• Published 24th Jul 2012
  • 3,030 Views, 32 Comments

Swip-Swap - Lycan_01

After startling Twilight while she studies magic, Fluttershy and Rarity end up swtiching bodies.

  • ...

Identity Crisis

An awkward silence had settled over the room.

Fluttershy was staring at Fluttershy. Rarity was staring at Rarity. Twilight was shifting her gaze back and forth, looking at one bodyswapped friend for a few seconds before looking back at the other. A thin haze of light, residual smoke was still hanging in the air. Nopony said a word. Nopony knew what to say.

"Twilight..." Fluttershy eventually whimpered, her soft voice sounding strange coming out of the mouth of a typically extroverted and charismatic white unicorn. "You can fix this... right?"

"Of course she can..." Rarity replied gently, lifting a yellow hoof to try and move her new pink mane out of her face. She was trying to sound confident, but the worry in her voice was audible. "Right, Twilight?"

Twilight shifted her gaze to the ceiling. She closed her eyes, and after a long moment of silence, she let out a sigh. "I... don't know."

Nopony said anything else for a few seconds. Finally, Rarity broke the silence. "What... happened, exactly?"

Twilight sighed again. "I was working on a transmutation spell. You've... switched bodies. Or rather, your bodies have been transmuted."

"Transmuted?" Rarity arched a pink eyebrow, confusion written on her new yellow features. "As in... changed?"

"Yes," Twilight nodded. "According to my calculations-"

"When did you do calculations?" Fluttershy interjected softly, sounding confused. "I didn't see you doing them... Did I miss it?"

"Mental calculations," Twilight replied factually.

"So you're guessing," Rarity quipped with a sly smirk that seemed very out of place on Fluttershy's face.

"An educated guess," Twilight answered with a roll of her eyes. "Anyway, according to my calculations, you haven't swapped bodies, so much as you've changed forms."

"Come again?" Rarity tilted her head. She promptly sputtered as her new pink mane flopped over her face. "Blek it's in my mouth blek!"

"In essence, you're minds, memories, souls, talents... everything that makes you you, didn't go anywhere. But the bodies those things reside inside were transmuted, remade in the shape of something else. It seems your bodies reshaped into the form of each other. Internally, you're still yourself. Externally... you're wearing a very convincing and fully functional Rarity or Fluttershy costume," Twilight tried to explain, rubbing her chin in contemplation. "Does that make sense?"

"So... we didn't switch bodies, so much as... our bodies... shape-shifted...?" Fluttershy quietly asked, poking at her new white fur.

"Exactly!" Twilight nodded.

After a short silence, Rarity flatly stated: "Let's just say we switched bodies."

"Yeah, much simpler," Fluttershy nodded with a smile.

"Ugh," Twilight facehooved. "Fine, whatever. The point is-"

"TWILIIIIIIGHT!!" Spike's voice suddenly screamed from downstairs. Frantic footsteps could be heard on the stairs leading up to the second floor, and within seconds, a frantic baby dragon charged into the room. "TWILIGHT!!" he screamed, wildly flailing his arms as he ran towards the purple unicorn. "I was asleep and I thought I was dreaming because I heard voices and explosions and screams and- OOF!!" Spike yelped, tripping over a book. He hopped back to his feet, casually dusted himself off, and then began running towards Twilight again. "And I heard people talking and yelling and then I finally woke up and smelled smoke and realized IT WASN'T A DREAM!! Are you okay?!" he screamed in horror, finally reaching his best friend.

"Yes Spike," Twilight smiled softly. She then frowned. "Unfortunately, Fluttershy and Rar-"

"RARITY?!" Spike howled, whirling around to look for his crush. He immediately spotted the familiar form of his beloved white unicorn, leaning against a nearby bookshelf. "Rarity! Rarity are you okay?!" he screamed, promptly running over to her. "Oh, thank goodness! You look okay! Better than okay! Enchanting!" he exclaimed with a goofy grin, eyes sparkling with love-smitten awe.

"Um... Thank you Spike," the white unicorn replied, but with Fluttershy's hesitant voice. The baby dragon's eyes went wide with horror and confusion, and he staggered back a step. "But... Rarity is over there," Fluttershy said, lifting a white hoof to point across the room at the winged equine sitting on the floor.

"R-R-Rarity?" Spike stammered.

The pony that looked like 'Fluttershy' smiled softy, and gave a gentle wave of her hoof. "Hello my darling Spikey-Wikey," the yellow pegasus replied Rarity's elegant voice

Spike stared. His right eye gave a small twitch. Inside his head, the little hamster wheel of his mind was frantically turning, trying to comprehend the situation before him. Unfortunately, the little rodent running on the wheel was just not in good enough shape to handle the herculean task before it, and it promptly died of a heart attack.

That is to say, Spike snapped.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!" the little dragon let out a long scream. once that was done, he inhaled deeply, and let out another scream. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" He then threw his hands in the air, spun around, and ran shrieking from the room. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!! AAAAAAAAAAAH!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!"

A moment later, the front door slammed, and Spike's screams could then be heard outside the library, fading into the distance.

The three ponies sat in stunned silence. "Ahem," Twilight eventually coughed, trying to regain her friends' focus. "So, as I was saying..."

"Right," Fluttershy nodded.

"Continue," Rarity waved a hoof.

"The spell I used was a very advanced one, which I have yet to master," Twilight sighed. "If I tried to reverse it right now, the results could be... bad."

"How bad?" Rarity asked.

"Bad," Twilight deadpanned.

"How bad?" Rarity repeated her inquiry, a little bit more forcefully this time.

"Well, I practiced on some potatoes, and tried to turn them into carrots," Twilight cheerfully replied. "Unfortunately, while I succeeded in turning them into carrots, they refused to properly turn back into potatoes. In four cases, they turned into bizarre carrot-potato hybrids. In two cases, they turned into apples. And in eight cases, they-"

"Turned inside out?" Rarity guessed.

"Exploded?" Fluttershy muttered.

Twilight sighed. "They turned inside out, and then they exploded," she stated. Her tone was one of exasperation.

Rarity wasted no time. "So... how high of a chance are we talking, in regards to the very-bad-inside-out-explosion result?" she ask cautiously.

"Rarity?!" Fluttershy gasped.

"Whaaaaaat?" Rarity whined. "I'm sorry Fluttershy, it's nothing person. But yellow reeeeally is not my color! Not for fur, at least!"

Twilight stomped her hooves. "No!" she barked sternly. "No, I am not going to try and change you back right now! You're lucky enough as it is. Give me some time, let me try to perfect the spell, or find somepony else who knows how to do it right. Then we'll try to change you back. Until then, I'm sorry, but you're just going to have to make due!"

Rarity gaped, flabbergasted. Finally, she closed her mouth, and sighed. "Yes, I suppose you are right, Twilight. I shouldn't let my vanity force me to make stupid decisions." She then looked over at Fluttershy. "I suppose we should try to make the best of it, yes?"

Fluttershy nodded. "Yes." She then looked up at the new horn on her forehead curiously. "You know... I have always wondered what being a unicorn would be like. Magic seems... fun..."

"That's the spirit!" Twilight beamed.

"And I've always wondered what it would be like to fly," Rarity mused. She looked back at the wings sprouting out of the middle of her back. Tentatively, she tried to stretch them out and flap them.

Graceful like a swan, she was not. It looked almost as if her wings were having a mild seizure or something, each one twitching and contracting at random and moving independently from the other. "Er... um... What... Gr... Stupid..." Rarity muttered. Frustration began to show on her face - again, an expression that looked very out of place on the face that used to be Fluttershy's. "How... How do these things work?" she finally growled.

"Oh, um," Fluttershy looked at the floor. "Well, it takes practice. Like how a foal learns to walk, or ride a bike. Or... more accurately... how a baby bird learns to fly..." she shrugged.

Rarity pouted. "But... but... I want to fly nooooowwwwwww!" she wailed.

"You'll get the hang of it eventually," Fluttershy smiled meekly. She tried to take a step forward - and promptly tripped to the floor. "Ow!" she yelped, winding up in a tangled heap.

"Fluttershy?!" Rarity and Twilight both called out to her.

"I'm okay," Fluttershy sat up gingerly. "I'm just not used to... being so.... heavy..." she half-whispered the last word.

Rarity recoiled in shock, an insulted look on her face. "Are you... calling me fat?" she asked indignantly.

"No no!" Fluttershy shook her head. "I would never-"

Twilight hopped between them. "Pegasi and unicorns have different body structures," she stated factually, flashing a sheepish grin. "Their bones are less dense, and their muscles are leaner. That way they can fly easily, with minimal effort and exertion. So if you have a pegasus and a unicorn who are the exact same size and shape, the pegasus will still be several pounds lighter. Don't you feel lighter, Rarity?"

Rarity took a few steps forward. A few very wobbly and unsteady steps. "Wow... Yes. You're right. I do feel light, but... My balance is... my balance... hwuah!" she yelped, suddenly flailing wildly in an attempt not to fall over. "Why can't I walk straight?!" she growled.

"Wings," Fluttershy squeaked. "You use your wings... for balance..."

"Urrrrrgh," Twilight groaned, lifting her eyes towards the ceiling. "This is going to take forever..."

Comments ( 20 )

Spike, he snapped like a twig:moustache:


Why are these chapters so shooortt? :raritydespair:

Liking it so far.


I'm more worried about that hamster. I hope he had decent life insurance.

967631 liking it? yes, but Hamster?:rainbowhuh:


The metaphorical hamster that represents Spike's mind working. His mind is a hamster wheel, I assumed it was a hamster running on it.

inb4 it's Utah the Velociraptor making a cameo or something of that nature.

Hooray! Lots of happy readers! Glad y'all are liking the story! :Thanks for all the likes, favs, follows, and watches! :pinkiehappy:

966226 Yeeeeah, pretty much. :yay:

967430 Well that's a complain I've never gotten before. :rainbowlaugh:

967678 "inb4 it's Utah the Velociraptor making a cameo or something of that nature."

"The spell she was currently focused upon was a transfiguration spell. She'd been practicing it for hours. At it's basest form, it could turn one item or substance into another form or material. A book into a plant. Lead into gold. A goldfish into a velociraptor."



Exactly what I meant. First he pops into existence via goldfish, then runs around Spike's brain.

I can just predict the ending. Twilight performs the spell again, but now they're all dinosaurs. Shenanigans.

Spike's panic missed somepony saying: "Well, he took it well."

This is a good start, but the chapters are far too short and not (only) in terms of word-count. A chapter ought to be a self-contained story unto itself in many respects.

These two chapters are almost, but not quite one real chapter. They'd certainly be much better reposted as one, and it's something to think about in future.

967678 oh, I forgot about that

HAHAHA, the scene with spike was epic :pinkiecrazy:, this may be quite the learning experience for Rarity and Fluttershy :yay::raritywink:

my god, the body swap category revived and redeemed itself! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

I feel like Spike was dreaming about Rarity, and that is why he freaked out so much :moustache:

Nice chapter!:pinkiehappy: With the part about the inside-out-and-exploding, did you get that from a movie? :twilightsmile:

Brilliant!!!! Moar please! :pinkiehappy:

I was eating toast and i read spikes reaction, now my computer screen has toast on it

Whats up its been since July, wheres the next chapter?:pinkiegasp:

Keep going! This is so well-written! I crave MOAR!

Dang it, I hate when I read an incomplete story that catches my interest and I reach the end only to find out the last update was two years ago.

Well, one can still hope for a continuation.

What a cool story! I look forward to the next chapter thereof!

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