• Published 18th Nov 2012
  • 2,548 Views, 70 Comments

What Does It Mean to Be a Prince? - Mike the Red

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More Questions Than Answers

I returned to the house, and teleported back to our bedroom. Brenda had finished getting dressed, and was now brushing her teeth. I had neglected this duty myself, so I waited for her to finish, then brushed my teeth. The toothpaste seemed to taste better than usual, or maybe that was my taste buds adjusting to my new body. Brenda had some questions for me.

"Mike, what was Trixie talking about?"

"Are you talking about the -- her saying I told her things about you?"

"Yes. What did you say to her about me?" Brenda shot me a dirty look.

"Believe it or not, this was the first time I've actually seen her in pony."

"How did you know who she was?" Brenda seemed to be getting angrier.

"You haven't watched a single episode of the TV show, so let me put it up on a computer for you," I said, conjuring a laptop computer with high speed wi-fi and blazing fast CPU and 16Gb virtual memory. I punched up a youtube video of "Boast Busters" to illustrate what I was talking to her about.

"I don't want to see that stuff," Brenda said impatiently.

"If you don't, you won't understand what I'm talking about, Brenda. This is actually very important for you, believe it or not."

"I still don't understand why she knew who YOU are," her attitude softening a little as she watched the episode progress.

"Well, as I said before, she came from an alternate universe, not this one. I'm not sure if you're familiar with infinite universes existing simultaneously on parallel planes," I began. I saw her eyes glaze over as I started talking about this. "Okay, Brenda, let me try to put it another way. Just the same as there have been about four or five different versions of Princess Celestia to pop in our house, each one needing help with one villain or another, they don't share the same realm -- they each come from different realms, but existing at the same time, just in different universes. You with me so far?"

"That's really hard for me to wrap my mind around, it sounds really confusing."

"It is at first, but once you understand the concept, you will find that for every decision you make, another universe comes into existence for the choice you didn't make -- and with every choice, there's at least one other universe that is borne from those choices. That would explain why Trixie showed up as the Element of Magic. In this universe, it's Twilight Sparkle who holds that honor."

"So what are you supposed to do about it?"

"Well, I found a rip in the fabric of space, but I'm still trying to determine its origin. I have a sneaking suspicion that when I used magic to fix the car about a week and a half ago, still in Twilight's body, that I may have inadvertently caused that rip. I'm afraid we may have to have the car engage it's self-destruction protocol."

"What does THAT mean?"

"It means you will have to give the command to have the car return to it's original status, with no magical abilities and no voice module."

"I knew it was a bad idea to have a car that could do those things," she said with a slight air of condescension.

"I know, Brenda, and I am very sorry to have to do that to the car, but I can't do it by myself."

"Why not?"

"I feel that magical interference from my aura would short-circuit any attempt to have the car activate the necessary protocol to destroy its magic batteries." I felt that Brenda had seen enough to get a better picture, and turned off the computer. She insisted on keeping it, so I let her have that computer.

"So what do I have to do?"

"Let's go out to the car -- I will guide you on what to do." We went outside and I gave Brenda the key. She unlocked the car.

"Okay, so now what?"

"Get in the driver's seat."

"Analyzing driver data. Driver data acquired. Good morning, Brenda Walker! Why are you in the driver's seat? You do not have a license!" TS said, her voice sounding a little surprised.

"Okay, Brenda, say these words: 'Activate Master Control Over-ride Directive number seventeen'." She repeated the words.

"Are you sure you wish to do this?" came TS's surprised voice through the speakers.

"Say, 'Yes'."


"Are you REALLY sure you want to do this? Do you know what this action will do to me?" TS sounded worried.

"Say, 'Yes'."


"Voice data acquired. Michael, why are you doing this?" TS asked.

"A tear in the fabric of the space/time continuum has opened, and I need to seal it. I believe you may be the cause of this, or perhaps my magical interaction with you has caused it. In either case, I need to de-activate you permanently. I am deeply sorry to do this to you, TS, I am going to miss you. I feel it is for the best, as multiple copies of the Princess and some of the nastier villains have come through that tear. I trust you will understand the severity of the situation. You have my deepest apologies, TS."

"I understand, Michael. What is the secret password to activate master control over-ride directive number seventeen?"

"Seafood Jambalaya," I said, my voice tinged with sadness.

"Initiating ... activating ... master ... control ... over ... ride ... directive ... number ... seven ... teen ... good ... bye ... Michael," came the saddest sounding voice I had ever heard TS use. I shed a tear as she uttered the last few words. Brenda shed a tear as well, as we both were going to miss her. The car underwent several changes which took about two minutes to complete, with the finality of a spherical purple aura drifting up from the roof of the car, then dissipating into the atmosphere.

"Mike, was that TS's spirit?" Brenda asked sullenly. Another tear fell from her face.

"Yes, Brenda, I'm afraid so," I said rather dejectedly. "I only hope that helped solve the problem."

A flash of light and another golden POP ushered the return of Princess Celestia.

"Michael, I received a distress call from -- your vehicle?" she said somewhat quizzically. She glanced over at the car, now a solid black with no markings to indicate it had once been the vehicular equivalent of Twilight Sparkle. It still gleamed in the light, looking like brand new, just that it was now a normal Nissan Altima. "Michael, I am disappointed you did that," she said in a serious tone of voice.

"Princess, I am trying to eliminate any possible causes of the rip in the fabric of the space/time continuum. You yourself told me that if I were to have the car transform me from human into Twilight that it could cause a feedback loop which could cause such a tear in that fabric. I wanted to eliminate that possibility, and I apologize for disappointing you by taking such a drastic measure. I am still trying to locate the origin of that tear, and I wonder if my original transformation into Twilight Sparkle may be the source of that tear."

"Michael, do you remember when you first arrived in my throne room?" Princess Celestia mused.

"Of course! Now I remember. My wife's two year old grand-daughter had broken the horn off my head, and I concentrated on trying to mend the fibers of the horn together -- but I was thinking about you, Princess, and somehow I ended up teleporting both myself and Brenda into your throne room. I think when that particular incident occurred, that was what ripped that hole in the continuum. Problem is, though, what is to be done about it?"

"You and I will have to co-ordinate our efforts simultaneously from each side of the dimensional barrier which separates our realms to repair that break. We must use our magic exactly, and I trust you know what to do."

"Princess, that means we will no longer be able to communicate with each other, nor will we be able to visit each other."

"I understand this, Michael, but it HAS to be done. There is no telling what else may happen if we do not address this issue as soon as possible."

"Very well then, Celestia, I am going to miss you. Give me a mark so we can work together on this one, please."

"I will give you a watch with a timer on it. You have five minutes to enter the space above your planet's atmosphere to locate this tear. I will mend it from the other side of the dimensional rift, and together we must close it permanently." She teleported the watch to me, and I held it with my telekinesis as I assumed my Alicorn form once again. She teleported back to her realm, but not before telling me, "Good-bye, Michael, I trust you to do the right thing. I will miss you as well, my dear friend."

I headed up into the sky, once again protecting myself with magic, and examining the space utilizing the full spectrum once again. I located the tear, and waited for my mark. When the moment arrived, I sealed it and saw a similar flash of light from the other side of the inky blackness that was this tear. It sealed shut silently, and at that point I knew there would never be another opportunity to return to Equestria. I returned to Earth's surface and teleported back home, now feeling the weight of the entire planet on my shoulders. It appeared as though I had aged somewhat, but felt content in the knowledge that I had managed to complete the job which was necessary. I kept the watch as a memento from Celestia, and put it in the same area with the other souvenirs I had recently acquired.

"Well, Brenda, I guess that's that," I said, a hint of depression in my voice.

"So what does that mean?" she asked.

"The rip in the fabric of the space/time continuum has been mended, thanks in part to Princess Celestia, and from this point forward I believe there will be no others coming from Equestria regardless of WHICH universe they originate from."

"So no more Princesses or Queens or Discord or any pony else to visit?"

"I believe so, Brenda. I think we can finally rest for awhile. Of course, I still have to raise and lower the sun and moon, but I am willing to live with that."

"YOU, WHO CALL YOURSELF TASAVIR!!" came a booming voice, much louder this time than earlier.

"Yes, Almighty Jehovah, what is it you request?" I asked.

"You have done well and have my thanks."

I smiled, and chuckled slightly. "You're welcome, Father."


Comments ( 24 )

I apologize if this ending disappoints you. :twilightsheepish:

1681159 I am disapoint...

in that you think that this could disapoint ANYONE! THERES JUST TO MUCH AWESOME!dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Lyra_dealwithit.png


The religous ending was a plot twist, yes...

1696228 ...There could be another tear in the fabric, letting in another Discord...:rainbowlaugh:

2049297 What? 9000? But that's impossible! :pinkiehappy:

I am disappoint. Nevertheless, good read.

2329178 I actually have a sequel in mind for this story as well. Thanks for reading. :twilightsmile:

2533150 I am considering a sequel to this story -- that's my next project after I finish my others. :twilightsmile:

I'll give you a tease on it -- it will take place many centuries in the future, when Tasavir is about the only sapient entity on the planet, and decides he wants some company -- so he messes around with the genetics of native equine species, transforming them into talking ponies! :pinkiehappy:

2770701 I'm working on that ... :pinkiehappy:

>>Mike the Red

When should we expect the first chapter or 2 from the threequel? (roughly)

2902975 It's kinda slow going right now -- might be a couple of weeks before I have written enough and feel confident in it to publish it. Thanks for your interest! :pinkiehappy:

I have an interest in almost anything that is posted by people I follow. You said you never got feedback on something? what is it and I could give ya some feedback.

2909690 I have a story I'm currently working on, titled the Trouble with Time Travel. The story is a bit long, but I was wanting feedback on how to improve it. Thanks again for your consideration. :twilightsmile:

Anything to help a writer out. I will start reading and by tomorrow sometime (no idea) I should have read most of it. :pinkiehappy:

That is not good grammar! It is 'You did well'! :flutterrage:

I don't really care though! awesome story.

2919298 Could be a clue there...LOL :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:
Thanks for the kind words! :twilightsmile:

5999694 I know that now, but not when I wrote that story. Thanks for reading it anyway. :twilightsmile:

6066202 A different Celestia from a different universe -- he deals with three different Celestias in this story.

"YOU, WHO CALL YOURSELF TASAVIR!!" came a booming voice, much louder this time than earlier.
"Yes, Almighty Jehovah, what is it you request?" I asked.
"You have done well and have my thanks."
I smiled, and chuckled slightly. "You're welcome, Father."

What the F**** was that.

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