• Published 18th Nov 2012
  • 2,550 Views, 70 Comments

What Does It Mean to Be a Prince? - Mike the Red

  • ...

So What's Next?

After Celestia teleported herself and the Elements back to Equestria, Brenda and I were left standing in our front yard, a small pile of dust still in the spot where I had vaporized Discord. I conjured a small shatterproof jar and placed the dust in it. Then I sealed the jar with magic wards to prevent anyone from opening it. I then placed this jar in a safe place, where no one would find it. I didn't want to take any chances of his return.

"Might as well go inside and get some sleep, we have another busy day ahead of us tomorrow," I said.

"Mike, I would love to be a Zebra again some time," she smiled. "That was quite fun while it lasted."

"I thought you might like it once you got used to it," I smiled. "We have about nine hours before I have to raise the sun again." We went inside, and Xaviera was waiting for us.

"Mike, thanks for helping me back there. That -- whatever it was -- had messed up my mind. Thanks for helping Samantha and Tanisha as well -- I can't believe I gave you that much trouble," she said.

"Just doing my job, Xaviera. Are there any others you did that to?"

"Well, I remember this voice telling me I needed to make my hive as big as possible as quickly as possible. When Beulah took me to church yesterday, there was so much love it made me feel really strong," she replied.

"Ah. That explains the difficulty in subduing you in your Queenly form," I said. "You proved to be extremely strong, so much so, that it was nearly all I could do to hold you with my telekinesis. I hope there aren't any others to take your former place." I scanned around, not noticing any changeling activity. "I think they might be gone now, but you never know when they might return."

"I remember stopping by Tasha's house and doing her and her kids like that. Sorry about that," she said.

"Your sister? Really?" Brenda asked.

"Mama, you don't know what it's like to have your mind under the control of something else, that's why that happened."

"Well, I'm glad you're back to normal. I've got some good news -- we won the lottery! I still have the check in the glovebox, and tomorrow we'll be heading to my bank to take care of some of our money issues."

"Wow! Are you gonna buy me a house of my own for me and my kids?"

"Of course, Xaviera, not just for you, but for all your sisters and your brother, too!"

"My request is to give my parents and my brother and his wife a few million dollars each -- aside from that, you may have the rest of the money. I am in the process of finding a location for my new domicile, and once I have made that decision --"

"Don't tell me you're leaving me behind!" Brenda shouted at me.

"No, Brenda, you're welcome to live with me at my new house -- the location will be rather remote, though."

"I thought we were moving to Las Vegas?" Brenda asked.

"Yes, if that's where you wish to live," I said. "But I need some place a bit more remote than that for my purposes."


"There are certain things...I need a very large place, and it needs to be difficult to access, as I do not want interference from unwanted visitors. As an Alicorn, I feel the need to have habitation suitable to my new stature."

"How big do you need the place to be?" Brenda asked, quite incredulously.

"It needs to be as big as Canterlot," I stated flatly.

"WHAT? You want to build THAT HERE?" she was flabbergasted.

"It's not going to be a copy, it's going to be much different. It needs to be that big simply because I WANT it to be that big!"

"And where exactly is it going to be located?"

"I am still scouting for good locations -- like Canterlot Castle, it will be situated on a mountain, but there needs to be a good supply of water, nearby arable land, moderate climate, and several other factors which I am still evaluating. As I have said before, once I find the perfect location, I will build it, and invite whomever is interested in living there."

"Thanks for asking me in advance, Mike," Brenda scowled. "I would have appreciated you letting me know you wanted to build a CASTLE of all things in a place I would probably NOT want to live in!"

"Well, I suppose the anonymity of living in Vegas would be enough for me to continue maintaining my human form -- however, I enjoy spreading my wings and flying, if you know what I mean. Add to that, I don't like my cutie mark looking like a tattoo, I think it's in bad taste."

"What does that mean?"

"It means I think I'm supposed to maintain an Alicorn form instead of a human one," I said, trying not to anger her.

"But you've been a human all your life! And now you want to give that up?"

"I gave that up when I put Chrysalis' horn and crown on my head -- I can assume a human form, but my humanity has been lost forever. I am sorry to disappoint you, Brenda, but the man you once knew no longer exists, except for up here," I said, tapping my right temple with my right index finger.

"But -- but -- you still LOOK human!"

"Do you not see the pale blue aura that constantly surrounds me? No normal human has that, and you know it. I can not dispel this aura, as it is a permanent part of my persona -- its presence is there to remind me that I am not truly human, even though I can assume a human form. My true form is that of an Alicorn, and I am sorry if this displeases you."

"But, Mike, what does that mean for me? Are we still married? Are you going to leave me?"

"Brenda, you know that we are indeed still married -- I never asked you to sign papers -- and as I have said before, you are welcome to live with me once I have my new abode established. I will never leave you Brenda -- unless that is your desire. Now let's get some sleep, I still need it even though I am an Alicorn," I chuckled.

"Okay, Mike. I am still thinking about lots of things, and I need some time to relax anyway. How about ordering a pizza?"

"I can do you one better than that," I laughed, and conjured up a box containing a hot fresh pizza, telekinetically placing it in her hands.

"I still can't get used to you doing things like THAT," she said, laughing nervously. We sat at the kitchen table, Brenda sharing the pizza with Xaviera and her kids. I took a single slice, and ate it slowly, savoring the mix of sauce and cheese.

"How about making one for us that has sausage and pepperoni on it?" Brenda asked.

"Sure, just give me a second," I said, creating yet another pizza for them. Presently we finished eating, and Xaviera and her kids went back downstairs to watch TV, while Brenda and I retired to our room to get some much-needed rest.