• Member Since 18th Apr, 2023
  • offline last seen Yesterday



One night, Twilight discovers a book. Much later, Equestria is no more. A human explores a desolate land in search of answers.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 7 )

How long do you see the chapters getting?

I don't think I'll ever go above 7k-8k words per chapter, but it mostly depends on the chapter itself and my general motivation when writing

How peculiar? A world long forgotten and nothing to present as it were, a stallion searching what seems fated to loss and hollow. A journey bleak and unforgiving lies a horrible truth.

Time taken to wrought words and sentences of minds alike, to remove the impurities of function in describing events. However so, remained calm, a book is not written without faults. Do take time for it would bring peace of mind, not the expectations of duty.

Interesting premise, I'll take a read when I get through my list!

So... What happened to the Equestria Girls universe in this story?

The scope of this story does not currently include EqG, though that may change in the future. In the meanwhile, the answer to your question is up to your interpretation of the story's events.

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