• Published 15th Mar 2013
  • 4,547 Views, 410 Comments

Where We Disappear to - Pegasi will rule

People go missing all the time and are never heard from again. What if I told you that we've been to a place... a place with so much magic, it'll make your head spin. I'm talking the Magic of Friendship. And me and My cousin were there

Comments ( 17 )

It's good to see more from you my friend. Excellent work as always.

Oh this is getting good…maybe you can return to the whole griffin conflict that has being absent on a LONG time and also if he can bring life and choose who life and who don't he can start to study how to set rules to see how to maintain balance and to practice he could help couples, mares that dye giving birth or babies that born death is not dis balance anything because they having being born yet, and is a way he could train I know its sounds horrible…but its a way.

Also…death doesn't has to be bad, you always refer to them as 'received death as an old friend' so…the grim reaper could appear as or become his closest friend it will make sense the life keeper and the death bringer who's job is guide those that dye into the next plane of existence.
I imagine Nathan is thinking that right now

Life and Death falls in the same catogory. You can decide if someone lives or dies. I wonder if he has both sides inside of him.
We as humans can be both good and bad on our own free will. Perhaps he can decide between those two choices aswell.

So…you are saying that as life bringer and taker he on a way can be consider the grim reaper? since he can take life as well? Well as long as he don't go around wilding an scythe everything will be cool


He might be seen as a bringer of death. Some ponies (and more)will probably get mad at him if he isn't helping them when they want it. Thus seeing him as a bringer of death aswell.

My opinion of it atleast.

Well I suppose he then will had to keep his power as a secret or to a minimum because if they think he can bring death they will not be scare they will scare of him

Death is coming, and Celestia should be his or her first victim. I really don't like your Celestia.

When will Celestia learns that her opinion isn't the only opinion?
Death will come no matter what. That is why he become an "alicorn" in the first place.
She need to learn that human isn't always corrupt with power and there are those that will corrupt if you treat them like they are a ticking time bomb or down right treat them with terrible attitude, causing further damage than good.
She also need to learn and accept that she is no longer the most powerful being and always "right".
Hope this issue with him and Celestia is solved soon. Else, their beloved world will fall before the darkness that is coming.

I want to say you made some sort of parallel to Nathan's explained life powers and the story being revived.

But that's just me.

I don't mean anything by it, but... this was very cheesy to me, not bad just cheesy...

anyways, i'd like to add that this is the only story that i have been able to find that has a female human doing a male pony, anyone now of any other?

Too much to ask for regular updates?:fluttershysad:

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