• Published 14th Mar 2018
  • 974 Views, 47 Comments

Equestria's "friendly" neighborhood conqueror. - The_Lost_Somebody

I went to a convention (like there isn't enough of these already) and got sent to another world... With near godlike powers... How fun...

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Comments ( 9 )

Well ... this like as star eater

I didn't expect that. Congratulations, I was thoroughly surprised.

What about the displaced that get displaced as weak/joke characters, ex. Pheonix Wright, as self, as background pone. Or that aren't direct power fantasies.

May I ask your reason for that?

Well, all I can really say is, try to live the way that makes you happy. I can't say that I would know what it is, but try to do the things that makes you truly happy. And, I too wonder what it would be like to get displaced.

i would have enjoyed this. but oh well..

Your story was good but sadly it's overshadowed by my unyielding rage.

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