• Published 3rd Nov 2012
  • 1,424 Views, 38 Comments

Why Can't I Hold all of these Cupcakes? - ShrimpShogun

Pinkie Pie kills Twilight Sparkle and Twilight is very upset and disappointed by such behavior.

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Comments ( 37 )

This story is purely for the highest of intellects. The common rabble cannot even comprehend how advance your linguistic level of writing is compared to the highest of standards.
You have my attention.

dear god this is beautiful

Good sir, I humbly applaud you for the great and enduring qualities of your erudite prose. The highest qualities are yours.

I salute you, brave and beautiful soul.

O-Oh my God..this is HILARIOUS!!! BEST. TROLL FIC. EVER!! Even if it's NOT a troll fic this is still really funny! I needed this!



This was not a troll fic at all! How dare you disrespect my work in such way! This was a serious fanfiction and is meant to be taken completely seriously. You can tell because of all the work and attention to detail that I have put into this.


1553889 Here here! Obviously the writer of this profound exploration of the psyche of the dying pony is quite wonderful. It has heart, drama, action, heart. Comedy. Foreign Languages. Quests.

It is written for serious audiences. Surely you must see the seriousness of the text.

All those names.... :rainbowlaugh:

That had to be the most original, well-thought out, and glorious piece of fanfiction I have ever had the fortune to read in all my days of reading fanfics. You've seriously made my night after reading this :pinkiehappy:

I feel that this fanfiction did not meet the satisfactory conditions I consider a fanfiction must have in order to be a good fanfiction. Please consider writing better fanfictions, or I'm afraid I will not be able to watch you. Also, I am upset by the appalling amount of blood and gore in this fanfiction. This is a family friendly site, and should remain as such.

1553900 1553916 I'm sorry, I can't take take this seriously! It's good AND bad in a HILARIOUS way!!


It that a penis cutie mark I spy upon Pinkie's skin-dress? Lolz

I... I... I can't... Too much genius...

Ah yes, a story filled with baked goods, thrills, spills, chills, kills and...um... other words that end in 'ills'.

And yet it also strikes one in a metaphysical manner - are we not all of us in some way Pincushion Partyhard, killer of friends and maker of meat-based baked goods?

Are we not also the ill-fated Tweetybird Spittoon, whose only wishes are to read books and not be killed and eaten?

For that matter, do we not encapsulate the named confectionary? Are we all not in fact cupcake?

Truly, after reading this epic, I consider such thoughts and I weep at depth of them.

1555604 You only deny yourself the glory within.

Why the fuck not? :rainbowlaugh:

1556847 This story is full of pure win. Of course yes.:rainbowlaugh:

1556885 Try reading it to any Parkway Drive song! All the rage filled awesomeness :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

I <3 all of you, stay #based forever. <3 <3 <3


So will there be any more stories about Pleiades Poptart and Twist-tie Sour, or is that it? What about the others: Raunchy Doberman, Fellatio, Analcap, and Ranchdressing?

This is more brilliant than it has any right to be. Well done! I can't wait to see the first graduate school thesis that will, inevitably, be written about this.

Twisted Spoon obviously doesn't give a shit that she's being cut open. Lol great fanfic btw

The names in this made me laugh....:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowkiss:

That was ridiculously amusing. Kudos!

This is an incredibly scary, mature and well written story. This a very respectable peace of work and should be used as an example for others. I am in no way being sarcastic.

P.S. I love this story.

This is now canon. How dare you point out otherwise. It was highly amusing....

Somebody also needs to riff this at some point. It would be up for debate which would be funnier

Cracked up at this part

“Ouch, cut that out, Pinkie. You are not a very nice person and I am suddenly beginning to question our friendship,” said Twentieth Century Fox.

Oh Parkour Pancake, I am very disappointed in you. When will you learn that muffins are superior to cupcakes? Besides, everyone knows that unicorn tastes terrible. If you're going to make baked goods out of pony it really has to be pegasus.

And now i can't help but hear this in piccolo's, peter pan's, poccahontas's, and pinochio's voice (yes, all at once). And it is glorious!

I can't believe you done that.

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