• Member Since 28th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Monday


Just a dude who writes mainly clop with some action and some GrimDark on the side. Also, If you don’t like futa, you may have a bad time here :P ;)


Comments ( 12 )

I've been reading your fics for 8 years now and it's just amazing to see you absolutely crush whatever you decide to take on. great start so far cant wait for the rest .happy thanksgiving :heart:

Enjoyed your past fic's, cant't wait to start reading this later tonight!

Happy Turkey Day to you, too ^_^

Now i am interested!

Oh, now I see what those AI journals were about! Stunning! Damn fine story, too! And now Featured!

I know, right? I'm so glad I didn't hype it up for nothing.

Wow i really like this story no just because of sex. But i am geniunly interested in twillight character development. And btw amazing idea with those ai pics.

Comment posted by Tachi-Tekmo deleted Dec 7th, 2023

One hero one villain who will come out in top

"I think I just need to be careful with bullets."

Bullets, my only weakness, how did you know???

Will this story have a happy ending?

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