• Member Since 26th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen 30 minutes ago

Ron Jeremy Pony

What to say about me... I'm a novelist, I enjoy writing Fanfiction (seriously I like it. Although I mainly do Justice League or Highschool of the Dead), and thanks to Dr. Whooves I found FIM.

Comments ( 34 )

What’s a Mob?

It's a gamer term for standard enemies, like those that roam aimlessly around the map in a mob.

Comment posted by Ciphers deleted May 21st

Unknown areas in games are always a pain as you dont know what glitches are there, never mind buffed and nerfed values and mechanics to mobs youve easily farmed or avoided before. :unsuresweetie:

I think here we're referring to the Narrative term. Which is background characters with no name. Like the people in the crowd in a story.

mob is a term npc

I like the anime and the manga

Mob in a Dating Game? :rainbowhuh:

You mean Mass Effect? I don't recall other dating sims with mobs. :rainbowderp:

Its Gamer term for a NPC that does or does not make a difference in the game

I find such games seriously anoying. First they demand you pay in cash, and thats just so you have the chance to pay in soul and blood. With no gurentee that what you actually paid for will end up yours. :pinkiesick:

I've actually read this manga before please have something where the dude absolutely rips the mother a new one

I've seen worst deaths, ridiculous onws too, stand proud you are not the dumbest

Oh dear. That last command is gouing to bring a Lot of hunters looking for him, as babies are incapable of interactions, and so according to strict computer representation, are guilty of inaction. :pinkiesick:

He really needs to get Artemis to start off in Shadow Ninja combat base, as he just showed her by direct action what will happen if she follows her current battle coding.

She will lose.:eeyup:

Ten years had passed since he last remembered his life before coming to this unbalanced, dumpster fire of a game, world. During that time his body had gained what he’d jokingly called in his former life a farmer’s frame. He had lean muscle from working all day in the field, and his mind was sharp from his studies at night. There wasn’t an over abundance of offensive magic for him to study, but he’d managed to study enough that he was confident that he could get by.

That's a far too big time skip for juat the second chapter, you didn't deepen his connection with hia family, show his new life neither the struggle he passed through, you lost a SHIT ton on content just because of this.

Now everything is going to feel unimportant, without any connection to your characters or history readers are going to struggle to connect with your fic or care very much if anything happens.

I'd personally recommend you rewrite this solely because your fic would be massively improvemed with it.

Goonies, Goonie Goonie Gum Drop. :pinkiecrazy:

Is this just copy of mobuseka?.....

If artemis moves the ship out to teh access tunnel and once clear uses a remote to tilt the scales, then the money will not be taken, the trap will be triggered, and the Pirate will get his last laugh and buriel in full honours?

which is also something important for a combat system to learn.:eeyup:

Welp, if. Copper goes for the android road, he will have an harem of one, an a loyal submissive one at that, what a man really want in a woman, with the con of not having children, or perhaps with technology she could create or kind of birth some, who knows, regardless, he may go to a rode similar to the manga the story is based on.

Artemis really needs to reclassify some of those pieces of litrature she has been going throough? :duck:

I can see a cheap rag of a newspaper in this game with a grinning skeletons head on it called The Daily San, putting the destruction of the labyrinth on the front page with the headlines.

Big Willy Screws Assholes.

Dread Pirate Big Willy went out with a bang as his trapped resting place collapsed on the raiders taking the labyrinth with it.

Next up.

Just how many bananas aree there on the new ride of Laputa. :rainbowwild:

Seems like it to me, granted already I can see a few inconsistencies with the lore of mobuseka. And some of the deviations don't make logical sense.

But if it's going to follow mobuseka then here's my guess on who's gonna be who in the story.

Angie will be Sunset Shimmer because she's the original Villainess and the fire motif that they both share.
Olivia will be Twilight because she's the good girl and original heroine.
Marie will be Cozie Glow because flat chested villainess that's reincarnated sister.
The 5 idiots will be genderswaped Rainbow, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie Pie.
Leon's Master is Luna since he was Roland brother in Mobuseka and Luna not trashy enough to be Roland
Celestia is Roland because he keeps playing political games with Leon

Granted the real question is are we getting an Alzer Republic arc or is the source material for this only the Anime so we only get half of the Princapality arc and don't even get the best AI.

I wasn't planning on really replying to much on here, but to answer a couple of questions. While I am drawing inspiration from it, and from the source material of the Light Novels specifically, they're not the only ones that I'm drawing from. You know, I'm willing to make a contest out of this. The first person that can spot various inspirations from the various animes/light novels/mangas that I likely pulled them from will get a free 1000 word story.

I know, it doesn't sound like much, but since my commission prices are pretty much sixty dollars for a thousand to three thousand word story. (Slight overage included at no charge) I'd say that it's a nice little prize. So, please take a look at the story so far, and see if you can spot the inspirations that they cam from.

That said, back on track here. The light novel, and the anime, are certainly what inspired the story to begin with, but I wanted to spin something different. I felt that doing so would keep it from walking too close to the source material, and of course make it a little more of its own story.


I'm seeing some inspiration from Treasure Island. A powerful Pirate Captain stealing from others and hiding that treasure in a place no one can find but him.

Sir, I want you to know, that your antics here forced me to watch the subbed version of the Anime. Thank you for this gift, and curse of only 12 episodes.

Then good news. Season 2 is confirmed, and trust me the light novels are better.

They are on the way from Amazon actually…

At least the game engine isnt as bad as Omega Labyrinth.The last time I saw a game mechanic like that it was XCom Vipers and hentaied Equestrian Dragons. :rainbowderp:

And some fan made space game.:trixieshiftright:

Thing about Artemis thinking she can only wear one class of clothing at a time, is her nanoweave armor suit could just as easily follow hentai logic as underwear, the less there is the stronger the armor class? That way, the more her school uniform is damaged, showing more body, the higher her defences get before she can even be atempted to be damaged?:duck:

I wonder if this realm isnt hard limited to teh game engine around which it seems to be based, or can use other RPG engines with resource farming, relationship, breeding mechanics etc.

Rune Factory has Dungeon Seeds. You plant it in your field, and it grows a portal to a dungeon demiplane? Im not sure if its daily, weekly, or variable the various dungeon interiors reset, but if you have a lot of autonomous assitance you can get rediculous amounts of resources. One thing that I found annoying with Rune Factory(4), is that although you could assign barn monsters to work the fields, you couldnt assign All teh ban monsters to work the fields, the next fresh ne taking over when the previous one became exhausted.

Having Artemis do biological research into creating improved avatars could lead to all sorts of problems to deal with, such as optimising demihuman offspring for resource aquisition and generation? Consume Observe Hybridise Procreate?:trixieshiftright:

I'm actually liking how you're writing Copper, he's not an idiot, he's not oblivious to affection, he's not a massive pervert, he's not treating an A.I. as a tool...

I genuinely applaud you for this, cause this has always been a sticking point for me... personally

A #human would help illustrate that the OC characters are humans, and not ponies/anthros. Also, I do not know if this is an intentional writing style, but having read all chapters, there’s a tendency of repeating the same sentences 2-3 times every odd paragraph.

Some Chapter 10 example(s):
“Artemis wasn’t wearing her uniform. She wasn’t wearing anything.” could be “Artemis wasn’t wearing her uniform; or rather anything at all.”

“Instead he had been stuck reciting the incantation, although now he could use wordless magic. That made him far happier than he really had any right to be. He could use wordless magic, and he could so seamlessly.” could be condensed to “Instead he had been stuck reciting the incantation, although now he could use wordless magic and could do so seamlessly. That made him far happier than he really had any right to be.”

Thank you for the suggestion, and when it comes time for the rewrite I'll certainly take them under advisement. Not going to lie, when I write I tend to follow Charles Dickens' example. I do mostly because all to often my writing, much like his, is commission work. And thus I'm usually paid per word. (Going rate right now is one hundred words for ten dollars. I will alter the price depending on the idea for the story. If it's something I really like, or am passionate about then I try to make it less. If it's on my no write list, but I'm being harassed about it I usually increase the price quite a bit in order to get whoever is harassing me about it to back off.)

So, when I write in that mind set, much like Mr Dickens I tend to go into periods of over detail or by explaining an action in a couple different ways. It's something I need to work on when working on anything, including comissions.

If th crystal ants swarm but are super weak against sonic attacks, then Pinkie would use a air raid siren, Fluttershy a dog whistle, AJ should be able to use Quake, and Rarity? Well, they are small crystal items. She could just pick the swarm up and use it to shred the next layer of monsters apart? :duck:

Well, that is a phrase you never say. Good chapter as always.

Too much Gilda in the air.

All the, Dwee-eebs.

Edna:No Nerds.

Artemis needs some Wolverine claws? Little bit of physical Adamantium with energy backing should get Tier 6-7 equivalent offense? The city killer sounds like a Wizards Wheel shell? :rainbowderp:

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