• Published 18th Nov 2012
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What Does It Mean to Be a Prince? - Mike the Red

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Can We Stop Her?

We got out of the car at Brenda's older sister's house. Beulah had a fifteen year old daughter with Down's Syndrome, and had to stay home all the time to care for her. She answered the door, with the girl remaining speechless the whole time, but still fairly active. A brown pit-bull dog came to the door and started barking.

"Biscuit, get back. Brenda, is that you? You look so much younger today. What's going on?" Beulah is only four years older than Brenda, but the years hadn't treated her too well. Her hair was all grey, some starting to turn white, and she had lines creasing her face from years of smoking cigarettes.

"You know my husband, Mike, right? He used magic to de-age me," Brenda said. "Anyway, we're here to see if Xaviera has stopped by recently." Brenda turned to me and smiled at the first part of her statement, then a worried look crept across her face after the second part.

"No, Brenda, she hasn't been by here. Mike, you look different, what has happened to you? And why do you have a pale blue glow to you?"

"Some interesting things have happened over the past couple of weeks," I said. "If I had more time, I could tell you, but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't believe the stories I have to tell. Right now, the matter of tracking down Xaviera is of critical importance, as I fear something bad may have happened to her."

"What do you mean?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," I said, scanning for changelings again. Beulah and her daughter were clean. "Brenda, your sister and her daughter are okay. I think it's time for us to go back home."

"Brenda, you take care. You too, Mike!"

"Call me if she comes by, please," Brenda said, still showing worry on her face.

"Okay, I will. See you later, and come by when you can spend some more time. Mike, I would like to hear your stories some time."

"No problem, Beulah, I will try to find time for that." We turned and went back to the car. Brenda's phone rang. It was Xaviera, calling for her mama.

"This ought to be interesting," I thought as Brenda talked to her youngest daughter. I used my magic to try to pin down her location. She was calling from our house, some three miles and some change from Beulah's house.

"Xaviera, I've been worried sick! Where are you?"

"I'm home, mama, there's nothing to eat here," she said, sounding no different from usual.

"I'll pick something up from the store a bit later on, you just stay there and wait for us, okay?"

"Is Mike with you?" she asked, a little apprehension in her voice.

"Yes, what's up?"

"I don't want to see him!" she said, starting to get angry.

"Careful, Brenda, we don't want to scare her off," I thought, and sent the thought into Brenda's mind.

"He will be dropping me off, he has other business to attend to," she lied.

"Okay, I will be waiting," she said. She ended the phone call at that point.

We got into the car, and I backed it out into the street. I told TS to teleport us home, as the matter was extremely important. She did this, with us just short of the driveway by about two car-lengths. I pulled into the driveway.

"Okay, be ready for anything," I said.

Xaviera came out of the house, her appearance no different from normal. Her kids were with her as she came out the front door. "How did you get here so quickly?" she asked, her face flushed with anger.

"The car can teleport, in case you had forgotten," I said. I had put up my magic barrier, just to be on the safe side.

"Next time, you won't be able to find me at all!" she shouted. She then dropped her disguise, and I finally got to see what change had taken place. She had all the identifiers of a changeling queen, and looked only slightly different from Chrysalis, just a few minor facial details, and her chitin shell and wings and hair were dark brown. She lifted herself above the ground by flapping those wings. I think remaining in my human form might have put me at a disadvantage here.

"Xaviera! You come down here and change yourself back right now!" her mama demanded.

"Shut up talking to me mama! You think you can bully me like you bully your weak husband?"

I enveloped her body in my pale blue aura, and forced her to the ground. She struggled quite hard, and the effort to hold her down was requiring me to use more magic than I had wanted to. I was shocked by just how strong she had gotten.

"Brenda, get in the car and call Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle at once, let them know the worst has happened and we need their presence immediately!" I tossed her the key, and Brenda did this.

A flash of light and a golden POP ushered in Celestia's arrival, with Twilight right beside her.

"We came as soon as we could, Tasavir," she said.

"I am holding her down, but I need to use a different kind of magic to reverse the changes that have happened to her. Would you please be kind enough to hold her down for me so I can use my cleansing magic on her?"

"With pleasure, Tasavir," Celestia said, and her golden aura surrounded Xaviera's queenly body. Celestia was stunned by Xaviera's sheer power, and Twilight had to pitch in. "Tasavir, she is VERY strong!"

"You think?" I asked. I bathed her in my glow, using quite a lot of magic to cleanse her form. She struggled mightily against it, and broke free from Celestia's and Twilight's telekinetic grip. She flew off, and I gave chase.

"Brenda, how long has she been like this?" Celestia asked her.

"It may only have been a few days."

"How did she get so strong?" asked Twilight.

"I don't know," said Brenda. She looked positively frightened. If the three of us couldn't stop her, who could?