• Member Since 13th Sep, 2016
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Jack Daniels

Some day you will find me, caught beneath a landslide, in a champagne supernova in the sky.


Fluttershy has decided not to go to Prom. How can she when she can't work up the courage to ask the one person she wants to go with more than anything? It's better to just cut her losses and avoid the disappointment and sadness that comes with rejection.

But a talk with Rarity convinces her to give the night a try at least. Maybe it will go better than she expects?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

Yeaahhhhh :pinkiehappy:!! After so long, another Sunshyne fic :heart:. This was wonderful.

Cute, good, nice.

Thank you so much!

I wish I saw it more often, they're really cute together.

I know right? Sunshyne is one of my top favourite ships for a reason.

Great story! Thought it was really cute!

There really needs to be more SunShyne fics around here. Especially if they are worn this well.

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