• Published 8th Jul 2018
  • 4,120 Views, 31 Comments

Pinkie Pie Discovers Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Horizon Spark

Pinkie Pie forms an obsession over Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, and spreads it to all of Canterlot High, Much to Sunset's dismay. Yare Yare Daze.

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Part 1: Rainboom Blood

Canterlot High.

A school filled with extraordinary students, with their own stories to tell. A school with stories of magical mishaps and creatures attacks. Though with the help of seven girls and the power of the bonds they share, they’ve been able to protect their school and keep the peace of their city.

This is the story, of how one bizzare show led to a series of events that would change their lives forever.


“So has anyone seen any sign of Pinkie lately?" Sunset asked as she closed her locker next to her friends. "I haven’t heard back from her since she got injured and I’m starting to get a little worried.”

“Now don’t you worry, Sunset, it takes far more than a broken leg to slow Pinkie Pie down,” Applejack, said with full confidence, “I’m sure she’ll be back at school sooner than ya think. Though I’ll admit, it’s a bit worrisome that we haven’t seen any sign from her in a while.”

“No kidding,” Rainbow Dash added, “tried to call her a couple days ago and all I got from her was a bunch of text. Long story short, she’s apparently doing something very important…or whatever’s considered important to Pinkie.”

“Tsk, tsk Rainbow darling,” Rarity stated, wagging her finger, “a mere broken limb should not deter you from your own important business. Not even a broken arm from a little accident should slow the artist from creating a masterpiece.”

“…Are you trying to tell me that you made a dress with a broken arm?” Rainbow questioned.

“Yes, I am!" She said with full bravado.

“Amazing feat aside, I have checked on Pinkie’s condition Wednesday after school,” Twilight Sparkle said, adjusting her glasses, “she was still bedridden when I saw her, but her vitals were normal and her leg was healing pretty well. We need to remind her to be more careful with her powers, especially around glass objects.”

The others cringed at the memory of Pinkie’s injury. “Yeah…at least this’ll teach us to be more careful with our powers,” Sunset stated as the others nodded, “especially around Pinkie.”

“Correct. On a side note, when I was at her house the same day, she was watching this rather…weird looking anime on her computer. Seemed like she was really into it, I had to wait till it was over before I could scan her and she still wanted me to let her finish two more episodes.”

Sunset glanced back at Twilight with a confused glare. “An ani-what? What the heck is that?”

“It’s a kind of animation that comes from Japan,” Fluttershy responded, much to Sunset’s and the others’ surprise. “Um…it’s very popular all over the world especially in States. There’s even plenty of places around here dedicated to it. I’m surprised you haven’t heard of it up until now.”

Sunset shrugged. “I must’ve seen it somewhere here and there. Honestly, ever since I came to this world, I was more on the history and learning how this world works, not on forms of entertainment, aside from the occasional game.”

“Come on Sunset, you’ve been here for couple years, right?” Rainbow asked. “You telling me you haven’t watched one anime like Dragonball?”

Sunset confusedly shook her head.

“Sailor Moon?”

Another head shake.

“Yu-Gi-Oh? Literally anything that's not in english or sounds super weird?”

“Er…I think I heard those names before whenever I go to the mall to get new games, but I never took the time to watch any of these shows. If it’s as famous as you say, I’m surprised I managed to avoid it this long. Speaking of, what kind of…anime was she watching Twi?”

Before anyone could respond, the girls heard the doors to the entrance slam open with a powerful force, catching everyone in the vicinity off guard. The lights suddenly darkened, as the light from the outside world clouded the figure in a silhouette. A masculine voice singing a strange chant followed by loud rhythmic synth-like music blared as the figure posed extravagantly. As the figure walked down the hallway, students were glued to the walls, too stunned to even lift a finger. Even the teachers were afraid to stop the sight before them, or were too refused.

The figure then stopped at the six friends, stomping her boots hard on the floor as she waved her right arm in front of her face, her left arm twisting her wrist away as she posed extravagantly.

“Hi guys!”

The light and overall surroundings turned back to normal as Pinkie Pie stood in front of her silent and astonished friends. Sunset was especially dumbfounded at what happened, prompting her to be the one to ask the question everyone had in mind. “Pinkie Pie, what in the world was that?”

Pinkie Pie chuckled. “What in the the world is right, my dear clueless friend!” She responded with a jovial step. “Or should I say, ZA WARUDO! For I have seen the light and I’m standing here proud to announce that my life has changed forever!”

“Changed forever?”

Pinkie lifted her arm in front of her face then pointed her finger to her friends. “That’s right Shimmer! I spent the last many days wasting away, trapped in my own room. Nothing but broken legs, a computer, and my thoughts as my only companions in my most miserable and lonely of times. But through my boredom, I discovered something crazy, something noisy, something…bizarre! And after everything that has happened, I dedicated the rest of my life to spreading the word of the greatest anime of all time, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure!”

Silence filled the air along with the noises of students uninvolved with the talk between friends. The six friends just stared at Pinkie with various degrees of confusion for this “revelation” Pinkie discovered. Curious however, Sunset asked, “So…what exactly is this, Jojo thing?”

“Only the coolest and most godlike anime to have ever exist in the history of ever! You telling me that you never heard of it before?”

“She hasn’t even seen an anime to begin with,” Rainbow stated.

Pinkie gasped as she exaggeratedly placed her hands on her cheeks. “OH NO! Sunset, I can’t believe you! How could you go this long in the human world without seeing anime!?”

“Is it seriously a crime against humanity to have never seen an anime?” Sunset annoyingly shrugged. “Anyways, it’s great to have you back. I’m surprised you don’t have any scars.”

Pinkie grinned and breathed in deeply as she raised her hand triumphantly. “I wouldn’t have been able to do it without the power of Hamon! My controlled breathing and the powers of the sun can allow me to heal any wound!”

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Don’t know what this ham-on is, but ah don’t think breathin’ exercises gonna fix up a broken leg. Heck, we could give ya a whole lecture on how ta fix yerself up back at the farm.”

Rarity stepped forward and placed her hand on her friend’s shoulder. “Well, I think it’s quite wonderful that Pinkie has a new passion she can now express to the whole world. Tell us Pinkie, you’ve obviously spent such a long time cooped up in that room with this show to keep you company. What is this…Bizarre Adventure about?”

To Sunset’s disappointment, Pinkie Pie was glad she asked.

The rest of the day was an utter headache for Sunset as she listened to Pinkie’s ramblings about this show. Strange stories of muscular, handsome men fighting vampires, Aztec gods, serial killers, and dinosaurs with the power of fighting spirits called Stands were told throughout the entire day. At the end of the day, it was only Pinkie and Sunset left as the explanations finally came to an end.

“And that’s what I’ve learned so far from this beautiful show! Any questions?”

“Only two. What was any of what you’ve been saying, and why though?”

Pinkie giggled. “Oh simple-minded Sunset, surely someone as smart as you could understand the intricacies of and philosophy of Jojo. It’s actually pretty deep once you get past all the cool fighting and junk.”

“Given that this is a show you’ve only watched for about a week, I’ll just take your word for it. Either way, since you’re back, we should work on getting you caught up. You have a lot of work to do, and I took the liberty of setting up a plan for you.”

“Aww…but school work is so hard! And I don’t like the words ‘hard’ and ‘work’ in the same sentence.”

“Sorry Pinkie, but you can’t be on break forever. We need to get to your late work as soon as possible. I actually told our teachers I would volunteer to get you caught up and I was thinking we could start tonight just to get it out of the way.”

“Ooh, that’s awesome timing! ‘Cause Rainbow was going to come at my house to help me with history.”

Sunset raised an eyebrow. “Rainbow Dash loving boring old world history? Unless it’s the history of her soccer and rock career, I doubt she’d be interested.”

“Well, what Rainbow and I are going to watch at my house is certainly historic.” She said with a smirk. “See you at my house Sunset!”

Before Sunset could get a word in, Pinkie bounded away towards the exit, leaving her behind. Thinking about a day filled with all of this animu junk, she wondered how she went this long without hearing about it, and whether or not it should’ve stayed that way.


A simple mile was all it takes for Sunset to reach Pinkie’s home. With all of Pinkie’s missed lessons all in tow, she and Rainbow have all they need to get her caught up with her work. Seeing the house in view, she started to think back to her fascination with this Jojo show. It must’ve been a passing phase as a way to get through her injuries, since there’s no way one could be so absorbed into an animation in such a short time. Right?

Shaking that thought away, she stepped up to the door and gave it a good few knocks. After a minute of silence, she knocked a couple more times, and after more waiting, Pinkie finally opened the door.

“Hiya Sunset! You here to join me and Rainbow upstairs?”

Sunset grinned. “Yeah, got everything we’ll need. If we work through this without any distractions, we can finish this all in one night. Personally, I’m happy that we don’t have much ancient history to go through.”

“Ooh…hey, speaking of ancient history, hurry upstairs. Rainbow and I should be at the best part by now!”

‘The best part?’ Sunset thought to herself as she followed her upstairs. She could hear faint voices of people with foreign accents talking amongst themselves. And getting in her room, she could see Rainbow, her eyes glued to the screen with an excited, toothy grin on her face.

Sunset looked to see that they were watching what seemed to be German soldiers looking at a wall that housed an impression of three men in it. “Uh…Pinkie? I may not be the best at history, but I don’t remember this part of World War II.”

“Shh!” Rainbow annoyingly silenced her. “This is gonna get so cool!”

Pinkie happily skipped on the bed and motioned Sunset to join in. A little miffed that this clearly wasn’t some animated history documentary, she stood next to them and watched as on-screen. One soldier peeked his head a hole in the wall, until suddenly the figure on the wall extended a horn, killing the soldier in front, then swung him around, killing the onlookers as their blood splattered across the area.

Sunset nearly gagged at the sight before her. “That’s so disgusting! What is this? We need to get to your work!”

“Wait a minute, Sunset,” Pinkie responded quickly. “just wait for it…”

Back on screen, the muscular man drained all the soldiers of their fluids at once, a sight that appalled, but also intrigued Sunset. He then shouted “Wamuu!” tapping two other statues with his fingers. “Now is the time, awaken my masters!” The statues suddenly popped off the wall, revealing two equally muscular men as they posed fiercely behind foreign letters.

Then it suddenly clicked in Sunset’s head. All the posing and muscular men, even someone like her could’ve figured it out. “Pinkie Pie! Why are you two watching this Jojo show? You said you wanted me to help you with your work, and this is NOT work!”

“Aww, don’t be such a killjoy.” Rainbow exclaimed. “We’ll get to the work soon, but how can you not love this stuff!? All this action and fighting, all the cool colors and the music. This anime is just so awesome!”

Sunset glanced at the other girl in surprise. “You’re into this too Rainbow?”

“Of course I am! Action-packed anime like Jojo’s is perfect for me. Since you really haven’t watched any of this stuff before, you could totally start off with this. Sure, it’s a lot different from the usual stuff, but since you never watched any at all, that won’t be a problem for you.”

Looking back at the television, Sunset couldn’t help but be mesmerized by the unusual coloring unlike any she’s ever seen before. The design of these character’s clothes were so outlandish, she knew Rarity would blush. She even noticed the music when the credits came up, which reminded her of an old song she heard when she was first practicing how to play guitar.

" Still..." Shaking her head, she turned the TV off, much to the others dismay. “Well that was fun, can we get to work now?”

Pinkie groaned loudly as she comically flopped on her bed. “Oh come on Sunset! Can we at least watch the fight between Joseph and Wamuu? That’s one the best fights in the whole part!”

“Really?” Rainbow asked surprisingly. I thought we both agreed that the chariot fight was the best fight. You didn’t like all that high-speed action on zombie horses?”

“Eh…it went on for too long. Besides, any Joseph fight without the amazing Clacker Volley just isn’t worth it to me.”

“Ugh…come on Pinks!” Rainbow groaned. “You telling me that those lame clackers were better than those chariots is just as lame as you telling me that the Dazzlings were like the Pillar men.”

“That’s because they totally are, Rainbow!” Pinkie responded with a huff.

“Give me a break. Just because they’re three powerful monsters from a thousand years ago does not mean they were the same as those guys. Not sure about you, but I never saw one of them use they’re blood veins to burn us to death.”

“Wait, burn what now with who now?” Sunset said with a double take.

Pinkie ignored the question. “Well, sure they’re not exactly like them, but they were still the most powerful trio we’ve ever faced. And they controlled a large mass of people to go against us. Also, if you really think about it, we did pulled something out of our asses to defeat the Dazzlings at their most powerful forms.”

“We did NOT pull anything out of our asses,” Rainbow aggressively stated, “we beat them with our amazing music skills. Man, this is an even bigger stretch than when you told me those weird Persona games were exactly like Jojo’s.”

“Those games are totally the same and you know it!”

“Hellooo?!” Sunset nearly yelled. “History, we have history to learn about here. Can we please actually get to work here?”

The friends looked at each other for a moment, then crossed their arms in a small huff. “Fine Miss Killjoy.” Rainbow said.

“Yare Yare Daze,” Pinkie mumbled, “guess we have no choice now, do we?”

Sunset happily nodded. “Thanks, you two. Also Pinkie, I personally think you should be glad the Dazzlings weren’t like those Pillar guys. I’m pretty sure a musical showcase wouldn’t be enough to take out any of them. Even with the asspull we admittedly did.”



Monday came, and Sunset was glad that she was able to get all of their work done over the weekend. Despite all the commotion she had to go through with those two and that show, she was able to power through without any serious issues. Still, she understood why those two would be into something like that. All that action would definitely fit them, but surely her friends wouldn’t be in the same boat.

Soon lunchtime came, and entering the lunchroom there was a weird feeling in the air, one she couldn’t shake throughout the entire day. It was as if everyone in the room changed over the weekend, and whatever it was, she felt a certain feeling of dread. After getting her lunch, she walked towards the table where they usually sit, joining Pinkie, who was enjoying a grilled cheese sandwich.

“Aahh…what a beautiful, Duwang. Chew.”

Ignoring whatever she just said, Sunset joined her and sat down to eat. Before she got a chance to start a conversation, Rarity came into view, her composure visually in shambles as Rainbow guided her through the tables. She noticed that her makeup seemed to be running down her face, and her hair lost its usual shine. It didn’t take Sunset much time to rush to her friends and help them sit down. “Rainbow, what happened to Rares?”

Rainbow shook her head. “Not sure. We were at band practice, and after getting my guitar strings fixed, I came back and I found her like this! I can’t remember the last time I saw her like this.”

“Oh…Jonathan…” Rarity slowly muttered.

“Let’s sit her down, give her some time to compose.” The two sat the pale girl down as she nearly struggled to sit.

Pinkie, immediately seeing the three, left then came back suddenly holding several balloons and an ice cream sundae. “My senses told me that someone was experiencing third degree tragedy over here. So I brought pity balloons and a pity sundae.” Rarity suddenly started bawling, slumping down as she almost knocked down the sundae. “Was it something I said?”

Sunset shook her head. “No Pinkie. According to Dash, she’s been crying about this Jonathan guy the entire day. Guess it was that bad of a breakup, huh?”

“Oh darlings,” Rarity sniffed, “this was far more tragic than just some horrible breakup. This was a devastating travesty, an utter nightmare! After saving the world from the evils of a monster, his beautiful life was snuffed out like a candle, and now I must live with the fact that he’s now gone forever!”

Sunset raised an eyebrow. “You sure this isn’t someone from those romance books you get from a dollar store.”

“Not even close! Jonathan Joestar was far more of a gentleman than those cheap knock-offs!” Rarity’s crying turned into bawling, which attracted a few peering eyes. “And now the perfect man to have ever existed is now gone forever! Never to be with his Erina, and never to meet his children. OH SUCH CRUEL FATE!”

“Jonathan…Joestar…” Sunset lowered her head in annoyance as she looked at the three. “Oh look, another Jojo reference. Not like I’ve never heard that before.”

“There, there Rares, we all cried when Jonathan died,” Pinkie said as she did her best to comfort her friend, “but cry no more, as the Joestar bloodline has lasted through the ages, and it has produced more beautiful men we can now fawn over.”

Rainbow hugged her arm around Rarity’s neck. “Yeah Rares, it’s not the end of the world just ‘cause your husbando is no more. Besides, you think he’s a man to make googly eyes at, just wait until you see the hunks in the next parts.”

Rarity sniffed a little as she smiled. “I guess you’re both right. After all, I’ve heard of this Noriaki Kakyoin person, and he sounds like just my type. I can’t wait to more learn about him.”

Pinkie and Rainbow both nervously glanced at each other, unfortunately knowing more than Rarity does. “Yeah…can’t…wait for you to meet him too.”

Sunset groaned, a bit louder than she expected. “Well, at least it’s great to hear that it wasn’t anything too serious. It was just another dumb anime thing.”

Rarity wiped away her remaining tears then smiled. “Now darling, I wouldn’t say that this is some dumb anime thing. Rather, I would say Jojo can be such a sophisticated show full of the same twists and turns of that of those the most famous of soaps and dramas. Of course, all the handsome men we have is a good bonus.”

“I just saw three bodybuilders named after old rock bands pop out of a wall, and one of them cut a Nazi in half just by bumping into him. I definitely wouldn’t use sophisticated to explain whatever this is. Though I will give you one on the handsome men.”

“Oh come now dear, one should not dismiss certain enjoyments just because they’re a bit…unusual to others. Maybe if you would give this show a chance, you would see that it’s more than just some silly journey with overly muscular men.”

“Uhh…yeah I’ll think about it.”

“Well I certainly hope you think about it sooner or later. Fluttershy is hoping to squeeze a discussion about it in the next meeting of the Anime Club.”

Sunset raised an eyebrow. “Wait we have clubs for that now. Since when did we have one of those?”

“I think we’ve had it for over a year actually.” Rainbow stated nonchalantly. “Seriously Sunny, we have got to get you into anime one of these days.”

Sunset shook her head as she started to facepalm. “Oh…good grief.”

“Ooh…” Pinkie said excitedly.” Was that a mother fuckin’ Jojo reference?”

“What? How was what I just said a Jojo reference?”

“Because that’s totally Jotaro Kujo’s catchphrase, he says that all the time. Though if you’re really going to reference it, next time I wanna hear a good ‘Yare Yare Daze’ from you!”

Sunset shook her head as she thought; ‘This needs to stop soon.’


The next day was still less normal than usual for Sunset Shimmer. Going down the hallway, she felt something was a bit off putting. Maybe it was the constant giggling between the guys, or the persistent sighs among the girls. Mumblings were heard throughout the halls, coming to the point where she heard some strange phrases said aloud.



“I turned your gun, INTO A BANANA!”

These quotes were being said left and right. She was about to wonder what it was until Pinkie did it for her…

“Killer Queen, Daisan no Bakudan: BAITSA DASUTO!”

With that followed by a small explosion sound, Sunset groaned as she looked to see that Pinkie was entertaining some of the other students by using her powers. Flipping a coin in the air, it exploded in a puff of pink smoke until coming back down and grabbing it. The students clapped and cheered out at Pinkie. “And that explains why I’m the Yoshikage Kira of the group.”

Sunset knew right from the get-go what this was all about, and after waiting for the students to shuffle out, she decided to confront her. She wasn’t angry, but this was starting to get ridiculous.

“Pinkie Pie, we need to talk!”

Pinkie noticed her friend coming around and waved cheerfully, not noticing the annoyance in her steps. “Why hello there my Sunny Valentine, how’s it going.”

‘Ignoring that…’ She thought to herself. “Not like this is any of my business, but how many of our classmates have you been showing this Jojo show to?”

Pinkie looked at her friend and gave her a cheerful, yet evil grin. "I don't know; how many Bronies claimed you as their waifu?"


“Er…sorry about that, forced of habit. I meant to say about thirty. The number of people I talked to that is, the other number’s definitely higher.”

After getting her bearings from that awkward phrase, Sunset crossed her arms. “Just as I thought. Pinkie, as weird as this might sound to you, you need to lighten up on this Jojo stuff. I think this is starting to turn into a bit of an obsession.”

“An obsession!?” Pinkie started to laugh at the ridiculous accusation. “You’re over exaggerating Sunset, I don’t have an obsession with this show! I just really, really like it that’s all. What would make you say I’m addicted anyways?”

“Pinkie, you’ve just made about four poses the whole time as we’ve been talking, and I’m sure just about everything you’ve been saying have been direct quotes from that show alone.”

Pinkie noticed the position she was in, her legs bent and arm stretched out in way that would make a muscular Frenchman jealous. She got out of the pose then crossed her arms as she took a deep breath, then exhaled. “You might be right Sunset. You wanna know why? Cause I feel you! I feel you deeply! Your feeling I can feel deeply…”



The two stared at each other in dead silence, Pinkie looking at her friend nonchalantly, while Sunset rubbed her temples. “Look, listen. I understand you love this show, especially since it was the only thing you watched while you were bedridden…”

“Well it wasn’t just the show, I also read all of the Manga, watched some videos online, looked at A LOT of memes, and I also…”

“BUT, you need to learn to restrain yourself. All this talk about stands and whatnot isn’t going to convince everyone to get into the same thing, let alone me. I mean, what’s so great about this show anyways? It can’t be this good that it would cause so many to drop what they’re doing and constantly imitate these characters.”

“But it’s all so awesome Sunny! The characters are great, and there are all these cool powers I wish we got back at Camp Everfree. Do you know how cool it would be to summon a ghost representing your inner fighting spirit and have it do all sorts of badass stuff?”

“I…guess it would be pretty cool, if only it wasn’t so hard to understand. Didn’t Rainbow mention someone having the ability to erase time? That doesn’t make sense in any context.”

“Meh, it just works. But besides that, there’s even stuff us normal humans can do, and it feels so good to imitate. Here let me show you.” Pinkie then did a full turn circle then pointed her index finger at Sunset and the other at the side of her head, smirking widely. “Your next line is; ‘C’mon Pinkie, now you’re just being ridiculous.’ TOYU!”

Pinkie waited for Sunset to make her prediction come true, only for her to respond with silence and a confused frown. “Hey Sunset,” She whispered, “this is the part where you say your next line and you act so surprised and I look really cool.”

Sunset shook her head. “You do know that predicting what I’ll say next won’t work when you say it out loud, right?”

Pinkie lowered her arms in defeated. “Aww, you’re no fun…”

“You know what’s not fun, being late to our next class. So why don’t we take a break with these references and jokes so I can open my locker and get my Science text.”

“Fine…” Pinkie said defeatedly. “But I’ll get you yet Shimmer. I’ll make a Joebro out of you one day.”

“I have no idea what that is and I never want to.”

With that said, Pinkie waved and left with a skip and a jump, leaving Sunset by herself. Sighing, she thought more about Pinkie and her relationship with this show. Was this an utter obsession or was this simply just a case of overly fan passion. Spreading the word about it to the students, maybe even reigniting their interest into the show if they already saw it. Sunset even overheard her and Fluttershy talking about this show, even talking about how much this DIO character will pay for killing this other character Danny. For some reason she felt like she didn’t need context for that one.

Either way, it’s a matter of time before Pinkie successfully forces this show down her throat, but for now, she has a lot of work to get to soon. As she closed her locker, Sunset noticed Trixie running towards her, sweating profusely. “Oh…hey Trixie, something happened?”

Trixie came to a complete stop as she tried her best to compose herself. “Sunset! Your pink friend just successfully predicted everything I was about to say to her! I never knew she was a gifted psychic. You must tell Trixie her secrets!”

Sunset sighed. Out-predicting Trixie may be the most believable thing she’s seen all week.


"You're tearing me APART Lisa Lisa!"

"I want to see the Disney characters goddammit! WHERE THE FUCK IS MICKEY?!"

"Okay, Master! Let's kill da ho! BEEEEETCH!!"

Three days have passed and Sunset felt like she was about to reach her limit. Everywhere she went in school was nothing but Jojo reference after Jojo reference, quote after quote, or what she assumed were quotes and references...and the poses, THEY NEVER END. This anime is starting to take over the entire school, and to say that it showed everywhere she went was an understatement. Whether it was someone making an overly fabulous pose, or someone saying a line clearly taken out of context, it was slowly getting to her. She heard someone say “Eat shit, asshole! Fall off your horse!” And it took a whole ten minute conversation about phrasing to get that all straightened out.

‘This has gotten way out of hand!’ She thought to herself. ‘I need to find Pinkie quick and put a stop to her.’


Sunset was halted in her tracks like a deer in headlights, that loud glass-shattering scream almost gave her a heart attack. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Bulk Biceps laughing with a couple of his friends who were applauding heartily.

“Damn!” One of the friends exclaimed. “That had to be the most spot on Von Stroheim impression I’ve ever heard. You got lungs for days.”

“Aww…You guys really think so?” Bulk said with a sincere smile, blushing lightly.

The other friend nodded, “Totally, we’re getting all these impressions down pretty good. Hey, guess who I am this time!” He took a breath as he started to slowly say, “When I saw Mona Lisa's hands folded by her knee...how do I say this...? It's a bit crude, but...I got a BONER."

“Ayyy, there’s my favorite serial killer!” The first friend said as the three cheered and high-fived each other.”

“...I’m going to find Pinke now,” Sunset finally said. Her intentions clear, she powered through all the reference spouted out by the students. Until finally she found Pinkie among with the others, and judging by her enthusiastic flailing, it didn’t take long for Sunset to know what she was talking about. “There you guys are.”

Applejack was first to notice the newcomer. “Well howdy there Sunny. Say, you have any ideas on where we can go find a steamroller?”

“Well you can easily find them in construction sites. Though, I’m pretty sure you could find a place that sells...wait, why are you asking me about steamrollers?”

“Because, silly,” Pinkie jovily started, “we gotta see how strong AJ is with her magic. I wanna see her do the ROADA ROLLA DA!”

Sunset’s eye nearly twitched. “Applejack, don’t tell me you’re watching this show.”

She shrugged. “Heh, sorry sugarcube. If it’s any consolation, I ain’t into all the story and violence, but seein’ all those muscular fellas doin’ all that makes me wanna get stronger so I could try it.”

“Well, usually it would be physically impossible for any human being to lift a steamroller, let alone on the same level of DIO,” Twilight Sparkle said, adjusting her glasses, “however with your geode and a lot more added muscle weight, you might very well be able to at the bare minimum get it off the ground.”

“Oh come on Twilight, not you too!”

Twilight took a defensive stance towards her friend. “Heh, guilty as charged. Although to be fair, besides Fluttershy, you probably should’ve expect me to be into anime. Have you seen my lab?”

“Okay, I guess you have a point,” Sunset said with a shrug, “but still, this is going way too far, Pinkie. I can’t go two steps without somebody saying something I at least know only makes sense in context. The teacher’s pretty much gave up on stopping these references, which resulted in me learning about Egyptian Gods...in social studies. And don’t even started about yesterday’s art class, with all those drawings of half naked guys, I might as well have went into the boy’s locker room.”

Rarity scoffed. “Oh come now dear, sure that all does sound rather ridiculous, but you say that last part as if that’s supposed to be a bad thing.”

“We were supposed draw a fruit bowl, the only fruit I saw in that in that entire class was a cherry, and judging by Pinkie’s expression and Fluttershy’s blushing, you can have several guesses in where that cherry was.”

“Um...well at least they were doing something productive…” Fluttershy meekly muttered with a crimson blush.

“Oh, I bet they were,” Pinkie loudly guffawed in response, which lasted the next few seconds, only stopping to take a deep breath. “Oh Sunny, that’s hilarious I only wish I was in the same room. Did you see if any of them draw Josuke? Not the one with the great hair, the one with the four balls.”

Sunset's mind, along with the others, blanked, "What...?"

Pinkie scratched her head. "Two guys fused together to form one guy with four balls. It is exactly what you're thinking."

“WHAT THE HELL!?" She nearly screamed. "Okay, you know what, no, no, no, no, no! We’re not doing this anymore! I am done with stands, and posing, and music references, and whatever other fourth thing because I have just so many options to choose from! Dear Celestia, what a pain this all is.”

“Yeah Sunny, I guess this is a pain. Yare Yare Daze indeed.”

“Would you stop saying that!” Sunset yelled out in anger, stomping her feet and raising her arms. “You don’t even know Japanese! So stop SAYING THAT!”

With that outburst, Pinkie’s mane deflated as she lowered her head in reaction. “Oh...ok. I’m sorry Sunset.”

Just as Sunset was about to say anything more, she took the moment to notice her best friend's reaction. And with that face alone, Sunset took a breath to get her bearings. “Listen, I’m sorry about losing my temper, and I’m sorry about never giving this show a try. It’s just that...all of this oversaturation for just one show is just too much for me, way too much for me. I would love to watch this show with all of you, but please...can we not go too far with all of this?”

Pinkie glanced at her friends who all had a mixture of concerned faces and shrugs. She sighed as she approached Sunset with a lowered head. “You’re right Sunny. I guess I got so caught up in how cool Jojo’s is that I wanted to share it with everyone in the school, especially you. I didn’t mean to go as far as I already did.”

Sunset couldn’t help but smile as she went up and wrapped her arm around her friend’s shoulder. “It’s alright Pinks. It’s really all just water under the bridge, and for what it's worth, I will admit that I did go a little overboard with my reactions.”

“Oh, I think we’re all guilty of overreacting here,” Twilight admitted casually, “I mean, trying to see if certain feats in anime are realistic is just ridiculous. It’s hardly even worth the effort...well, except for that one thing, but I digress.”

"And Jojo's not even my favorite anime!" Rainbow said, shrugging, "I was always a Naruto fan anyways."

Rarity stepped in, "I suppose we've all learned a little lesson about this whole endeavor."

"That we shouldn't be too obsessive about the things that we are passionate about?" Fluttershy answered.

Sunset smiled, "And that anime is fucking weird."

With that, the group shared a friendly laugh at all the antics that had happened up to this point. They all laughed about the comedy of errors over one bizzare show. It always seems that no matter what comes between them, whether it be arguments, heartbreak, or anime, nothing can break the bonds of these Equestria Girls!

“So...” Pinkie finally said after all of that, “you wanna go watch Jojo’s now?”

Sunset groaned outwardly, “Oh come on, we just had a great moment too! I thought we were doing something special here.” She took a moment to relax, before continuing, “Ok guys, how about this, give me one very good reason why I should start watching Jojo’s right now.”

Almost out of earshot, Flash Sentry appeared next to his group of friends with an excited grin and an acoustic in hand. “Dudes check this out. I think I finally got that song down. Took awhile to get the chords down, but tell me what you think.” As he started plucking his guitar strings, the other conversation went on.

Pinkie, knowing exactly what will finally convince her, quickly reached into her hair,and pulled out a picture of a seemingly young man wearing a bowler hat, a scar across his cheek, and a blonde mullet. “His name is Robert E. O. Speedwagon, the most precious cinnamon bun in all of Jojo’s!”

Sunset raised her eyebrow inquisitively, “Really? Is picture of random character without any context supposed to do the trick? I mean, sure he looks pretty interesting, and I like his hair, and I guess he’s pretty good looking and...stuff.”

Applejack gave a sly grin, “Ooh, looks like Sunset’s heart answered for her.”

"I have heard scientific studies saying that Speedwagon is the most optimal 'husbando' in all of anime," Twilight said matter-of-factly.

“Congrats Sunset,” Rainbow chuckled, “you have your first anime husbando. I was almost betting on one of the Joestars being your first, but who can really blame you when it comes to good ol’ Speedwagon?”

“Wow, you’re pretty good with those strings,” One of Flash’s friends said as he continued to play the next few chords.

“Whoa, whoa, I did not say anything about anyone being a 'husbando', he’s not even my type,” she said, blushing like a flaming red chicken. “Besides, how could anyone be so attracted to someone on a screen, especially if I hardly know anything about them?”

“Says the girl who’s clutching the photo in your sweaty palms.”

Sunset noticed the picture in her hands, and how intimate it must’ve looked to the naked eye. She instinctively threw it away, “That proved nothing at all!”

Flash flipped his hair as he readied his guitar, “Alright guys, time show you what I taught Sunset.”

“Well Sunny,” Pinkie stated as she and the other five leaned in with anticipation, “gonna admit it now? You ready to watch some Bizarre Adventures? If we watch it now, we could get it done before Part Five starts.”

With all eyes on Sunset, she felt the pressure of a single question with only two simple answers crashing down on her. She had an option to leave, but even she knew that was the coward’s way out. So with her nerves steeled and her answer ready, she approached her friends with her head high and her decision made. This will forever change her fate.

Author's Note:

SS: You thought I was someone who wouldn't like this show, but it was I, SUNSET! You happy now?

PP: Yes, yes, yes, yes! Glad you're starting to like it. So ready to watch Part 3?

SS: Oh you better believe I am!

Well that was a thing I spent much longer to write than it should've. Anyways, thanks for reading this Bizarre story I wrote, hope you enjoyed it and got a good laugh. Don't forget to tell me what you think, how many references you found, and what's your favorite things about Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.

This was dedicated to my friend Marco who introduced me to my new favorite anime through constant memes and posing. In fact the scene where Sunset watched the Awakening scene from Part 2 with Rainbow and Pinkie, was basically my first introduction to the show. So Marco if you're reading this...Thank you veWRRYYYYY much!

P.S. I didn't time this or anything...but PART 5 CONFIRMED BAYBEEEE!!!

Comments ( 30 )

This was WAY too hilarious! Great job with everything!

I only just started watching this show. So far I finished Battle Tendency, so I got any references to it and Phantom Blood. Including who Danny is that Dio killed, and why Fluttershy hates him for it.

Stardust Crusaders might be as far as I see, its dub will be finished next month, I don't know much about it except Dio's final fate (have to at LEAST go that far for that) and that it's in Egypt (always loved Egyptian themed areas and songs). And I heard of these "Stand" things but I don't know how they work. But I'll start Stardust Crusaders really soon, so I guess I'll find out.

I feel Sunsets pain, I really do. Just sad she caved.

I once considered doing a JJBA/MLP:FIM crossover fic. I had no intention of taking any of it seriously, though. One memorable scene I considered.

"There's a pair of stand users watching us over there."
"What's up with them? They're just posing there... menacingly."
"Yeah. If you ever see someone just randomly pose for no reason, they're either a stand user, a vampire, or a pillar man."

The grand finale would have the primary villain, a vampire stand user, use one of the stone masks to elevate himself to a Pillar Man. However, now being a Vampire Pillar Man Stand User, he literally could not stop posing long enough to actually do anything.

This is unironically great.

Cool story, bro... FOR REALZIES! Of course, it would have been much cooler if you made more parts of it; after all, your first, and only chapter [so far(, so good)] is part one.


Canterlot High.

A school filled with extraordinary students, with their own stories to tell. A school with stories of magical mishaps and creatures attacks. Though with the help of seven girls and the power of the bonds they share, they’ve been able to protect their school and keep the peace of their city. Now their bonds

Are you missing something? Now their bonds what?

BTW everyone. There's a story on this site that has the ponies themselves have their own stands and is pretty much only good crossover between MLP and JJBA. The rest are usually Joestars entering Equestria with only a few chapters. Sadly, the writer only managed to finished Part 1 before disappearing from the site. However the story itself is still quite self-contained like any JJBA Part and the Stand fights are just as cerebral as Part 3-6 so give it a read. Here's the link:


Looooool guilty it took me weeks to get this guy to watch , then one day as we were to hang out i stopped him nd popped on jojo my fave anime for him to see and he rejected till i badgered him its good and fun and silly and ...bizare. then once letting up he took the chance and watched it and im proud he did even to this day


I messed up and fixed it my bad

But soon they found the fanfics.
Even Pinkie was afraid!

something something something 28 minute rant about stans

Oh and I love that you referenced Dragonball Z, Sailor Moon, and Yu-Gi-Oh. Those were three of my five first animes (other two being Pokemon and Digimon). Dragonball Z gave me my interest in tails and Sailor Moon gave me my interest in villain deaths.

I have to find ALL the references! OOOOOHHHH NOOOOOOO!!

No No No No. oh my god.


Having seen all but the final episode of Stardust Crusaders now:

I now get the joke with Rarity mentioning Kakyoin. And wait till Fluttershy sees Dio kill a cat in the same episode, though Danny's death has been considered the most upsetting of all the dog deaths in the show.

Between that, and all he did in Phantom Blood, I can't wait to see Dio's death two days from now. (well, I already peeked at the Japanese version, but I can't wait to see it in English. It feels strange knowing that episode of the dub technically doesn't exist yet, but knowing how it's gonna turn out) I can honestly agree with WatchMojo's choice for number one most satisfying anime villain death. And that's coming from someone who's seen Dragonball Z numerous times and watched the whole Frieza Saga as it came on TV (he was the second on their list)

Maybe Jolyne will be her fave JoJo, can relate to her probably.

Perfectly Insane

This is amazing and all, but I was expecting one of the most well known jojo references.

“Oh? Your approaching me?”

“I can’t beat the shit out of you without getting closer.”

I was expecting something like that between pinkie and rainbow dash or sunset, but sadly they didn’t happen.

This was beautiful and all... But I have to ask, does Pinkie KNOW HOW THE FUCK KING CRIMSON WORKS!?

Oh boy, pinkie with Jojo.... this will be interesting


It's Pinkie. Being Pinkie. Over Heaven.

“Aahh…what a beautiful, Duwang. Chew.”

ah yes the duwang dub of the manga

*approaches like button, menacingly*
Soshite toki wa ugokidasu

Awesome! although the like to the song Flash was playing is dead.

Repeat after me:


Thank you for your time, and have an excellent day.

Sunset should've used the Secret Joestar Technique and hightailed it for the portal.

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