• Published 5th Mar 2013
  • 9,146 Views, 3,240 Comments

My Little Caboose II: Friendship is Fragmented! - DarkWing

Church, finally freed from his stone prison after a month of having Discord trapped in his mind along with him, must readjust to the pony world with nothing but twisted memories, as well a group of equally twisted friends.

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Chapter 71 - "Premature Advances"

With a sigh, Carolina grabbed the ammo for her magnum and loaded in a fresh magazine, deciding to stick to what she was most comfortable with. She felt it would be more helpful in case she had to take anybody out from a range, feeling that a shotgun and an ancient alien sword would be good enough for close quarters and her with a hammer would just put her in the way, and the plasma rifles could overheat very quickly, leaving her unable to defend herself in a worst case scenario. On the table there was a small chip, and she examined it quietly.

"Are you sure you can handle this?" she asked, picking up the chip. "The speed boost drains power faster than any other equipment in the armory..."

"I'm not sure, but hopefully we won't have to find out, huh?" Church chuckled.

"Hopefully," she murmured, sliding the chip into her armor. The armor locked up for a split second, but then went back to normal and she let out a deep breath. "Guess we should round up the others."

"Are you okay?" Church inquired as Carolina stood up.

"I'm fine. Just been thinking a lot lately, you know?" she sighed. "I'm thinking about all the things that I could have done differently up until this point."

"Like what?"

"Like maybe I should have kept Sigma when Maine got shot in the throat..." Carolina said, loading a bullet into the chamber of her gun. "If I had just waited for Maine to get his own fragment, York, North and the others would still be here. All the fragments were specifically assigned to Freelancers for a reason. Theta was given to North because he's caring. Delta was given to York to help him do what he did best. The Director thought I could handle Sigma, and I was fine."

"Yeah, but I was given to Wash, and if you remember, that didn't go to well," Church grunted. Carolina remained silent. "For once, we may need you to be the pyscho we thought you were when we met you."

"Gee, thanks," she growled.

"You know what I mean. The last thing we need is for you to be hesitant and down. Don't doubt yourself, Carolina. Maine was sort of an insane powerhouse before Sigma got to him. He wanted power more than the Director wanted Allison. If anything, maybe giving Sigma away kept you alive. You could have ended up working with Maine. Don't look at the 'what could have gone better' situations. You have to look at what you've done well. Otherwise you'll end up killing yourself on the inside."

"I guess."

Church sighed as Carolina began walking towards the others. Shaking his head, he vanished, going back into her armor, deciding he would try to make sense of the armor ability he may need to use.

"Alright, boys. This is it. All or nothing," Carolina said to the Reds and Blues that were standing in a semicircle around her. "The Director is here and we have to find him, then apprehend him. Keep your weapons ready, but only fire when I give you the go ahead. We're not sure if we have anybody to deal with, but if we do, we have to be prepared for a fight."

"Hopefully it doesn't come to that," came a voice from the other end of the room.

Everyone turned around with their weapons prepped, including Caboose and Doc, only to see the man that stood next to the Chairman from their prior encounter clutching his own weapon tightly. Carolina couldn't help but feel a small sense of pride for these rejects. When it came down to it, they were soldiers when they needed to be. She was now hoping they'd get to see her surprise them at some point.

"Keep your weapons down," the man growled as he walked towards them, other soldiers following closely behind. "Don't want any bloodshed."

"Where's the Chairman?" Carolina asked, stepping in front the others, signalling them to lower their weapons.

"He's still waiting outside. He wants me to see the Director before he comes in," he explained. "He is here, isn't he?"

"Yes, he is. We were just getting ready for the worst."

"Great minds think alike, I suppose. I hope you don't mind if we stick around with you," he said slowly and calculatingly, tapping a small comm device on his hip. "We need to radio for the Chairman when we find him. He wants to be there for when we bring him in. Unless... you have a problem with that?"

Carolina thought for a moment, then nodded stiffly at him. She didn't like the tone of voice he used, but they didn't have much choice in the matter. If she said no, they would either grow suspicious, or the men would shoot them. Even if they managed to take out the Lieutenant and the ones surrounding them, they'd still have to try to fight off a larger group that was waiting outside. Turning around, she pointed towards a nearby hallway and Washington began to lead them towards the room where he originally found the Director. Once they reached the room, Washington nodded at Simmons and he walked up to the door to try and open in.

"He's in there?" the Lieutenant asked, not stepping away from his ranks that were blocking the way out.

"The door is locked, so we can only assume he is," Simmons grunted, fiddling with the door's keypad.

"Don't worry about it being locked. I'll just call in the Chairman and we'll cut the door—" he started, but was cut short by the sound of gunfire and a man yelling orders coming through the handheld radio that was strapped to his hip. In less than an instant, the Lieutenant snatched the device off of his hip and brought it to his mouth, confusion and doubt setting in. "What's wrong?"

"We're under attack!" came the voice from the other side. "God damn it, where are they coming from?"

"Who is attacking you?" he growled. "More Freelancer drones?"

"No, it's—"

The voice was cut short when the man began to yell in pain, and the device dropped to the ground. After a few more seconds of gunfire, the radio crackled and turned into white noise. The Lieutenant's eyes were glued to the group the entire time he was listening in, and his eyes went from hard and cautious to icy and angry.

"This isn't good," Grif murmured quietly.

"You tricked us! The Director did lay a trap," the Lieutenant said as he dropped his walkie-talkie, lifting his rifle to his eyes in the span of a half-second. "And you were working with him the whole time."

"What? No, we aren't!" Simmons said quickly as the men around them followed their leader's action. "We're on your side, trust us!"

"I told the Chairman we should have just let you fight amongst yourselves and finished off the stragglers," he hissed, fingers tightening.

From behind them, a single shot erupted and one of the men standing next to the Lieutenant fell to the ground, yelling in pain as he clutched onto his stomach. Turning around, the Lieutenant and his men saw an alien wearing purple armor standing there, weapon smoking.

"What the fu--" he started, and several aliens began uncloaking, matching the UNSC's numbers. "And here I thought we were almost at peace with you disgusting monsters."

"They aren't monsters," Tucker growled. "They're here because they want to help me."

"So you are working with them!" the Lieutenant snapped, weapon focusing on Tucker. "Kill them!"

As the Lieutenant pulled the trigger, Carolina activated her speed boost and dashed in front of Tucker, causing her to get shot once in the arm. She let out a pained cry, but that didn't stop her from snapping towards him and kicking the weapon out of his hand. The Lieutenant swore and reached for his pistol, but Carolina quickly kicked him in the chest, knocking him to the ground. The men in the room began firing their weapons at the aliens who dove for cover while the Lieutenant scrambled to get back to his feet.

"Fall back!" Carolina yelled through grinding teeth, clutching her arm as she ran into the hallway.

The boys didn't need to be told twice, and in an instant they began peddling down the hallway, further into the facility as Carolina kept behind them, glancing back every now and again to make sure they weren't being followed.

Author's Note:

Earth Pony and Pegasus Carolina were pretty much tied in the votes, but I decided that Pegasus would fit her since it suits her personality more. While she is strong and hardworking, two traits that Earth Ponies get more, she is way more about speed, determination, competitiveness and she has a relatively short fuse, which we often see in Pegasus.

Also that way it fills the Freelancers as having all three races:
EP Tex, Washiscorn and Pegalina.

And it also makes the "family tree" trio have each race:
Again, EP Tex, Epsicorn and Pegalina.

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