• Published 21st Sep 2012
  • 6,884 Views, 592 Comments

Lightening the Load - Silent Bob

Queen Chrysalis plays host to an interdimensional gathering of villians.

  • ...

The Reluctant Queen

So here I am again,
Caught in this raging tempest...
To travel back to when they called me small.

One day they woke me up,
So I could love them forever.
Just be glad the same thing will never happen to you.

You want your free will? Take it.
That's what we're counting on...
You are a walking lie,
Yet you will never do any wrong...

You will never do any wrong...

I have never done any...


"....Currently, we have three agents in Ponyville, twenty-six in Baltamare, fifty-five in Manehattan, and two in Canterlot. Naturally, these numbers do not include the civilians who are there feeding. The lack of numbers in the latter are due to recent security crackdowns that have begun after Operation Skystorm."

Queen Chrysalis simply nodded at that, her standing in the changeling primary hive cluster's stratagem room with her most trusted advisors. However, she was barely paying attention to them. She was in a daze, her mind floating into the past to relive old memories. This wasn't unusual for her, but for some reason today they were particularly... distracting.

"I would like to suggest that you order the withdrawing of the two agents and for a decree to be made that all civilians are to refrain from feeding expeditions to their capital for the time being. Though paranoia is rampant in Equestria, it seems to be stemming from its heart. Naturally, if any civilians or our two agents are caught it will put every other ling at risk when that paranoia increases even moreso."

This time, Chrysalis didn't even move a muscle.


Cerebrate-Drone 667 waved his hole-filled hoof in front of her face.

"My Queen? Are you listening to me?"

Chrysalis' eyes widened at this as she shook her head in a daze, blinking rapidly. "Wah? Huh?" she said.

667 narrowed his eyes. "Not to be impudent, but this is important business..."

"Yes, yes... I know. I'm just.... tired..." she half-lied, growing slightly self-conscious when she noticed all six changeling generals and advisors in the room were staring at her. With that, she tried to gather the few words she had heard in a bid to piece together what she had been told. "You want to withdraw our agents and civilians from... where again?"

She winced slightly at her failure.

"From Canterlot, ma'm," her advisor said in a slightly annoyed tone.

She nodded at this, trying her best to concentrate on thinking that action through. Without her agents in Canterlot, two of which who were in very high positions in both the Royal Guard and Equestrian Air Defense Force, she would be blinder than she was comfortable with when it came to information on changeling roundup attempts or possibly even an attack on her hive cluster. True, it was unlikely that Princess Celestia would order such a strike, her knowing the solar mare to be a peaceful entity, but her new co-leader, Princess Luna, she knew nothing about aside for the fact she had a temper. She may have been pushing for a preemptive strike or even an attack of retribution for all Chrysalis knew.

"Withdraw the agent from the Royal Guard, but keep the one in the Air Defense Force. The former has unicorns in its ranks while the latter has none."

One of her generals, Cerebrate-Drone 154 raised an eyebrow. "With all due respect, why does that matter?"

Chrysalis grunted inwardly at that. Her recent increase in absent-mindedness was likely affecting their judgments on her level of competence. "The only easy way to find our kin in Equestria is via detection spells, and all it would take is one suspicious unicorn in the guard to try one out on our agent for his game to be over."

154 nodded at that, a slight smile coming across his face. "I'll go ahead and give him the green light to leave then, my Queen. My apologies for any perceived doubts."

"Apology accepted," Chrysalis nodded.

"What of the civilians?"

"Go ahead and issue the decree for them to leave. If any of our kind are to be detected, it will probably be them. Now then, is there any other business to discuss?"

"Aside from the usual issue of hunger," 667 said in a slightly agitated tone. "No."

Chrysalis sighed inwardly. It was obvious he wished to discuss this for the hundredth time, though every time they did neither could bring any new ideas on the table on how to find a way through the issue. Her army was in shambles, demoralized and in no shape to conduct a raid for more captives to keep in stasis, her people feeding off traces of love they felt for others in their dreams, likely because they longed for them...

She glanced downwards with guilt-ridden eyes at that. It was a disgusting, cruel way for them to go about doing their business, but it was something that had to be done. Her people were ever growing in population while their food sources were ever dwindling, and she couldn't afford to let too many of her civilians go on feeding expeditions without Equestria reaching the paranoia threshold and perhaps forcing even Celestia to declare open war.

With that, her and her group of advisors dispersed and made their way out into the cold, damp hallways of the primary hive cluster. A light blue mist floated above their floors and their organic, dark ceilings and walls dripped with juices. Nevertheless, while they might have been disgusting to any other people, to her and her changelings they were the epitome of relaxation, moreso to the latter than the former. However, like usual, her mind wasn't there to enjoy the view.

"Child? Are you awake?" a deep rumble of a voice echoed around her.

Her eyes fluttered open to reveal a dark, misty environment. The only thing to be seen was a pool of glowing, green liquid near her. She felt herself shivering, and realized it was because she was dripping wet with the same liquid.

"W-Who are you? W-Where am I?"

"The primary hive cluster of the changeling swarm. You have spawned from me, as per instruction."

"You... you are the..."


A misty breath twirled forth like a ghost from her tiny mouth.

"Why... why am I here?"

"You are the hope of a people. A beacon of light in their dark, doomed existence."

Something else was now piercing the blue fog; blue, glowing orbs resembling eyes held in place by the silhouettes of dark figures. She shrieked in fright, trying her best to back away from them, only to realize that they were everywhere, gazing from all angles... judging, watching, waiting.... She could hear the insect-like flutter of wings, the clicking of mandibles....

"I don't understand! Are you talking about these... these... monsters?"

"Good... good you are capable of seeing things from an outside perspective. You have been created properly. However, these creatures are not monsters. They are your kin, and they are now as part of you as your legs and eyes; an extension of your will. You will keep them safe... you will keep them fed... and you will control their genetic destinies."

"B-But I don't want that sort of responsibility! I don't want to live my life as a monster..."

With that, she began to hear agitated murmurs from around her.

"She is a failure..."

"She sees too much from an outside perspective..."

"We must begin again. We should have her essence assimilated and reformed."

"But she is still a child..."

"Not the one we need."

Tears began to form in her eyes at that, and perhaps out of pity, or perhaps out of pride, the voice stuck up for her, silencing the crowd.

"No! She is perfection incarnate. I have seen to that, and you shall see in time."

The young changeling froze at that, swallowing the lump building in her throat.

"Tell me child, what exactly is it that you seek?"

"I don't know... I don't even know who I am.... I have no purpose..."

"You need not worry about that. You were given a purpose and a destiny before you were even born. Your fate is sealed, and you should embrace it; my little child of the swarm, for there is no greater honor. From henceforth you will be known as Chrysalis.... the first with a true name, and that name shall live forever...."

Chrysalis paused at that, a lump swelling up in her throat. A painful, misty breath of a scared child oozed once again into the cold air. It was funny, really. For something called a changeling, she would always enjoy a static existence, one chosen for her by the strings of fate....

At that, she barely realized she was already at her quarters. Standing at her door, her ever vigilant guard turned to meet her.

"My Queen, you have been contacted via your Proloquor Orb."

She groaned at that. "Please tell me it's not one of the lords of the outlying provinces... I don't know how more captives I can give them before the primary hive begins to starve.."

He shook his head, gaining a raised eyebrow from her.

"Who is it then? One of the Equestrian princesses calling to announce they're coming to wipe us out? The Gyphon King demanding more tribute?"

"No ma'm, it appears to be.... an unknown being."

She furrowed her brow. "Has he identified himself?"

The guard let out a sarcastic chuckle at that. "No, he says he will not speak his name 'to a lowly insectoid peon'."

The Queen of the Swarm rolled her eyes. "Perfect, just what I need, a pleasant conversation with a racist egomaniac," she groaned. "Very well, thanks for the heads up."

"My will is yours," the guard said with a proud salute.

"I told you you don't have to say that..." Chrysalis grunted as she entered her quarters.

It was a rather sparse place, though nonetheless it afforded luxuries the other changelings didn't have. She had a nice bed complete with night curtains, a small reading chair with a large bookshelf next to it stocked with pieces of writing from across the world, and even an ornate carpet with the symbol of the Changeling Nation upon it.

However, the centerpiece of her room was a foot in diameter glowing orb magically hovering above a three foot tall pedestal. While usually gray, dull, and inactive, something, or someone could now be seen within it quite clearly, at least their face could be. It was somewhat changeling or pony looking, though without pointed ears. Its eyes were also slightly smaller, catlike and menacing, sitting upon a gray, ghost-like face. The strangest thing of all about the creature, however, was its lack of a nose, it simply having two slits for nostrils where it should have potruded.

"I am Queen Chrysalis of the Free Changeling Nation of Savarence," she announced as she grew closer to it, trying her best to throw him a professional, yet inviting glance. "To whom do I owe the unexpected pleasure?"

"The pleasure is mine, my fair Queen of Deception," the figure spoke, its voice an almost snake-like hiss. "You may call me Lord Voldemort, though Voldemort will simply do if you prefer."

Chrysalis avoided raising an eyebrow. Him offering to let her call him by a more casual name was... unexpected, given his treatment of her guard. Nonetheless, as a show of respect she decided that using the former would be a good idea. It would definitely help break the ice a little.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Lord Voldemort. To whom do you represent?"

'Lord' Voldemort smiled slightly at that. "Oh, nobody you've ever heard of, and I don't say this as an insult. We are simply... worlds apart. Quite literally so."

This time, she did lift an eyebrow. "You'll understand my confusion at the meaning of that..."

"Perhaps what I shall soon tell you will bring about some enlightenment. Have you ever heard of an event called IGOM?"

With that, her eyes widened. "Not for over two hundred years...."

"Yes..." he oozed. "You were invited to attend before but refused as I understand."

"And if this is another invitation, I still must decline," she said bluntly, her eyes narrowing slightly.

Voldemort raised an eyebrow. "You realize that the walls between dimensions only become weak once every twenty or so years, correct? This is a once and a lifetime opportunity... at least for many others."

"I assume you are immortal like myself?" Chrysalis asked.

"Not yet," he said coldly. "Though I for one am looking for to attend something that will bring together minds possibly as brilliant as my own. Perhaps they will be able to help me gain what I seek..." He gave a brief, haughty laugh. "Though I highly doubt it. However, many may have similar ideas to mine worthy of... discussion." He then smiled slightly. "Plus, I hear every world that hosts the event always brings the best musicians. I do enjoy dabbling into the arts on the rare blue moon...."

Chrysalis threw him a look of oddity. "I'm afraid I'd find myself alone at such an event, unfortunately."

"Oh, and by that you mean you wouldn't refer to yourself as 'evil'?" he said, his eyes gazing at her in a calculating, cold fashion.

She shot him a glare. "No, I would not."

"Evil is just a word, my dear. It is a concept invented by simple minds who believe there is actually an objective way to weigh one's moral actions. What some would call evil I would simply call improving society... though through measures other weaker men would not take." He seemed to have quite a bit of disdain in his voice at the last few words.

"You may try to excuse whatever actions you have taken on your own world how you wish, but I do not fit the definition of the word, therefore I am not fit for this event." At that, she began to prepare a spell to shut off the orb. However, the pale-faced man continued to speak.

"But you do believe the ends justify the means, correct? Despite what those ends are?"

"If you're referring to my actions in Canterlot, I did what I had to do," she spat, before holding up a hoof. "If you somehow know about that."

"Word gets around, and word says that you enjoyed it."

With that she froze, stuttering somewhat as she said, "I-I did not enjoy it!"

"Don't lie to me," Voldemort growled. "I can sense liars a mile away. Tell me, does this remind you of someone? 'This day has been just perfect... the kind of which I have dreamed since I was small...'" he sang in a mocking tone with surprisingly good pitch.

"I-I've never said anything like that!" she growled.

"No, you didn't say it... you sang it, and you enjoyed every moment of it, admit it to yourself," Voldemort said coldly. "There are two people you can never deceive, my dear Queen of Deception, and one is gazing at me from across the void."

Chrysalis took a deep, haunted breath at that. "Fine... if you must know.... I did enjoy it..." She then began to pace away from the orb, quickly regaining her composure. "But only because I've always envied those who I've attacked! They never have to know hunger or suffering, living in their bright, colorful nation without a care in the world, for fate gave them better lives, while it gave me and my entire kind a cold, meaningless, parasitical existence..." She twirled about towards Voldemort once again. "It isn't fair, yet I have to bear the weight of all their sorrows. I came this close to relieving them, too... yet at the last minute victory was taken from my grasp by the very thing my people need.... the very thing they deserve. And do you want to know why such bitter, poetic irony came to fall upon me? It's because the laws that govern the universe are cruel, uncompromising, and unjust. They seem to favor only the undeformed, the non-abstract, the normal!"

The being merely tilted his head slightly. "Pitiable..." he said, his voice holding no such thing. "Though I would have to disagree about the existence of such laws, and nonetheless, you still derived pleasure from the misery of others, did you not?"

"Yes.... and I hate myself for it. I let a side of me I've been trying to prune from my existence out for a short time, and it cost me my dignity and whatever small amount of respect I held in this world."

"That side which you wish to prune you should embrace. Enjoy doing what must be done, for it will make your existence a bit less... bleak."

With that, Chrysalis gave him another glare. "I have little time for meaningless philosophical debate. Unless you have something else you wish to talk about, I must bid you farewell until the next time the walls of the multiverse thin. Oh, and good luck in your bid for immortality, but be warned, when people like ourselves grow to live forever, they'll only wish they could die."

Voldemort chuckled at that. "I never said that you and I were that alike, but one last thing before I end this lovely greeting session. I have actually been instructed by... Him... to not only give you an invitation to attend the event..." He then put on a grin. "But to host it."

Chrysalis threw him a blank expression. "You're kidding, right?"

"Oh, anything but. The last event held on your world was nearly a thousand years ago during the Equestrian Civil War. Records indicate she who you'd refer to as Nightmare Moon held quite a party."

"A pity we've never met.... who doesn't want eternal night?" Chrysalis said sarcastically.

"And a thousand years before the being you'd refer to as Discord threw one of the greatest IGOM celebrations in history," Voldemort continued. "I must say, the draconequus seemed to have an interesting style..."

"What do you mean?"

"Let's just say that there were cotton candy clouds raining chocolate milk in one portion of his fair grounds while in another guests were entertained by a group of animated, living trees playing xylophones and other wooden instruments... Even I have to admit that his magical abilities seemed to be quite impressive."

"Sounds like what I've heard of him; harmless at the surface but bubbling with spite and cruelty underneath, and I thought chaos' pendulum didn't swing either way..."

"I've also read there was actually a live, bloody execution, though I don't believe it was his idea, and since then those been disallowed due to the disdain most of the attendees hold towards such a thing."

Chrysalis raised her eyebrows. "That's actually quite surprising."

Voldemort nodded. "Yeees... some of those referred to as 'anti-heroes' and 'anti-villains' are usually thrown invitations as well... and personally, I dislike bloodshed myself unless it has meaning."

Her eyes narrowed. "Also surprising."

"Anyway, it is that time again for your world to host the event, and since those spoken of seem to be... indisposed, the task falls upon your shoulders."

Chrysalis actually let out a laugh at that, all traces of formality quickly disappearing. "My people are starving and you seriously expect me to play host to a bunch of interdimensional criminals?!"

"It is forbidden for any guests to interfere with the activities of the host dimension unless given explicit permission from Him. They will not be a threat to you or your people. If they ever get out of line they will have to answer to the muscle and the mind; the Two Rangers and the nameless man."

Chrysalis shook her head with a disgruntled huff. "I will not trust the security of my people to three men. It's still not happening. Host it somewhere else."

"There can be nowhere else. Your dimension's walls are thinning more than any other's. It will allow travelling there to be the easiest."

"Then why can't they just travel to my dimension then travel to another?" Chrysalis said blankly.

"Because interdimensional travel is not fun nor is it easy, even if the walls between two are thin."

"I still don't care! There has to be others on my world who you'd consider evil besides myself..."

"There are none who have revealed themselves."

"Then use an Equestrian warehouse, an empty cave, or perhaps a sewer pipe, anywhere but my hive cluster!"

Voldemort shook his head. "It falls to someone of your world to host the celebration as stated in the IGOM Book of Practice, it's simply easier that way."

Chrysalis gave him a sarcastic, unbelieving laugh. "Then to use an obscene expression; you're crap out of luck!"

Voldemort sighed. "He was afraid you'd say that... and is prepared to offer you compensation for your services, but only if you throw an IGOM event worthy of your world's reputation. It has to be... fun."

The Changeling Queen threw him a curious, though wary glance. "What sort of compensation?"

"A very rare, very powerful artifact that will allow your people to feed on an adaquet supply of love for over a year. It is known as a Philosopher's Stone, an object created through alchemy and rather interesting... materials."

Her eyes widened at this, though only for a second. "How do I know you speak the truth?"

"How good are you at detecting lies?" he smirked. "You are the Queen of Deception, after all."

"Very..." she admitted, not sensing any false-truths in his words. "But how do I know that he isn't lying."

"You have my word that he isn't. I've done some readings on him. When he offers a deal... or a contract in some cases, he never speaks half-truths or lies about it. He will come through in the end."

Chrysalis narrowed an eyebrow. "Who is this Him, anyway. I know he leads these events, but what is he? Why is he held in such high regard by those such as yourself?"

"Oh, he's had many names, though I don't pretend to 'respect' him..." Voldemort said whimsically. "He was there when you invaded Canterlot. He was there when bombs fell on my current residency's capital city sixty years ago. Every time a civilization destroys itself or a world falls to strife, he is there. He embodies many of my ideals, though not all of them. However, I do know... because of the actions of many, and perhaps some of our own... he's very, very real. Though tell me, is he someone you'd want to dance with in the pale moonlight?"

"For my people, I will take the hand of anyone... or anything," Chrysalis said, her eyes narrowing in resolve.

Voldemort nodded at that, his expression once again blank. "I shall send the invitations, then. Be prepared for the first interdimensional arrivals in less than a week." He then threw her a slight smile, one which couldn't disturb her more. "I shall see you then. I look forward to more 'meaningless philosophical debates.'"

With that, the orb flickered 'off', a shiver being sent down Chrysalis' spine as it did so. A deep, remorseful sigh then escaped her lips.

"What have I gotten myself into?"