• Member Since 30th Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen 13 minutes ago


A new writer getting into fanfiction who has an interest in of Friendship is Magic with personal interests and ideas to share.



After Kion discovers his new destiny as leader of the Lion Guard after experiencing the Roar of the Elders for the first time, he assembles his friends Bunga, Fuli, Beshte, and Ono to be a part of his team, but his father King Simba did not approve of his decision leaving his son downcast that his father doesn't see that he is taking his new role and responsibilities seriously.

As soon as Kion wanders off on his own he discovers a magical portal that leads him to a new world where magical ponies that include unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies exist in with his best friend Bunga tagging along for the ride. There they meet Twilight Sparkle, the protégé of Princess Celestia, who arrives in Ponyville to prepare the Summer Sun Celebration. There they would also meet Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie along the way.

However, a new threat is on the rise as Nightmare Moon, the villianous mare from a book Twilight has read about prepares to plunge Equestria into an Eternal Night as she abducts Bunga. Seeing the world and his friend in danger, Twilight and Kion together, along with their companions journey to the old Castle in the Everfree Forest to find the Elements of Harmony in order to stop her as Kion attempts to prove to his father that he is worthy of his position as the Lion Guard's fiercest, rescue his friend, and help Twilight save Equestria.

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 83 )

The sisters were alicorns, not unicorns

Are you going to do the rest of the two-parters?

So far I do plan to have the two-parters for FIM Season 2 set on my agenda for a start. The rest will be something for me to decide as I progress with this story.

“What in the Pride Lands is that?” Kion asked just as alarmed.

Kion this is not the Pride Lands.

Good chapter. But, how would animals not used to magic like equestrians know of what a portal is or how the ponies aren't panicking about a lion cub.

No but they can still swear by it.

Two words my friend: Cartoon Logic.

I'm calling it, the one who's spying on them is Tirek.

Which Grogar or Swearing by the place of their birth?

“Hold it nelly.” Applejack warned the brash peagsus from getting herself in a one-sided fight not in her favor.

It's Pegasus not peagsus

“If you really want your friend back that come and get me!” Nightmare provoked the lion into attacking her. “Oh, wait, you can’t! And you know why because you’re a fraidy cat!” She further taunted him leaving him further angered and distressed.

It's then not that

“Don’t worry Kion. We’ll get him back.” She assured with him determination and comfort in her voice. “Come on!” She urged him to follow her back to the library as he does so.

It's him in determinatiob not him determination

Both really start to bond more here as their talk under the stars marks the start of friendship for Twilight which is further proved in the end of this chapter when she vows to have Kion's back when Bunga gets captured by Nightmare Moon with Kion returning the favor.

You forgot their in start of friendship Also it's between of and friendship

“You’re right Nala. It is something along with stepping up to leader of the Lion Guard I know have to get used to now.” Simba acknowledged with a sigh. “He is now starting to grow up which is something I have to accept.” He then said with a resolve to make things right. “I better go apologize to him.”

You forgot the i between know and have and Also forgot i between it between to and now

Before he do so however, he is suddenly met with one of Kiara’s friend Tiffu came running Pride Rock.

You forgot could between he and do

Before he do so however, he is suddenly met with one of Kiara’s friend Tiffu came running Pride Rock.

You forgot who between tiffu and came

Even though it’s plenty for all for them, Janja and his clan does not plan on stopping until the whole heard is dead ignoring the imbalance it will cause to the Circle of Life.

You put An a in herd

Even though it’s plenty for all for them, Janja and his clan does not plan on stopping until the whole heard is dead ignoring the imbalance it will cause to the Circle of Life.

The circle of life to turn to chaos you mean

Back just outside the Everfree Forest, the Mane Six along with Kion all arrive just outside of the Everfree Forest where all stop for a moment as they all see the entrance in its full glory and needless to say the forest itself was pretty unnatural.

You forgot they between where and all

…Well…all but Twilight as skidded towards the edge of the cliff and finds herself dangling and holding on for dear life.

You forgot she between as and skidded

Applejack could only struggle with one eye shut unable to hold on much longer or hoist her up the cliff. But after she looked around, and then up for a moment she then turned back to Twilight as she spoke.

You forgot she looked between then and up

So far, all of what you have pointed out has been properly readjusted and thank you for pointing that out.

Twilight eyes widen as Kion’s starts to have eyes of panic at Twilight’s predicament and could only look on from safety with the others as Twilight widens her eyes before calmly closing her eyes as she trusts the farm pony’s words as she lets go but not before screaming as she falls.

It's kion not kion's

As Kion watches on he couldn’t help but sense the flashback to when his father and grandfather where in this position with Scar clamming his claws onto them.

It's we're not where

“How did you know they would catch her?” Kion asked the farmpony between leaps down.

It's not between leaps down but between leaps but

"Just by being honest with my friends and having good faith in that she would be saved.” Applejack answered as they both climbed down together said. “Although it was also a good thing that hippo appeared when he did otherwise the rest of us wouldn’t have been so lucky.”

Together said doesn't match so delete said

“A very good thing.” Kion couldn’t agree more as they both reach the bottom of the hill. “And that’s there is the Lion Guard’s strongest.”

You accidentally put that's instead of that

“Aren’t you going to introduce us to your new friends Kion?” Fion asked as she stops the lion cub in his tracks forcing Twilight to turn back.

Who is fion

“We are going to definitely see it too it who’s really the fastest when this is all over because my name is Rainbow Dash. Emphasis on Dash!” She said as she flew around Fuli at top speed forming a rainbow spinning top leaving her feeling dizzy and fumbling in her steps before laughing at her.

You accidentally put an it to much

“Yes, I know this sounds crazy but I wouldn’t believe if I hadn’t seen her herself.” Kion advised the bird to hear them out. “If we want to get Bunga back we going to have to work together and trust these ponies.” He also said as they pressed forward. “And for one thing this is definitely not the Pride Lands.”

You forgot it between believe and if

"My Hair!" She shouted very upset he did that to her as she quickly retreated. The manticore then attempted to pursue her, but then stops, when Applejack came to the rescue appearing on top of him so he could ride and control him like a taming a bull.

You put An A to much it is between like and taming

“Ono!!!” Kion, Fuli, and Beshte called out at the same time fearing he was still going to hurt then only to see the manticore craddling and licking the peagsus and egret in his arms, thanking them for pulling the thorn right out.

You forgot be between to and hurt

"Aw, you're just a little old baby kitty, aren't you?" Fluttershy asked as she and Ono are still licked at while the group watched in amazement as they see that the best is actually friendly as he allows them to pass by. "Yes, you are. Yes, you are."

It's beast not best

"That is pretty impressive." Kion said in the same tone as the manticore finally lets go of Ono and Fluttershy to allow them to join their friends as both have fetahers and mane hair still standing up from the multiple licks of affection.

It's feathers not fetahers

As they walk up to rejoin the group, Twilight and Kion pondered for a second, and smile as the former gets the idea of what the latter is trying to get her to come to terms. Sometimes what others truly need is show and give kindess when the situation calls for it.

You forgot an n in kindness

“Indeed.” Ono said in agreement. “If he was here would have done the same thing I mean seeing how similar you two are.”

You forgot he between here and would

“Figures.” Fuli replied while wondering to herself why she even asked before with a matching expression before making her way forward as the others followed suit.

You added An before to much where i you have to figure it out

"Why, of course it is!" Rarity said as she walked past the group while lightly scolding the farmpony and speedster peagsus while turning away with her head up high and proud. "How can you be so insensitive? Oh, just look at him." She then said with a sympathy and somewhat babyish tone approached the serpent as he lowers his head on the ground "Such lovely luminescent scales."

It's Pegasus not peagsus

The Pride Landers and the ponies then continued they way through the forest until they saw something that sparked delight in Twilight’s eyes through the mist-covered abyss. The Castle of the Royal Sisters, well at least the remains and ruins of the abandoned place but still there in one piece.

It's they're not they

"There it is!" Twilight spoke out. "The ruins that holds the Elements of Harmony! We made it!" Happy and excited that they have finally made it to their destination, Twilight galloped ahead.

It's ruin not ruins

"We are the greatest aerial team in the Everfree Forest, and soon, we'll be the greatest in all of Equestria." She then said as she leaned in close Rainbow. "But first we need a captain." Rainbow eyes went wide with excitement hearing this.

You forgot at between rainbow and close

"We are the greatest aerial team in the Everfree Forest, and soon, we'll be the greatest in all of Equestria." She then said as she leaned in close Rainbow. "But first we need a captain." Rainbow eyes went wide with excitement hearing this.

You forgot An 's on the rainbow between captain and eyes

“Oh right.” Twilight then said as she then let go of the cheetah after seeing that she is still hugging her longer that she wanted to. “Sorry, I just couldn’t help but find your fur really soft.” She then grinned and blushed rather embarrassed upon realizing she actually just did that to someone she had just met.

It's than not that between longer and she

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