• Published 30th Oct 2020
  • 549 Views, 22 Comments

What is a Smile Worth? - Deep

For the first time in her life, Pinkie must choose between her own happiness and making another pony smile.

  • ...


Hanging her head, Pinkie made the lonely walk toward the town center. Darkness saturated the quiet streets of Empty Soul, bleeding into the night sky. Most of the town’s inhabitants were asleep, leaving Pinkie alone with her thoughts--thoughts she wanted nothing more than to run away from.

Even now, hours after Lost Cause had left, her words made Pinkie shiver with a chill no blizzard could hope to compare to. It wasn’t so much what Lost Cause had said--that she’d caused her family’s suicide; instead, it was the matter-of-fact way in which she’d said it, mixed with her ghostly voice. It was as if she was proud of what she’d done, proud of how she’d gotten her cutie mark.

No, there was no way Lost Cause had been telling the truth about that. Cutie marks were a symbol of a pony’s discovery of their destined special talent, not an excuse for murder. Destiny was a force for good and harmony, not evil and death. If destiny wasn’t on the side of friendship, then why was it that the forces of harmony always won? If destiny was really a force despicable enough to curse a pony with such a horrific special talent, then why was it friendship that was the most powerful magic of all? No matter how severe the threat, friendship always prevailed. Nightmare Moon, Discord, the Changelings, Sombra… The list went on. Harmony always won and its opponents always lost, because that was the way things were meant to be. That was how they were destined to be, as if pre-written by some all-powerful outside force. Pinkie refused to believe that fate was on anypony’s side but her own, though the longer she pondered the issue, the more she realized how narcissistic that thought sounded.

Even if destiny had birthed the Element bearers for the purpose of protecting friendship, that didn’t mean that it couldn’t also birth a pony for the sole purpose of inflicting pain. Both could be true, though that realization did little to calm Pinkie. In fact, the revelation sent an icy chill up her spine as lights from the town center caught her eye from a few blocks ahead. If Lost Cause’s destiny was to inflict pain, then was she truly at fault for the disgusting things she had done? She would be a victim of fate, not a villain. Forced to commit acts she knew were sinful by the same force that had blessed other ponies with a fulfilling life full of friendship.

What would Pinkie have done if she had Lost Cause’s cutie mark? Would she rebel against destiny, or would she inflict unimaginable pain upon Equestria? As she pondered the question, images of her family began flashing through her thoughts--images of them as corpses. Images of her mother, father and siblings as decaying slabs of meat, unrecognizable by anypony other than Pinkie.

Wincing, Pinkie tried her hardest to repress the thoughts, but they persisted despite her efforts. They were here to tell her the truth that she already knew, the truth that she hated about herself. If she had Lost Cause’s special talent, she would be no different than her. In fact, she’d be worse.

Spreading happiness was Pinkie’s reason for living. Everyday she woke up with the same mission, to make everypony smile. If she failed that mission even once, like she almost did with Cranky Doodle Donkey, she’d be driven into misery. And if she felt that her mission wasn’t being appreciated, like when she thought her friends were ignoring her, she’d be driven into pure insanity. Pinkie was a puppet of her special talent, no different than any other pony. If her three balloons were replaced by three teardrops, her trip to spread laughter across the kingdom would be replaced by a quest to leave everypony drowning in an endless pool of misery.

When Pinkie entered the town center, the area’s many street-candles revealed her bright pink color to be gone, replaced by the same grey hue that haunted Lost Cause. She still hung her head, but not with a frown. Instead, the expression on her face was blank, like that of a pony who was drained of all emotion.

The area was empty, except for Applejack, who paced up and down the block. When she saw Pinkie and the state she was in, she sprinted to her and gave her a tight embrace. “I don’t know what you’ve been up to or what’s going on, but we’re gettin’ out of here. Now.” Applejack’s voice dripped with worry, enough to turn her usual confident manner of speaking into that of a meek pony.

Pinkie’s only response was to give her friend a set of empty eyes, as if she was staring through her.

Turning pale from panic, Applejack stared at her friend’s misty, lifeless color. “I’ve seen you like this before. We snapped you out of it back then and we’ll do it again. Don’t you worry ‘bout a thing.” Her forced confidence lasted until she saw Pinkie’s mane, which had retained its usual shape. Whatever was going with Pinkie, it was not the same as before.

“I know the truth,” Pinkie said, her voice as empty as her eyes.

“And what in tarnation is that supposed to mean?”

“About myself. I’m pathetic, a slave. I’m no different than her.”

Fury filled Applejack, causing her to shoot a murderous glare. “You’re talkin’ about Lost Cause, I assume? The same pony I questioned every last mare, stallion, colt and filly in this town ‘bout. You wanna know what I found? I found that she doesn’t even live in this town. She appeared here a few days ago because she heard you were coming, and since then all she’s done is ask everypony and their dog about you.”

Taken aback, Pinkie raised her head. “Asked what?”

“Everything. Your favorite color, favorite food, favorite hobby, favorite position to sleep in, and stuff that's a heck of a lot weirder than that. Everything about this mare is a lie. I’d be willing to bet that her name isn’t even Lost Cause.”

As Pinkie’s heart sank deep into her chest, a realization hit her. If what Applejack was saying was true, did that mean Lost Cause’s cutie mark story was also fake? As much as Pinkie wished for Applejack to tell her that Lost Cause’s cursed special talent was a lie, she couldn’t get rid of the feeling that it was indeed true. But if it was real, then what did that mean for the rest of Lost Cause’s lies? Considering how much everypony seemed to despise her, perhaps the reason Lost Cause had been eagerly awaiting Pinkie was so she could finally have a friend. Yes, that would surely explain all the weird questions Lost Cause had asked the townsponies, though that did nothing to account for the disturbing questions she’d asked Pinkie. Questions such as whether Pinkie ever had a special somepony or whether she believed in ghosts. And there was also that moment when Lost Cause had glitched into actual mist. Pinkie didn’t know what to make of all this, but she did know one thing, that she had made a promise. A Pinkie promise. No matter what, I won’t rest until you’re smiling like I am.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t leave. Not yet. Not until Lost Cause is smiling.” Pinkie pushed herself back to separate herself from Applejack. “I made a promise. Even if it’s to my murderer, a promise is a promise.”

Applejack needed a moment to take in the sheer stupidity of Pinkie’s statement. “What if she hurts you? Do you really expect me to stand back idly by while she’s doing who knows what to you?”

“I do, because I’m ready to be hurt.” Pinkie looked Applejack in the eye, her gaze unwavering. “I know I’m a fool for being like this--I know that I’ve always been the fool--but this is just… It’s just who I am. Making ponies smile, it’s my special talent--”

“And staying true to myself and my family is my special talent, but you don’t see me using that as an excuse for getting involved with some crazy pony.”

Pinkie shook her head as she tried to find the best words to explain her reasoning. “It’s not just my special talent; it’s the whole reason I’m alive. It’s what wakes me up every morning. It’s what makes me bounce around like I’m on a pogo stick for hours and hours. It’s what makes me want to jump and scream something crazy like ‘Okie dokie lokie!’”

Applejack stared at her friend, needing to make sure that it was Pinkie she was talking to and not some imposter. “What’s happened to you? The Pinkie I know--the one we all know--she’d never talk like this.”

Pinkie shifted her gaze to the sky, the mirror above. “There’s just something about this town that’s different. It’s like the opposite of Ponyville, where the bright colors, blue skies, and friendly faces always brought out what makes me so cheery. Here, though, it’s like I’m forced to look inward for once, and I don’t like what I see. I see a pony whose entire purpose is to make others smile, even if it costs that pony her own smile. I see a pony who knows she can never change, because that’s just who she is.”

Accepting her role in the larger picture, Pinkie turned to Applejack with a content smile across her muzzle, while Applejack could only hang her head in contemplation. “It may be hard to believe, but I’d rather die right here and now than abandon somepony who needs my help. I just wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I did that, and I know you feel the same about your purpose. How would you feel if you had to live the rest of your life as a liar and away from your family?”

Applejack peered into the mirror above. It took her only a few seconds to respond. “I understand.”

No longer able to keep Pinkie from self-destruction, Applejack told her the location of Lost Cause’s home, which she had gotten from some townsponies during the day. Pinkie wasted no time in sprinting to Lost Cause, who was renting a room in the local inn. When Pinkie stopped in front of the wooden door to the room, she turned to the sky one last time. The mirror above simply told her what she already knew she had to do. There was no more need for contemplation. There was no chance of turning back. She was who she was, and there was nothing she could do to change that. It was time to make everypony smile.

Her mind set, Pinkie opened the door. The sound of creaking wood caused Lost Cause to freeze as she stood beside the candle-lit room’s lone bed. Countless posters of Pinkie covered the wooden walls, as did dozens of drawings and doodles of her. Distorted images of hearts were drawn over Pinkie’s face multiple times on each poster and illustration, but that was not what creeped her out the most. That honor belonged to the way Lost Cause’s eyes and body shook with fury, contrasted against her blank, lifeless expression.

“I know it was her!” Lost Cause stepped back toward the nearest poster and grabbed the image of Pinkie’s cheery face, right on top of one of the many drawn hearts. She pressed her body on the image as if the sight of Pinkie’s smile filled her with strength. “It was that mare you came with. She told you lies and now you hate me. Is she with you? Where is she?”

Pinkie shook her head, letting out a sigh. “I came here on my own… to fulfill my promise. But first, I need the truth, Lost Cause. Don’t I deserve at least that?”

Lost Cause turned to the poster behind her and stared at its features. She stared at the way Pinkie’s cheeks popped out when she smiled, the way her cheeriness radiated outward. Lost in a trance from the sight of laughter incarnate, she rubbed her hoof over one of the drawn kisses, smearing it. “Fine. You want everything, then you’ll get it.”

Pinkie’s heart raced as she pondered what the truth could be, but there was no turning back now. She had no choice but to make this pony smile, regardless of the cost. "No matter what," she had told Lost Cause.

“I’ve been a fan of yours for years now, ever since I first heard of you making ponies smile in Ponyville.” The room’s many candles helped to cast a shadow of Lost Cause over the posters she was standing by. “Not like that’s surprising, right? A pony without a single friend in the world looking up to the pony with the most friends. Did you really expect any different? You would make everypony’s dreams come true, like that donkey, so I t-thought…” As Lost Cause stared at the smeared heart, her voice began to crack. “I thought that you could make mine come true too. I thought you could be my friend. I was obsessed with you, obsessed with making sure you would like me. I thought if you knew how much I wanted you, then you’d be too creeped out to give me a chance.”

“The story about your cutie mark, was it true?”

Lost Cause nodded. “When we started becoming friends, I knew it was only a matter of time before I hurt you. That’s why I told you to leave. I’ve only been here a few days and I’ve already caused everypony to rightfully hate my guts.” She turned to Pinkie, gazing at her with the empty eyes of a ghost. “Thanks. For being my first friend, for the amazing day, for everything. I know you won’t want to be my friend after this, so I thought I’d at least thank you.” She hung her head, ready for Pinkie to walk out the door.

“No matter what.” Pinkie’s words caused Lost Cause to lift her head. “That’s what I told you. Until you’re smiling like I am, I’m not going anywhere.” Energized by the thought of saving this pony from misery, Pinkie let out a cheeky smile and her misty grey hue brightened into her usual pink tint. Hope invigorated her. Now that she knew the truth, she was guaranteed to bring a smile to Lost Cause’s face. “Let’s spend tomorrow together again, as friends.”

Overcome by bliss, the ends of Lost Cause's lips crept up ever so slightly, enough for Pinkie’s trained eye to catch. It was by no means a smile, but it was progress, enough to feed into Pinkie’s addiction to spreading happiness. Enough to remind her that there was no sadness too grave for her to overcome, no pony she could not get to smile. She was on top of the world, ready to jump to Luna’s moon.

The sound of Lost Cause’s voice returned Pinkie to earth. “You said, ‘No matter what,’ right?” Except this time, her words didn’t come from her mouth, but from within Pinkie’s head. It was as if Lost Cause was inside Pinkie’s mind, burrowing deeper with every word she spoke. Pinkie didn’t know how Lost Cause was doing this, only that the sound of her voice was slithering within her thoughts and there was no escape. Lost Cause gazed into Pinkie’s eyes, not with her usual emptiness, but with malice--the will to do evil for evil’s sake. With one stare, Lost Cause made it clear that she would break every one of Pinkie’s bones for the sake of hearing her scream and beg for mercy. Not ulterior motive needed.

As Pinkie’s heart skipped a beat, her mind yelled at her to escape. She had to run away. Now. Yet her unending sickness for making others smile--her stupid, stupid obsession--kept her standing beside a murderer.

“You see, I like you, but as more than a friend.” The sound of Lost Cause’s voice dug its way deeper into the depths of Pinkie’s mind, causing her to tremble. Keeping her eye on her prey, Lost Cause walked to the door and shut it. “I feel a physical connection with you.” She shifted her gaze to a nearby poster, focusing her lecherous eyes on Pinkie’s features. The way Pinkie’s cheeks popped out when she smiled, the way her cheeriness radiated outward. She returned her gaze to Pinkie, not with the warm eyes of a lover, but with the cold, piercing glare of a predator. “You weren’t lying when you said you didn’t have a special somepony, right?”

Her heart pounding against her ribcage, Pinkie shook her head.

“Good.” Her gaze fixed on her prey, Lost Cause reached beneath the pillow and pulled out a blade. It was dull, cut from the same stone Empty Soul was made of. Perfect for ensuring the torture lasted as long as possible. The sight of the blade caused Lost Cause to shake with anticipation, yet her frown remained as empty as ever.

“I’m n-not going to sleep with you.” Amidst her trembling, Pinkie struggled to let out the words. The sight of the blade caused her to wince. She tried her hardest not to think about what was next, about what Lost Cause would do to make her sleep with her. Every part of Pinkie that was rational screamed at her to flee as fast as possible, but her commitment to others--her special connection to the world--kept her in the room. A part of her still believed that it was possible to change Lost Cause and make her smile. A part of her refused to give up and had faith that she was destined to win this.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to kill you.” Lost Cause lifted her hoof, pointing the blade at her own carotid artery. “Sleep with me. Now. Or I kill myself.”

In a single instant, Pinkie’s resilience, her determination, her resolve--every part of her that was strong--withered away and died. As she thought back to all of her interactions with Lost Cause, she realized that this moment had been planned from the start. Lost Cause wanted nothing more than to hurt Pinkie in the most impactful way possible--to force her to do the one act that would destroy her unique connection with the world forever--and everything she had said and done had been in the service of that singular goal. For a pony whose purpose it was to take away the happiness of others, there was no sweeter victim than Pinkie, no smile more fulfilling to kill than that of the Element of Laughter. Lost Cause had played Pinkie for the fool she always was.

“Come on, don’t you want to make me smile?” Lost Cause pressed the blade against the side of her neck.

As the edge of the knife began tearing through Lost Cause’s skin, Pinkie thought about how easily she could escape this situation. All she had to do was nothing. She could let Lost Cause kill herself and then walk out, alert the police, and do her best to move on with her life. The only thing stopping her was herself. For the first time in her life, she regretted being the Element of Laughter. “I’ll do it.”

Pinkie didn’t know what happened next. All she remembered were the candles going off, followed by Lost Cause’s approaching hoofsteps. Ready to collapse from panic, Pinkie thought back on her grandma’s words, the words that had always given her the strength to push through fear. Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall. Learn to face your fears. You'll see that they can't hurt you. Just laugh to make them disappear.

Except this time, she didn’t laugh. In fact, she felt nothing at all.


Just because a pony’s body was alive didn’t mean that they couldn’t be a ghost. It was only when Pinkie returned to the town center, the sun rising behind her, that she finally understood this.

Applejack was the first to see Pinkie when she came back. After waiting for her friend for several hours, she had decided to crash the night at a nearby shop owner’s home. When news came that Pinkie was on her way back, Applejack sprinted into the town center, a bed sheet falling off her back along the way. She met her friend with the widest smile of her life, only to be left frozen in utter horror from what she saw. Pinkie’s body had lost its physical form, turning into what was nothing more than a ghostly vapor in the shape of a pony. Her expression was blank, matched only by her lifeless eyes. No sound came from her. Not the sound of hooftsteps, the sound of breathing, or even the beating of a heart.

Unable to bear seeing her friend in such a state, Applejack had to turn away and wince. Rage consumed her, enough to make her shake with a vengeful fury. “Lost Cause is done for. I’ll make sure of it.”

She dashed in the direction of Lost Cause’s home, only to stop a few moments later, when two quiet words, scarcely different from a whisper, passed through Pinkie’s lips. “She smiled.”

Pinkie’s voice was that of a ghostly cry, yet that same soft, a whisper like tone persisted. “She smiled. I saw it.” She thought back to the previous night, right after Lost Cause had finished having her way with her body. Lost Cause had fallen asleep after exhausting herself, while Pinkie lay in silence, wanting nothing more than to never feel anything again. No happiness, no sadness, no love, no connection. Sleeping peacefully after fulfilling her destiny, Lost Cause had smiled.

Not a half-smile. A full one. A smile wider and cheekier than Pinkie had ever grown.

After all these years, Lost Cause had finally smiled, and it was because of Pinkie.

Despite everything that had happened, perhaps Pinkie’s actions had been worth it. Perhaps in the grand scheme of things, losing her own smile was the right thing to do. She had brought happiness to Lost Cause. She had saved Empty Soul. She had made everypony smile, and there was nothing more precious than that. She had proven that no matter how sad the pony, there was always a way to get them to smile.

As Applejack restarted her dash, consumed by vengeance, Pinkie forgave. Despite everything, she couldn’t hate Lost Cause, just as she couldn’t hate herself for refusing to flee the room. They were both puppets of fate, each destined to oppose the other due to a cutie mark they didn’t choose. If there was anypony to hate, it was the one writing the story of their lives.

As the sound Applejack’s hoofsteps faded away, Pinkie’s face vanished. Her eyes, eyebrows, nose, cheeks, and mouth were gone, leaving only blankness. Pinkie accepted her fate, because when you felt nothing on the inside, why ever smile? Why ever speak? Why ever see, hear, or smell? The only thing your senses did were remind you of the isolation.

If you were going to be alone, why be a part of this world at all?

Author's Note:

"Inspired" by a real story.

Comments ( 20 )

Hoooleeeee sheeeeeeit. That was impressive. Well written and an interesting way to look at Pinkie's talent.

Again, I am impressed.

Okay, now cast a spell that makes Pinkie Pie forget the last week of time and it is mostly fixed. She actually did get the murderpony to smile, and most of what lost cause did would be revoked. The main issue would be if Pinkie were pregnant(unlikely in her current state, but in that case this could self-fix when she had the foal.)

...Remember that thing you said yesterday? About how we were all going to hate you for this story?

In my case, at least, you were absolutely right. That's not a good thing.


Hey, I gave ample warning for this story with the tags and warning in the long description haha.

Though I'm curious. Why specifically do you hate it?

I sincerely hope it's not just because bad things happen to Pinkie.


Hey, I gave ample warning for this story with the tags and warning in the long description haha.

I sincerely hope it's not just because bad things happen to Pinkie.

Oh, God no. I'd like to think I have thicker skin than that, thank you very much.

Though I'm curious. Why specifically do you hate it?

Oh, I could write an entire freaking essay about why I hated this. However, by this point I just want to be done with this story, so instead, I'll just give you a couple bullet points:

  • The character of Lost Cause is Darkness-Induced Apathy ponified. No joke, I've seen emo teenagers write more fleshed-out OCs. Her entire shtick, from top to bottom, is being a manic depressed psycho. Big deal.
  • Pinkie's internal crisis about her cutie mark defining her and Lost Cause's existences seems extremely overblown, especially seeing as, last I checked, an entire episode was dedicated to explaining that's not how it works!
  • May I remind you, Lost Cause tortured and raped Pinkie Pie—drove her to suicide, for fuck's sake!—and you're trying to pass that shit off as a personal triumph for Pinkie!?!? That we ought to "forgive" Lost Cause? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT. Lost Cause is an irredeemable sack of shit, and I hope that shortly following this story's conclusion, Applejack rightfully beat that shit out of her.
  • Pinkie's notion that "everyone deserves happiness" doesn't add up. Last I checked, Sombra, the Storm King, Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow aren't getting much in the way of "happiness".
  • Happiness at the expense of others is sadism. Last I checked, sadism is not a good thing. Pinkie should know this by now, and she should know not to be giving in to Lost Cause's fucked-up whims.
  • Okay, cool, Pinkie made Lost Cause smile. Too bad all of Pinkie's friends, family, and the creatures who idolized her are going to have to live with the fact she essentially committed suicide. The overall happiness in the world has gone down, my friend! This so-called triumph of Pinkie's nullifies itself and then some.

Look, you're a damned good writer, and I've loved most of the other stuff you've published in recently memory. But with this story, you managed to piss off both me as a critic and me as a person; a rare feat, I'd reckon.

And as I said before, that's not a good thing.

Sorry for wasting your time.

You can't. Pinkie died at the end.


  • May I remind you, Lost Cause tortured and raped Pinkie Pie—drove her to suicide, for fuck's sake!—and you're trying to pass that shit off as a personal triumph for Pinkie!?!? That we ought to "forgive" Lost Cause? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT. Lost Cause is an irredeemable sack of shit, and I hope that after this story, Applejack rightfully beat that shit out of her.

When did the story imply that the readers were supposed to forgive Lost Cause? You're supposed to hate her haha.

  • Happiness at the expense of others is sadism. Last I checked, sadism is not a good thing. Pinkie should know this by now, and she should not be giving in to Lost Cause's fucked-up whims.

You're free to think that, and it's not a wrong way to think. It's just that in my own personal interpretation of Pinkie, she'd defnitely end up doing something incredibly dumb and self-destructive like this.

You're not supposed to agree with it, and it's not the right decision. But it is the decision I believe Pinkie would make based on my own interpretation of her.

  • The character of Lost Cause is Darkness-Induced Apathy ponified. No joke, I've seen emo teenagers write more fleshed-out OCs.

If you're talking about Lost Cause's "woe is me" personality, then that was a front/lie to get Pinkie's sympathy. Lost Cause's real personality is shown in the ending scene with her.

Overall, none of your points are exactly wrong. It's just that this story is incredibly interesting and thought-provoking to me, which is why I wrote it. And it fits perfectly with my own personal interpretation of Pinkie. I knew from the beginning that it'd piss others off. I always wanted to see a true dark mirror of Pinkie, and how Pinkie would confront that.

And you didn't waste my time haha. I'm glad you enjoyed my other stories. I usually do a "one for me, one for them" with my stories. Consider this one for me ;)


You can't. Pinkie died at the end.

Pinkie isn't dead.


When did the story imply that the readers were supposed to forgive Lost Cause? You're supposed to hate her haha.

I got that we as readers were supposed to hate Lost Cause, but the fact that Pinkie doesn't

Despite everything that had happened, perhaps Pinkie’s actions had been worth it. Perhaps in the grand scheme of things, losing her own smile was the right thing to do. She had brought happiness to Lost Cause. She had saved Empty Soul. She had made everypony smile, and there was nothing more precious than that. She had proven that no matter how sad the pony, there was always a way to get them to smile.

As Applejack restarted her dash, consumed by vengeance, Pinkie forgave. Despite everything, she couldn’t hate Lost Cause, just as she couldn’t hate herself for refusing to flee the room. They were both puppets of fate, each destined to oppose the other due to a cutie mark they didn’t choose. If there was anypony to hate, it was the one writing the story of their lives.

—is something I find downright asinine. I'm appalled by the notion of Pinkie considering her permanent lobotomization a victory.

You're not supposed to agree with it, and it's not the right decision. But it is the decision I believe Pinkie would make based on my own interpretation of her.

If that's the decision you think she'd make, that's perfectly fine. I get that.

But as for me, personally? See the bullet point about the villains Pinkie assisted in incinerating, smashing to bits, and encasing in stone.

If you're talking about Lost Cause's "woe is me" personality, then that was a front/lie to get Pinkie's sympathy. Lost Cause's real personality is shown in the ending scene with her.

...Huh. That's something I'll admit I didn't fully catch on to, and that's entirely on me. I've partly changed my mind in that regard.

On the other hand... her real personality is "raping and torturing ponies"? Doesn't seem like a huge step up, if I'm being honest.

My persisting qualms aside, thanks for the response—especially seeing as my original comments were a bit... curt, for lack of a better word. You certainly riled me up, I'll give you that.

Take care.
(Unless you want to respond to this comment too. Whatever works best for you, really.)


If that's the decision you think she'd make, that's perfectly fine. I get that.

But as for me, personally? See the bullet point about the villains Pinkie assisted in incinerating, smashing to bits, and encasing in stone.

Imagine if any of those villains met Pinkie one on one and asked her to give them a happier life. You don't think Pinkie would take it as a challenge to help them? Keep in mind those villains you pointed out were actively attacking Equestria. Lost Cause wasn't actively doing anything in Pinkie's eyes until the very end of the story. Big difference there, since Lost Cause was not an active threat like those villains.

On the other hand... her real personality is "raping and torturing ponies"? Doesn't seem like a huge step up, if I'm being honest.

Well, she is Pinkie's dark mirror. Pinkie's special talent is to spread laughter and happiness, and Lost Cause's special talent is to spread misery and suffering.

The reason she raped Pinkie is because Pinkie came out as asexual in this fic. Lost Cause causes suffering based on the best way to hurt her victim, and Pinkie admitted that losing her virginity would cause her to lose her connection to her Element.

My persisting qualms aside, thanks for the response—especially seeing as my original comments were a bit... curt, for lack of a better word

Feel free to be as harsh as possible haha. It's always interesting seeing how my interpretation of the characters and others' interpretation conflicts :)


Of course Pinkie could be incorrect about losing her connection to the element. She pretty much said that she couldn't love(eros) other ponies because she loves(agape/philia) all other ponies and that would set one above all the others. Essentially she lost herself here and the mind wipe of the last week should be able to fix things. It is one of the few cases where I would espouse that sort of mind magic. Oddly enough this is the second time recently where I would condone use of mind magic on a pony and usually I am very against that sort of thing in a general way. Also oddly enough both cases involved rape of a pony.

Oh, as for hating lost soul -- that is a problem with cutie marks. Cozy Glow was doomed the minute her mark came in. Same with this pony. This is one major thing with fillies/colts. They get the wrong cutie mark and they are really stuck, as completely denying your mark and working against it is not in a pony's nature. There might actually be a place for Starlight Glimmer's cutie mark spell.


Oh, as for hating lost soul -- that is a problem with cutie marks. Cozy Glow was doomed the minute her mark came in. Same with this pony. This is one major thing with fillies/colts. They get the wrong cutie mark and they are really stuck, as completely denying your mark and working against it is not in a pony's nature.

Yep. Even though I believe that ponies can go against their cutie mark if they truly wish to, it's so rare that we never even see it in the show. Which is why I don't really consider Lost Cause a villain, since she never had a say in her life's story. That doesn't make her any less disgusting and deserving of hate, though.


Really glad you enjoyed it :twilightsmile:

Holy shit this is very dark. Not the kind that makes you rage on the inside for what the characters did, but the kind that makes you feel empty. Having said that, I'm glad you wrote this story. A new perspective on the world of pones is truly refreshing, even if it rips your heart out.
Imagine if MLP is rated 18+/M instead of a kids show. I'm curious how the show creator and writers would handle subjects like this.


Making people feel empty was my goal haha. Glad you liked it!

I kind of hope that when this little series finishes, you do a series that could be considered "equal but opposite": Just as deep, but instead of making the readers feel empty or sad, it makes them feel happy.

“I know the truth,”

“And what in tarnation is that supposed to mean?”

“About myself. I’m pathetic, a slave. I’m no different than her .”

That's a dramatic conclusion to come to.

“Everything. Your favorite color, favorite food, favorite hobby, favorite position to sleep in, and stuff that's a heck of a lot weirder than that. Everything about this mare is a lie. I’d be willing to bet that her name isn’t even Lost Cause.”

Ngl, I think we should vote Lost Cause, she seeming kinda sus

“You see, I like you, but as more than a friend.” The sound of Lost Cause’s voice dug its way deeper into the depths of Pinkie’s mind, causing her to tremble. Keeping her eye on her prey, Lost Cause walked to the door and shut it. “I feel a physical connection with you.” She shifted her gaze to a nearby poster, focusing her lecherous eyes on Pinkie’s features. The way Pinkie’s cheeks popped out when she smiled, the way her cheeriness radiated outward. She returned her gaze to Pinkie, not with the warm eyes of a lover, but with the cold, piercing glare of a predator. “You weren’t lying when you said you didn’t have a special somepony, right?”

Welp, this is where we grab the FBI.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to kill you.” Lost Cause lifted her hoof, pointing the blade at her own carotid artery. “Sleep with me. Now. Or I kill myself.”


If you were going to be alone, why be a part of this world at all?

I don't know how to feel about this.

Anyway, that gave me actual chills.
I never want to read that again.


Anyway, I schleep

Dayum, this is some deep shit right here.

I love it. Very well done.

Apparently this is why your username is Deep. Seriously, I knew this would be a tragedy but this is one of the darkest stories I've read on Fimfiction in a while. Ouch...


Can't believe I didn't respond to this yet.

I was actually really nervous about publishing this, since I knew a lot of people wouldn't like it. But this story was just too interesting *to me* not to publish.

Check out the other short stories in this little series. You'll probably like them too.

This is part of a series?! I need to read all of these IMMEDIATELY!! *dashes off and leaves a cloud of dust behind*


Warning, this is pretty dark haha.

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