• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


Honest, serious, funny, oblivious. Me in a nut-shell.

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Shine Yellowsoul leisurely strolls around Ponyville. But at the end of his regular route, he encounters a creature he has never seen before.


I saw a picture in my inbox on DeviantArt, posted a comment, the author replied, then I replied, all of a sudden we were knee-deep in a Roleplaying session.

Then when it reached a dead end, I decided I wanted to glorify that randomness and turn it into a fic, and here it is.

Tag suggestions are welcome.

The RP session this story is based off can be found by clicking on the ''Source'' link below the cover image and scrolling down the comments. My comment should be the last on the first page or among the first on the second page. My dA name is ''LucarioLovesLopunny''.

Before you decide to put all praise and glory on my shoulders, keep in mind that I wasn't the only person who participated in the creation of this fic. Praise the one who shall be praised and visit Krazoa at his dA page found further bellow and tell him how awesome he is. Or at least take a peek at his art.

Also, Krazoa doubled as, *Pipsqueak voice activated* ''My very first pre-reader, EVER!''

*About the cover image*
I have personally asked the artist and have gotten green light in using his work. The artist is http://krazoa157.deviantart.com/

Even though Shine is starring in this fic, it is not in the same timeline as the other fics with my OC, Shine Yellowsoul. In the real timeline, Shine never meets Chrysalis.

This fic is what you call, a spin-off.

Chapters (1)

What thoughts pass one's mind in the mids of the night?

It's an individual experience than none can foretell.

Is it distant memories held dear to one's heart? Or is it just a simple flashback of an event just a few days ago?

None. Can. Tell. But. Yourself.


*About the cover image*
I have personally asked the artist and have gotten green light in using his work. The artist is lytano

Chapters (1)

During a sleepover Sweetie Bell tells a ghost story to her fellow cusaders.


A short ghost story originating from my long story My little Madness: Friendship is Blood Justice.

Lightly inspired by Ghost Whisperer Season 3 Episode 2: Bloody Mary.
No, I do not follow that series, it's just that I've watched that episode at TV years ago and it has stuck to my mind ever since.

*About the cover image*
I have personally asked the artist and have gotten green light in using his work. The artist is http://atoklanzeros.deviantart.com

Chapters (1)

A human transformed into a pony settles down in Ponyville and discovers the confounding effects of the season called spring

*About the cover image* I have full authority to use this picture at my disposal. I comissioned this from an awesome artist meaning, I PAID FOR IT! Get your dirty mouse cursor off it! BTW, this is just a sketch, not the final work.

Anyhoof... here's the artist. http://delthero.deviantart.com

Chapters (8)