• Published 18th Nov 2012
  • 2,548 Views, 70 Comments

What Does It Mean to Be a Prince? - Mike the Red

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A Needle and Thread

Xaviera walked into our room at this point. "What's with all that noise, Mike? I'm trying to sleep," she said. She saw Celestia at this point. "Oh, hi Princess, what's up?"

Celestia recoiled in shock and horror, backing up against the wall right next to my side of the bed. "Please! Michael! Protect me from her!" her voice trembled, showing great fear as she said these words. She looked at me, her eyes meeting mine, and I could see just how terrified she was of Xaviera.

"You need not worry, Celestia, she is no longer a Changeling Queen," I told her. She regained her composure, then shot an evil look at Xaviera.

"How DARE you enslave my little ponies!" she shouted. Xaviera backed up slowly, then turned around and ran to her room and hid under the covers.

"Celestia, that was uncalled for. It was you and the Elements who helped me save her from the Queen's evil spirit, and allowed me to save her life. I am sorry she is still on the loose in your realm, but you can't apply your judgment of her based on her presence in MY realm. I believe you owe her an apology, and request you do so now, your Majesty."

"But she -- she -- SHE KILLED MY SISTER!!!" Celestia sobbed. I held her close, trying to console her.

"Princess, I am terribly sorry. I humbly apologize for her actions, and will do what I can to help you. I have a feeling we may need HER help on this one, as I think she can serve to distract her other self long enough to grab the horn and crown off her other self's head, thus rendering her unable to use magic."

"Michael, do you think that'll work?" Celestia asked, still crying over the loss of her sister.

"I believe it will. We need to act quickly. Brenda, I shall return shortly. Xaviera, please come here, I need your help on this mission!" I shouted at the wall that separated our room from hers. She came in, still shaken from the Princess' outburst.

"What do you need ME for?" Xaviera asked.

"When we meet your other self in Celestia's realm, I need for you to run up to her when she's distracted by your appearance. Grab her horn and crown, and place them on YOUR head -- you remember how I did it a few days ago, don't you?"

"Yeah, I do. I hope your plan works, Mike, I don't want to die!"

"You're safe with me, I'll make sure of it, Xaviera."

"For my sake, Michael, I hope you are correct. We can not afford any mistakes!"

"I intend to make this quick, so let's be off." I resumed my Alicorn form, and had Xaviera take my left fore-hoof. Celestia stood close as we teleported to her throne room in the castle.

"Well, you finally decided to return, eh, Celestia?" the evil Xaviera Queen asked, a great deal of contempt in her voice. "And I see you brought some friends. Well, that ain't gonna work, and you're gonna die, too!"

Xaviera stepped forward to address her evil counterpart. "Hey, what do you think you're doing?" she asked.

"What? What? Where did you come from? What's going on here?"

I held her with my telekinesis. "Now, Xaviera! Do it!" I shouted. She ran up to the evil queen and grabbed the horn and crown, breaking them off with one swift motion. Quickly, she placed them on her head, and changed into a queen herself.

"NOOO! What have you done!? I'm gonna KILL you for that!" she screamed. She tried to use magic, and found she couldn't. Xaviera turned to her evil counterpart and glared at her.

"Mike showed me what to do -- and I'm gonna finish what I started!" she said, doing her best to kill her evil counterpart the same way I had killed Chrysalis -- except she wasn't physically strong enough to rip the dark brown chitin shell off the evil queen's back. Instead, Xaviera used her freshly restored magic ability to crush the evil queen under her telekinesis. A mess of green blood issued forth from the flattened body.

"Xaviera, is your mind under your own control? Shall I banish the changeling spirit within you?" I asked.

"Mike, I feel another presence inside me -- but she seems to be friendly," she said. "She -- I think -- I think she wants to thank you for your help -- I think she says her name's Luna or something like that."

"That is my Sister's name!" Celestia said, almost excitedly. I haven't seen this type of emotional display from her before. "Xaviera, can I talk to my Sister through you?"

"She says not to be sad, Tia, she is feeling okay -- but she misses you," Xaviera said.

"Don't call me that, Xaviera!"

"That is Luna talking, Princess -- she says you should be okay with me calling you by the nickname she gave you. She wants to make that the difference between me calling you Tia and her calling you Tia."

"Okay, okay, I'm still pretty upset, and it's going to take some time for me to recover. I can't forgive your evil counterpart, even though you killed her to avenge my loss -- the pain is still too great for me to bear right now. I must go to my bedchambers to grieve in private. Please leave me now, and return to your world. You have my thanks for your help."

"Mike, will I get to stay like this?" Xaviera asked.

"I don't know, Xaviera -- as a Queen, you represent a serious danger, and I will have to keep a close watch on you to make sure you behave yourself. Otherwise, I may need to cleanse you once again. Your children may be frightened by your appearance, though, unless you can change back and forth between human and changeling -- oh, what am I saying? Of course you can assume a human form, you have returned to being a Changeling Queen. All I can say to you is this -- you'd better behave yourself, and not try to start another hive. I had a difficult enough time the last time around with you building a hive. I will not kill you if you behave yourself."

"I'm glad you didn't kill me last time around, thanks for saving my life again," she said. Her eyes still had that green glow to them, and I had to avert my gaze to keep from becoming hypnotized by them.

"Xavi, can you please not gaze at me with those eyes of yours?"

"Sorry, Mike, I can't help it, it just seems normal to me."

"Your eyes have a hypnotic quality to them, and if you can't control that, I will be forced to cleanse you. I don't say this out of anger, just that I am concerned for the safety of others back home."

"My eyes are as they always will be, Mike. I apologized for that, you're just gonna have to deal with it."

We teleported back home, and Brenda was not too happy to see the change Xaviera had undergone once again.

"You've turned back into that Queen form, haven't you?" Brenda asked. She was in the process of getting dressed.

"Well, I DO have her horn and crown," she said. "I put them on my head, just as Mike had told me to, and this is what I became. I am sorry if that disappoints you, mama."

"Mike, will you do something about her eyes? It looks like she's trying to hypnotize me!"

"I hate to do this, Xavi, but I'm gonna have to take away your horn and crown. It HAS to be done." I took them off her head, and she reverted to her normal human form. I conjured a metal box with two compartments, and place each item in a separate compartment. I then sealed this box with magic wards to prevent any pony from opening it. Then I teleported the box to same area I had placed Discord's ashes.

"Mike, I'm sorry. But if I ever get a chance to become a Queen again, please let me enjoy it a bit longer, please."

"That depends on how well you can behave yourself. Hypnotizing people is dangerous."

Brenda was about to say something, but was interrupted by a flash of light and a blue POP. Between Brenda and myself stood a blue unicorn with white mane and tail, a cutie mark featuring a wand and a magic swirl on her flanks.

"Mike, who the hell is THIS?" Brenda asked.

"Trixie. What do YOU want?" I asked impatiently. "There is a rip in the fabric of space, and I am DEFINITELY going to have to fix that hole. Brenda, this blue unicorn is the one who calls herself 'The Great and Powerful Trixie'."

"Trixie does NOT use that appellation in self-reference," she stated, quite contemptibly at that. "Michael, Trixie has need of your services, as the matter is most urgent."

"Mike, you are NOT going to help her!" Brenda shouted at me. "He has helped Celestia at least three times today, and you're out of luck on getting his help now!"

"Tell Trixie, Brenda, why you think you can regulate him. He has told Trixie about you in his realm," she said.

"So, Trixie, what has he told you about me?"

"Brenda, she is from an alternate universe. In this one, she's a traveling show-mare, who has a tendency to get in trouble wherever she goes with her caravan."

"And in Trixie's realm, she is a fearsome magic-user, who represents the Element of Magic, Michael!"

"Who still refers to herself in third-person," I chuckled.

"Perhaps Trixie should return to her realm, if you're not going to help her."

"Perhaps Trixie SHOULD return to her realm! Mike's too busy to help EVERY PONY who wants or needs his help!" Brenda shouted at her.

"Do not make Trixie mad, Brenda, I can do things to you --"

"Do NOT threaten MY WIFE, Trixie! You will make ME mad!" I sternly addressed her.

"Oh. Trixie is sorry, Brenda. I .. I .. Trixie guesses she'll just go home now..." her words trailed off softly as she teleported away, a flash of light and another blue POP signalling her departure.

"Mike, that was REALLY weird," Brenda said. "Who else is going to POP in here? Wait, I don't wanna find out..."

I teleported outside, to the roof of the house. I scanned the sky, seeking to find the hole. Not finding anything, I called on Celestia for some advice.

"Go higher, Michael, into the space outside your planet's atmosphere. You need to be able to see into the dark reaches between stars to find this torn space."

"Thanks Celestia, I will do that now." I flew higher, and used magic to protect myself from the bitter cold and lack of oxygen above the Earth's atmosphere. I saw space differently, the electro-magnetic spectrum coloring everything in shades of deep blue, purple, and red. The stars themselves were brilliant, appearing much larger than the usual dots in the night sky. I was able to find the torn space, quite a ways off, but not so far as to be out of relatively easy reach. I used magic to knit the torn fabric of space back together. The rip had shown an eerie blackness devoid of any object of any kind. I forced to the back of my mind the curiosity to explore that blackness, as I was positive I would never return if I entered it.