• Member Since 4th May, 2017
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Cackling Moron

"Fluff" in the same way what collects under the sofa is fluff.


It's cold. Keeping inside and trying not to think about this is Phil, a human.

Outside, trying to get rid of her rubbish is Plum, a pony. But she's having issues.

Phil helps Plum, and in helping her encounters further issues.

Then there's soup. Or not.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 22 )

Sometimes I really look forward to the sequel.:ajsmug:
Good story.

Quite lovely. It's the simple things sometimes that can really get you thinking, wot?

Like stairs. Strange gorram things, stairs.

I told you man, I told you about stairs

And they never happen!

Idk how you make 3.5k words of nothing much be so interesting.
Nothing important happend
And i loved evey line


And when they do, it's Jack

Wooo! Love your work

Damn I could read your stories forever, it's just such a delight. Also,

Phil liked to think of himself as a patient man, or at least a man so numb to life he could roll with just about whatever it chose to throw at him.

I get it Phil, I really do

I am glad you have not gotten tired of this place, new stuff from you is just so nice. Ice can get ya if you are not careful, the few times I am just glad I had a thick coat on or the road was empty.

Thanks for the fluff. In winter, fluff is important. Also in other seasons, it's very weather-friendly.


This is just what I needed this morning. Wonderful story as always.

Always love a good Cackling Moron story. Like a bowl of soup (or three-bean chilli) to warm the cockles.

Such big eyes you have, little pony.

The better to make you reflexively do social things that you wouldn't otherwise do, dearie.

Ponies. Strange creatures. But weren’t we all?

I can confirm that I am, indeed, quite strange.

But that's normal for a New Jersian. :trollestia:

“Ow,” he said, feeling it summed recent events up nicely.

Basically what turning 30 feels like, and then every year after.

Kindness does often beget delicious chili. Thank goodness n_n

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