• Member Since 24th Oct, 2021
  • offline last seen September 22nd


Not dead I think!


A hard, long day leads Dash to her best friend, Applejack's home, There she finds her friend in a very similar pickle. Both sit down and have a little heart to heart talk with one another; something neither prefeed doing on a normal bases. Both discus what tired them out, and how one is meant to overcome this.

The amazing cover art and inspiration for this little fic was by Jamescorck

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

Wow, you've improved a lot since your last story. Your prose is much better and I didn't see any spelling errors. Keep up the good work:raritywink:

Thanks a lot:pinkiehappy:
Took a lot of extra time proofreading it, like a lot this time, so was hoping there weren't as many, glad to see it payed off:twilightsmile:

Very cute you did a great job <33

Definitely not my best work, but glad you liked it, nonetheless:pinkiehappy:

This story is adoorable!!! Amazing! :heart:

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