• Published 18th Nov 2012
  • 2,556 Views, 70 Comments

What Does It Mean to Be a Prince? - Mike the Red

  • ...

On the Loose Again

---------------------------------------- Xaviera's Point of View ------------------

It had been just a couple of days ago when this weird looking thing came into the house -- she appeared out of nowhere -- her appearance scared me so bad, I had to grab my kids and run to the basement, trying to hide in the laundry room. She found me there, and forced me to gaze into those green eyes of hers. I couldn't help but stare at the crown and horn on her head, and wonder what the hell she was and where the hell she came from.

"You three will make a nice addition to my hive," she cooed, her eyes locking into mine.

"What are you? Where did you come from? What do you want from us?"

"My name is Chrysalis, and I am here to add you to my hive. I don't know how I got here, but I don't care, as long as I can add to my hive!"

"You're gonna be in trouble when Mike gets back -- he's gonna kill you!" I tried to be brave, but my voice trembled at the attempt. I couldn't help but worry more about Samantha and Tanisha -- what was going to happen to them?

"If I die, then YOU will become the Queen!" she sneered. "Not that THAT'S going to happen!"

Next thing I know, I am being wrapped in a gooey green substance coming from this so-called Queen's ass, enveloping me and my kids completely. The stuff made me fall asleep, even though it felt cold and slimy. After that, I remember Mike pulling us down from the ceiling of the laundry room, freeing us from the slimy cocoons. Then I saw the Queen again, and she said, "You're not getting out of here alive, Michael." Then he killed her in a very vicious manner. Her screams still leave me shaking when I hear them in the night. I couldn't believe he was able to do that! Now he's after me! I don't want him to kill ME like that!


I was able to chase her for quite a bit before she suddenly disappeared on me again. I didn't know she had invisibility, and once again she evaded my detection, even though I was able to search the entire electro-magnetic spectrum in my attempt to find her. I was left slack-jawed and wide-eyed when she managed to do this again. It took me a couple of minutes to figure out my next course of action. I teleported back home to see if I could reconnoiter with Celestia and Twilight. Brenda was still standing in the front yard, talking to them.

"I lost sight of her again. I can't believe how powerful she's become," I said, addressing Celestia.

"We may need to gather the Elements once again," she said, a look of deep concern on her face.

"I can't believe this!" Twilight exclaimed. "I could never have believed we would need to use them THIS many times in such a short period of time!"

"There has never been this much activity of this sort since -- Tasavir, what possessed you to request a wish to be transformed into Twilight Sparkle two weeks ago?" Celestia asked the one question I was dreading. I had hoped she might overlook this, but now it was going to come out. I wasn't quite sure how to handle it, but I decided that honesty would be the most appropriate tactic in this situation.

"Princess Celestia, if I may, this is a long story. I understand my request was hastily made, largely without considering the possibilities of such a wish being granted, but it was a desire to experience what it might be like to be in the body of my favorite magic-using unicorn. There is a very powerful entity who admonished me earlier today, one far more powerful than me, who told me that HE was the one who granted my wish -- He also stated that He was impressed by the fact that I had brought honor to the name of Twilight Sparkle. I thanked Him for His compliment, of course. Truth be told, Princess, I believe I might have stated earlier that there is a TV show in THIS world that chronicles the adventures of you and the others in your realm. If you like, I can show you on my computer what this looks and sounds like."

"Tasavir, that information is a bit too much for me to take right now. However, I would like to take that opportunity at my earliest convenience, when this matter is resolved. Firstly, though, Twilight and I must return to Equestria to gather the Elements together. We will return soon."

"May I still call you Mike?" Twilight asked. "Your new name is quite unusual."

"Of course you may, Twilight, you hold a special place in my heart." Brenda glared daggers at me when I said that. "Brenda, I love you more than life itself, so don't think I love Twilight more than you, silly girl!" I grinned. She softened her expression when I said that, and chuckled slightly.

"Mike, I want to see what that show looks like on your computer, and I want to meet this 'entity' you talked about -- you seemed to describe 'Him' by emphasizing the "H" when you talked about 'Him'."

"There are some in this world who refer to Him as 'God'."

"What does that mean?" she asked.

"He is the ultimate authority, with respect to some religions in this world."

"That sounds interesting, Tasavir, we will have to discuss this matter further, however, we must take our leave. We shall return shortly," Celestia said, and disappeared with a flash of light and another golden POP.

"Mike, what are we going to do about Xaviera?"

"She left her kids here, didn't she?" I asked.

"Yes, she did. I guess she'll be wanting to come get them," Brenda said thoughtfully. "What are you thinking?"

"To lure her here, and use the Elements to banish the Queen's spirit from her. Hopefully, that will leave Xaviera unharmed. That's the best case scenario."

"And the worst case?"

"That we may have no choice but to terminate her life."

"NOOOOO! Don't you DARE do THAT! Not my BABY! PLEASE!!"

"Brenda, it may already be too late for her. Trust me, we are going to do everything we can to spare her life. The problem is that she poses a great danger to everyone in her current form, and she may have to make the ultimate sacrifice in order to preserve humanity. She is THAT dangerous. One other thing -- she can see really well at night, and that makes us vulnerable while we sleep. We may have to take care of this matter tomorrow, as it is already getting pretty late in the day, and the sun will be setting soon. That, or maybe I may have to lower it. Right now, I'm not sure about that. In any case, we may have to go to Equestria to find safe sleeping."

"And if we go there, where will we sleep?"

"I will ask Princess Celestia if she has additional sleeping quarters in the Castle. I am fairly sure she can provide adequate accommodations for us, should we need them."