onto Caramel’s chest. “I want to surprise Ponyville when Edger comes out in his new outfit. And then who knows, maybe we’ll all be out and about this evening. I’m sure you’ll want to make yourself presentable if you want to discuss Edger’s book with him, won’t you?”

Edger took a moment to raise a hoof between his eyes. He sighed as Caramel raised an eyebrow yet again and then turned away as he shook his head. Rarity opened the door to Carousel Boutique and filed her suitcases into the main room. Edger entered behind the floating luggage and looked around the circular room. Mirrors lined one of the walls, and the way they angled made them almost reflect one another, and images of himself and Rarity appeared throughout the room. The ponnequins were turned so that their heads all faced towards the entrance, and Edger had to catch his breath for a moment as he found himself face to face with numerous white, blank-faced ponies.

“When I saw you, I thought I was having visions?” Rarity asked.

Edger turned to Rarity, whose face had turned a deep shade of red.

“Oh don’t worry, Edger,” Rarity continued, “It was really adorable.”

“I honestly didn’t mean it like that.” Edger explained, “It’s… more complicated than that. He just reminded me a lot of one of my characters. It was just strange to see such a similarity, that’s all.”

“Well,” Rarity said, “Where shall we begin?”

“If you don’t mind, Rarity, I would like to freshen up a bit.” Edger said, “I know my measurements, if that’s what you’re after. I’ve just been travelling a lot and I would prefer a bath or even just a shower right now. Just please don’t try anything too revealing. I’m a writer, not Sapphire Shores.”

“Oh, of course, dear,” Rarity replied, missing the unsaid implication, “I wouldn’t dream of having a guest feel unclean while in my home. Please, make yourself comfortable and help yourself to whatever supplies I have. I’m sure you will find the same level of fur maintenance supplies as you would in Manehatten. The shower room is up the stairs.”

Edger nodded and made his way up the stairs, but he noticed a white cat following him. Edger figured it was the same cat that sat at the windowsill when he arrived. He stopped and turned, only to watch the cat stare at him, lift its claws, and swipe at the air in front of him. The cat inched closer, and its claws came closer to Edger’s leg.

“Opalescence!” Rarity called from below, “Stop bothering our guest.”

Edger watched as the cat turned down toward the sound, and then back to him. The cat smiled, and then made its way back down the stairs. Edger backed away and made his way to the shower room and closed the door. He immediately took out his flask and his bottle of pills as he trembled on the floor.

“If only it had been a hallucination.” Edger said as he lifted the open bottle to his mouth along with the flask. “I’ll need to speak to Script about getting stronger medications if this keeps up.”


Rarity spun a ponnequin around and danced with it as she wrapped its hind legs with bits of black fabric. She laughed to herself as the design became clear in her mind.

“Oh, Caramel,” Rarity said as she pretended to mimic Edger’s higher voice, “I just don’t know how I should think about how to feel about you, is all.”

“Edger,” Rarity replied to herself as she impersonated Caramel and brought another ponnequin next to the other one, “Don’t think, just feel.”

Rarity giggled uncontrollably and danced in circles as ribbon after ribbon of fabric wound its way across the room and wrapped around the Edger ponnequin, wrapping around its body tighter and tighter, choking it until a pair of tight black pants with a black vest and matching fedora appeared out of a burst of fabric and aural light. She sat on a small chaise lounge with her head on her hooves and admired her work.

“Oh Twilight,” Rarity said, “I don’t have to worry about finding a big lug for Edger. The big idiot lug found him all on his own.”

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Edger stood for a moment at the large tree before him and at the red door that beckoned for him to enter. Rarity was right; the Ponyville Library was impossible to miss. The tree stood above the houses that surrounded it, its leaves shook in the wind that rode above the town, and as they shook, a small hiss echoed through the streets. The pegasi had decided that today would be another overcast one as evidenced by the row upon row of grey cloud that lined the sky. Edger knocked at the door and took as step back as he waited for Twilight to open it. He looked back at the tree and wondered how it was that a hollowed out tree was still able to retain its leaves. At that matter, how could a tree that had been hollowed out remain alive at all? he thought. As he reached out to touch the bark of the tree, Edger realized that the bark was artificial; the tree was merely a façade.

The door opened, and a small purple dragon stood at the doorway.

“Can I help you?” The dragon asked.

“Yes,” Edger said, clearing his voice, “I’m here to see Miss Twilight about the reading?”

“Oh, so you’re Edger.” The dragon replied, “You know, I don’t think your book has stayed here more than one night since it came here. The stallions here haven’t really seen that much horror.”

Edger nodded and then made his way into the library. Even with the overcast day, the lights remained off, and the main room of the library was bathed on shadows. In the corner, Edger could make out a small shadow that was darker than the others. Edger’s pulse quickened as he continued to stare at the shadow. Suddenly, the shadow’s eyes opened to reveal two yellow irises.

“Owlowicious, stop that.” The dragon yelled as he turned on the lights.

Edger sighed as he watched the shadow turn into a small owl.

“Sorry,” the dragon said, “Owlowicious really likes doing that to new ponies. Twilight!”

“Yes, Spike?” Twilight Sparkle called down from the floor above.

“Edger is here.”

Edger looked up and saw Twilight Sparkle as she exited the upstairs and stood at the top of the stairs. The way she looked back and forth before she made her way down made Edger think of a monarch inspecting her own kingdom. Edger could tell that Twilight Sparkle took her job as librarian seriously – not a single book seemed out of place, and not a speck of dust could be found. The only thing that Twilight Sparkle could not get rid of was the musty smell of the older books that wafted through the air. Edger never minded that smell; he loved the smell of old books as much as he loved the smell of old wine. Just as an expert sommelier could tell where a fine wine came from and what kind of grape had been used, so, too, could an expert reader smell an old book and tell what tree had been used. His own publisher had always used the trees from the forests in between Neighagra Falls and the Crystal Mountains, but the publishers in Los Pegasus tended to use the trees of the White Tail Woods, and the Vanhoover Publishing House used the trees that surrounded Smokey Mountain.

“Miss Twilight,” Edger said, “I simply adore your library.”

“Thank you.” Twilight Sparkle replied, “If you follow me, I’ll show you the anteroom in which the reading will take place.”

Twilight Sparkle turned her head and made her way to the door on the side of the library. Edger chuckled as he thought of this library being Twilight Sparkle’s castle, and in a way it was. Twilight Sparkle seemed incredibly proud of what she did, regardless of her new royal status. The doors to the anteroom opened, and Edger took in the sight; it was similar to the main room of the library, with the exception of the missing tables in the middle of the floor. A projector sat on top of a cart in the corner of the room, with movie reels on the shelf beneath it.

“As you can see,” Twilight Sparkle began, “There is more than enough space for us to host a reading like the one you had in Manehatten.”

“That’s very kind of you, Miss Twilight,” Edger replied, “But remember, this reading is incredibly short notice, and besides that, I’m here to give a reading on my poetry, not on the stories that everypony is obsessed with. We shouldn’t expect too much of a turnout.”

“About that,” Twilight Sparkle said as she levitated a small book from one of the nearby shelves, “Have you given any thought on which poems you’d like to read? Maybe you’d like to go ahead and read some of them, just to get a feel for the acoustics of the room?”

“I think you just want to hear me speak again, Miss Twilight.”

“It’s true,” Twilight Sparkle said as she blushed, “It’s just that I’ve always been surrounded by books, but it’s so rare that I ever get to meet the author of a book. You know exactly how it’s supposed to be read, if that makes sense.”

Edger wrapped his aura around the book that Twilight Sparkle held, flipped through some of the pages, and then handed it back to her. He then made his way towards the side of the room where a large window opened toward the Everfree Forest in the distance. He turned and faced Twilight Sparkle, who had pulled up a small chair and sat down to listen.

“Sestina fourteen,” Edger said:

Maybe I should simply sit here tonight,

listen as the music’s notes float through air,

while I wonder where you are until light

of morning reaches towards me once more.

Even now, I feel beams of Luna’s moon

caress my face, softly as could your hoof.

I long to touch you once again, hoof to hoof,

but I learn it is now, only tonight,

that I have always yearned for it, like air.

Always there, but in shadow, like the moon

when she turns to her dark side. But the light

of your love is always there. I need more.

Without you, I cannot breathe nor see. More

than air and light, you are the one whose hoof

is mine as I reach out to touch the light.

Will you show your face to me tonight?

Or will I be left consoled by the moon

as she dances in circles through the air?

Once, when we kissed, we shared each other’s air

and our lungs rose and fell together. More

than that, our eyes glowed brighter than the moon.

Even our manes touched, each strand a hoof,

reaching out to touch each other. Tonight,

I wait to see if it will be the light

of Celestia’s sun or your own light

that will greet me first. Will I breathe the air

from pegasi cloud or your own tonight?

Can we move this love beyond ourselves, more

and more, throughout these streets, from hoof to hoof,

so it shines around us all like the moon?

Love, elemental, like the sun or moon.

A palpable force, like darkness or light.

As I open the window with my hoof

and inhale to breathe in this city’s air,

I turn my gaze down through the streets once more

to listen for the sounds of you tonight.

A shadow stands beneath the moon. A hoof

falls. The air catches in my chest. Tonight,

I know that there is no more light but you.

Edger looked over to see Twilight Sparkle with her head down as she read each word that Edger had spoken. Her hoof traced along the writing as he spoke, as though she had made notes as to where the correct pauses were. As she finished, Edger looked around the anteroom. The room seemed brighter for a moment, even the musty smell of the books had dissipated. Edger stood in front of the window and turned his attention to her as she looked up into his eyes.

“You know, I think that’s the first time I’ve seen you smile since I’ve seen you.”

“Did you… like the poem?” Edger asked.

“I loved it.” Twilight Sparkle replied, “It… reminds me of someone I know.”

Edger watched as Twilight Sparkle turned her attention away from him for a moment and instead to the Everfree Forest in the window. She recollected herself a moment later.

“But it’s not just the words,” Twilight Sparkle continued, It was the way you said them. It was as though the words themselves were magic and you were casting a spell.”

“Well, in a way, poetry is a form of magic spell.” Edger replied, “You aren’t just writing words, you’re writing sounds, pauses, and many other things. All spells are poems, too.”

Twilight Sparkle had levitated a quill to her and was writing notes on a scroll as he spoke.

“Even the energy in the room seems to have changed a little bit.” Twilight Sparkle said, “I hope that we’ll have a lot of ponies here on Tuesday.”

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Before Twilight Sparkle could call out to Spike, the dragon had already opened the front door to greet whomever it was that had come to visit. Rarity appeared in front of the anteroom door and stopped, causing Spike to bump into her leg.

“Twilight, I,” Rarity began, “Did you change something in here, dear? The lights, perhaps?”

“No,” Twilight said, “Why do you ask?”

“It just seems brighter in here, is all. Spike, did you do any heavy cleaning in here?”

“Nope,” Spike said, “Everything looks the same in here. Everything is in order.”

“Strange…” Rarity muttered to herself before she turned to Edger,” Oh Edger, darling, I’ve just put the finishing touches on your outfit. Why don’t we go out this evening? I know it’s not as lively as Manehatten, but there are still a few watering holes to go to. Besides, it will give you an opportunity to promote the reading that you’re going to give.”

“She does make a good point, Edger.” Twilight Sparkle offered, “If you want, I’ll come with you.”

“Of course I make a good point, Twilight.” Rarity said, “And I also invited Caramel to come with us. So come on, now, Edger. Let’s go ahead and get ready.”

Rarity turned around to leave. Edger looked over to Twilight Sparkle, who had instead smiled and shook her head as though this behavior were normal for Rarity. As Edger left the room, Twilight Sparkle thought that a small cloud must have passed over the area in between Celestia’s sun and the window to the anteroom, because Twilight Sparkle noticed that the darkness had reentered the room.


The silhouettes of the ponies as they danced to the music stretched against the walls of the club. They combined with one another, moving back and forth like black flames. Above the earth ponies and unicorns, a few pegasi had taken to the air to dance in figure eight patterns near the ceiling. Some of the ponies who had not started to dance yet simply stood along the edges and leaned against the wall and looked on over the crowd, while a few others sat in the small booths that surrounded the periphery of the dance floor. Glasses clinked against one another and laughter filled the outer edges of the building as those who sat in the booths conversed amongst themselves.

In one of the booths near the corner sat Edger, Twilight Sparkle, Caramel, and Rarity. Edger simply looked back and forth at the scene in front of him, while Twilight Sparkle and Caramel talked to each other and Rarity flirted with the server as she ordered another daiquiri. Edger turned to his party to listen to the conversation that had occurred while he wasn’t paying attention.

“So after you guys spent all that time making the cupcakes,” Twilight Sparkle asked, “You guys taste them only to find that she had used salt instead of sugar?”

“Yep,” Caramel laughed, “But she didn’t even stop eating them.”

“I’m fairly certain that with the way Pinkie eats she didn’t even taste the salt.” Rarity added as she turned back to the table.

“I’m really going to have to meet this Pinkie,” Edger said, “She sounds like a character.”

“That she is, Edger,” Rarity said, “Oh Twilight, would you be a dear and accompany me to the little filly’s room?”

“Um, sure Rarity.” Twilight Sparkle said as the two of them edged out of the booth.

Rarity turned around and winked at Edger as she and Twilight Sparkle made their way away from the two stallions. Edger slowly lifted his glass of wine and took a sip.

“You do realize that Miss Rarity has intended for the two of us to be together like this, right?”

“Of course I do,” Caramel sighed, “It’s just what Rarity does. She thinks it’s her job not only to be a fashionista but also a matchmaker. But how did you know?”

“Besides the wink she just gave me?” Edger asked. “I overheard her creating a conversation with two of her ponnequins.”

The glasses around Edger clinked louder than usual, And Edger looked around at each table to see the hooves that held the glasses slowly grew talons. He looked back over to Caramel to listen to what he was saying, but the sounds that came from his mouth were inaudible. Instead, the laughter and singing died down, only to be replaced by whispers that scratched against Edger’s ears. Edger looked down to the pocket of his new pants to reach for his medications. As he used his magic to pull them out, they slipped out of his aural grasp from the unexpected tightness of the pants and fell onto the floor at his feet. The noises grew louder around him as he opened the bottle beneath the table. He levitated a pill quickly as he emerged. Caramel’s body had changed to all white, just as the ponies around him and on the dance floor had. The shadows stood over them, and the dark hooves emerged from the walls and reached out to nearly touch the white ponies. As Edger reached for his drink, he saw one of the hooves emerge and brush against the white pony in front of him. He swallowed down the pill with his wine, closed his eyes, and covered his ears with his hooves. A few minutes had passed, and the whispering soon went away and was once again replaced with the sound of ponies laughing and singing.

“Edger?” Caramel asked.

“Yes?” Edger replied as he opened his eyes.

Caramel had returned to normal. The ponies had returned to normal. Everything was as it should be.

“You really zoned out there for a minute, dude.”

“Sorry, I’m just not used to loud noises a lot.” Edger lied. “In fact, I think I would like to try to get home to get some rest, but I don’t know how long I should wait for Rarity.”

“Nopony in Ponyville locks their door.” Caramel replied, “I’m sure you could just open the front door and get some sleep before she even notices you’re gone. Unless you wanted someone to walk you home?” Caramel added in a joking manner.

“That is exactly the ammunition we need to give Miss Rarity.” Edger said as he stood to leave, “No, I’m fine walking home.”

“No problem. And thanks for signing the book.”

“I always love to meet new fans.”

Edger made his way through the crowd of ponies and onto the street. As the door closed, Edger took in a deep breath. Good, Edger thought, now to get to Rarity’s before another hallucination arrives. Edger made his way through the streets, passing a large building that looked like a cross between a cupcake and a gingerbread house. There were no other ponies out at this hour, save for those in the club. Edger reached for his pocket watch. Midnight, Edger thought, the enchantress’s hour. He knew that this was the road back to Rarity’s Boutique, because it was closer to the Everfree Forest. He passed the Ponyville Library and watched as Owlowicious stared out the window at him, his yellow eyes glowing through the glass. He passed over a park, and he listened to his hooves as they clacked against the stone. As Edger continued, he heard the water beneath him burble against the shore.

Suddenly, Edger reached up to grab his head. Another wave of energy had passed through the air, and he fell to the ground. The sound of water sharpened until it shrieked through the air. Edger looked up and saw that the shadows in the distance had begun to move. Why aren’t my medications working, Edger thought as he started to run back to Rarity’s Boutique. Everywhere he looked, shadows emerged from the sides of buildings. He shook his head and followed the curve of the road. Finally, he could see the boutique in the distance.

That was when he heard the scream.

Edger turned towards the Everfree Forest as the screaming continued. The trees of the Everfree forest towered over him as he ran along the edge, searching for a way to get in. The shadows continued to move along the edges of the trees, but Edger knew he had to ignore it. This was a different sound. The scream wasn’t coming from his imagination; he knew that there was a mare screaming somewhere. Finally, Edger saw what he was looking for; there was a small opening near the road over another bridge, and he immediately turned towards the darkness. The screaming was louder, and he knew that whatever it was had to be nearby. But as he turned another corner, he heard a sickening snap and a flash of white.

Edger stood for a moment, not sure of what he saw. A white blank faced pony lay on the ground as shadowy hooves covered her and picked at her. The flash of white landed by his side, and he saw that it was a wing of a pegasus. Not real not real not real, Edger shouted in his head, but that was when he heard another voice.

Edger… Edger help…

Edger ran toward the shadows, the only thought in his head was to destroy their darkness. Another snap echoed in the air, and Edger saw another wing land on the forest floor. Edger's horn began to glow white as opposed to his usual blue hue. A palpable force, like darkness or light… a palpable force… a palpable force. He ran his horn through the shadows, and one by one, the shadows disappeared into the darkness. The white pony throbbed beneath him, and he took the body in his arms. Edger reached for his bottle again. He knew if these hallucinations got any more real he would have to either get his prescription increased or simply be committed. He couldn’t take this anymore. He couldn’t take these visions. He released the white pony from his grip and ran his hooves against his head. Not real, not real.

Suddenly, there were lights in the distance, and he shouted out to them. But instead of more white ponies, Edger breathed a sigh of relief as police ponies appeared near him, followed by Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, and Caramel.

“Edger,” Twilight Sparkle asked, “What happened to Fluttershy?”

Edger shook and looked down to see Fluttershy’s body as it quivered beneath him. The space on her shoulder where wings should have been now spouted blood and it ran down her sides, turning pink as it blended with her yellow fur.

“Edger,” Twilight Sparkle asked again, “What happened?”

The Visit

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Script woke from his sleep to the sound of crackling in front of him. As his eyes opened, he could see blue sparks of electricity form in the air, and a moment later, a small scroll dropped onto the foot of his bed. Script moved quickly – he knew that signature aura. It had to be from Edger. He turned the nightstand lamp on and levitated the scroll towards him as he gazed at the clock – it was twelve-thirty in the morning. Script shook his head and turned to the scroll.

Dear Script,

I need help. The visions are coming faster. You had said the medications would stop this from happening, but now it’s just getting worse.

Something happened with Fluttershy. The Royal Guards are questioning me, but I don’t know what to say. I just don’t know what’s happening.

Please help.


Script threw the sheets off of him and ran towards his desk. As he scrambled from drawer to drawer, he cursed himself. Finally, Script came across a small clear bottle filled with dark pink pills. He knew he should have given Edger the stronger medications before he left. His mind wandered as to what could have possibly happened to Fluttershy. What if something like last time happened, Script thought as he shuddered, and what if they track events back to me? Script opened the closet door and threw a small suitcase across the room, and it soon filled with a few clothes. Script threw the small bottle on top of the clothes and made his way to the door.

As he ran past the Manehatten Bell Tower, the clock struck one o’clock in the morning. The final train to Canterlot would leave in another fifteen minutes. Script hoped that the first morning train to Ponyville would leave soon after. The streets of Manehatten were still filled with ponies, though at this time, they were mostly too drunk to notice the tall white unicorn with the letter ‘r’ written in scripture as he ran through the crowds toward the train station. He bumped into numerous ponies and ignored the occasional shouts he got as he continued on his way.

Script ran through the terminal and threw his bits onto the counter at the waiting train clerk, a small zebra with purple streaks where white should have been, who was engrossed in a book. She glanced at the bits for a moment, and then raised her eyebrow to the stallion that stood raggedly in front of her.

“May I help you?” The clerk asked.

“I need… train… to Ponyville…” Script huffed.

“Honey, you didn’t have to run.”

The clerk mare set the book down in front of her. Script looked down at the dark book with the intricate scrolling. That damn book, Script thought to himself. Script turned his gaze up and watched as the clerk laughed to herself, took the bits, and printed out a ticket. She slid the ticket across the counter, along with his change. She immediately picked the book back up and continued where she left off.

“Have you read this Poeny guy?” The clerk asked, “He’s making Luna look like she’s all kinds of crazy, thinking the rocks are her subjects.”

“Yes, I am aware of the book.” Script replied and took off for the train, but he could hear the clerk laugh behind him.

“Luna, stop throwing that rock, it is not a pegasus!”

The rest of the terminal was the opposite of the streets above. There were noponies here, and Script was able to make his way to the train that led to Canterlot. Script could see only a few ponies in the seats through the small windows. He made his way to the platform steps and entered the train. As he passed the rows of seats, he took note of the ponies around him. It wasn’t that he would tell anypony about it, nor would he use the information in any meaningful way, but more so out of a nervous tic. Script loved to take things and put them into smaller archetypes. The smaller mare leaning against the larger stallion as she drifted off to sleep was one of two classics: damsel in distress with savior hero or unwitting heroine with villain mistaken for hero. Script saw the stallion’s gaze turn towards the mare’s legs and knew it was the latter. The old mare in the corner overladen with jewels was either the forsaken courtesan or the matriarch. As script trotted past her, he noticed that she caressed the largest pearl with her hoof, and Script knew she was the former. Script found a seat near the back of the train and sat down. A moment later, the train whistle blew and the train began to move towards his destination.

Think, Script thought as he felt the top of his suitcase for the pills, stop categorizing and think. Script cleared his mind and thought of when he had first decided to become Edger’s agent. He knew who Edger was – everypony in Manehatten did. Edger had an unusual ability to look along the corners of whatever society he was in and point out the tiny imperfections that everypony else ignored or was too obtuse to see. That’s what made everypony both love and hate him at the same time.

But not Script.

Script knew exactly what Edger was. And he could see the money that could be had from the observations that he made, if only they could be honed and moved in the right direction. One night, after a reading of his poetry, scratch that, Script’s mental correction stated, attempt at a reading, Script walked home with Edger, only to have Edger run off screaming in the night like a thestral out of Tartarus. It took him a few minutes to catch up with Edger, but in the time it took, Script saw why Edger had been screaming. He had seen Edger crying and holding the body of a small stallion in his arms. He remembered Edger as he shouted out about the shadows and how he had to get the royal guards to stop them. Script had only shook his head and pulled Edger away. He had promised Edger that he would take care of everything.

To this day, he still hadn’t told Edger what he did with the body.

Script looked out to his left and watched as small blue flames licked the leaves of Hollow Shades. Script looked at his watch – it was nearly two-thirty. He must have been exhausted to have dozed off like that as soon as he sat down. Script calculated the time before he would arrive in Ponyville. If he included the half hour from the last arrival from Canterlot to the first departure to Ponyville, he could arrive before Celestia even started to raise the sun.


Edger sat on a small bench and stared at his hooves. Across from him sat Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, and Caramel, who watched him and waited to see what he did next. Fortunately, the news hadn’t reached any reporters that an Element of Harmony had been attacked, to at least they all knew that paparazzi wouldn’t be around for a while. But that couldn’t be avoided forever, Edger thought. The sound of nurses as they ran around Ponyville Hospital did little to cover the silence that stood between them. This is just like what had happened in Manehatten, Edger thought. He remembered the shrieks of pain that tore through the alley. He remembered the small white pony that had been torn apart by the shadows. But when he tried to pick him up, he remembered that all he saw was his own hooves covered in blood, and a lifeless body. Script had arrived and told Edger that he would take care of everything, but Edger could see the look of fear in Script’s eyes. He knew Script had to have thought he did it. He tried to tell him what had happened, but the only thing Script did was use his special talent to create a prescription for him to combat his hallucinations.

“These hooves,” Edger finally spat out, “Had Fluttershy’s blood on them.”

Twilight Sparkle and Rarity looked at each other, and Edger saw Rarity begin to tremble. He watched as Twilight Sparkle slowly raised her wing and wrapped it around her friend. Caramel turned to the two mares, then back to Edger, and then slowly rose to his hooves and made his way across the distance and then stood in front of Edger. He reached up to put his hoof on Edger’s shoulder, but Edger quickly pulled away.

“Don’t… touch… me.”

“Edger,” Caramel said, “It’s all right to want a friend.”

Edger’s horn twitched and he felt a wave of energy burst through the room.

“That’s strange,” Twilight Sparkle said, “The bursts of energy seem to be getting very frequent lately.”

Edger looked up and saw that the three ponies he was with had once again turned white, Edger instinctively reached into his pockets for the small flask and the medications. He didn’t care anymore what they thought of him. He was tired of having these visions. He levitated a pill to his mouth and then took a swig from his flask. He looked down to the floor as he put the objects back into his pockets.


Caramel watched as his brother, Doctor Stable, arrived just to see Edger finish his swig and his medication. He watched as his brother shook his head and looked at the pony with concern.

“You know,” Doctor Stable said, “It isn’t wise to mix your medications with alcohol.”

“Thanks, doctor.” Edger replied sarcastically.

Doctor Stable coughed, and Caramel chuckled as Edger looked up and gasped to see the doctor standing in front of him. Twilight Sparkle and Rarity stood up to be near him, and Edger and Caramel stood up to form a circle around him.

“Hello, brother.” Doctor Stable said.

“Hey, doc.” Caramel replied, “Is Fluttershy okay?”

“The main issue was blood loss.” Doctor Stable said, “Which we managed to stop. But she is obviously very tired. Not to mention once she is out of emergency care she will need to be set up with a therapist. She’s going to need a lot of help. Fortunately, as one of the Elements of Harmony, I know she has the closest of friends to help and support her.”

Caramel’s eyes shifted over to Edger for a moment as he pulled back at the mention of the word friends.

“Can we go in to see her?” Rarity asked.

“She’s still very tired, but if she says it’s all right, then please, but not too many.”

Rarity and Twilight Sparkle looked at each other for a moment, and then to Caramel before they started to follow Doctor Stable through the hallway. When they disappeared, Caramel turned around, only to see Edger as he leaned against the wall and stared back at his hooves.

“Edger,” Caramel asked, “Have you ever had a friend?”

Edger’s eyes filled with water, but Caramel could tell that he fought everything he could to ensure that not one of them fell. Still, one betrayed him, rolled down his cheek, and fell to the floor.

“I had two friends once.” Edger said, “She betrayed me, and then he left me alone.”

Edger waved his hoof to the direction the others went a few minutes ago.

“This is my fault, you know.”

Caramel barely heard the whispered confession as he made his way closer to Edger. Caramel placed a hoof onto his and lowered it to the floor.

“Don’t you dare think like that, Edger.” Caramel said.

“But it is.”

“Don’t blame yourself for this. You saved Fluttershy’s life. Don’t stand there and think about ‘what if I had arrived sooner?’ The timberwolves would have completely devoured her if you hadn’t arrived when you did.”

“Timberwolves?” Edger laughed as he stared up into Caramel’s eyes. “You think it was timberwolves?”

“That what the authorities are saying.”

“They have no idea what attacked her.”

Caramel cocked his head to the side in confusion. He watched as Edger pulled out the bottle of pills and threw them at Caramel.

“These stop me from seeing.” Edger explained, “For the past few years, I’ve been seeing… them.”

“Seeing what?” Caramel asked as he caught the bottle.

“I’ve started calling them the ponnequins, the batkins and the shadows. I’m so used to seeing them. Script promised me that the pills would make them stop. But they don’t. And ever since I’ve come here, they’ve gotten worse.”

“Edger…” Caramel started.

“Once… in Manehatten. I saw a stallion in an alleyway.” Edger sank to the floor and rocked on his haunches. “The shadows had gotten to him. Script thought I did it, I know it… I know it… but I didn’t… I couldn’t… my kind is incapable of aggression.”

“Your… kind?” Caramel asked as he looked around, hoping that either Nurse Redheart or Tenderheart was nearby.

“I know they’re real.” Edger cried, “They have to be real. Hallucinations can’t hurt other ponies like they did with Fluttershy.”

“Edger!” Caramel yelled.

Caramel pulled Edger into his hooves and held him. Edger continued to ramble on for a moment, but soon, even the words gave way to small sobs. Caramel could feel Edger’s smaller body pressed up against his, but even as he felt what must have been Edger’s full force shove against his chest, he could feel barely any weight.

“Please, Edger,” Caramel said, “Just let somepony be your friend.”

“I’m… broken.” Edger replied through his sobs, “Stop… saying… that you want… to be… my friend.”

“I do want to be your friend, Edger,” Caramel replied, “And so do Twilight and Rarity. Twilight loves how smart you are. Rarity loves the inspiration that you give her for her clothes. And after what you did for Fluttershy, I’d be honored to have you as a friend.”

“I didn’t do anything!” Edger yelled.

“hmm hmm.”

Caramel looked up and saw Applejack and Rainbow Dash as they stared down at him. Caramel looked around and saw that it must have been a strange sight to see two grown stallions holding each other on the floor when they were right next to a row of chairs.

“Are ya’ll the one who saved Fluttershy?”

Caramel felt Edger push away from him and turn away.

“He’s the one who stopped the attack on Fluttershy.” Caramel said as he watched Edger shy away.

Caramel watched Edger tense up as Applejack rushed over to him and picked him up. He could see Applejack squeeze him even tighter as she struggled to find her words.

“Ah just don’t know what we would’ve done if… thank y’all so much.”

Just as quickly as Applejack picked up Edger, she let loose her grip on him and he fell to the floor. Edger just sat there, confused, as he turned to see what Rainbow Dash would do.

“You two,” Edger asked, “You two are other elements, right? Honesty and Loyalty?”

“Yep.” Rainbow Dash replied as she stood on her two hind hooves. “And I can’t believe how totally awesome you are for taking on timberwolves to save her.”

“I didn’t save her.” Edger muttered as he looked to the floor.

“Come again?” she asked.

More hooves fell on the floor and Caramel watched as Twilight Sparkle and Rarity returned to the room, followed by Stable.

“Oh girls,” Rarity said, “It’s great you’re here. Fluttershy is going to rest soon. But it would be great if you could go see her before she falls asleep.”

“Okay.” Applejack said, “Pinkie’s on her way here in a moment.”

Doctor Stable nodded. Applejack and Rainbow Dash nodded in return and started for the hall to go with his brother. Before they could go, Twilight Sparkle grabbed Rainbow Dash by the arm.

“Dash,” Twilight Sparkle said, “She’s very sensitive right now. I think you’ll be the best to help her through this, but you need to be very careful. Do you understand?”

Rainbow Dash turned to look at her wings. She plastered them to her side so that they showed as little as possible and nodded her head. The three other ponies then made their way down the hall. It was only then that Twilight Sparkle turned to Caramel.

“Caramel,” Twilight Sparkle said, “Did you and Edger want to try to see Fluttershy before she went to sleep?”

Caramel turned to Edger, only to see him turning his attention to the floor again.

“No,” Caramel said, “We’ll be fine. Besides, doesn’t Edger need to take a day to prepare for his reading?”

“Caramel, I’m not sure if we’ll be able to do that anymore.” Twilight Sparkle replied, “We all know that soon there will be reporters all around, and soon. I don’t know if Edger will feel comfortable around them. This is going to be quite a story once it gets out.”

“I can deal with it.” Edger said as he looked up from the floor, “I already told Caramel everything that has been going on, but there are so many things that I want to say right now.”

You five care so much about Fluttershy, and you don’t care that she’s broken.”

“Now, just a minute.” Rarity interjected, “Fluttershy is not broken, she-”

Caramel raised his hoof to her before she could continue.

“But you all care for her so much.” Edger said, and Caramel could see him trembling, “You all care for her so much. I want that. I want a friend. My last friend betrayed me and made me lose my one other friend. I don’t want to lose another chance. I-”

Edger stopped speaking. Caramel felt Edger’s body press up against his and tremble as he turned to the door. There stood Pinkie Pie.

“Hey guys,” Pinkie Pie said as she made her way down the hall. “Is it too late for visiting hours?”

Caramel felt Edger’s body clench against his own as Pinkie’s eyes moved from Twilight Sparkle to Rarity to himself, and then to Edger. He saw her eyes twitch for a moment. Then her hind legs twitched, and then her mane shuffled back and forth, and then her forelegs twitched. He watched as Pinkie Pie smiled and then she rushed to Edger.

“Oh my, I can’t believe it. I knew I was going to meet someone important, but I never thought it would be you.”

Caramel only watched as Edger’s eyes went wide as Pinkie stood within an inch of his face.

“I’ve missed you so much, Tiller.”


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Twilight Sparkle watched as Edger’s eyes widened in horror as Pinkie Pie pulled him away from Caramel and into her fore hooves. She and Caramel looked to each other and then they both turned to Rarity as they watched the scene unfold.

“Oh my gosh, Tiller, I can’t believe it’s you. I mean I do believe it’s you so saying that I can’t believe it’s you is kind of silly. It’s been four years. Where did you go? You just disappeared and I never got a chance to say goodbye. I always need a chance to say goodbye to a good friend with a goodbye party, and you were my best friend, so I needed to give you the best goodbye party but I couldn’t. Nobody would tell me where you went. It doesn’t matter because you’re here now and now we can have a best friends reunited party.”

Rarity almost leapt forward when Edger ripped himself away from Pinkie Pie and caused her to squeak. Edger continued to back away until his back way against a wall.

“Pinkamina…” Edger whispered as he controlled his breath, “What are you?” And then she watched his eyes twitch with a realization. “Pinkamina... Diane… Pie… Pinkie Pie. The Pie was a last name, not part of your first…”

Edger continued to mutter to himself as Rarity took a step forward. She reached out her hoof to touch him, but Edger pulled away.

“Edger, why is Pinkie calling you Tiller?”

“Because that’s his name, Rarity, duh.”

The three ponies turned away from Edger and back to Pinkie Pie.

“Tiller was my best friend in Flatts. He and I and Forge would always-” Pinkie Pie slammed a hoof against her face, “Oh my gosh, Caramel, I can’t believe how much you look like Forge. We always hung out together after I was finished with rotating the rocks and Forge and Tiller were finished with their jobs. Forge was an iron worker, strange, so are you, Caramel. But one afternoon after I got my cutie mark and threw a party for my family, I went to meet them at the old ruins when I saw them kiss and I thought to myself ‘Oh my gosh, you just have to throw them a party.’ And then I thought to myself ‘How do you throw a special somepony party for two stallions’? So I went to ask the elders about it, but they wouldn’t tell me, so I had to find out on my own. And then I thought to myself ‘Hey, it can’t be that different from when a stallion and mare become special someponies, so I got things together, but then I couldn’t find Forge or Tiller anywhere.”

Rarity held a hoof up to her mouth, unwilling to let any sound escape from her lips. A moment later, Twilight Sparkle could hear the sound of more hooves approach, and Rainbow Dash and Applejack soon joined them.

“Hey guys,” Rainbow Dash said, “Fluttershy’s asleep. Doctor said visiting hours are over, so-”

“Pinkie Pie,” Twilight Sparkle said, “Are you sure you didn’t read one of Edger’s stories and imagine this?”

“Are you calling Pinkie a liar?” Pinkie Pie yelled.

“I’m not saying that, Pinkie,” Twilight Sparkle replied, “I’m just saying that maybe you don’t understand the implications of what you are saying. Edger?”

Twilight Sparkle and the others turned to Edger, but were shocked to see that he was no longer there. The only things in his place were a bottle of pills strewn on the floor and an empty flask. They looked to the door, only to see that it still swung back and forth in the night air. Another burst of energy flew through the air, and Twilight Sparkle and Rarity reached up to their horns.

“Does this mean,” Caramel asked, “I-I don’t know how to put this, but-”

Rarity moved her hoof from her mouth to cover his and shook her head.

“We can’t think about that, now,” Rarity said, “Edger is out there, and we need to find him before he does something rash.”

“Is anypony gonna fill us in?” Applejack asked.

“Not now, Applejack,” Rarity replied, “First we find Edger.”

“We should split up,” Twilight Sparkle said, “But if the story is any indication, I think I know where he’s going.”

“I’m going with you,” Caramel said.

“Me too!” Pinkie Pie added.

“No!” Caramel, Twilight Sparkle, and Rarity replied in unison.

“You stay here and look around Ponyville with Applejack and Rainbow Dash,” Twilight Sparkle said, “just in case we’re wrong.”


The hooves began to emerge from the sides of the buildings again, but Edger simply walked past them. He felt them as they scratched against his skin, but he felt nothing except for a bit of coldness. The hooves continued to reach out towards him, and eventually, Edger could see more of them as they fully emerged. They bent at odd angles as they approached the circular light of the street lamps. Edger could feel his entire body vibrate from the energy. As the shadows around him moved faster, Edger could hear the sound of their hooves as they scraped along the ground. The sound didn’t sound like hooves, but instead like thick glass as it scratched against rock. The hooves shrieked in the darkness, but Edger continued on his way. He didn’t move consciously towards his final destination, but he knew where he was going to go. Edger looked up towards the Everfree Forest, at a small point on the horizon – he saw just the tip of an old ruined spire glisten in the moonlight.

Edger could hear whispers as he approached the town square. He watched as three white ponnequins stood next to a small fountain. They stood absolutely still. Edger moved quietly along the road, but the whispers became louder. All at once, the three ponnequins turned to face Edger, and Edger held his breath as their bodies jerked around violently. The shadow ponies that surrounded him slowly moved towards the three white ponnequins, and Edger came to a still as the shadows consumed them. The ponnequins jerked their heads back and forth and reached their white hooves out to Edger. The whispers continued as the shadow ponies began to take the ponnequins apart, one by one. The shadow ponies dispersed, and Edger walked by the broken ponnequin statues

In the distance, Edger could hear the sound of a low moan rip through the air where the train station should be. The moaning grew louder and louder until it filled the air completely with its voice. And then just as suddenly, the moaning stopped, and Edger continued on his way.

Finally, Edger stood at the entrance to the Everfree Forest.

“Tonight, I know that there is no more light.”

Edger muttered to himself as he made his way into the darkness. With each step he took, Edger could see more shadow ponies emerge from the shadows of the trees.

“Take me!” Edger shouted as he charged one of the shadows.

As soon as he reached one and connected with its body, the shadow dissipated. Edger charged towards another and another, but each time the same thing happened. The branches twisted around his body as he charged through the trees, and the limbs tore at his clothes. He continued to chase after the shadows until all that was left of his pants and vest were tatters. Edger continued to run through the forest until he got to a small bridge at the edge of a cliff. Edger took a deep breath and made his way across the bridge; each step sent a creak through the air, and soon, Edger disappeared into the fog that surrounded the bridge.


Twilight Sparkle and the others charged through the town until they reached the town square. Twilight Sparkle held her nose and Rarity suppressed the urge to gag when they smelled the scent of blood and sweat. Rainbow Dash hovered above them for a moment and the gasped.

“The fountain.” She yelled and took off.

The others followed her and then came to a stop when they saw what lie at the base of the fountain. Rarity finally turned her head to the side and vomited. Applejack just stood there gape mouthed. Caramel and Twilight Sparkle simply stood and stared at the scene before them. The sound of air escaping flew through the air and the ponies watched as Pinkie Pie’s hair slowly deflated.

“Daisy… Lily… Rose.” Rainbow Dash said as she moved from pony to pony.

“Twilight,” Applejack, “I get the feeling that you, Rarity, and Caramel are keeping something from us.”

“What makes you say that?” Caramel asked, only to be hit by Applejack.

“Cause this is exactly what would have happened to Fluttershy had Edger not…” Applejack turned to the bodies, and then back to Caramel, “They said timberwolves attacked Fluttershy, but that ain’t the truth, is it?”

“Applejack, please.” Twilight started to say.

“Who is Edger and why is he here?”

“His name is Tiller!” Pinkie Pie shouted.

“Pinkie, stop-”

“No!” Pinkie Pie shouted again, “I may not have seen his for four years, but Tiller was and still is one of my best friends! Tiller would never have done anything like this!”

“I’m so sorry girls,” Rarity said as she wiped her mouth with her hoof, “But could we please move to somewhere not so… traumatizing?”

“Of course,” Rainbow Dash said as she rolled her eyes, “There’s a murderer on the loose, and all Rarity cares about is keeping her mane clean.”

“That’s not it at all!” Rarity exclaimed.

“That’s what it sounds like.”

“We need to make a plan." Twilight Sparkle said, "Things are getting out of hoof as it is.”

“We should get this Edger… Tiller… whatever, and make him talk.”

“Tiller didn’t do this!”


The ponies turned their heads in surprise at the force in Caramel’s voice. Caramel trotted over to the fountain where the bodies of the three flower ponies of Ponyville lay. They watched as Caramel reached down to touch the heads of each of them and turned his head away for a moment. He then turned back to the girls.

“I agree with Applejack,” Caramel said, “We need to find Edger-”

“Tiller.” Pinkie Pie corrected him.

“It doesn’t matter, Pinkie,” Caramel replied, “We need to find him. I also agree with Pinkie. I don’t think he could do something like this. But he does know what is going on. He kept mentioning something about shadows and white ponnequin creatures. We need to-”

Caramel stopped what he was saying and looked into the distance. The girls turned and watched as a white pony made its way towards them. Twilight Sparkle could see the fear in Caramel’s eyes grow as the white pony moved closer and closer. They stood still as it continued on its way, its limbs jerking to the sides as it made its way towards the town square. Finally, the white creature stopped just before it entered the light of the town square.

“Princess Twilight?” The voice asked.

“Script?” Twilight Sparkle replied.

“Oh thank Celestia.” Script said as he ran towards the ponies, “Where’s Edger? We have to get to him before-”

Twilight Sparkle saw Script’s eyes widen as he lifted his hoof to his nose and his attention moved towards the source of the offensive smell.

“Oh Celestia, not again. I can’t-” Script tried to stop himself, but it was too late.

“Again?” Rainbow Dash yelled, “He’s done this before?”

“Not it’s not like that, I mean-”

“The stallion in Manehatten.” Caramel said.

“Edger told you about that?” Script moved his hoof form his mouth to his chin as though thinking of something, “Then he has spoken of the shadows?”

“Yes.” Caramel said, “And he spoke of the medications you’ve been giving him.”

“Wait, you’ve been giving him medications?” Twilight Sparkle shouted, “You aren’t a licensed physician. You’re a literary agent. Do you realize how many years you could get in the dungeons beneath Canterlot Castle for something like that?”

“Literary agent is my occupation,” Script corrected, “Making specialized prescriptions is my special talent. They’re more supplements for unicorns, really. They usually enhance anypony’s talents. Or, in the case of Edger, they inhibit them.”

“Why would he do that?”

Script slowly lowered his hoof and pointed at the bodies next to them.

“Edger is a very unique pony.” Script said, “He can control light and shadow.”

“Like Celestia and Luna?” Applejack.

“It’s nothing like that.” Script replied, “Suffice it to say that Edger has a special talent that hasn’t been seen since before... well, let's just say it's a rare talent.”

“And how did you find this out?” Twilight Sparkle asked.

“Oh I knew it since I first saw him give one of his ridiculous poetry readings. He started his sestina about love and then he reached the part about-”

“A palpable force, like darkness or light.” Twilight completed.

“This is all mighty interesting and all,” Applejack interrupted, “But we need to do three things. We need somepony to get to the police station to bring in these girls.” Applejack pointed to the bodies, “We need somepony to check the town to make sure there ain’t no more attacks like this one. And we need to find Edger.”

“You’d best take a unicorn with you.” Script said.

“Why?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Well, usually the shadows simply follow Edger, but if this happened, then who is to say there aren’t more of the shadows around here somewhere?”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“Well,” Script said matter-of-factly, “Only the unicorns seem to be able to feel the energies of the shadows. And only unicorns can create light that drive them away. Any light will do, really, but having a unicorn is good because they can create light in any place.”

“Rainbow Dash,” Twilight Sparkle said, “You fly overhead and see if there are any more pony attacks. The shadows seem earth bound. Rarity and Applejack, you two go to the police station and make sure to be as sensitive as possible. Caramel and I are going to the Everfree Forest to find Edger.”

“I have to go with you.” Script said, “I need to give him stronger medications. The energy waves that have been flowing through here have undoubtedly had an effect in his abilities.”

“I’m going, too.” Pinkie Pie added.

“Pinkie Pie,” Caramel said as he rubbed a hoof to the bridge of his nose, “I don’t think Edger wants to see you now.”

“His name is Tiller!”

“And you know this how?” Script asked.

“I’ve known Tiller since we lived in Flatts together.”

“Oh, so you’re the one Edger described of in his book as the naïve pony.”

“What did you call me?”

“If you two do not stop this right now,” Caramel said, “I swear to Celestia herself that you will wish the shadows get to you, too.”

Script and Pinkie Pie turned to Caramel, and when they saw the look of fury in his eyes, they both became quiet. Rainbow Dash nodded her head and took to the sky. Applejack and Rarity turned towards the bodies and stood at them for a moment. Rarity shook her head from side to side, and when her shoulders began to quiver, Applejack leaned over and wrapped an fore hoof around her friend. They turned away and slowly made their way towards the Ponyville Police Station. Twilight Sparkle, Caramel, Pinkie Pie, and Script stood at the fountain at the town square for another moment before they turned and made their way towards the Everfree Forest.


Fluttershy stared out the window of the hospital room. Luna’s moon sat in the heavens right above a small white cloud. Fluttershy squinted for a moment and pretended that the moon actually sat on that small cloud for a moment before she sighed to herself. The space between her shoulder blades hurt even with the painkillers she had been given. I was never a good pegasus, Fluttershy thought to herself, I hated heights. I was never a strong flyer.

“I-” Fluttershy mumbled, “I deserved to lose my wings.”

Tears formed on Fluttershy’s face as she turned once again to the window. It was at that moment that Fluttershy saw Rainbow Dash fly through the air. She watched as Rainbow Dash’s eyes darted from side to side, as though looking for something. She watched as the cyan pegasus flew effortlessly through the air, her body spinning and turning fluidly like water. Even at night, Rainbow Dash’s multicolored mane seemed to glow, as though it was its own light source. Fluttershy watched as the moon rose from the cloud, and she imagined Luna herself had stood just to watch Rainbow Dash fly. Fluttershy leaned forward, crossed her fore hooves over her chest, and slowly sobbed in the darkness.

There was a shuffling sound in front of Fluttershy. She looked up but saw nothing. A moment later, however, she watched as a dark hoof emerged from the shadow in the corner between the small table and the window where the light of the moon couldn’t reach. Fluttershy’s breathing hitched and her movements stopped as the hoof moved further and further out. She knew in an instant two things: that this was the same thing that attacked her, and that this thing was moving towards her again. I’m a bad Pegasus, Fluttershy thought to herself, I deserve this for not being good enough.

As the shadowed hoof inched closer towards her, Fluttershy remembered all of the animals that resided at her cottage. She thought of Elizabeak, the stubborn chicken who couldn’t keep out of the Everfree Forest. She thought of Hummingway, and laughed to herself as she remembered how he tried to help her heal Philomena. She thought of Mr. Mousey, whose leg had been severely broken after a falcon attack. Fluttershy stared at the shadowed hoof that reached her. I don’t want to die, Fluttershy thought to herself.

It was at that moment that the lights suddenly turned on. Fluttershy turned to the door to see Nurse Tenderheart as she stood in the doorway.

“Fluttershy,” Nurse Tenderheart asked, “Is everything all right?”

Fluttershy turned to where the shadowed hoof was, only to find that it was gone.

“Yes,” Fluttershy replied, “But could you keep the lights on?”

“Of course, I can. Is there anything else?”

Fluttershy turned back to the window and saw Rainbow Dash once again fly in front of Luna’s moon as though she performed for the princess of the night herself.

“Yes. Can you close the blinds, please?”


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A heavy fog surrounded Edger as he made a few tenuous steps on the bridge. He could hear his hooves clack against the wooden planks and the tightening of the ropes as he walked past. The sounds flew out in all directions around him, but the echoes were inaudible. Edger looked up, but the fog was so thick he couldn’t even see the moon above. Edger continued to make his way across the bridge, but stopped when he saw the dark figure that stood on the other side. Edger’s lip trembled, but his eyes never wavered. He watched as the shadow’s body remained still, as though they both sized the other up and found each other wanting. At that moment, Edger could see two large blue eyes open up on the shadow’s face. No shadow’s eyes have done that before, Edger thought, which means they must be getting stronger. Another wave of energy burst through the air, and Edger couldn’t help but to sit down on the bridge and raise his hooves to his head. The bridge creaked even louder this time, and Edger knew he had to get off, and soon. Edger looked up, but the shadowy figure was gone.

“Shadow!” Edger shouted as he ran the final steps to solid ground, “Please, take me!”

Edger took one step onto the ground, and a screech filled the air. Edger jumped and turned to the source of the sound, only to find a small raven in a tree. The raven stared down at Edger and tilted its head so that its white eye could stare directly at him. Edger looked into the white of the eyes for a moment; the white took the same hue as Luna’s moon. The raven screeched again, took to the air, and as it flapped its wings, Edger could hear the sound as it beat against the air around him. The raven flew away and further into the fog.

Edger continued through the fog, but he noticed the sound of his hooves as they fell to the ground. This time, it wasn’t the sound of the earth that he heard, but the sound of wood. Edger wondered whether he had gotten turned around in his confusion, but that was when he noticed a door in front of him, and the sound of other ponies behind him. Edger knew the voices; they were the sounds of the elders, and they were getting closer. He could hear them as they whispered behind. Edger knew the door; it was thick and brown. There were cross beams built into it for extra strength and Edger could see the hoof-beaten metal latch that Forge had built. He moved to the door and could make out each dent in the metal. Edger reached out his hoof to touch the latch, but the metal clicked over and a heavy snap filled the air as the door unlatched. He pushed the door open, and that was when he saw himself sitting over Forge’s body.

“I’m sorry, Forge,” Edger heard himself say, “I’m so sorry that I did this to you.”

Edger continued into the room and made his way over to Forge’s body. It was beaten until even his tan body had turned a deep red. Edger looked to Forge’s face and saw that blood had begun to ooze out and puddle onto the floor. Edger watched as his self cradled Forge’s head in his lap, and the blood began to stain onto his hooves. This is my dream, Edger thought to himself. A shadow grew behind him and darkened the room. Edger turned around to see the shadow with blue eyes once again in front of him.

“It is time.” The voice said as it held out a hoof.

“No,” screamed the small pony that stood behind him.

Edger turned around and watched as his dream self clutched onto Forge’s body even tighter. Edger shuddered at the sound of Forge’s dead body as it was pulled closer. The shadowy creature remained still for a moment. It was at that moment that Edger realized that the shadowy creature hadn’t been in his dream like this before. All of these years that he had this dream, he always dreamed that it was one of the elders. But as he tried to remember his dream through the eyes of the small pony behind him, he realized that the voice didn’t match. This shadow’s voice was higher than the other elders. Edger watched as his dream self lowered his face to Forge’s

“I’m never leaving him.”

The shadowy creature slowly turned and left, but Edger immediately followed. As he stepped out the door, Edger noticed that the shadow was always strides ahead of him down the hall.

“Wait,” Edger yelled, “Take me with you!”

The shadow stopped for a moment, and Edger watched as fog began to form at the shadow’s hooves. Edger turned for a moment and saw that the door was gone, replaced by even more fog. As he turned back, the shadow stood before him. Slowly, the shadow began to take shape; its form took on a dark blue shade similar to Edger’s. The darkness around the shadow’s head turned into a wavy mane like the night sky. Edger fell down onto the floor in a bow.

“Princess Luna.” Edger whispered.

When Edger looked up, he saw that Princess Luna stood with a blank expression on her face.

“Why are you in my dream?” He asked.

“I have been in your dream for the past four years, Tiller.”

“Please,” Edger asked, “Don’t call me that.”

“Yes,” Princess Luna replied, “You prefer to go by the name Edger now.”

“You’ve been in my dreams for the past four years?” Edger asked.

“Yes,” Princess Luna continued, “I have the ability to enter the dreams of all of my subjects. I try to clear the nightmares they have, but my powers can only do so much.”

Edger watched as Princes Luna waved her hoof, and just like that, the fog was gone, replaced by the main atrium of the old castle ruins of the Everfree Forest. Luna made her way through the atrium and stood in front of a raised platform, where a collection of rusted pieces of armor lay. He watched as Princess Luna looked over the broken pieces of armor, and then turned back to Edger.

“I have tried to reach out to you, Edger,” Princess Luna continued, “But only you can wake yourself from this nightmare that you have been having.”

“Am I still in the nightmare now?” Edger asked.

“I think the proper question is this; have you ever allowed yourself to wake up from it in the first place?”

“I’ve tried,” Edger said, “I tried to get my nightmares out of me with everything I could think of. I even tried writing them down on paper.”

“So you thought that you could get rid of your nightmares by giving them to others?” Princess Luna asked as she raised an eyebrow.

“No, it’s not that… I-”

“You cannot rid yourself of your nightmares by giving them to others, Edger. I know this firsthoof.” Princess Luna picked up the armor and then held its broken form in the moonlight. “I was able to break out of my own because I learned about friendship.”

“I don’t have any friends.” Edger replied.

“We all have friends, Edger,” Princess Luna smiled, “It is simply that you have not met them yet is all.”

For a moment, neither pony spoke. Princess Luna twirled the armor in her hoof, and Edger tried to think about what friends he had in Manehatten. His readers were simply fans who liked his stories. Script was simply his agent who helped give him his medications.

“Do you realize what your special talent is?”

Edger looked up to Princess Luna.


“Yes, but not in the way you think. What does it mean; to till?”

“To till – to work by plowing, sowing, or raising of crops.”

“That is close to what you do. You break the surface of things, Edger.”

Edger slowly moved towards Princess Luna, who still stood and stared at the armor. Edger thought of the meaning of the word again. To break the surface of things, Edger thought, but not like crops. Another wave of energy floated through the air, and Edger immediately thought of the creatures he kept seeing.

“The shadows that I see,” Edger asked, “They really exist, don’t they?”

“They do.”

“It’s because the prescriptions my agent has given me don’t work anymore. The ponies that have been hurt by them… it has all been my fault, hasn’t it?”

Luna’s eyes widened for a moment as she turned her attention back to Edger. Edger watched her speak, but the sounds had gone away. A screech echoed through the room, and Edger watched as Princess Luna’s body slowly drained of color and then turned into a shadow once more. The shadow finally disappeared, leaving Edger alone in the room.

“Princess Luna! Princess Luna!” Edger yelled, “Please help me! I’m sorry for making you look crazy in my book! Please!”

Edger felt his chest tug at him and pull him away from the old ruins. The walls were slowly replaced with thick trees of the Everfree Forest, and before he knew it, he was standing in front of a large stallion. Edger realized that he had the taste of dirt and sweat in his mouth. Edger stared in terror and knew what was about to happen next. A strong hoof slammed against the back of Tiller’s head and the last thing he saw was the tip of the old ruined spire that he was just in moment ago as it glistened in the newly formed moonlight, but with a dark blue shadow in it, as everything turned to black.


Four ponies ran through the Everfree Forest. The tangle of vines twisted at their legs and slashed at their hooves. When they made it to a small clearing, they took a moment to catch their breaths.

“Script,” Twilight Sparkle asked, “Tell us more about these… prescriptions that you make.”

“I’d much rather not, Princess Sparkle. The implications that this has for Edger and, more importantly, myself are already deep enough as it is.”

“Then I’ll just have to send a letter to the princess to get the information out of you.”

Script huffed and leaned against a large tree. Twilight Sparkle seethed but watched as Caramel took a few steps towards Script.

“I’d be more than happy to use some of my own methods to get some information.”

“Oh please,” Script laughed, “You wouldn’t dare.”

“We need to know how to help Edger, Script.”

“Oh my, a bit protective of the gelding, aren’t we?” Script moved forward. “I’ll bet Edger was quite taken with you, then.”

Caramel rolled his eyes and shook his head as he made his way to Pinkie Pie.

“You know Script,” Pinkie Pie said, “There’s no reason to be such a meanie pants about everything. And when did Edger become a gelding?”

“Finally,” Script yelled, “A pony in Equestria who hasn’t read the story.”

“What story?”

“Oh, you are in for a treat, Miss Pie.” Script sneered as he moved forward yet again, “Did you know that your two friends were each other’s special somepony?”

“Script, please stop this.” Caramel said.

Caramel and Twilight Sparkle looked at the scene as it unfolded. They watched as Pinkie Pie’s expression grew more confused and the sneer on Script’s lips grew more pronounced.

“Of course I did. That’s why I wanted to throw them a party.”

“Let’s just say the rest of your village didn’t take too well the news that two stallions were rutt-”

“Enough!” Caramel shouted as he launched forward and slammed a hoof into Script’s face.

“Caramel!” Twilight Sparkle yelled as she rushed forward to hold Caramel back, “That is enough.”

Script lay at the base of the tree with his face covered by his hooves. He stopped trembling a moment later and slowly got to his feet. He touched his chin with his hoof and grimaced. He then stood still for a moment and glared at Caramel.

“Well, hopefully I was able to help the naïve pony put together those simple pieces.” Script reached to his saddlebag to feel for the prescriptions. “Let’s just get these pills to Edger so that we can just get this over and done with, shall we?”

Script turned on his hoof and made his way back into the Everfree Forest towards the old ruins. The others caught up with him, but when Twilight Sparkle turned to look at Pinkie Pie, she noticed that her friend’s eyes darted back and forth, as though she began to process what Script had told her. As her face became more concerned, she watched as Pinkie Pie’s hair began to deflate once again.

“Twilight?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Yes?” Twilight Sparkle said, knowing what she was about to be asked.

“Tiller was punished because he loved Forge, wasn’t he?”

Twilight Sparkle just sighed and wrapped a wing around her friend.

“And they got punished because the elders found out about it, didn’t they?”

“Pinkie,” Twilight Sparkle said, “Don’t blame yourself for this. It wasn’t your fault. You didn’t know. You couldn’t have known they would react that way. What they did was their own actions. They chose to react how they did.”

“I know it’s not my fault, Twilight.” Pinkie Pie replied, “I just don’t understand why they would do that.”

Twilight Sparkle smiled. He was grateful that Script hadn’t gotten to her as she feared he would. She was happy that her friend at least knew that what had happened to Edger wasn’t something she should blame herself for.

The brambles gave way, and they found themselves at the beginning of the old wooden bridge that led up to the old ruins. Caramel and Script stood at the edge of the forest and waited for Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie to catch up. When they reached it, Pinkie Pie let out a small laugh as her hair inflated.

“Hey Twilight, does this bring back memories?”

“Oh Pinkie Pie,” Twilight Sparkle laughed, but then suddenly stopped.

Twilight Sparkle and Script looked at each other, but Caramel and Pinkie Pie made their way towards the bridge.

“Pinkie, Caramel, stop.” Twilight Sparkle said as she held a hoof in the air. “Script, do you feel it?”

“Yes, Princess Sparkle, I do.”

Script and Twilight Sparkle looked around the small clearing between the Everfree Forest and the bridge. Another wave of energy burst through the air, and they saw it. It wasn’t so much that they saw something, but rather that the air they looked at seemed out of place, as though they were staring at the air in front of them at the bridge through a piece of concave glass. The concave moved around a bit, but it stood just at the base of the bridge. It slowly moved forward a step.

“Twilight? Script?” Caramel asked as he backed away with them, “What’s going on?”

“Oh guys don’t be silly.” Pinkie Pie said, “Remember what I taught you about ghosties?”

Pinkie Pie began to dance around the three other ponies as she started to sing.

When I was a little filly and the sun was going down

The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me frown

“Is she actually singing?” Script asked.

I’d hide under my pillow from what I thought I saw

But Grannie Pie said that wasn’t the way to deal with-

Suddenly a screech rang out, and the others watched as Pinkie Pie’s body began to float through the air. Her ear disappeared for a moment, and when it reappeared, all that was left was a bloody stump.

“Move back!”

Script shouted and he lowered his head. A small white light emerged from his horn and sent wavy lines of light through the air that surrounded Pinkie Pie, only to reveal that she was held up by a shadowy pony. The shadow pony stopped moving for a moment, but his body moved closer and closer to Pinkie Pie’s neck. Script’s body began to tremble as the light began to waver.

“Caramel,” Script shouted, “Buck it, you stupid foal!”

Caramel snapped out of his trance and immediately ran over to the shadow. When he did, the shadow dissipated into the air. Pinkie Pie fell to the ground and cried as she struggled to stand. A moment later, they all heard the sound of Edger’s voice.

“Princess Luna! Princess Luna!” Edger yelled, “Please help me!”

“We have to get to Tiller!” Pinkie Pie shouted and made her way across the bridge.

“Pinkie, wait!” Twilight Sparkle shouted to Pinkie Pie, “You’ve been injured! We have to get you to a hospital.”

The three ponies followed Pinkie Pie towards the ruins, only to see a dark, black light emerge from one of the spires.

“Okay fellas,” Twilight Sparkle said, “We know that is where he is. Everypony stay close.”

Caramel and Script exchanged a pair of confused looks as they were surrounded by a purple aura. A moment later, they found themselves in the main atrium of the room where they had just seen the black light. They heard echoed hoofsteps from the staircase next to them. Caramel and Twilight Sparkle breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Pinkie Pie at the entrance to the atrium.

“Pinkie Pie, you are injured.”

The four ponies approached the raised platform, where they saw Princess Luna and the unconscious form of Edger. The other ponies didn’t move for a moment, but Caramel made his way towards Edger and gasped. Edger must have torn his pants asunder while he made his way through the Everfree Forest, because Caramel could finally see his cutie mark; or what was left of it to be precise. Caramel could make out the shape of a scythe as it touched the ground, but he couldn’t make out any other details because of the two letters that had been branded so deeply into his flank that even the fur that grew around it couldn’t cover it. Edger’s leg had bent forward in his sleep, and Caramel shuddered as he couldn’t help but stare at what was left of his underside. It looked like somepony had removed all of the insides of his penis and scrotum and simply left the skin. A moment later, he was joined by Pinkie Pie, who looked just as shocked as he did.

“The elders did this?” Pinkie Pie asked to nopony in particular. “My father did this?”

Pinkie Pie stumbled back for a moment. The blood had been dripping from her ear for some time, and Pinkie Pie turned around and finally noticed the small red dots that had followed her throughout the castle. The others circled around her as they watched her slowly fall to the ground into unconsciousness.


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Though only a few moments had passed, to the ponies in the room it had seemed like hours. Pinkie Pie lay still on the ground, having passed out from a combination of shock and blood loss. Edger lay on the platform, but his eyes had dilated to the point where all that could be seen was blackness. Finally, it was Script who broke the scene and ran over to Edger while pulling the pills from his saddlebag. His white aura surrounded the bottle and it let fall a single pill. Before Script could place it in Edger’s mouth, he felt his forehoof yanked by another force. The pill in his hand was surrounded by a dark blue aura, and he watched as it flew through the air into Princess Luna’s outstretched hoof. Princess Luna’s gaze burned into his eyes.

“You are the one who has been acting as his physician, I presume?”

“It isn’t what you think, Princess Lu-”

“Twilight,” Princess Luna yelled, “You and Caramel teleport with Pinkie Pie to the Ponyville Hospital. I am going to have a few words with Edger’s agent.”

Twilight Sparkle and Caramel nodded and both rushed to each side of Pinkie Pie. They spoke to her as though she could still hear them.

“Pinkie,” Caramel said, “It’s going to be fine.”

“Yeah, Pinkie,” Twilight Sparkle added, “We’ll get you fixed up.”

A purple aura surrounded all three ponies, and a moment later, Princess Luna and Script were left alone in the atrium. Script began to cower on the floor as he watched Princess Luna’s form grow larger and her mane flow more violently.

“Script,” Princess Luna yelled as she neared her Royal Canterlot Voice, “Do you even have any idea what you have done?”

“Princess Luna,” Script replied as his voice trembled, “I can see that I may not be in the very best light as of now. But think of how many ponies have been saved from Edger’s mind.”

“If you hadn’t started giving him these pills, then he would have been able to find help from the few other unicorns who have been given the old magic.”

“So you wanted him to get better at it?” Script yelled.

Princess noticed that the trembling had stopped and that the white unicorn had taken to his feet rather quickly. Was the fear this pony showing me an act, Princess Luna asked herself.

“Need I remind you to whom you are speaking, subject?”

“Edger is a danger to himself and all of the ponies of Equestria right now.” Script reasoned, “When I saw him, I knew immediately that his talent was the use of Helioselenian magic.”

“What did you just say?” Princess Luna asked as her eyes narrowed.

“Umbrakinesis is what I spoke of your majesty.” Script replied, “The ability to control shadows.”

“That was not my question, subject,” Princess Luna said, “What was the word you used?”

“You mean the magic that came from Helioselene, one of the lesser gods who came before you?”

“You are broaching the crime of blasphemy, subject.” Luna’s voice was strained yet remained calm, “I would choose my next words very carefully, lest you wish to spend a great deal of time beneath Canterlot.”

“Is that where you keep the other unicorns who have been given Helioselene's and the other lesser gods' magic, Princess?”

“Enough!” Princess Luna yelled using her Royal Canterlot Voice.

Her eyes grew pure white, and a moment later, the sky itself broke open, and a large chariot piloted by dark grey thestrals landed through a large hole in the roof. A large grey stallion stepped off of the chariot and immediately bowed before Princess Luna.

“Yes, your majesty?”

“He is to be taken to the dungeons of the Canterlot Castle.” Princess Luna yelled without any control of her rage, “For blasphemous and insurrectional speech.”

“Your highness,” the guard replied shakily, “Those crimes haven’t been punished for generations, I don’t even think they’re on the books anymore.”

“Princess Celestia will understand once I speak with her.”

“Y-yes, your majesty.”

The guard made his way towards Script, but Script simply turned his nose in the air and made his way to the chariot, followed by the guard. The guard gave a signal, and the chariot flew into the air. The sky opened again, and a moment later, the sky was empty once again. Princess Luna closed her eyes and imagined her sister. Her mind whirred with static, but eventually she could hear the sound of her sister’s voice.


What is it Luna?

There is a stallion set to arrive at the castle any moment.

He’s already here, Tia. Blasphemy laws haven’t been used in centuries.

He spoke of Helioselene.

So did that one author. And if I recall, he also painted you in a rather unflattering light…

This stallion spoke of Helioselene and the old magic, and he has the ability to control the unicorns born with the old magic, as well. I am watching over one of them as we speak. The unicorn before you was using encapsulated magic to control his abilities.

There was silence for a moment. Princess Luna looked over Edger’s unconscious form for a moment and at the remains of his mutilated cutie mark and genitals. A shiver ran down her spine as she imagined what the stallion had been through.

He is being dealt with as we speak, Luna.

Thank you, Tia.

The communication between the two sisters broke, and Princess Luna made her way to Edger. She closed her eyes once again and imagined being in Edger’s dream. She had to get him out of there. She had to find out what other secrets this young stallion was hiding. She concentrated harder, but every time she tried to enter, she was met with a black wall. She tried again and again, but Edger’s mind would not allow her in. Finally, as she charged the black wall once again, the wall finally pushed her out of Edger’s mind completely. Princess Luna found herself on the floor of the old ruins.


Twilight Sparkle and Caramel paced the halls of Ponyville Hospital for the second time that evening. Doctor Stable advised them that this was a minor surgery, technically speaking, and that she only had blood loss to deal with, so she would simply be tired for a while. Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash sat at the small benches along the wall.

“Twilight,” Caramel said, “We need to get back to Princess Luna and Edger.”

“So,” Rainbow Dash snorted, “You want to leave your friend in the hospital so you can get to know your latest crush?”

“What did you just say?”

“You heard me.” Rainbow Dash yelled as she flew out of her seat. “Fluttershy nearly died. Pinkie Pie’s in here, too. And the first thing you say to Twilight is ‘oh, I want to go see Edger’, the stallion who dismembered Daisy, Lily, and Rose right in the town square-”

“He did not do it!” Caramel shouted, “I saw the thing that attacked Pinkie Pie, and I know it was the same thing that attacked the others.”

“How can you be so quick to trust him when you see what’s been happening?” Rainbow Dash said, “Whatever. The fact is that your friends are here, and you want to be there.”

“Things have obviously happened in Edger’s life,” Caramel explained, “That has caused him to close himself off from those who want to be his friend. Edger needs a friend more than anything, I know it. He needs to be comforted right now.”

“And I’m sure you want to comfort his flank with your dick.”

“Rainbow Dash,” Rarity exclaimed, “There is no need for such vulgar language.”

“Well,” Applejack chimed in, “When the barn door swings both ways, y’all just leave yerself open to all the whispers of the wind, if ya catch my drift.”

“I’m getting sick and tired of everypony thinking that I want Edger. And I’m really getting sick and tired of everypony thinking that just because I’m bi that I want to rut with every mare and stallion I see.”

“Caramel,” Twilight Sparkle tried to speak.

“No!” Caramel yelled again. “I’m a pony, just like you all. I’m allowed to want to comfort somepony that I want to be my friend without having my motives questioned!”

“Caramel,” Twilight Sparkle repeated, “I agree with you.”

The yelling in the hospital waiting room stopped. Caramel turned to Twilight Sparkle.

“I do. I saw the same thing you saw. I know Edger has a role in what is happening, but I know he’s not responsible for the deaths of the flower girls. We need to go back to the ruins to check on Princess Luna and Edger.”

Caramel nodded his head in understanding as he made his way towards Twilight Sparkle.

“Girls, you keep an eye on Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. We’ll get to the bottom of this, I promise.”

A purple aura surrounded Twilight Sparkle and Caramel, and a moment later, Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash looked towards each other and resumed their vigil over their two friends.

“Rainbow Dash,” Rarity asked, “Were you giving Caramel such a hard time because of… you two breaking up?”

“No,” Rainbow Dash yelled, “How can you say that? How can everypony just immediately think that this Edger… Tiller… whatever his name is, is some sort of victim in all of this?”

“Do you remember when you were suspicious of Twilight Sparkle when she first arrived to Ponyville and Nightmare Moon kidnapped Princess Celestia?" Rarity asked, "Just because Edger knows something doesn’t mean he is responsible.”

Rainbow Dash looked down at the floor for a moment, and Rarity moved to sit on the other side of her. The sound of ruffling feathers could be heard in the room, and both she and Applejack noticed that Rainbow Dash’s wings trembled.

“Rose… Lily… Daisy…” Rainbow Dash whispered, “We have to stop what’s happening.”

Rarity watched Rainbow Dash’s eyes, but she knew that the rainbow haired pony would never allow others to see her cry. Still, she and Applejack placed a hoof on each of her shoulders and listened to the sound of feathers as they rustled against the bench.


Fluttershy stared in shock at the sight of Pinkie Pie with a bandage over her head as she was wheeled into the room. The light was still on, though, but Fluttershy assumed that they thought she was still asleep and wouldn’t mind a room partner. Still, Fluttershy couldn’t help but speak to Nurse Tenderheart.

“Nurse,” Fluttershy whispered, “What happened?”

“Poor thing got her ear bitten off.” Nurse Tenderheart shook her head, “I swear we need to find an end to these timberwolf attacks. First you, then Pinkie, and I hear they actually killed the flower girls.”

“Rose… Lily… and Daisy…” Fluttershy whispered in shock, “They’re… gone?”

“Please, don’t ask for details, Miss Fluttershy.” Nurse Tenderheart turned away and Fluttershy heard her sniffle, “Just be glad you’re alive.”

“Oh, hey Fluttershy.” Pinkie said as she opened her eyes.

“Oh, hey Pinkie.” Fluttershy whispered.

“Welcome back, Miss Pinkie Pie,” Nurse Tenderheart said, “Its good you’re back with us.”

“What was that?” Pinkie Pie asked as she held a hoof up to where her ear used to be.

“I said,” Nurse Tenderheart a little more loudly, “It’s good you’re back with us.”

“What?” Pinkie Pie asked again.

“I said-” Nurse Tenderheart yelled.

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie burst out laughing.

“You don’t need to yell, Nurse Tenderheart,” Pinkie Pie smiled, “I still have the other ear. Oh that’s going to be a fun joke.”

“Only you, Pinkie Pie,” Nurse Tenderheart muttered to herself, “Only you.”

Nurse Tenderheart chuckled to herself as she reached her hoof to turn off the light, but as she began to leave, she heard both ponies start to scream.

“Oh Celestia, there it is again!”

“You aren’t getting my other ear, you big meanie!”

Nurse Tenderheart rushed back in and turned the light on to see Fluttershy huddled as best as she could beneath her pillow and Pinkie Pie on top of her sheets with a hoof in the air. She looked around the room and wondered what possibly could have set both of the mares off like that.

“Girls!” Nurse Tenderheart yelled, “Get back in bed!”

The girls looked over to the corner of the room for a moment, then to each other, and then back to Nurse Tenderheart.

“We’re sorry,” Fluttershy said, “But can you just leave the light on please?”

“Of course dear, I should have remembered. I’ll be back in a few hours, okay?”

“Okey dokie.” Pinkie Pie replied.

Nurse Tenderheart looked around the room one more time and made a mental note to speak with Doctor Stable about setting the two girls up with a counselor to deal with possible stress disorders. When the door closed once more, Pinkie Pie turned to Fluttershy.

“Was what I just saw the same thing you saw?”

“Yes.” Fluttershy answered. “You really saw it? I’m not going crazy?”

“That was the same thing that attacked me. Script had said something about the light keeping them away, so let’s just keep the light on all night if we have to, okay?”

“The light does keep them away?” Fluttershy asked, “Good, then we’ll be safe, I hope.”

Pinkie Pie watched as Fluttershy finally slumped down onto the pillow, gasped, and then flipped over. Pinkie Pie looked at the bandages that covered where her wings once were. Seeing the remains of her friend’s wings made her think of Edger. She remembered what Twilight Sparkle said to her, but she needed to hear it from somepony else.



“What would you do if you learned that you had done something a long time ago, but it wasn’t really your fault, but it ended with something bad happening to another pony?”

“Pinkie Pie, I already forgave you and Rainbow Dash for tricking me into staring at that stuffed turtle for hours that one time.”

“I didn’t mean that something.” Pinkie Pie sighed as she settled herself into her own bed. “I meant as an example.”

“Well, did it happen to a friend?” Fluttershy yawned.

“Yes,” Pinkie Pie admitted, “A really good friend.”

“Then your friend will forgive you. Your friend knows if you make a mistake that you will be forgiven. That’s what friends do. Friends forgive each other.”

“Yeah,” Pinkie Pie replied as her head fell onto the pillow, “You’re right.”

A moment later, the sound of two sleeping ponies could be heard in the room.


Twilight Sparkle and Caramel appeared in the atrium of the ruins only to see Princess Luna lying on the floor and rubbing her horn.

“Princess Luna!” Twilight Sparkle shouted, “What happened?”

“I’m fine, Twilight,” Princess Luna replied, “I tried to reenter Edger’s dream, but something is keeping me out of it.”

“But you’re the Princess of the Night.” Caramel blurted out.

“I know that,” Princess Luna said, “But there is some other force at use here. It is a different force than my sister and I even fully comprehend.”

“Princess,” Twilight Sparkle asked, “Where is Script?”

“Script has been detained for the moment.”

Caramel could see the look of fury in Princess Luna’s eyes at both the mention of her inability to enter the dream and Script. Caramel wished he had gotten the chance to do more damage to the while unicorn.

“So are we going to just stay here and wait for Edger to wake up?” Caramel asked as he made his way across the room.

“We have no choice,” Luna said.

“Unless,” Twilight Sparkle began, “If you explain to me how your dream walking spell works, I could enter his dream.”

“Absolutely not, Twilight,” Princess Luna said as she stood up. “You can’t just walk into somepony’s dream. An untrained unicorn’s magic would go haywire once it enters the dream world. And unfortunately, Caramel, being an earth pony, doesn’t have the capabilities to even enter the dream by will. No, Edger has to do this on his own.”

Suddenly, another wave of energy burst through the room, and Edger’s eyes reopened. The shadows that stood along the wall began to waver back and forth, and both Princess Luna and Twilight Sparkle yelled. They both lowered their heads and allowed a beam of light to emit from their horns. Caramel looked around and saw that there were numerous shadowy ponies making their way from the corners of the room. The light repelled the shadows for a bit, but they continued to move, inch by inch, towards them.

“Your Highnesses,” Caramel said, “I can’t buck all of these things away.”

“We have to hold them off for a while until Edger awakens.”

Caramel turned back to look at Edger. Edger, Caramel pleaded, please let somepony in. Caramel watched as, if by his command, the blackness in Edger’s eyes widened even further until it began to pool out of them and over his body like liquid. The blackness extended beyond Edger’s body and towards the three of them. Once it touched their feet, the blackness rose into the air until it surrounded them.

“We’re at the border.” Princess Luna gasped, “This is where the black wall has been placed."

As if to prove her point, Princess Luna walked forward a few steps and pressed against the blackness. She struggled to push, but then sighed and backed away. Twilight Sparkle tried the same thing but to no avail. Caramel took a few steps forward, and then a few steps more.

“Where is this wall?” Caramel asked.

“It let you in.” Princess Luna said, “The wall didn’t even give you any resistance?”

“He isn’t a unicorn.” Twilight Sparkle said, “Maybe it has to do with our different types of magic.”

“Edger’s body is still in the ruins,” Caramel said, “We have to go back before the shadows get to him.”

“Caramel, listen to me.” Princess Luna said, “I know this is unorthodox, but you have to find Edger. I don’t know if he’s engrossed himself in his dream or if he has become trapped. Edger is in a very dangerous place right now, and I can already tell this is very different from the dreams he has been having.”

Caramel looked around but didn’t feel anything besides cold.

“You have to be very careful in here.” Princess Luna continued, “This is a reality for Edger right now. I had managed to pull him away once after trying for years to get to him, but you cannot force him to do something that goes against his reality.”

“I understand.” Caramel said.

“Whatever you do, do not let his reality become yours. Remember always that you are in a dream. You cannot change what happens, but you can help Edger realize what is happening and he can stop it. Edger is the pony in control here.”

Caramel moved to speak, but a moment later, both Princess Luna and Twilight Sparkle were flung far away from him into the darkness. In the distance, Caramel could see two pinpoints of light for just a moment, but then they disappeared. Everything was silent for a moment, and Caramel couldn’t shake the feeling that he was either floating or falling. Suddenly, the smell of fire invaded his nostrils, and the sound of ponies chanting filled the air like a low hum.


Enas alithinos theos


ankalia sas eikosi oples

Without walking, Caramel felt the ground beneath him turn. He saw a fire in the distance, with tall shadowy figures standing around it. Beyond the fire was a large barn. Caramel took a deep breath of air and swore to himself that if he got out of this, he would never read another horror story again.


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Twilight Sparkle and Princess Luna found themselves back in the atrium of the ruins. As soon as they realized where they were, they both immediately lowered their horns to allow light to flow through the room. The shadows that were there were now frozen in place.

“Princess Luna?”

“Yes, Twilight?”

“What if we just move Edger to the Ponyville Hospital or where there’s light?”

“If the shadows are following him, then we best not move him to anyplace with other ponies.”

“Oh, right.”

Twilight Sparkle and Princess Luna moved to either side of Edger as the shadows began to inch forward.

“Princess Luna,” Twilight Sparkle confessed, “I’m not sure how long I can keep a spell like this continuous. This is a lot harder than casting a barrier spell.”

“I understand, Twilight.”

Princess Luna looked down and saw the look of disappointment on Twilight Sparkle’s face. While keeping the light from her horn glowing, she reached over and brushed her wing against Twilight Sparkle's side.

“I’m here with you.” Princess Luna said, “Don’t forget that.”

“Princess,” Twilight Sparkle began, “I’m sorry if I made you think that I was playing favorites with you and Princess Celestia.”

“I understand, Twilight,” Princess Luna replied, “I remember our first meeting in this very room wasn’t exactly ideal.”

“Well,” Twilight Sparkle said, “I just want you to know that if something happens, I always did enjoy your nights and mostly the meteor showers.”

“Twilight, don’t speak like that,” Princess Luna said, “I am certain that Caramel will find Edger’s consciousness and bring him back to his body.”

“Well then, I promise that once this is over, I can start writing letters to you, too.”

Luna looked back down at Twilight for a moment, and then back to the shadows that surrounded them.

“I would like that very much, Twilight.”


Caramel looked into the flames in the distance; even being this far away, Caramel could hear each crackle of flame as it rose into the air. Edger looked up and saw the moon in the distance. For a moment, he prayed that Princess Luna could hear him, but as he concentrated on the moon’s light, he heard nothing. The moon’s glow, however, did manage to give light to the village around him. The buildings were similar to the ones in Ponyville, but the thatched roofing had large gaping holes in them, and the walls were bent from age and wear. The chanting continued from the ponies that surrounded the fire.


Enas alithinos theos

mas katharisei apo ti̱n amarti

na mas kanei katharo gia sas

Caramel approached the town square and saw a small sign on the side of the road. It was faded, but Caramel could still see that the words simply spelled out the name of where he was.

“Flatts,” Caramel whispered to himself, “This is where you return to every night.”

Caramel shook his head and turned back towards the fire. As he took another step, the sound of a twig as it snapped beneath his hoof echoed through the night. Caramel looked down and saw the offending twig. The chanting stopped and Caramel looked back to the fire. The ponies that surrounded the fire now turned their gaze to him. Nopony moved. As Caramel edged towards the sides of one of the buildings, Caramel saw that their gaze remained on him; each set of eyes glowed white beneath their black hoods. When he finally had his body hidden behind one of the buildings, he finally heard the whispers talk again.

He’s come to take him from us…

He’s come to take him…

Caramel suddenly felt as though his mane grew heavier, only to realize that it was soaked in sweat. He tried to lift his hooves, but they felt so heavy it felt as though they were tied to one of his own forges. He tried to run, but couldn’t move at all as the sound of the whispers drew closer. Dream, Caramel thought, just a dream. Imagine running and you will. But no matter how many times he repeated this to himself, he couldn’t make his body move. A moment later, the feeling of hooves landed on his body.

He’s come to take him…

We cannot let him be taken away…

Caramel screamed as the number of hooves on his body grew. He tried to struggle, but the hooves held him down. Suddenly, the sound of a bell in the distance could be heard. And the hooves immediately went away. Edger turned only to see that the ponies that had held him only moments ago disappeared. The weight on his body disappeared, as well, but the sound of the bell continued to chime in the distance. Caramel moved away from the building once more and saw that the flame started to die down. The shadows that danced on the walls only moments ago were gone, and everything in the village square took on the same grey hue of the moon. The bell continued to chime once more, and then everything was silent. Caramel looked up at the old barn in the distance, and could see that the lights were still on there. Caramel took a deep breath, but just before he was about to run, he heard shrieks in the air. Caramel looked up just in time to see a small shadowy creature approach him. He cowered on the ground when he saw that it had a pony’s body but bat’s head, wing, and claws. The creature scratched at his face and Caramel screamed at the burning pain. Dream, Caramel repeated to himself, just a dream. But Caramel reached up to his face and felt the blood. He backed away from the town square and tried to find a way to the barn, but then the shadows that stood against the wall began to move. Caramel’s body burned as he watched the shadows move towards him, but he started to run. He ran down a side road that twisted in different directions until he finally came to a dead end. There was a small house next to him, and Caramel reached back with his hind legs and kicked the door down. He shuddered at the loud sound he had just made, but ran into the house anyway.

Caramel heard the sound of the bat creatures as they flew through the air. Batkins, Caramel thought to himself as he moved through the room. He realized that he was in a living room. The furniture had been turned over, and Caramel noticed that the floor was covered in stuffing from the seats and couches. A small rocking chair sat in the corner next to an open window, and it creaked with each passing wind. As Caramel started down the hall, a photograph caught his eye. It was a picture of five ponies that stood in front of this building. Caramel assumed it must have belonged to the family that had lived here. It wasn’t the mare or stallion in the back row that caught his attention; it was the small pink pony with flat hair in the middle of two smaller grey mares that caught it.

“Pinkie?” Caramel whispered to himself.

Something shuffled behind him. Caramel turned to see two small white ponies walk down the hall towards him. Caramel’s breath caught in his throat when he noticed that they had no facial features. As they both walked towards him, their hooves shuffled on the floor. Ponnequins, Caramel thought to himself.

You’re… hurt…

Caramel looked at the two white ponnequins that stood in front of him and reached up to touch his face again.

“It’s just a dream.” Caramel said to himself, “Just a dream.”

Will you… take Tiller?

“Edger needs to wake up. Princess Luna can’t-”

Do not… use that name.

Sister… he needs… to take Tiller away.

But Tiller can… save us…

It… isn’t right… we had our chance…

Shut up…

Caramel watched as one of the ponnequins slowly turned darker. Its coat shifted from white, to grey, and then finally to black. Caramel turned to run and he heard the sound of a mare screaming behind him. Caramel ran through the house and bumped his head against the doorframe. Ouch, Caramel thought, dreams aren’t supposed to hurt like this. Caramel looked around the alleyway he ran back out to. This isn’t a dream. Caramel ran back through the alley as quickly as he could and ignored the sounds around him. He looked up to the barn and knew that he had to get there if he wanted to be safe. He would explain to Luna later what had happened, but now he knew that he was not in a dream state.

Caramel could hear Edger’s screams of pain as he reached the back door of the barn. Caramel pressed his hoof against the door and paused. Is this the door you used to escape once, Caramel thought to himself as he slowly pushed it open. Caramel expected to simply see a hall in the barn, but the sight as he walked in made him gag.

The dismembered remains of tan-skinned ponies lined the walls. Upon closer inspection, Caramel noticed that it was all bodies of the same pony. On some of them, the mane and tail had been shaven off. On others, the barrel was the only part that remained. The blood from the bodies pooled on the walls and onto the floor. Some bodies had been completely splayed open with the hooves split into five pieces. All around him he could smell flesh as it rotted against the wall. Caramel approached one of the bodies and couldn’t help but look into its sky blue eyes. Caramel looked at each one just to make sure he wasn’t looking at himself, but the cutie mark had been branded away, just like they had on Edger. Caramel finally approached another body and could make out just a hint of a cutie mark. It’s not me, Caramel breathed with relief, It’s not me.

The sound of screams echoed through the hall again, and Caramel ran until he came to a large room. He gasped when he saw Edger tied to a table with large slashes on his body. A large stallion stood in front of him with a whip in his hoof. Caramel watched as he raised the whip and struck it against Edger’s body once more. Another scream filled the room. Caramel looked around the room and saw the other ponies that surrounded him. They all wore black cloaks to hide their faces, but Caramel could see that their eyes glowed just like the ones he had seen outside. They chanted as the large stallion continued to whip Edger.


Enas alithinos theos

mas katharisei apo ti̱n amarti

na mas kanei katharo gia sas

Something twitched in the corner of his eye and Caramel looked up to see another tan skinned stallion as it hung from the rafters. The hind legs twitched as blood dripped to the floor. The blue eyes of the stallion were fixed on Edger’s and Edger’s own eyes were fixed back on his. The twitching from the stallion slowed until finally it stopped completely. Caramel watched as a tear formed in Edger’s eyes as he turned away.

“You’ve killed him again, Tiller.” The stallion with the whip said.

Caramel watched as the scene seemed to freeze for a moment. Caramel looked up to the dead stallion and realized that it was another Forge. Above him, Caramel could see the white image that had been written about in Edger’s story. He saw the hoof with the smaller hooves branching out. He saw the contorted face of the image. Suddenly, he heard Edger speak.

“I know I did.”

The stallion pointed to the corner of the room, and Caramel saw a small, white ponnequin standing there.

“Are you going to take your punishment again, or are you finally ready to end this?”

Caramel held his breath as he watched Edger’s facial features die until his eyes were blank and his mouth closed into a frown. Caramel watched as another stallion brought over a large metal tool and placed it in the stallion’s hoof as he took the whip away.

“No!” Caramel yelled, “Edger, don’t do this to yourself!”

The blood that dripped next to Caramel stopped, and he could see a tiny drop of blood as it hovered in midair. The other ponies in the room were frozen. Caramel made his way through the room and to Edger’s side. For a moment, as he stared into Edger’s eyes, he saw a glint in them. Caramel knew he had broken through to him, but didn’t know how far or for how long. He raised his hoof over Edger’s chest and began to place his weight on him.

“Edger, please,” Caramel said as his hooves shook, “I’m sorry for what’s happened to you, but please stop blaming yourself.”

There was another glint in Edger’s eyes as the scene began to move. Caramel cried out as a searing pain ran along his back. Caramel turned around and saw that the large stallion in front of him held the whip in his hooves once more. The stallion raised the whip again, but Caramel blocked the whip from Edger’s body with his back again. Another shot of pain ran up his spine.

“Your Forge had returned, Tiller.” The stallion said, “Are you going to end this, or are we going to have to show you what you have done once again?”

Edger’s face twitched and then his eyes faded again. Caramel felt hooves surround him once again and carry him across the room. The place where he had just seen Forge’s body was now empty, and Caramel struggled as the other stallions in the room clamped his body into the harnesses.

“Edger, please, it’s me, Caramel!”

The stallion cracked his whip again and this time, Caramel felt a burn run up his barrel. And then another, and another.

“It’s my fault.” Caramel heard Edger whisper, “I caused this to happen. I deserve to watch him die.”

Caramel’s eyes went wide as another shot of pain ran along his chest. Caramel watched as the stallion once again took the small metal tool in his hoof and approached him. Caramel couldn’t help himself as he felt urine slowly trickle down his leg and a tear fall down from his cheek. Pain erupted between his legs as the metal tool pierced his skin.

“Edger, Forge is dead!” Caramel screamed as loudly as he could.

The scene in front of him froze again, and Caramel tried to speak as quickly as he could.

“Forge is dead! You didn’t cause it! You only loved him! That’s all that you did! Anything that happened to him was the fault of the ponies around you! It’s their sin, not yours!”

Caramel watched as the ponies around him shimmered for a moment. The walls of the barn faded as well. But then the ponies and walls came back, and Caramel felt the metal begin to drag through his skin.

“The stallion in Manehatten…” He heard Edger say, “Fluttershy…”

“That wasn’t you!” Caramel cried out as he felt his own blood run down his hind leg. “They were using you! Script used you! You don’t control them!”

Edger’s eyes went wide. The walls around them finally disappeared, and the ponies melted into shadows. The harness around Caramel disappeared. The only part of Edger’s dream that was left was the table that still held him. Caramel ran over to Edger, but he winced in pain as his thighs brushed together. Caramel placed a hoof over Edger’s chest again.

“You don’t deserve this, Edger,” Caramel whispered. “Nopony does. It’s not your fault you were born where you were. It’s not your fault that other ponies used you. It’s not your fault that you have this gift.”

“I-I miss him so much.” Edger cried.

“And I’m sorry that he was taken away, Edger. But punishing yourself like this cannot bring him back. Nothing can. Please, Edger, let somepony comfort you. Let somepony in.”

Caramel felt the table disappear, and a moment later, he felt Edger’s body as it trembled against his own. Caramel pressed Edger’s head against his chest and let Edger’s body cry against his.

“You’re going to be okay, Edger. Princess Luna said she can help you with your gift.”

“I’m a mons-”

“Don’t say a word, Edger. Don’t say anything. Just stay with me, okay?”

The crying continued for a few moments, and Caramel looked and saw two white pinpoints of light in the distance. As the lights grew brighter, Caramel felt Edger’s body slowly disappear into the darkness.


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The rays of morning sunlight passed by Sugarcube Corner, then the Ponyville Library, and lingered on the Carousel Boutique until they reached the Ponyville Hospital, where they came to rest on Edger’s cheek through the window that faced Canterlot in the distance. Edger felt the warmth on his face and opened his eyes. He looked around the room and realized that he was in Ponyville Hospital. Edger’s eyes came to rest on the two forms that sat in the chairs in the corner of the room. Pinkie Pie and Caramel both sat together as their heads gave each other support. He looked at Pinkie Pie and noticed the bandages wrapped around her head. He turned to Caramel and found that small bandages lined his barrel. It was then that Edger realized that it wasn’t Forge who had been in his dream, but Caramel.

A knock at the door interrupted Edger and he turned his gaze to see Princess Luna enter the room, followed by Twilight Sparkle and Rarity. Rarity gently nudged Pinkie Pie and Caramel, and they both yawned and opened their eyes. It was only when Pinkie moved that Edger noticed that one side of her head lie flatter against the bandages.

“Pinkamina,” Edger asked, “What happened to your ear?”

“Tiller, if you don’t mind, could you call me Pinkie?”

“I’ll make you a deal," Edger replied, “I’ll call you Pinkie so long as you call me Edger.”

“Hmm,” Pinkie raised a hoof against her chin, “Deal. And my ear was bitten off by one of those shadow things you keep talking about.”

“You seem awfully… positive… about that.”

“Well, I do have another one.” Pinkie Pie replied as she flicked the other side of her head to the good ear beneath the bandages.

Edger watched as Twilight Sparkle rolled her eyes at the pink pony and then turned to Princess Luna. Edger looked around the room for a moment and pressed his hooves together.

“The shadows were real?” He asked.

Princess Luna nodded. Edger turned away from the ponies and towards the window. He thought of Fluttershy and how she would never be able to fly again. He thought of Caramel and how he knew the shadows were responsible for his injuries. He thought of Pinkie Pie, and though she didn’t show it, he knew that she had to feel upset about what had happened to her, as well.

“So that means that the attacks were my fault, too.”

Edger’s lips trembled as he continued to stare out at the morning sun.

“That is not true.” Princess Luna said, “The shadows used your abilities against you. Script used your abilities, too. We are going to find out what he knows, but we know that there’s more to him than just a unicorn with a penchant for pill making.”

Princess Luna made her way from the door to the bed, where she placed a hoof on Edger’s shoulder.

“Edger,” Princess Luna continued, “There are things that we are going to need to discuss with you about your abilities. There are some other unicorns I’m going to introduce you to. They are like you. They will help you control your abilities, rather than try to hide them.”

Edger nodded and turned to the others. As he stared out the window, he felt another wave of energy flow through the room. But this time, he simply shook his head. His gaze turned from pony to pony, and sighed with relief as they remained as they were. He looked back out to the sky, at the golden orb surrounded by orange rays.

In my soil you plant the seeds of your love.

And as the earth of your eyes surround me,

Comfort me, I feel forgiveness take hold.

My soil opens, and then as I climb above

The earth, inspired by all that is around me,

I give my own seeds of love to the world.

It is this cycle that I admire in you.

I want to thank you, friends, for all that you do.

Edger turned back to face the ponies. Princess Luna motioned towards all of them, and they nodded their heads to leave the room.

“We all need to go check on Fluttershy.” Twilight Sparkle said, “They’re going to let her spend the evening at her cottage, but soon they’ll start the physical therapy. Please don’t blame yourself, Edger.”

Edger nodded his head, and she, Rarity, and Caramel left the room. Pinkie Pie, however, remained in the room. She moved past Princess Luna and stood next to Edger.

“Till-,” Pinkie Pie corrected herself, “Edger, I’m sorry about what had happened four years ago. And I want you to know that I didn’t mean to cause it.”

Edger smiled and opened his arms to his old friend. Pinkie Pie smiled so large that Edger worried she would break her face. But she ran over the remaining distance and gripped Edger in the tightest hug she could. Pinkie Pie slowly released her grip and then backed away. She made her way to the door but turned to Princess Luna before leaving.

“My Pinkie senses tell me you’re taking him away again,” Pinkie Pie said with a glare as though unaware she was talking to a princess, “But I fully expect a progress report on one of my best friends.”

“I would expect nothing less, Pinkie Pie.” Princess Luna said with a chuckle.

Pinkie Pie turned to Edger with the smile plastered on her face once again. Edger smiled back at her, and for the second time since his arrival in Ponyville, his smile was sincere. When Pinkie Pie left, Princess Luna turned to Edger, but her face was more serious than it had been all morning. Edger suddenly noticed that Princess Luna had a determined look in her eyes as she made her way towards him. Edger’s smile slowly faded as she continued towards him.

“Edger, you how much of a danger your ability is to all of Equestria, don’t you.”

She stated it as a fact, not a question. Edger nodded and his body grew heavy. He sighed; his sigh was resigned. And yet, he felt serene as he waited for her to finish her journey towards him. He felt her hoof as it slowly traced its way along his neck. He felt his neck tighten as her other hoof rose to the other side of him. He waited for just a moment for the tightening to continue.

“We will be able to help you.”

Edger jerked to the side for a moment.


“We will help you, Edger.” Princess Luna repeated with a confused look on her face, “Did you think I was going to execute you?”

Edger’s lip trembled as he nodded. The hooves around his neck loosened.

“We would never do that to another pony.” Princess Luna reassured him, “Though knowing that you were willing to sacrifice yourself for the sake of others is a good sign. It shows that you know what power you actually have. You’ll make a great student.”

Edger laughed, but soon his laughter broke as sobs made their way through his throat. Within moments, the choking sobs were joined by the shaking of his shoulders and falling tears. Princess Luna held Edger as he continued to cry. Finally, after what seemed like hours to Edger, he finally faced Princess Luna.

“Before I go,” Edger asked, “Is it all right if I write letters to my…”

“Yes?” Princess Luna asked.

“Can I write letters to my… friends?”


Dear friends,

There are so many things that I want to say to you. As the bearers of three Elements of Harmony, you understand that friendship consists of honesty, kindness, laughter, generosity, loyalty, and magic. However, these are the elements that define only one group of friendships; yours. I want you to know that I, too, have discovered my own elements of friendship: Admiration, Inspiration, Comfort, and Forgiveness.

Dearest Twilight, I am so happy that you admire my work, and I am even happier to know that it is due to my poetry, rather than the stories that I now look back on with fear. When you admire someone, you make them realize that they are good, just as they are, and do not need improvement. I want you to know that I admire you so much, and even though I never got to read in front of a crowd, reading my poem in front of you was one of the happiest moments I’ve had in a long while. Just remember that all poems are spells, and all spells are poems.

Dearest Rarity, when friends are near each other, we inspire one another. We inspire each other to create, to change, and to improve. Though we accept each other for what we are, it is through that acceptance that we can look into ourselves and feel that inspiration change us and improve us. We all have the ability to create, whether we create through the soil, or create a story, or even a new fashion trend. You inspire me, Rarity. In fact, I may have an idea about a short story about a fashion designer who talks to her ponnequins.

Dearest Caramel, there are so many ways that you have saved me. Thank you so much for not giving up on me. The comfort of a friend is so much different than the comfort of a family member, or even a special somepony. The comfort of a friend is through a chosen bond, a chosen bond made even more special than that of a special somepony simply because it has no motives other than the desire to help that pony. I know ponies had certain ideas about what you wanted from me, and I am so grateful that your desire to comfort me was stronger than your fear of what others thought of you. If you hadn’t done that, I know I would not be writing this.

Dearest Pinkie Pie, my oldest friend, and my closest friend, I want you to know that I do not forgive you. Not because you do not deserve forgiveness, but because there is nothing to forgive from you. Thanks to Twilight’s admiration, Rarity’s inspiration, and Caramel’s comfort, I realized that the strength of your friendship is enough to make me realize that the only person I had to forgive was me. I forgive myself for believing that what happened was my fault. It wasn’t. Who I am or what I do does not control the actions of others. When a friend makes a mistake, a true friend forgives, and through that forgiveness, they both grow.

I will be sure to write again once I have the chance. I love you all so much. Thank you for being my friend.


Edger Allegore Poeny


Edger’s four elements of friendship sat at a small table outside of Sugarcube Corner and read the letters that had arrived to them in a blaze of blue electric sparks. The sun had begun to set, and they had just finished helping Fluttershy pack for her first few days of physical therapy. Mrs. Cake arrived and set down a glass of water with a squeeze of lime for Rarity, a daffodil sandwich for Twilight Sparkle, a plate of hay fries for Caramel, and thirteen corncakes for Pinkie Pie. Rarity rolled up her scroll and set it on the table.

“I do not speak to my ponnequins.” Rarity said with a dignified huff.

“Oh please, Rarity,” Twilight Sparkle replied, “You have names for them.”

“That’s just to tell them apart.”

As Rarity and Twilight Sparkle bickered over the importance of naming inanimate objects, Caramel noticed that Pinkie Pie hadn’t even started on her first corncake. Caramel leaned in closer to her.

“Is everything all right, Pinkie?” Caramel asked.

“Four years,” Pinkie Pie said as she traced her hoof along the table, “I’ve missed out on four years of one of my best friend’s life.”

“Well, think of it this way,” Caramel replied as he tried to use Pinkie Pie logic, “So you’ve missed out on four years. That just means that you’ll have to pack an additional four years’ worth of friendship in the time you do have with him. That means you have more friendship stuff to do with him now that you are back in each other’s lives.”

Pinkie Pie turned to Caramel and squinted.

“Like,” Caramel continued, “Let’s say you know him for eight years and do eight years’ worth of friend stuff. But if you only have four years, that’s four years, but with eight years of friend stuff you need to do. You get to do twice as much as you would have done.”

Caramel knew it didn’t make sense, but he hoped that the pony who was able to make herself appear in mirrors and apple carts as well as outrun Rainbow Dash would be able to make sense of what he said.

“You’re… right Caramel!” Pinkie Pie yelled and shoved three corncakes in her mouth. “I just need to get a schedule together to put eight years’ worth of friend stuff into four years. Twilight can help me. She’s great at schedules.”

Caramel’s eyes widened as he turned to Twilight Sparkle, who sat unaware of what acts of defiance of time and space he had inadvertently introduced into her life. Rarity took a sip of her water and looked out to the town.

“Don’t you find it funny how after an adventure like this everything seems lighter for a moment?”

Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle nodded, but Caramel shook his head.

“Oh, Caramel,” Rarity said, “Just go on a few more adventures, and you’ll see.”

The girls chuckled to each other as Caramel began to chew on some hay fries. Caramel picked up his scroll once more and then put it into his saddlebag.


Fluttershy stumbled backwards as she stood from her couch and almost fell back onto it. Before she hit it, her barrel landed in the soft paw of a lion’s arm.

“Fluttershy,” Discord said as he helped her regain her footing, “I can get the tea.”

“No,” Fluttershy said abruptly as she made her way to the kitchen, “I can get it myself. What sort of hostess would I be if I can’t even get a friend tea?”

Discord’s eyes dilated, one after the other, as he watched Fluttershy make her way to the kitchen and return with a cup of tea. Angel sat next to him, and he ruffled his fur with his eagle claw. Though they still fought one another, Discord knew that it was for play. Discord had taken a liking to Angel in the time he had taken to get to know him. He always loved their talks when they had tea while Fluttershy was out. Discord pretended to ignore Fluttershy’s wobbling as she bent over to set the teacup on the table in front of them.

“So,” Fluttershy said as she sat down on the couch, careful to avoid touching the cushions with her back, “While I’m in therapy, you’ll keep the animals fed?”

“Why, of course, Fluttershy.” Discord replied as he snapped the fingers of his paw.

A pole appeared in his paw with a carrot attached to a string. He dangled it in front of Angel, who glared at him, but took off after the carrot.

“I even have Angel’s exercise regimen figured out.”

Discord offered a smile to Fluttershy, who only quirked an eyebrow at him. Discord sighed and then snapped his claws together. The pole disappeared but Discord allowed the carrot to remain for Angel. Angel smiled at him before taking a huge bite of the carrot.

“I’m sorry, Discord,” Fluttershy whispered, “I’m not being a good hostess.”

Discord closed his eyes, and then made his way to the couch. He sat down next to Fluttershy and placed his arms around hers, careful to avoid her back.

“Fluttershy,” Discord said, “You were the first pony to ever try to be my friend. Don’t say you’re not a good hostess. Don’t say you’re not good at anything. With all I’ve learned from you, I’d hope you’d at least learn what an amazing pony you are.”

Fluttershy looked up to Discord’s eyes for a moment, and Discord could see a hint of a smile on her face. The smile disappeared however, as Fluttershy winced and reached for her back. Discord stood up and turned to face Fluttershy.

“I think somepony wants to see the butterflies.”

“Not tonight, Discord.” Fluttershy said as she tried to laugh through the pain, “I’m just really tired. And I have to get up early tomorrow to go to my therapy.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to see the butterflies?”

Discord watched as Fluttershy’s eyes batted at him for a moment before she turned towards the stairs.

“I’m sure.” Fluttershy replied, “Maybe if my therapy goes well.”

“I’ll just let myself out then,” Discord said, “Do you want me to come in the morning?”

“The afternoon will be fine.” Fluttershy replied, “You had said you had to get into some mischief with the mayor’s hair dye, remember?”

“Oh yes,” Discord laughed, “I’ve always figured she would look great with blue dragon scales. Would you like a picture?”

“Of course I would.” Fluttershy squinted and gaze Discord a mischievous grin before she made her way up the stairs. “Good night, Discord.”

“Good night, Fluttershy.” Discord replied.

Discord raised his paw to Fluttershy as she disappeared upstairs, then shook his head as he snapped his fingers and appeared outside. He shook his head again and wished that his ability to manipulate reality could be permanent so that he could give Fluttershy her wings back.

“That’s not how chaos works, Discord.” He said to himself as he took off into the night.

Fluttershy stood for a moment at the curio next to her bed. She raised her hoof to the glass pegasus that stood next to the glass manticore. The pegasus’ wings spread proud into the air and it had a hoof raised as though it was about to take flight. Behind the pegasus and the other animals, Fluttershy had placed the unicorn she had bought in Manehatten, and the broken horn lay at its hooves. Fluttershy closed her eyes and made her way to the lamp. She hesitated for a moment and considered leaving it on, just for tonight. Fluttershy’s breathing quickened, but she regained control as she tapped off the light. Twilight had told her that whatever had happened in Ponyville was over. Princess Luna had promised her that much.

Fluttershy turned to get into bed, but that was when she looked into the corner. The moon was out now, and it had cast shadows along her wall, but for a moment, Fluttershy could have sworn she had seen the shadows move. just a hallucination, Fluttershy thought to herself, traumatic experience is all. Fluttershy closed her eyes and then opened them again. The shadows bent around the corner of her room until she could see a dark hoof emerge from the wall. Fluttershy slowly back away and sat on the edge of the bed. She closed her eyes again. Hush now, quiet now, it’s time to lay your sleepy head. Fluttershy opened her eyes, and the shadow had now coalesced into the form of a shadowy pony. She sat frozen on the bed, unable to move. Hush now, quiet now, it’s time to go to bed. Fluttershy closed her eyes and a small tear fell onto the bed. Fluttershy didn’t want to open her eyes, but she knew it had to be a hallucination. Twilight had promised her. Princess Luna had promised her. Fluttershy opened her eyes.


In the dungeons of Canterlot castle, behind a thick wooden door, Script sat in a corner as he scratched at his fur. The scratching continued until he began to bleed. Finally, he took the utensil he was using to scratch at his skin to make markings on the floor. He started with a small circle at the top, and then he made a straight line down a few inches until he reached a point where he was satisfied and then ended the line with a curled flourish. He then drew a large ‘X’ in the middle, and on each of the four ends of the ‘X’ he made five more lines. He then began to laugh to himself as he held the utensil in his hoof up to his face.

“We shall make sure to bring him home now, won’t we?” Script said as he placed a yellow feather dripping with his blood in the middle of the image he had drawn.