You never really did care much for bugs. So it'd figure that after being magically displaced into pastel pony world, you get kidnapped by pony-sized bugs.
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Pfft, amateur. You never go with your thugs to invade a place, that's the reason you have lower members of the family. Vito and Michael Corleone knew that fact well enough.
This fic is a jewel <3
I am sorry. A saw that chapter title and could only think of one thing.....
This part and the ones that followed it made me laugh hard. That was awesome!!!
Chrysalis is going to want to reward him super hard for that!
I swear, every chapter has me laughing a lot, even when I'm trying not to. Can't wait to see where this goes, next.
Oh my GOD!! I didn't see this coming a mile away! THis is awesome!!
Hehe human always be the alpha of alpha k9/dogos we tame train and raise the k9/Dogos through all of history and no k9/dogos species is exempt from this we just have a few breeds that we let be wild if we as a species tried there would be no wild k9/dogos for they would all be pets of some sort
Alright, I didn't see that coming at all. You got a laugh out of me, well done.
For the future defense of the hive, a vacuum cleaner must be appropriated!
Chihuahuas make great footballs. Xp
Dont abuse animals!
Thank God for daily chapter updates.
Anon PUNTED A CHIHUAHUA?! Nice. Also, I like that he has a pack of dogs now.
I'd probably go with Orthanc and Minas Morgul
I dunno about gems, but maybe Anon would let them inspect his jewels? /s full kappa please ignore me holy shit
that were still
Did you start this sentence too early?
I'd feel bad about that poor genetically mangled wolf if I didn't hate their shaking bodies. Seriously, just stop already.
Still loving the story. Please continue.
Anyone else get reminded of a Jeff dumbham joke about his chuwawa
My thoughts on both this chapter and the whole story as a whole, there's honestly nothing I can add, this sums up everything about how I feel.
Ayyy chiuaua no bueno.
Snrk, that was great.
... I can't wait to see Thorax's reaction to what's going on at the hive.
Doing gods work with this one. Perfect humor and situations.
P.S. More ap pls
By "it might be worth it", I hope you don't mean that it's set up for that transformation in the show because then it would be the opposite of worth it.
No chapter today? :O AM VERY SURPRISE!
I don't like animal accuse either, but chihuahua are not animals. They are parasites at best. So, nothing wrong here.
Yep that's Anon
Oh my shit
Well shit does this mean the changelings don't get change in leadership now? Damn...
I am sensing a love of Jeff Dunham here. Anon punted the Chihuahua Diamond Dog? Just like Jeff punted his wife's little bastard over the back fence of their yard? (maybe. Possibly. Potentially. Probably not. Said it for the sake of comedy. Might have ACTUALLY done it because Chihuahuas are evil.)
Bye Pharynx good luck on that fetch quest!
I like this guy. He reminds me of me.
Hmm...punting a tiny dog leader and then humiliating his cohorts by brandishing a makeshift newspaper? I totally approve!
You have two dicks?
There are so many moral implications the logic behind it also is quite mindbreaking
Great chapter
Fucking amazing. Easily the best chapter.
Really now?
That logic is very comically broken, poor Diamond dogs... Also with the average intelligence of the big diamond dogs, his one was putting class over mass.