• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2012
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Honest, serious, funny, oblivious. Me in a nut-shell.

Comments ( 7 )

Awesome story right here.

AND SHE GOT PREGNANT! and thats why dinky has only one parent he dodged the responsibility

Thank you. It warms a lot to finally hear some feedback on this fic :pinkiesmile:

Well, I'll leave that open for individual interpretation. :pinkiesmile:

Wow i really like this story hope you make more stories that are this awsome.:rainbowdetermined2:

Yeah, after 3 months of work, it turned out very good. :ajsmug:

Too bad thought that I couldn't pull of the romance scene as good as in ''Naughty Intentions'' :ajsleepy:
My laziness always gets the better of me :ajbemused:

Good story so far. But just a little nitpick about something.

Derpy tilted her head, looking at the strange creature that for the second time now helped her without her ever asking.

but earlier she clearly said


just something I noticed was all. Doesn't detract from the story all that much but it did break the flow for me just a bit.

7203225 Hm. Didn't think of that one. Good eye there. :twilightsmile:

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