• Member Since 30th Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen Last Friday


Big money, big mares, big fun! she/her


The war in the Buffalo Lands has been raging since the construction of Appleloosa, and has entered a gruelling stalemate. Many young ponies find themselves being drafted into the Equestrian forces stationed in the Buffalo Lands, and 2nd Lt. Shortbow has seen the worst of it all. Wishing for an end to the fighting, and a safe return home, he has taken to writing to Princess Twilight Sparkle to find a means of negotiation.

Special thanks to Odd_Shot and NorrisThePony for taking the time to proofread my mad ramblings.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )

I don't know why, but I absolutely loved this.

Glad to see you enjoyed it!

It's a shame this story doesn't have more likes.

It's a short, awesome take on the concept. And war never changes.

Much appreciated :twilightsmile:

Still wish this story had more attention!

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