• Published 16th Dec 2019
  • 2,005 Views, 57 Comments

My Little Pony: The Fox of Everfree - Valtyrian

A young unicorn filly stumbles acrossed a treasured secret of the everfree forest., a young pre teen fox.

  • ...

Chapter 9 - A Storm's Request to the Heart of Kindness

Fluttershy just stood there, dumbfounded. She could barely grasp what had just happened in front of her. She had come out here hoping to find Kohaku again, and hopefully convince him to do the right thing for both Sweetie Belle and Rarity.

It took every ounce of persuasion Fluttershy had to convince Harry to bring her out here. And now here she was. Face to face with the young fox, who was simply lounging about on a overhanging cliff. At least until he leaped out over the lake and landed on lilies that just appeared out of nowhere.

Beside her, Harry had whimpered as Kohaku was walking closer across the waters of the lake. Once the boy was on land, Harry turned and dashed back into the thicket, running as fast as he could. Fluttershy only watched as her bear friend, who had once taken down a full grown manticore, ran from this small boy. Turning back around, she found herself face to face with Kohaku. His amber eyes brightly glistening in the sun's light.

“I guess I’ll just have to deal with him later.” Kohaku sighed deeply and lowered his head a bit more. His paws placed firmly in front of him. “I’m not sure what could make him break his word to me.” Looking up, Kohaku stared Fluttershy directly in the eyes. “But it seems I have you to thank for that. Why were you so determined to find me that you got Harry to break his promise?”

Fluttershy looked into those deep amber pools that looked at her. Her breathing on the outside was calm. But on the inside, her fear was running all over the place as anger and disgust tried desperately to catch it. Okay, Fluttershy, you worked this out. You know what to say; you know what to do. He’s just a child.

“I was worried about you,” Fluttershy said, reaching out with a wing and placed its tip on his shoulder. “I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have made Harry break his promise to you, but I couldn’t find you any other way.” She watched as his eyes widened a little. She smiled at him, taking a quick glance at her wing. “Please don’t be so angry with him. He really didn’t want to do it. He turned me down at least four times. I had to bribe him with his favorite Zap Honey treats before he agreed.”

“Well…” Sighing deeply, Kohaku shifted a little. “Okay. I can’t really blame him. I like Zap Honey too. It is rather addictive, but very hard to get.”

“I have a special gift that lets me gather it. I might bring some by for you.” Fluttershy tenderly ruffled his hair with her wing. “If you promise not to be so hard on him and let him off gently.”

With a low groan, he shrank down a little, but did nothing to move away from her touch. His thoughts drifted toward his sisters. How much they meant to him and how much he loved them. Looking up into Fluttershy’s eyes, he bit down on his lower lip. Curious about how a simple female pegasus could bring out these memories.

“Fine…” Kohaku slowly turned his head away. How is she doing this to me? He thought as he looked back and into her eyes.

“So, you said you were worried about me?” Fluttershy just nodded. “Why would you be so worried about me? You barely know me.”

Fluttershy looked carefully at him, studying his movements. Her natural animal care instincts taking over. She had to suppress a giggle as he shifted about. Moving closer, Fluttershy sat next to Kohaku and draped her wing about his shoulder and pulled him in close. She kept her wing loose, giving the boy a perfect means for escape should he feel trapped.

“Well, do I need a reason to be worried?” She smiled at him. “Your a child all alone out here. How could anypony not be worried about that?”

“I guess.” Kohaku purred slightly as he leaned into the warm embrace. Resting his head against her shoulder. Closing his eyes, he felt that warm wing around his shoulders. Several moments passed before the realization of what he was doing struck him. Ducking down, he half ran to the edge of his lake and looked up.

“I’m so, so sorry miss Fluttershy, I.. I just…”

“It’s okay, I really didn’t mind.” Fluttershy folded her wing in and sat there as still as a tree. “I have this natural ability to make any animal feel comfortable. It makes working with them so easy.”

“Well, it works. I felt really cozy. I haven't felt that way sense…” Kohaku’s head dropped slightly. His gaze looking toward the lake as his voice lowered into a soft whisper.

Fluttershy leaned in a little, trying to catch what he had been saying, but quickly shot back into a sitting position when he looked up at her.

“So you're good with animals? What about pets?”

“Oh yes, I’m very good with pets,” Fluttershy said with enthusiasm. “In fact, I run my own pet clinic and adoption agency. I also teach classes in the proper way to care for your pets.”

“C.. could you help me with my pet? I just don’t know what to do with her.” Kohaku got up and paced back and forth slowly. “Lately she just lays in her bed moping around.”

OH please tell me he’s not referring to Sweetie Belle. She thought, holding her breath. “Why doesn’t she jus tell you what’s wrong?”

“Well... it would be easier to just show you.” Kohaku stood up and walked up the pathway and waved his paw. “Follow me.”

Fluttershy tilted her head a little and bit down on her lip a little. Taking a deep breath, she stood up and followed him. Looking around, she wondered where his house might have been. She couldn’t see anything beyond the thick tree lines and bushes. She nearly tripped and fell when the boy stopped so suddenly from a large tree.

“I’ll take you in, but you have to swear you’ll never reveal what I am going to show you without permission from myself or another member of my clan.” Fluttershy was about to answer with a quick yes when she saw the seriousness on his face.

“Do.. do you mind if I ask why?” Fluttershy leaned in and looked at him.

“It’s a guarded secret. No outsiders may enter without invitation. My clan has kept this place hidden for generations. And I will not have that broken.”

“Oh, I see. Well then, yes, I promise I will tell no one.” She watched him eye her for a moment. With a nod from Kohaku, he pushed himself past the thick bush far easier than she thought was possible. Shrugging her shoulders, Fluttershy followed.

Pushing past the bush, she lifted her head up and gasped loudly. Looking around, she marveled at the village before her.

“Ya know, I never tire of seeing that reaction.” Kohaku chuckled.

“How? I flew all over this area.” Walking back through the bush and then back in, she turned about and then looked at Kohaku. “I didn’t see any of this. How is that possible?”

Kohaku just shrugged his shoulders. “Kitsune magic. I’m too young to know how the spell works. I just know it does. My great-great-grandfather made this place for our clan. Before then, it was just a dense forest with a deep connection to the spirit world.”

“You would think I would have seen that enormous tree. It just towers over the trees around here.”

“You’d think. But no. it hides the tree too.” Starting down the stone walkway, he looked back up at Fluttershy. “Kind of shame. That tree is the first thing I ever grew with my magic.”

Fluttershy simply stared at Kohaku for a moment and then at the tree. The pegasus pushed herself forward and moved to keep up with the boy. She walked beside him for a while as they strolled down the pathway.

This place would be amazing if not for all the burned out and decimated buildings. Looking up, she saw Kohaku turned off the path toward the massive temple and onto another path made of small stones leading under an archway made of cherry blossom tree branches.

She watched as Kohaku moved up to a multi level pond and stretched himself out on a small bamboo bridge. Leaning over the side, he let his paw hang loose, swirling it around and around.

“My pets are here.” Fluttershy heard him say as a black koi fish poked its head out and suckled a little on the young fox’s paw finger.

“Fish? Your pets are fish?”

“Yeah, this is Yang. Yin is the one I was telling you about. She’s the white one down there.”

“Can’t they tell you what’s wrong?”

“Unfortunately, I can’t speak fish. My sister could. But not me. I never learned.” Playfully, he flipped the black Koi up to a higher pond level, only for it to swim back down and circle around his paw again. “And it’s a good thing, too. Fish are some of my favorite foods.”

“Um, you eat fish, yet you keep them as pets?” Fluttershy laid down next to Kohaku watching the black fish being played with.

Kohaku looked up and smirked. “You eat flowers, do you keep a decorative garden that you lovingly attend and care for?” he had the pleasure of watching her head nod in understanding. “Besides, we don’t eat Koi. They are very noble fish. If times are ever lean and food is scarce, we do, and they are brave enough to lie on the block without fear. Thankfully, we have never had to do so.”

Nodding silently to herself, she watched and noticed the large white fish slowly moving along the bottom of the shallow pond. “Well, I can’t speak fish, but I can understand them a little. Let me see what I can do for her.”

“Please do. I’m really worried about her.” Kohaku watched as Fluttershy smiled and then leaned down and stuck her head under water. He couldn’t help but chuckle as she poked at Yin with her hoof for a moment before pulling her head out of the water. “So? What did you find out?”

“Good news. She’s not sick. She’s pregnant.”

“Oh, wow.” Kohaku turned away and looked down at his fish. “Did you hear that Yang, your going to be a daddy.” He chuckled as he just swirled his claw back and forth as his Koi pet followed the movement.

Fluttershy couldn’t help but giggle at the sight before her. The young fox amused himself by playing with his fish. Reaching down, she hovered her hoof over him for a moment and then pulled it back. Taking a deep breath, she put on her best smile.

Now or never Fluttershy.

“So how is Sweetie Belle doing? Is she okay?”

Kohaku sighed as he played with his fish. “I haven't seen her lately. But, unless she’s eaten her own home cooking in the last three days, she’s just fine.”

“Good, I’m very glad to hear that.”

“Mmhm.” was his only response. Yawning, he swung his paw back and forth along the top of the water.

Minutes passed before Kohaku’s head shot up so fast that his fish scurried away. Turning toward Fluttershy, he saw she was looking at him with a sweet, yet sly, smile on her face. Her hoof caressing down his back kept him from running away.

“Who told you?” He sighed and crossed his front legs before laying his head down on them.

“You did.”

“What? I did not. When did I do that?” a suspicious look crossing his face.

“Back at Zecoras, you talk in your sleep.” putting her hoof over the other, she looked into those amber eyes. “And then there was the ‘dream’ you had. Marshmallow colored vixens, I believe you said.” She giggled out loud, seeing him blush. “Rarity thought you were talking about her. Had I not heard you talking in your sleep? I might have thought the same thing.”

Kohaku opened his mouth to say something, but quickly closed it. Here it was, his secret laid bare before this pegasus. Under her knowing gaze, he felt completely defeated, just like when he was with his eldest sister. Turning his head down to the side. “Does anypony else know?” His voice was barely over a whisper.

“Nope, just me.” Fluttershy kept her smile. One little white lie would help keep his trust in Zecora.

“Oh. Okay then.” Kohaku’s paws fumbled over themselves slowly. Letting out a deep sigh, he turned his head back up to her and gave a weak smile. “I’m hungry. Would you like to join me for lunch?”

“I would love to.”


Fluttershy walked about Kohaku’s home, taking in all the decor. The boy had walked into the kitchen and she had watched as he heated his unique cook top. With a smile, she turned away from the door and looked about the room. Shaking her head at the mess all about. Clothing scattered everywhere. He’s definitely a little boy, can’t keep house to save his life. I should introduce him to Mackie. They have a lot in common in that.

Picking up several articles of clothing, Fluttershy deftly folded them and laid them in one of the open drawers of a nearby armoire. As her eyes lifted, she noticed four stuffed dolls. Each one of a different color sporting a different number of tails. And just like Mackie, he even collects stuffed dolls.

“I’m sorry about the mess. I really wasn’t expecting company.” Kohaku shouted from the kitchen. Sounds of pots and pans being shifted echoed into Kohaku’s living slash bedroom area.

“Oh, that’s perfectly okay. I don’t mind.” Fluttershy returned as she finished up by deftly making up the one side of the bed that was completely disheveled. As she finished, Fluttershy heard a few sour choice words coming from the kitchen.

Fluttershy shook her head as she walked to the door. “Is everything okay, Kohaku? I can help you know. I’ve been told I’m a wonderful cook.”

Kohaku sat on the floor looking rather defeated and just shook his head. “No, I just noticed that I’m out of tea powder. I’ll have to go into our family store room and get some later. Pitty, as it goes rather well with what I’ve prepared.” Gesturing to the table, which was filled with an assortment of freshly steamed dumplings.

Reaching out, she lifted his head up with a wing tip. “Oh, that’s okay, anything you offer will be just fine.”



Looking over at the table for a moment, he smiled. “Okay, have a seat. I know just the drink for this snack. I just have to get a few chilled glasses.” Getting up, the young fox dashed under Fluttershy and into the walk-in pantry.

Lifting a front leg up to give him room to run, Fluttershy let out a soft giggle as she watched him. Shaking her head a bit, she moved over to the table and sat comfortably on a silk cushion. Less than a minute later, Kohaku came back out with two frosted mugs hanging from his tails.

“You know I could just kick myself for not thinking of this.” Kohaku chuckled out as set the glass down. “This drink is perfect for such warm day. An old friend of mine taught me this trick when I was much, much younger. And I had a lot of fun with it.”

Fluttershy gave a surprising gasp as she watched him create a large pink cloud between his paws. Sucking in her breath, she leaned back. This can’t be… Oh my! Fluttershy gasped as the cloud bounced between Kohaku’s paws before floating over her glass and filled it with a thick chocolate milk before moving over Kohaku’s glass and did the same.

Kohaku reached out and plucked half the cloud out of the air and took a bite from it. “Please don’t be shy, it’s only cotton candy. And the chocolate milk is really sweet.”

“That’s quite the trick.” Fluttershy said softly as she took a sip from her glass. She nodded at the familiar flavor. “You learned this from a friend of yours?”

Nodding softly, Kohaku leaned back, resting on his front limbs, which were resting on the ground behind him. “Yeah, his name was Discord.” Looking up at the ceiling, he failed to notice Fluttershy’s astonished look. “His mom and mine were close friends. They’d meet every week for a book club and spell reading. During that time, he and I would play games. Together, we would make our own little worlds and go exploring. He was the coolest teenager I ever knew. He taught me a lot of fun tricks. Many of which I still enjoy using.”

Fluttershy stuffed a dumpling into her mouth and answered with a soft “mhmm” She couldn’t believe it. The idea of Discord being a teenager and that this boy was around during that time. This is becoming so surreal. I thought I was Discord’s first real friend. But here I am sitting at a table. Eating the most delicious cookies with a boy who knew him long before I did. I’ll have to talk about this with him, he might give me advice on how to better handle Kohaku here. Fluttershy, munching on a cookie, was so enthralled with her thoughts she failed to notice Kohaku looking at her oddly.

“Is everything okay, miss Fluttershy? You seem a bit distracted.”

“Oh yes, I’m fine, Kohaku. I was just thinking about a friend of mine. Nothing to worry about.” She smiled and took a sip from her glass. “You just remind me of him, is all. And you don’t have to call me Miss, just call me Fluttershy.”

“Oh, I’d love to meet him someday.” Kohaku smiled rather excitedly.

“Well, I will let him know that.” she smiled in return. Although you already know him.

“Miss… I mean Fluttershy.” Kohaku held his two front paws around his half full glass. “I have to say thank you for coming here today. I’ve been kind of lonely. What with Sweetie Belle not being here.”

“Where is she, by the way?” Fluttershy watched him tenderly.

“In a village about a mile away to the east. She’s being preparing for the Seasonal Full Moon Festival. It’ll be another four days before I can see her again. When I meet her at the gates of the village. Tradition is I can’t have contact with her until then. It’s one that goes back longer than recorded memory.” With a sigh, he pushed his glass aside and lowered his head.

“Would they mind if I go see her in your stead?”

“You don’t want to do that.” Kohaku half stood up with his front paws on the table. His voice trembling as if worried about her safety. “Outside mares are forbidden from entering. They would tear you apart, literally, before you got close.”

“But Sweetie Belle…”

“I’m well known in the village. Some of those mares are my friends. And they invited her as my chosen… partner”

Fluttershy nodded softly. She caught the slight change in tone at saying partner. She was certain he was going to say something else all together. “I see. Well then, I won’t try going there as long as you're certain that she’s safe.”

“Yeah, she is. There is only one outside mare has frequented there. And they pay her in muffins for her silence. Plus, she delivers all their mail. I never met her myself, but I’ve been told she’s kinda sweet.”

Fluttershy nodded. She knew that particular pegasus well. Everypony in Ponyville did. Getting up, Fluttershy moved next to Kohaku and wrapped her wing around him. “Well, I’m glad I could be here for you.”

Nuzzling into that warm wing, he rested his head on her shoulder. “It’s more than just having somepony around. And I know you may think it sounds silly. But when I’m around you, I feel like I did when I’m around any of my four sisters.”

“Oh.” Fluttershy gasped and blushed a little as she watched his head lower. She felt his small body trembling slightly and tightened her wing’s grip around him. “That doesn’t sound silly at all. I’m rather flattered, in fact.”

“Would you like to see what they look like?”

“I would love to. But you don’t have to trouble yourself.” Fluttershy smiled, watching as Kohaku moved over to a nearby shelf.

“It’s no trouble,” Kohaku said as he pulled out a storm gray crystal that shimmered like a storm cloud in his paw. Flicking his finger up the crystal, paw sized pictures filled and floated around the room.

Fluttershy looked at the photos. All of them contained one of three female foxes of a different color. In each photo, they were chasing down a pint-sized Kohaku. She had to rub her eyes when realizing that the images in the photos were actually moving. “How? Am I dreaming, or are those images actually moving?”

“Hmm? Oh yeah, it’s a special photography spell.”

“Oh wow. That’s amazing.” Turning around, Fluttershy gasped. The largest photo floating about was of a storm-gray vixen with a stern look yet amused look on her face. The look of somebody who rather be doing anything else, but pleased by the actions of her young charge. Leaning in closer, Fluttershy saw that one of those huge paws placed firmly on the tail of a very young Kohaku. Who at that moment was snapping his jaws, trying to catch a one of many butterflies flying around his head with his teeth.

“She’s beautiful. Is that your mom?”

Kohaku ran his paw down the picture and sighed deeply, “In a way. That’s Kazumi, my eldest sister. When mother passed, she took over raising me. So when ever I picture mom, I see her. I could hide nothing from her. When she looked at you with that intense gaze, you would know to ether talk or get struck with a lightning bolt.”

“Oh my, that sounds scary. Did… I really give you that look?”

“Mhmm. yeah, you did. That stare was really intense.”

“I’m so, so sorry.” Fluttershy muttered out, grasping his paw with her hooves. “I never meant to use my stare on you like that.”

“Please, I didn’t mind.” Kohaku chuckled a bit. “I kinda liked it. For the first time in years, I didn’t miss my sister so much.” Leaning in, he nuzzled against her for a moment.

Fluttershy blinked and looked down at Kohaku. With a smile, the pegasus wrapped her forelegs around him and held him close. “To tell you the truth, it felt kind of good from my end, too.”


“Really. Especially after Zecora told me you're an orphan.” Fluttershy watched as his head dropped and nodded slowly. “It made me feel like a big sister again taking care of you. You see, I had a younger brother once. He was always a bit of a rascal, kinda like you are.”

“What happened to him?”

Kohaku watched as Fluttershy’s face seem to cloud over as she looked away.

“I… I’ll tell you some other time. It’s difficult to talk about it.”

“Okay, I understand.” Kohaku sighed and rested his head up against her floof. “So, why tell me about him at all?”

“Because I wanted you to know I understand what it feels like to not have your siblings with you. And how good it made me feel to care for you that night.”

“Oh.” fumbling his paws a bit, he looked back to his floating photo album. “You.. want to see more pictures?”

“Hehe I’d love to.”

Kohaku felt as if time had stopped for the two of them. Flipping through the hundreds and hundreds of photographs of him and his sisters. Over time, he found himself seated between her legs as her wings wrapped about him. He explained who each one was and all the fun pranks he played on them repeatedly. Finally, he stopped at a picture of all four of his sisters, singing to him as he laid across their tails.

“OH, that’s adorable. Did they sing to you often?”

“Every night, usually the same song. It always worked.” Looking up, he smiled. “Would you like to hear the song?”

“I’d love to, but you don't have to trouble yourself if you don't want to.”

“OH, it’s no problem. I just have to turn the audio on.” Placing his paw on the photograph, his markings shimmered. “Ongaku O Saisei.”

In seconds, the room was filled with a soft harmonious song that she recognised instantly. It was the same song many parents sang to their young foals.

Hush now, quiet now,
It’s time to lay down your sleepy head
Hush now, quiet now,
It’s time for you to go to bed.

Drifting off to sleep you go,
The exciting day is you had is now through
Drifting off to sleep you go,
Let the wonders of dreamworld come to find you.

Fluttershy smiled, listening to the song, when she heard a loud purring. Looking down, she found Kohaku nuzzling his head up against her. She suppressed a giggle when she felt him turn around and push himself up against her more with a little snore.

“I guess still works. Let’s get you to bed” Wrapping her front legs around him, Fluttershy pushed off with her hind legs and hovered above the ground.

“OH wow, who knew he weighed so little?” Holding Kohaku close, she flew into his main bedroom and laid him out on his bed. Gripping the edge of the sheets with her hooves, she pulled the covers over him. “He looks so sweet.” Leaning in, she kissed the top of his head and landed down beside the bed.

As Fluttershy turned to leave, she heard a soft clink on the floor. Turning about, she saw that Kohaku’s crystal had tumbled from his paws and onto the ground. Leaning down, she took it with her mouth and lifted it up to the bedside table. Her whole body trembled and froze when a crash of thunder exploded behind her.

“Starswirl! You insignificant, misbegotten son of a leprous donkey!!!” The storming voice echoed through the entire household.

Turning around, Fluttershy found herself surrounded by thick, dark storm clouds. Each one swirling about as they thundered and flashed a dark blue. Her breath quickened as her pulse raced. Quickly, Fluttershy dropped to the floor and guarded her head with both of her front legs. Silently praying for it to all go away as each word thundered in her ears. The voice growing louder and louder until it was directly over her head.

“How dare you make him wait two years for you!” the storming voice grew louder as it grew closer. The thunder outside literally shook the house. Fluttershy heard breaking glass and dishes from the kitchen. “I’m going to flay you out on the bed. Take that pride of yours between your legs. Rip it off and shove it up your…”
Curling into a smaller ball, to hide from the surrounding sounds. Fluttershy trembled as the room became deathly silent. A light tapping on her head quickly quieted her whimpering. Slowly moving her hooves down, and opened up one eye. Staring down at her was a pair of deep storm blue eyes. A set of eyes that were sparking with tiny lightning bolts.

“Your not Starswirl.” The voice said with all the gentleness of a mild rainfall.

Fluttershy simply shook her head from side to side wildly.

“Your not even a Stallion,” As the eyes moved back, Fluttershy saw the storm was now in the shape of a massive vixen with nine tails. “Great. I spend two years comprising just what I was going to say to him and it gets waisted on some random mare.” Reaching out, she offered an enormous paw toward Fluttershy.

“I’m so very sorry, my dear. I meant the words of death and destruction for my mate.” The storm vixen pulled Fluttershy up onto her hooves. Looking over, the vixen took notice of Fluttershy’s cutie mark and groaned. “Your name wouldn’t happen to be Fluttershy, would it?”

Fluttershy caught the slightly painful annoyance in the vixen’s voice. Pushing herself back against the wall she just whimpered “y… yes.. That’s okay, isn’t it?”

Fluttershy blinked as she watched the Vixen grow even more annoyed and storm back and forth before lifting her head up.

“Seriously Mother!!! You couldn’t have told me it was a PONY I was looking for!” One of the vixen’s paws pointed directly at Fluttershy. “Ugh. I’m sorry.” the vixen groaned over at Fluttershy. “But mother once told me to be on the lookout for the Butterfly Fluttershy. I spent over six hundred years chasing butterflies getting to know each one on a first name basis. Mother has to be enjoying the greatest laugh in the universe right now. She has a rather bizarre sense of humor.”

“O… okay.” Was all that Fluttershy could. Her eyes kept watch on the storm vixen as she watched the large fox move up on the bed and reach out to caress Kohaku’s hair. Her heart thumped wildly as she flew out and covered Kohaku with her body, yelling out at the top of her lungs. “Don’t Touch Him!”

A soft harmonious laughter caught Fluttershy’s ears, making her look up. “Relax little one, he’s my baby brother.” The vixen chuckled lightly as the storm inside of her body became a light shimmer of clouds. “The name is Kazumi.”

“Kazumi, the eldest sister? I thought you were… were…”

“Dead? Yes, quite so.” Kazumi smiled as she stroked her brother’s hair tenderly with a paw finger. She looked up and chuckled at watching Fluttershy push herself up against the back wall. “Nervous?”

“Y… yes… I’m scared of ghosts. Please don’t hurt me…” Fluttershy’s voice whispered out.

“Relax, I’m not really a ghost. More like an Echo. A living magical message created for one purpose. I have all of Kazumi’s memories, feelings, emotions. But no substance.” Kazumi showed by flipping her tail through Fluttershy’s body.

Fluttershy patted her body where the tail had passed through her. Looking up at Kazumi, she let out a deep sigh of relief. “Oh, I’m sorry.”

The Echo of Kazumi just shrugged as she motioned toward the kitchen. “No worries dear, lets go to the kitchen and let my little brother rest. I’d rather he not wake right now.”

“I’m surprised he didn’t wake from your entrance. As loud as it was.” Fluttershy’s voice was still meek but growing stronger.

“Ha, it’ll take more than that brief outburst. He’s slept through one of my category seven storms and that’s while he was on my back as I created it.” Kazumi chuckled out giving Fluttershy a motion to follow her. “He can sleep through any storm, but can wake from a mild conversation. Go figure, huh?”

Fluttershy just looked at Kohaku and back at Kazumi. This day was definitely not turning out how she expected. Tucking the blankets around Kohaku’s shoulders, she trotted after Kazumi.


“Second time today I find myself here.” Fluttershy sighed out as she sat at the table, Kazumi directly across from her.

“True, but at least this time you’ll get the tea he promised you.” Kazumi said, waving her paw over two teacups. With in a second a steaming cup of green tea appeared. Sliding one cup over to Fluttershy, she sipped on the other. “I suppose I should really explain my purpose here. It would speed things along, as my time is quite limited.”

“Oh um, okay. If you want to, that is.” Fluttershy sipped on her tea. “So um.. Why are you here?”

“Well, long story short, Mother told me I would impart something precious to the butterfly Fluttershy. Having never found one, on my last day in this world, I created three gems. Each one containing an echo of my soul and each one to impart a message and fulfill a last piece of unfinished business. I had meant it for my beloved, but in reality. The universe decided they truly meant it for you. And I’m glad it did.”

“Well, I could.. You know, find your Starswirl and give him the gem.” Fluttershy held her half-empty cup of tea.

“As lovely as that would be, it’s impossible. Once my task is finished, the gem becomes inert and I cease to exist.” Raising a paw up, she quickly silenced Fluttershy from speaking. “Don’t feel sorry for me. I’ve been dead for a very long time. So I’m not worried about myself, but for him.” Kazumi looked over at her sleeping brother and sighed.

“I take it your last business is about him… and me?”

“Your quick on the uptake. Yes.” Kazumi smiled at Fluttershy. “He needs someone who can love and care for him in the way I used to and no longer can.”

“Well, um, he has Zecora. And this mare he knows I’ve never met.. Silky, I believe it is.” Her head was spinning at what was being asked.

“I know of them, but they are merely friends. Yes, they care about him, but they aren’t family.” Closing her eyes, Kazumi took a long, deep breath. “My brother needs a big sister. Someone who can reign in his more wild tendencies.”

“Sounds like he needs a mom more than a sister.” Fluttershy looked a way out a nearby window. Watching two birds flutter about in a cherry tree.

“I was that too. I had to be after our mother died.” turning Fluttershy’s head toward her own, Kazumi smiled. “And I have a feeling you need this, too. I watched as you threw yourself over him. For that one moment, he wasn’t some strange boy. He was the brother you lost so long ago.”

Fluttershy turned back around and looked at Kazumi, her eyes wide as she bit down on her lower lip.

“I will not force you to answer now. You know your heart better than I. Take your time.” Kazumi stretched before walking over to the door. On opening it, there was a long brightly lighted hallway. “Think things over. Nothing needs to be said tonight.”

“Your leaving already?”

“Yeah, it’s best that I do. My job here is finished. I’ve stated my request, and in doing so, discharged my duty.” Looking over her shoulder, the large vixen smiled at the small pegasus. “All that’s left is for somepony to pick it up, if she is brave enough to do so.”

“Say I do, how will you know?” Fluttershy pushed herself off the bed and walked halfway between the sleeping Kohaku and his ghostly sister.

“It doesn’t matter if I know or not, only that he knows it.” Turning back around, Kazumi stepped into the hallway, which erupted into a violent lightning storm. “After all, he’s the one who needs a big sister. Take care Fluttershy. And goodbye, little brother.”

Fluttershy watched as Kazumi dashed off into the storm. Within the span of a lightning strike, the room erupted in a blinding light.

Fluttershy half screamed as she sat up. A dark gray crystal dropped onto the floor and shattered before vanishing completely. Rubbing her eyes with the side of a hoof, Fluttershy looked around. Walking over to the large sliding door, she pushed it open and saw the main room. Letting out a soft sigh, the pegasus walked back to the bed.

He looks so peaceful. Fluttershy’s thoughts itched in her head. She let out a long giggle as she watched the boy hug his tail just before chewing at the tip.

“I best get going. My animals are probably worried about me.” Fluttershy stood up and took two steps and half tripped on a shirt. Looking about, she let out a deep sigh. “I can’t leave his home like this. Little boys.” Giving Kohaku a soft smirk she usually saved for her red stallion when he left his stuff on the floor. Shaking her head, Fluttershy just picked things up.


Kohaku groaned as he sat up, rubbing his head. “Where?” Seeing that he was in his bed, the boy let out a soft sigh. “Oh yeah, that song. I forgot how it puts me out.” Standing up on the bed, Kohaku looked about and noticed how clean his room was. Everything was tidied up and put away. As he landed on the ground, a spicy scent caught his nose. Heading toward the kitchen, he saw Fluttershy at his stove stirring something in his cast-iron pot. “That smells wonderful.”

Fluttershy smiled as she looked over her shoulder. “Oh, good, you're up. Your timing is perfect. Dinner is almost ready.”

“You didn’t have to do that.” Sitting at the table, he sniffed again and let out a long purr. “What is it?

“Vegetable medley with a hint of spice. After cleaning things up, I thought you might get hungry if you woke up.” Gripping the ladle with her mouth, she dished out a large bowl for the boy and pushed it over to him on the table. “Now eat up.” Fluttershy smiled as she sat down opposite of Kohaku. Watching him produce a spoon from thin air by flicking his wrist.

A cold itch traced down her back as she watched him eat. A quiet thought continued to roll through her mind. He’s the one who needs a big sister. Could she do it? Be his big sister. Take care of him? Well, it’s not like she wasn’t capable of doing so. She took care of so many animals. She even took care of her niece occasionally. “How is it?”

“It’s delicious.” Kohaku said as he took another mouthful. “Mind if I ask why? Why did you do all this for me?” Kohaku set down his spoon and looked up at her.

Looking into those bright liquid amber eyes, Fluttershy just smiled. “Never you mind now. Just eat up. I have to get going. My animals need me.”

“Oh, okay.”

Fluttershy would have been less of a mare if she had missed the depression in his voice. She opened her mouth to reply to that, but never got the chance.

“Will… will you come back?” Kohaku looked up into her eyes. He wore a light blush on his face as his tail tips twitched nervously. He missed her giggles as his voice picked up in octane. “If you want to, that is. I mean, you don’t have too but I… Well, having you around is kinda nice. And I just feel a little less lonely and I.” Kohaku would have continued, but a soft hoof touched his lips.

Fluttershy just shook her head and sighed with a smile. She couldn't leave him. She enjoyed spending time with him. And perhaps she could learn more, share their love of animals together. And perhaps they could both get something out of it. “Yes, I’ll be back tomorrow. Be sure to get a bath in and scrub behind your ears.”

“Hai anechan.” Kohaku groaned out as he half crossed his forelegs over his chest. Doing his best to avoid those all-knowing eyes.

“Good. Till then otoutochan.” Fluttershy returned with a smile before walking out the door. She had taken only a few steps before stopping. “Otoutochan? Where did I learn that?” Looking behind her for a moment, Fluttershy looked up at the sky and saw several streaks of dark blue storm clouds. Gulping loudly, she spread her wings and took off. Eager to get back to her cabin.

Comments ( 4 )

A piece of soul has been added to use own.
If she was persistent, flutters could totally sneak a letter to Sweetie now that she knows.
Choices choices...

Ooh, interesting chapter

Cool story. Added to my read list. :twilightsmile:

What's the sex tag for?

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