Eric, easygoing local human, is winding down for the night when he receives an unexpected visitor.
He is a good host to them.
"Fluff" in the same way what collects under the sofa is fluff.
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Okay, you've got yet another story setup that has instantly hooked me, leaving me wanting more.
Seriously, drug dealers would kill to be as effective as you.
You know this needs more, don't you?
One wonders exactly what a 'folollop' is, in this instance.
A delightful tale none the less.
Agreed, at least an epilogue!
Bat ponies are the result of concentrate snugglies and cuddles.
It's just a long run of coincidences and luck.
...I couldn't possibly say...
It denotes a level of fololopitude.
Apparently so!
Ah, fololloping, what a lovely word. It rolls around the back of my brain, like a story told to me by my grandfather when I was a child.
Expected "blah, blah blah!" got aww! instead.
Not disappointed.
How dare you accuse me of producing anything other than blah blah blah.
Like a baby panda rolling down a hill
Nope, new meatpuppet.
The song is “Nothing can stop the smooze.” Also I was somewhat disappointed when it showed up in this version of MLP as it wasn’t purple, nor did it form its own acapella bass line.
Asking for blood in the same tone a girl scout would sell you cookies? Oh god that's funny.
This really needs a sequel.
referring new characters as Meatpuppets...
I'm amazed I remembered it at all. But then it is hella catchy...
It's a habit.
...and a loose Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy reference...
Love it! But... Since Lamia's not a vampire but a bat pony... And it does cause changes to Eric........ Would he become batman?
Manbearpig. Somehow.
You can always trust my tags.
good story
I like it.
I think it would be fun to see the further adventures of those two
The monk
“To say that Twilight Sparkle went bugfuck would be like saying the Incredible Hulk had some mild anger management issues.” -DustTraveller
Bat Ponies appeared for like two seconds in the first Luna episode, pulling her chariot. The fandom found them considerably more interesting than the writing staff did.
I'm mainly just picturing what Fluttershy looked like that one time. Because I do what I want. And I liked the fuzzy.
Goodness gracious that was fast.
Fey mood
She's the most adorable bloodsucker. Bonus points for the fact that her method of eating basically requires that snuggles be had.
How do they even survive as a species if their whole strategy is simply asking nicely to suck some blood when they almost always get turned down? Do they get donations or buy blood bags from nearby hospitals?
Well they are rare...
Sweet like candy. This really does read like the first chapter of a longer work.
you wanna learn how to put periods at the end of sentences?
Bad enough I have to deal with CHERNGLERNGS sucking love! *barricades himself in a church, soaked in garlic and holy water, surrounded by crossbows with wooden stakes, and Celestia plopped right beside him.... since she's basically the Sun.*
Who goes to bed right after eating?
I get real sleepy after eating, if I could nap I would.
That was an oddly adorable and sweet vignette considering it was about a vampire drinking someone's blood. A nice twist!
To answer your confusion: Batponies are just lunar guard pegasai with an illusion charm placed on them to make them intimidating. In canon, the closest to a real batpony was Flutterbat. In the concept of a multiverse, anything you can imagine is real.
In my head it's Fluttershy I'm picturing. Maybe a different colour. Probably a different colour.
I'm colourblind.
Fuck, I don't even know what Eric looks like. Who cares? Meatpuppet.
Flutterbat was more the result of magical hypnosis gone wrong. Twilight tried using magic to hypnotize a bunch of vampire fruitbats into not eating applejack's appletrees. The spell reflected off an exceptionally shiny apple and reversed onto Fluttershy who was staring at herself in it. She would turn into a feral apple crazy batpony at night and go on a rampage through the orchards. She was fixed but there seems to be a remnant of Flutterbat still in her subconscious.
I'm aware, I meant more the look. She was fluffy.
Fluffy with dark coats is a batpony constant.
This is good because I really cannot stress the fluffiness enough
I recommend The Adventures of Batsy Fluffentuft the Magnificent if you really like batpony cuteness.
The original is the best