Don't make the same mistake I made, kids; When the police shout "drop it!", that doesn't refer to your pants.
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It's gonna be Night Light isn't it?
Obvious choice, probably wrong, but hilarious.
~Skeeter The Lurker
Oh my god this is good. More please
I've always said that that sort of thing is the best way to discover that your spouse is cheating on you.
It could possibly be a Futa Celestia
That cliffhanger bruh
I know this probably isn't the case here, but this sounds too much like a strong avocation for woman never having to commit to anyone as an absolute moral good.
Quite the opposite, she's fully committed to a cause, just not the typically expected matrimonial one. She's taken on a new path wholeheartedly, which is serving her princess and contributing towards her nation's survival, albeit because doing so also gives her what she wants. This paragraph is her justifying her committment to someone and something that can please her and give her what she wants, putting her interests before that of her duties, because she realises that her being a dutiful wife got her nowhere, and her husband doesn't take his side of it as seriously as she does. She's sick of sacrificing her own life for everyone else's expectations. It's obviously not justified irl, and the whole situation had to be hyped up to make this seem like a reasonable path for her, but this is a fantasy potrayed in a story, so morality is far more loose here, and the protagonist is only "the hero" because we're accepting a very different paradigm and zeitgeist.
When I saw your comment, I wanted to give you a thumbs-up, but I couldn't just in case I gave it away. Nice guess, though. Was it obvious, or just a lucky guess?
Now that the chapter's out, I can now confirm that it isn't Night Light. It sounds like a good path for the story to take, though, and I'm disappointed I can't.
A bit of both really. Considering all the secrecy surrounding this encounter to satiate her needs, and the fact that Velvet encountered Raven of all people made it seem that Celestia was the more obvious choice for this “secret stud”. At least more obvious than Night Light.
This deserves so many more upvotes and comments. Just disgustingly good.
Aunque la historia está incompleta, este capítulo le da un buen final.
Wonderful. I like.