• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,771 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 58: Let's Do The Timewarp Again!

Down With Chrysallis’s Comment

Just_another_guy’s Comment

Human Luna just looks agape at the two of you, with wide eyes as she raises a shaking finger and keeps pointing back and forth between the two of you.

“Bababababababababababba…” she keeps failing to create a cohesive word as the site of two of the same person, one with a beard, the other without, starts to wear on her sanity.

Meanwhile, both of you aren’t faring much better as sweat beads at your brows.

“Heh heh…” B2 chuckles nervously before he wraps his arm around you and turns from her, bringing you into a huddle. “What the hell man?! She’s right freaking there!”

“I can see that!” you whisper back apprehensively.

“Was this your plan?!”

“NO! I had no idea she would be here this fast! This wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t split the party!”

“I-I-I don’t know what to say to her! I’m too freaking nervous! I don’t know what to do!” he stammers.

“And you think I do?! I’m barely stopping myself from throwing sand in her eyes and running away!” you admit.

“Why are you so shaky? I’m the one with the history with her!”

“Because the real Luna is one of the most powerful creatures in my world and she wants to kill Selena!”

“What? Why?”

“I’ve told you this! Through magicy magic stuff, she still thinks she’s controlling me to do bad things and thinks she’s the darker half of her soul, when in reality they’re more like radically different twin sisters now.”

That’s an oversimplification! Sh-She’s not my sister! Selena says flustered.

“Well, I don’t think my Nimmy is that powerful,” B2 interjects.

“Can you know that for certain?! Many humies are juiced up on magic apparently and-“

“Yo, Dee and Dumb, I’d turn around if I were you,” Humbra says with a mouthful of funnel cake.

You both turn back to see Luna’s eye twitching and saliva leaking out the side of her mouth, and a very perplexed, furious expression.

“Uh Oh…” you both gulp.

“#$%@?” she says your real name in barely suppressed rage.

“Uh…Hi Nimmy…” B2 waves nervously. She winces at that name before she glares at the two of you silently for a moment.

“…What is going on here?” she whispers dangerously.

“Uhhh, what do you mean? Everything’s fine…” B2 sweats profusely and her eye twitches even more. “I…Okay, I know it’s been some time, but it’s great to see-“

“What The Hell Do You Mean Everything Is Fine?!” she shouts causing a scene.

“Oh boy,” you mutter as she starts huffing and puffing.

“N-Nimmy, calm down,” B2 tries to placate her.

“How Can I Calm Down?!” she shrieks getting right up in your faces. “Do you have any idea how nerve wrecking these last months have been?!”


“I see it on TV, I see it on the Internet, I hear it constantly around the school, The Wanted are making a comeback!” she shouts pointing a finger at his nose. “Only, get this, I HAVEN’T BEEN NOTIFIED OF THAT FACT!!!”


“And then I find my niece and her husband whacked out on who knows what, claiming that you came to visit them, which was coincidentally a night one of their cars was stolen and driven in to a lake!”

“Uh, that’s a little harder to expl-“

“Ten Years! Ten years and I haven’t heard from you, and now all this?!” she shouts then looks at Humbra. “And you told me nothing was happening when I messaged you!”

“I’m Staying Out Of It!” Humbra shrieks as he slumps lower in his chair.

“Nimmy, please, I can explain-“

“AND STOP CALLING ME THAT! My Name Is Luna! LUNA! And You Know That Perfectly Well @#$%!”

“O-Okay! Luna! Let’s just take a step back and calm-“

“And more importantly, Who The Hell Is This?!” she demands pointing at you.

“I-I’m No One! I’m just an optical illusion brought upon by swamp gas and a laser pointer!” you stammer out nervously.

“…What?!” she shrieks as Humbra looks at you like you’re stupid.

“Oh Shove Off! I Panicked!” you scold and he just shakes his head while B2 looks to the hysterical woman.

“Okay, first of all he’s not an illusion,” he starts.

“I figured that!” she deadpans.

“But anyway, his name is Bugze…” he trails off and Luna raises an eyebrow.

“…And?” she insists. “Who the Hell is Bugze, and why does he look exactly like you?”

B2 looks back to you with unsure eyes, and since you’re cornered, you just give him a nod.

Not like this can get any worse, you think.

Bugze No! Selena shouts over that red flag.

“He is my twin brother!” B2 shouts dramatically.

“What?!” Luna exclaims and you hear Selena facehoof.

…I really thought he was going to tell the truth, you whine at her disappointment.

“Y-Yes! My Twin Brother! In fact, he’s the evil twin!” he digs his hole deeper with the lies as Luna just looks back and forth at the two of you.

“Evil Twin My Flank! You’re the one with the beard!” you huff.

“That is not indicative of my morality!” he defends and Luna just puts a hand to her forehead.

“What are you two going on about?! You don’t have a twin! You told me you were an only child!”

“I-I Lied! An-And the reason you never met him before is…Well you did, but didn’t know it because he was there the whole time!”

“Huh?!” she exclaims.

“Both he and I lived as the same person! Just like that awesome magician movie!” he declares as his hair starts to get unkempt.

“Dude! Quit trying to throw me under the cart!” you bop him on the back of the head

“Don’t you mean bus?” he asks.

“BUS?! WHERE?!” you yelp in fright as your head whips left and right for signs of that mechanical monstrosity.

“…Are you being serious right now?” Luna asks with a dangerous glare as you keep looking for the metal deathbox.

“Y-Yes!” B2 doubles down.

“Wh-Why would you do something like that?” she asks sounding hurt.

“Uhhhh…Reasons?” B2 asks more than answers.

“…So, if what you’re telling me is true, then all of our time together was a lie from the very start?” she accuses and B2’s eyes widen.

“I…Um…” he chokes as those eyes stare into his soul.

“That all those years were nothing but a sham?!” she growls as killing intent is sent both of your ways. This makes even you shudder as you remember that look clear back when you faced the real Luna.

Ah Tartarus…you gulp.

“I…” B2 starts before he tugs at his color and clears his throat. “Okay, maybe I was lying just now, but Ni…Luna, I…The truth is really unbelievable and-“

“Which one of you was the one I caught with that green haired bitch?” she demands looking between the two of you.

“Nothing happened!” B2 immediately shouts in defense and her eyes snap to him. “Nimmy, you’ve got to believe me! She drugged me, and I don’t think-No! I know nothing happened! I-“

She cuts him off as she punches him right in the face and he goes down.

“Whoa, Whoa!” you raise your palms up, but she immediately turns to you and kicks you in the nads.

“EEEEE!!!” you slump over and fall between your doppelganger.

“Like I Can Believe Anything From A Liar Like You!” she shouts before glaring at Humbra who slouches more. “If you’re restarting everything without me, then I expect a God Damned Fat paycheck, or I’ll sue all of your asses!” And with that, she storms off, heading towards the exit.

The both of you watch her go in varying degrees of emotion. You are pissed that you got lumped into that ridiculousness when you tried your best to avoid it, and B2…B2 looks broken. Humbra eventually walks over and stands above you.

“Soooo…That could have gone better,” he says scratching his beard nervously.

“Oh Really?! I Wouldn’t Have Guessed!” you say sarcastically as you see B2, stand up, slump shouldered and starts walking away.

“I need a drink,” he says miserably.

“Wait! B2!” you call out to him, but he is dead set and keeps going. You remember from several of the loops, him at that beer stand and you sigh in defeat and look at Humbra.

“Thanks for the backup you jerk!” you scold as you stand up and glare at him.

“Hey! I told ya’ll from the beginning, I don’t want no drama,” he defends and you only glare at him more.

…I’m a spinless jellyfish, Sombra gapes in shame at his human counterpart. Normally, you’d make a quip about that, like the apple not falling far from the tree, but at this moment, you are not in the mood.

“Go and comfort him!” you order. “I think I can still fix this…”

“How? Luna’s long gone at this point, and I don’t think she ever wants to see either of you again,” Humbra points out.

“Yeah, well, we’re in a bucking time loop, so whatever,” you wave him off, much to his confusion. As you walk further into the crowd, you hear the Dazzlings and Sunset catch up to Humbra.

“Hey Dad, did you see Bugze by chance?” asks Adagio teasingly.

“Stop Calling Me That! I Did Not Spawn You THOT!”

Shaking your head, you move miserably away from them.

Bugze? You know that wasn’t your fault right? Selena tries to comfort.

Yeah I know, you nod. But still, I should have known idiocy would be the first option. He is me after all.

…So you’re freely admitting that now? Sombra jeers, but you don’t answer him back.

Well be that as it may, you should not put this on your shoulders, not with the time warping occurring.

But I can’t help it Selly. Like I said, he is me, and I don’t want even an ugly ape version of me being that sad, you tell her as you ignore Flim and Flam trying to get your attention. And since I’ve got the chance for a redo, I’m gonna take it.

But we still don’t know what is causing this. We only just now realized we were looping. What if we lose sight of that again? She points out.

I think the prototype will help from now on, you say as you bring it out and look at it’s glowing hole. And even if it doesn’t, I’d still go through a thousand loops to make sure everyone is happy today. I know that that human is a version of Luna…but so were you at one point Selly.

She pauses at that, and you can feel a sort of uneasiness from her.

I seriously doubt humie Luna got blasted by a rainbow of death, so I’m certain there’s still a version of you just under her skin. And if you and I can be happy together, then so can they.

She is silent for a few more moments after that before she tentatively asks,


Your eyes widen slightly at that.

Well, I…Uh…Yeah...Uh...You stammer nervously getting a bit red, before being saved by the Crystal King.

Eyes front and center love birds, those humans seem dangerous, he warns. Focusing more on the real world, you spy the three humans in question, and it’s the same drunks you encountered last time.

Oh not these yahoos again, you grumble as they walk around, swaying on their feet.

We seem to have caught them early, that young human is not with them, Selena points out.

Huh…Well let’s make sure that doesn’t come to pass then shall we? You think cheekily.

"Oi! Drunk Humies!" You call, catching their attention.

“Huh? What’s that?” one of them asks.

“I just wanted to let you all know there was something on your ugly faces,” you inform and they all start to glare.

“Oh really? And what’s th-“


Selena cries out as she strikes all of them in the face, making them crumple.

“It Was Pain!” you quip as you keep walking, much to the confusion of the other Humies who just saw three guys crumple for no reason.

ForeverAnotherChangeling’s Comment

After walking some more, you start to take in details of where certain humies are, any major interaction and the like, since if you go through this again, it’d be good to know what to avoid, and what to expect.

So those drunks were there before they get to the rides, which means Wallflower is probably walking around there as we speak, you determine, but for the life of you, you see no sign of the green haired girl.

I still have no recollection of these loops, but if what you say is true, then even slightly deviating from it would cause minute changes. You would also have to focus on those branching paths as well, Sombra adds analytically.

…That’s gonna be a lot to keep track of, you realize apprehensively.

I will strive to remember as much as I can as well, Selena offers. The only thing I do remember from the past loops, is that time resets towards the evening.

Yeah, and usually Midnight is there, you ponder. She remembers the loops to, so she’s trying to figure them out as well, but we can’t let her stop them until we’ve made everything right for everyone else.

As you think that though, something unexpected happens. Fluttershy steps in front of you…and she seems to have gotten a punk rocker make over.

“Hey,” she says boredly.

“Uh, hi Fluttershy,” you say with quirked brow. “What, uh, what’s up with you?”

“Not much,” she shrugs in that same tone. “Just here to do dark deeds and stuff.”

“Dark deeds?” you question and she shrugs.

“Yeah, I gotta, like, get that magic finder prototype from you or whatever,” she monotones while pointing at the inventory.

“Ummm, Nooooo,” you tell her plainly as you clutch the bag tighter.

“Yeah, I figured as much,” she nods and starts walking away without a care in the world.

A few moments pass after that and you start scratching your head.

“Okay, that’s definitely suspicious.”

What was your first clue? Sombra snarks and you roll your eyes.

You then follow the gothed out Fluttershy, as she slowly walks about the carnival doing “dastardly deeds.” Such as, throwing a cup of soda onto the ground instead of in the trash, switching some kid’s balloon with a different colored one, and using a marker to graffiti “Heck” onto countless booth walls.

Eventually, she ends up at the gathering crowd for when Trixie starts to sing, and you hear an exasperated voice call out.


“Ah Buck!” you shriek and get into a defensive stance looking for Midnight. When you spot her though, she isn’t looking at you, but rather stomping towards Fluttergoth with an intense look of irritation on her face.

“I’ve Been Looking All Over For You!”

“I was here the entire time, you just didn’t see me,” Fluttergoth dismisses lazily.

“No You Weren’t!” Midnight growls.

“Whatever,” Fluttergoth rolls her eyes and Midnight starts grinding her teeth.

“Did you at least nab the prototype from Bugze?” she asks.

“Nah, he was too tricky. There was absolutely no chance,” she responds without enthusiasm and Sparkle drags her hands down her face.

“Honestly! What’s the point in making you my minion if you’re just going to act like this?!”

After hearing that, you frown and voice your objections.

“Hey!” you call out to Midnight who only just now notices you.

“Bugze! I don’t have time to explain! Just give me the prototype and-“

“Not a chance Missy! You’re far too evil and unstable!”

“HOW AM I UNSTABLE?!” she shouts, her eyes going cross eyed.

“Look what you did to Fluttershy!” you point to the girl.

“Sup?” she waves lazily.

“Sure she’s a hideous, disgusting human representation of one of my first friends, but that’s still taking things too far!”

“Harsh,” Fluttergoth says without enthusiasm.

“Ugh, just keep your holier than though out of this!” Midnight shouts. “If you don’t give me the prototype soon none of this will even matter and-“


“Here’s your ticket sir,” the booth girl says handing you your ticket.

“Thanks,” you say as you grab it and pause.

“…Sir?” she asks.

“Heh, I actually remembered two times in a row! Woo Hoo!” you cheer much to her confusion as you rush out of line.

“…Okay, enjoy yourself I guess,” she mutters.

Selly, you remember too right?

I do indeed my Bug, she nods.

Remember what? Asks Sombra.

Time Loop Smokey, that’s all you need to know, you answer as you immediately make a beeline for B2 before he disperses. When you reach him you wrap your arm around his neck and pull him towards you.

“B2, we need to talk…”

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment


After explaining to B2 as best you can about the time loop, you immediately jumped into how to make things right with Luna, and not to make up grandiose lies.

“Ah man, this is too sudden, I don’t know if I can do this,” he paces.

“It’ll be easy. Just go show your heart and tell her the truth,” you instruct.

“But I’ll just flub my words man! I haven’t seen her in ten years! I’ll…I’ll…”

You slap him and shake his shoulders.

“You will not because the last thing I need is you falling off the wagon, and me getting a shot in the pills again!” you drill and he shrinks back.

“But man, I still look grubby and stuff…” he says before a lightbulb goes off in his head. “You’re better dressed than me, why don’t you explain things to her?”

“Me?” you say in surprise.

“Yeah! You apologize to her, tell her the things I would just flub up, and when the truth comes out, I’ll step in and show how there’s two of us!”

“Can’t you just do it? It’d be more meaningful if-“

“Nah, nah, I have no confidence in myself right now,” he admits and you sigh.

“Fine, but it’s gonna be hard for me to sound convincing to an ape faced Luna,” you roll your eyes.

Then, with him hiding, you stand and wait for Luna to appear. When you see her, obliviously looking at a fortune telling booth, you approach and cough to get her attention. When she turns around, her eyes widen in shock.

“#$%@?” she gasps out.

“Yeah…Hi Luna,” you wave nervously. Her shock though soon turns to that look of subtle rage.

“Alright, just what the hell is go-“

“I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you,” you say with a placating gesture. “But please let’s not make a scene? I’ll tell you everything, including what’s going on with the band and what happened at Cadence’s house.”

She raises a skeptical brow at that.

“Will you just give me five minutes?”

After a long tense, silence, she narrows her eyes, crosses her arms and says,


“Okay…well first of all, I’m not actually @#!@. I’m from an alternate dimension called Equestria…” And you proceed to tell her the truth.

Throughout the whole thing, she stays silent and lets you speak.

“And now we’re in a time loop, and the real human me, who goes by B2 now, is just too shy to speak for himself.”

She looks at you with that same expression from before, disbelief clearly on her face.

“…So are you going to ask any questions or-*PUNCH* AGH!” you cry out as she punches you in the face and sends you to the ground.

“How Stupid Do You Think I Am?!” she shouts at you with an accusing finger. “Telling such a stupid story won’t make me forgive you for what you did you bastard! You tell Sombra, that if I don’t get royalties from whatever you’re planning, I’m suing the hell out of you!”

And with that, she marches off, leaving you with a throbbing eye.

“…Gorramnit!” you curse as you stand back up and B2 comes from around the corner.

“What happened?” he asks in exasperation

“She can’t handle the truth apparently,” you spit and glare at him. “This was meant for you!”

“Ah jeeze!” he says before running off after her. “Nimmy! Nimmy Wait!”

Grumbling you stand up and sigh as you hear her shout in the distance,

“Putting on a fake beard won’t make me believe you any more!”

Well that failed, you mutter and start walking away.

Really? Sombra snarks.

Oh shut up, you grumble.

You overloaded her with that tale Bugze, Selena interjects.

Well how was I supposed to know that would happen? Everyling else that’s heard it has seemed rather accepting of alternate dimensions and magic.

Yes, but even if it had been B2 to try an explain, you didn’t compliment her or apologize or anything.


If she’s anything like the other Luna, she wants an apology, and perhaps some flattery before you dump all that lore on her, she says matter of factly.

Oh…Huh, you think dumbfounded. I mean, when you say it aloud, it sounds so obvious.

You would think that, she says with a roll of her eyes.

Well, next loop then, I know exactly what to do, you think in determination.


“Oh #$%@...I missed you so much,” Luna says with teary eyes as she grabs you by the shoulders and leans in to kiss you.

“AAAAHHH!!!” you scream as you push her off roughly. “Get Away From Me You Horrible Disgusting Ape!” you shout as she falls onto the ground.

“EXCUSE ME?!!!” she shouts as the rage returns.

What the buck was that?! You pant in fear.

You used too much charm Bugze! Selena says sounding upset.

But you said-

I said compliment and apologize, not sweep her off her hooves-er-feet!

I wasn’t trying t-

“AAAAHHHH!!!!” B2 shouts as he runs, jumps at you and RKO’s you out of nowhere.

“AGH! The Buck Dude?!”

“I knew it! You were overly enthusiastic about talking to her in my stead! You want to steal her away from me!!!” he accuses as he starts to throttle you and Humbra laughs with a mouthful of funnel cake.

“Oh Come On!” you shout as Human Luna looks even more confused at seeing the two of you. After an almost repeat of the other times, you walk through the carnival sporting a swollen eye, and red marks around your neck.

Why is doing the right thing so bucking hard? You bemoan. You then come across Wallflower being harassed by those drunks again, only this time, Sunset and the others aren’t there.

“And then there’s THESE flankholes!” you shout and they look to you.

“Huh?” one grunts and looks at you.

“Get a clue ya idiots! The lady doesn’t want to play! How many times do you gotta go through this before you learn?!”

“Oh buzz off pal before-“ this time, you decide to attack them personally to let off some aggression.

Agh! Stupid weak human hands and their painful throbbing! You shake your appendages and look to the shocked Wallflower and the beaten men.

“You Okay Blush?” you ask and she nods.

“Right, well, stay in school and all that jazz,” you pat her on the head and begin to walk away.

“B-But wait! Are YOU Okay?” she asks in concern.

“Yeah? Why?”

She points at your abdomen, and you see red blood staining your shirt.

“…Huh, that’s disturbing,” you say as you lift up your shirt to see broken slash marks and bits of glass in your skin.

“Disturbing?” she says, mouth agape.

“Yeah, not used to my blood being red,” you say as you pick the glass out and walk away, much to her confusion.

Awhile later, you come across Midnight again, who is in full villain attire.

“Alright Bugze! Enough of this game! I’ve kidnapped that old guy at the funnel cake stand and I won’t release him until you-OH MY GOD!” she shrieks in horror, bringing her hands to her mouth.

“What?” you ask in response.

“Y-You’re bleeding,” she says as her eyes lose their glow and she points at your stomach.

“Oh yeah, a drunk slashed me with a broken bottle,” you handwave and she looks disturbed.

“Doesn’t that hurt?” she asks, actually sounding concerned.

“Oh yeah,” you nod. “But after being beaten, burned, run through with swords, and personally carving a section of my flesh off, this isn’t anything special,” you admit and she looks sickly green. “Plus, in a bit it’s not gonna matter anyway.”

“You know about the loops now?” she asks in surprise.

“I have for a number of them,” you admit and her eye twitches.

“Then you know what I’m trying to do! I need the prototype to-“

“No can do. I need to go back and make sure things are set right, and not get kissed by a disgusting, filthy human in the process.”


“Nothing you need to worry about,” you say. “But anyway, you actually sound concerned for my health. I thought you were full on villain and stuff?”

Her eyes widen at that, before she shakes her head and her eyes glow.

“I Am! I was just…Nevermind! Now give me the pro-“


“Here’s your ticket sir,” the booth girl says.

“As always,” you say snatching it and running off.

Alright, this time I’m gonna get it right.


“Who are these girls?!” Luna shouts pointing to the Sirens.

“Oh, well they’re sea ho-“

“He’s our daddy,” Sonata trolls, taking B2 by the arm.

“WHAT?!” Luna shouts and you facepalm.


“AHA! I’ve Got You Now!” Midnight shouts as she dropkicks B2.

“Wait, aren’t you the girl that won the Fall Formal?” asks Luna.


“Rarity! Why are you attacking the Vice-Principal?!” Pinkie exclaims.

“Her position will be MINE!” the dark dressed girl says maniacally.

“Midnight!” you cry out to the heavens.

“I’m still working out the kinks!” she responds.


“AAAAAIIIIIEEEE,” Humbra cries, holding his manhood. “Why did I get hit?”

“It’s long overdue after all the times I got it!” you shout.


Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment


“Quit Hitting Me!” you shout as once more you are hit to the ground by Luna.


“Yes! I finally did it!” you cheer at B2 and Luna kissing…only for them to get interrupted by an out of control Ferris wheel, followed by the Flulk.

“My Bad!”

“Gorramnit Sparkle!”


“It’s over Midnight! I Have The High Ground!” you shout atop the roller coaster with your blue pool noodle.

“You Underestimate My Power!” she shouts as she comes at you with her own.


“Bugze you’ve got to come back with me!” Midnight says, wearing a Doc Brown outfit.

“Nice try, we have that movie too,” you tell her bluntly.

“Damn It!” she shouts.


“You know, I thought it was crazy, but this is actually a very nice place for a picnic,” says Applejack as the whole group sits on a blanket not too far from the concert stage.

“Eyup. Plus I needed the break,” you say as you eat some cotton candy.

“We’ve only been here for like an hour though,” points out Rainbow.

“For you…” you sigh.

“…I’m sorry, but why are you just casually hanging around with several of my students?” Luna asks as she sits next to Sunset.

“Because they’re kind of our task force,” B2 answers.

“BUGZE!” Midnight cries.

“And breaks over,” you sigh again.


“Your future, and the future of your people…I see all colors of the rainbow…” the gypsy woman says looming over her crystal ball.

“Ha! As if,” you handwave. “The most colors you’ll ever get besides black, green and blue are the hybrids like me or the ones who dye their cilia manes.”


Selena! What Are You Doing?!

“I’m tired of this song and dance! I just want to feel like a parent again!” she shouts with your mouth as your body runs around, holding Sunset under one arm and Sonata under another.

“…I am so confused,” Sunset groans.

She can say that again, Sombra says in exasperation.


“AAAAAAHHHH!!!” The Dazzlings, Pinkie and Rarity scream as their blimp hurtles towards the stage.

“H-How...How did they even get on that blimp?” Midnight asks in exasperation.

“…I don’t know,” you admit.


“Oh My God! My Locks! My beautiful locks! They’re back!!!” Humbra shouts in exuberance, seemingly having a full set of long hair.

You look behind him to see Flim and Flam counting their money from him as they begin to shave a one of the alpacas from the petting zoo.


Wallflower nervously holds the microphone on stage, stammering as she looks over the crowd.


“Boo! You Suck!” Rainbow calls from the crowd before getting smacked in the back of the head by Flash.


“The Bomb Fluttershy! Focus on the Bomb!” Sunset orders while the shy girl bawls over the exposed wires with a pair of wire snippers.

“I didn’t put that, did you?” asks Midnight.

“No, Applejack did after you minionized her,” you answer back boredly.

“Death to Strawberries!!!” a distant voice yells followed by a scream.


“Redemption was a mistake! There can be only one!!!” Demon Sunset cackles as she sends a blast of magic at Midnight.

“I didn’t think this through! I DIDN’T THINK THIS THROUGH!!!”


“I Didn’t Think This Through Either!!!” Midnights screams as she, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and you run from Pinkie Pie who has gone full killer clown thanks to Sparkle.


“So, what you’re saying is…the reason I drink so much and lash out at women…is because I still feel inadequate over my mother belittling my dreams to become a breakdancer?” asks one of the drunks on the verge of tears.

“…I asked if you had a lighter, what the buck are you on about?” you ask as the man begins to bawl while his drunken friends pat him on the back.


“What’s the matter hick? All that boasting just for show?” Aria snarks as she arm wrestles Applejack.

“N-Not on your life,” AJ says with strained grunt.

“Ten bucks on the famer,” Timber offers.

“Fifteen on twin tails,” B2 raises.


“I’ll kill you you sea horse bitch!” Sunset shouts as she tries to strangle Sonata.

“Ha! Fight all you want unicorn, he’s mine now! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Sonata cries out evily as Flash sits duct taped to a chair.

“I really don’t know how to feel about this,” he deadpans.

“Okay, now you’re just bucking around with them,” you accuse Midnight.

“I got bored, wanted some drama,” she sighs.


Adagio engages in a rap battle with Trixie after running crashing the stage, while B2 runs away from evil petting zoo animals with an unconscious Luna over his shoulder.

Well, at least he’s trying, Selena points out.


“¡El hombre con el sombrero nos envió!” Humbra shouts drunkenly on stage, wearing a large sombrero and shaking maracas as Wallflower and Luna beat up the drunks.


“You’ve taken my virginity 17 times already! I thought you’d be more loyal than this!” Midnight shouts unhinged, holding Timber Spruce by the throat up in the air.

“The Hell You Talking About?! You ditched me, so I was just-AGHK!”

“…I am not touching that one with a 10 foot pole,” you shake your head.

“Good call,” Flash nods as he eats his funnel cake.


Everything buns.


Everything burns.


Everything burns.


Bugze! Stop Setting Everything on Fire! Selena scolds.

“But why?!” you whine as you hold your flaming hoverboard over the haunted house.


“ALRIGHT I’VE HAD IT!!!!” Midnight booms as she slaps her hands together, and causes everyone in your group, including Luna, Wallflower and Timber to show up outside of the carnival.

“What the-“ Everyone starts but Midnight cuts them off.

“SHUT UP! ALL OF YOU JUST SHUT UP!!!” she shouts, causing everyone to stare at her in terror. The Dazzlings and the Mane 7 get into a fighting stance while Timber, Luna, and Wallflower hide behind them, with B2 and Humbra hiding behind you.

“IT’S BEEN 3 MONTHS OF THIS TIME LOOPING BULLSHIT!!!” She screams not even paying attention to everyone else.

“THREE MONTHS OF NONSTOP INSANITY AND IDIOCY!!!” you add your own rage to the mix surprising them.

“SO MANY EXPLOSIONS AND HAVING TO RETELL THE SAME STORY OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!!” Selena shouts through you, surprising everyone.

“Living the same night over and over and over again!!!” You cry sitting down and rocking back and forth.

“Why does this keep happening?!” Midnight screams blasting away a nearby bench.

“Uuhhh….” Everyone says confused.

“Do the screen thing,” you groan.

“I’m Doing The Screen Thing!” she shouts as she snaps her fingers in annoyance and a large screen appears in front of them. The screen then begins playback of all the nights you two have had to go through, just as it has a few times before when you two decided to team up.

“What the…is that me on a unicycle on a tight rope?” asks Rarity.

“Why the buck am I fighting a bull?” asks Sunset.

“Why the hell am I making out with Flash?” Rainbow questions.

“Who are all you people?” Wallflower asks.

“Yeah, Twilight, what’s going on?” asks Timber.

“%$@$? Is that y-“ Luna starts but Midnight shouts over them.

“Ugh, for the 1000th time, we’re all stuck in a time loop! Bugze and I have been reliving the same night for 3 months and neither of us knows why!” she says in a very exhausted voice.

“We can’t break the loop no matter what we do!” You yell pounding your fist to the ground.

“And frankly I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!!” Midnight yells laughing insanely her eyes twitching. The Dazzlings walk over and pull you back to the group giving you a concerned look.

“Uhhh, that still doesn’t answer the qu-“ Wallflower starts but you sit up.

“You, invisible girl, don’t walk near the gravity pull. Luna, B2 has trouble saying the things he wants to say, but he still loves you, and that whole thing with Chrysalis isn’t what it seemed. The band isn’t planning on getting back together without you, and all the stunts are because of me, his alternate universe counterpart, hunting magic. Timber…you’re just kind of here.”

The humans still look very confused and concerned at that as the images start to play on the screen still.

“…Okay then, if this is some strange magic stuff, and you’ve been living this day over and over again then-“

“Why are we just now teaming up?” you and Midnight say at once startling her.

“The answer is, we have teamed up before. We thought the prototype would work, but it didn’t lead us to jack squat!” Midnight shouts in exasperation.

“Yeah, all it’s been doing is helping her and I remember the loops for whatever reason,” you sigh. “But I don’t want to keep going through this! It’s horrible!”

“And many times boring!” Midnight cackles. “We got so bored, I learned a bunch of stuff from you all just to spice things up.”

“I learned how to sew with these stupid fingers thanks to Rarity,” you say.

“Applejack taught me how to lasso,” she adds.

“I took some singing lessons from you Dazzlings,” you wave.

“And Pinkie Pie taught me how to always smile and laugh…Aha…AHA! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!” she laughs, losing even more marbles and everyone shudders.

“…I also learned how stubborn Humie Luna is,” you chirp.

“Hey!” she responds indignantly.

“You’ve battered B2 and I countless times! I remember everything lady!”

“…B2?” she asks human you curiously.

“Yeah, it’s a nickname I use when he’s around me. Makes things easier,” he nods.

…I honestly have no recollection of-

WE KNOW!!! Both you and Selena shout at Sombra who winces.

“Yeah! Get With The Program Gruff Voice that sounds like that bald guy!” Midnight shouts pointing at Humbra.

“Wait…you heard him?” you question in shock.

“Yup!” she nods.

That shouldn’t be possible, Selena gasps.

“Oh but it is dark female voice,” Midnight cackles as she pulls at her hair. “I wanted to know who kept shadow punching me!”

“…Alright, this is officially too crazy, even for me,” Pinkie shakes her head.

“Pinkie’s right,” Sunset speaks up. “Why exactly are you bringing us all here if you’ve done it before?”

“Because we’re hoping for better options!” you shout. “Because I’ve burned down this whole carnival countless times, and nothing’s changed!”

“And surprisingly, Arson isn’t the answer here!” Midnight corroborates. “So that’s why we’ve brought together all the important players in these shenanigans aside from those drunk assholes.”

“So yeah…any ideas?” you ask to the group at large and they all look to each other.

“Have you tried-“ Adagio starts.

“Teleporting away? Yes. Didn’t work,” Midnight finishes.

“Did you try dri-“ Flash starts.

“Yes I forced you all to drive away, and we kept getting into accidents. I can honestly say I’ve seen all of your broken bodies, and it wasn’t pleasant!” you nod.

They all shudder at this, and human Luna sighs.

“Sunset Shimmer, is this more of the strange demon magic stuff you used back at the Formal?”

“It’s…similar,” Sunset admits.

“Oh believe me, I’d like to know more about this Equestria and the implications of multi-universal interactions, but I’d rather move on from this day first!” Sparkle shouts as she starts to weep sadly.

You have a sudden urge to comfort her, since throughout many of these loops, she has still shown signs of the old Twilight, such as caring about you when you were shanked, and freaking out over mishaps, but she’s still unhinged and a villain, so you refrain. Even a sad wild dog could still snap after all.

And while she cries, Sonata suddenly pipes up.

“Aw, no fair, you guys got to meet PostCrush in person,” she pouts.

You look back to the screen and show some of the past loops where the pop band girls show up on stage after Trixie.

“Big Whoop,” Midnight rolls her eyes.

“Yeah, I’ve only seen them like a few times, and never heard their songs all the way through,” you add.

“Huh? Why not? They’re great,” Aria defends.

“Because the loop starts again, right after they start,” Midnight grunts and slumps her wings.

“Wait…” Sunset says as she looks at the screen curiously. “Are you saying, that without fail, the loop always starts after they take the stage?”

“Well, maybe? There are the times where we’ve completely annihilated the whole thing, like when you crashed the blimp with the arrows and the dynamite, but they were singing yeah,” you nod.

Sunset looks between you and Midnight and says,

“Show me every instance where they take the stage, er, without the destructive shenanigans.”

“Ugh, this isn’t time for a fangirl session, but whatever,” Midnight complains as images of PostCrush taking the stage after Trixie play over and over again, sometimes in the background, sometimes like Sparkle was actively watching.

“Uh did either of you ever notice this?”

“We’ve noticed everything Demon Girl!” Midnight insults and Sunset frowns.

“Oi, lay off Bacon Hair,” Humbra defends.

“Oh whatever! Yes we’ve noticed them. I’ve grown sick of their opening song!”

“No look closer, something is different each time, even without your interference” Sunset points out.

“Wait, What?!” you, Selena and Midnight say at once as you glue your eyes to the screen.
Sure enough, unlike the other humies who walk their predetermined path the same way unless you change something, the two musicians seem to have different body languages and movements each time. There’s even an instance where one of them trips onto the ground, and another where a guitar string breaks. All of these differences are subtle, but to you and Midnight, they shine.

“Impossible!” Midnight says as she conjures up scenes from when you two let things run wild. And sure enough, whenever they take the stage at those times, their freakouts are different each time.

“Also why does K-Lo keep messing with her hair?” Pinkie asks. Raising a brow at that, you both look and see after each mess up, or each disaster K-Lo messes with her hair, then the video switches to the next 'night'. Even when the stage goes up in flames, or the blimp, carnival wheel, or even Flulk smash it up, K-Lo fusses with her hair in the last moments.

After Three Months, it finally clicks.

“THEY’RE THE ONES CAUSING THE LOOP!” you shout as you see K-lo fussing with her hair as clown pinkie chases after her.

“Whoa, what happened there?” Pinkie asks but is ignored as you fall to your knees.

“This whole time…THIS WHOLE TIME?! How did we not notice before?!”

“Probably because you two kept fighting?” Sonata suggests. Before you retort to that sassiness though, you swear you hear something snap. You look over to see Midnight glowing with magic power as she begins to laugh insanely.

“Heh, heh ha he ho he ha ha Ha Ha HA HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!!!” She laughs here eyes twitching like crazy and her irises turning into slits. “It was so obvious! It all makes sense! They’re the reason I’ve had to endure so much insanity for three months haha!!”

“I feel like we should be concerned…” Rainbow shudders.

“Yeah, this one’s definitely scarier than Princess Twilight,” Flash trembles.


“Wait, Twilight don’t-” you gasp, but she flies off.


“Hurt them!” you shout, startling the girl in the ticket booth.

“I’m sorry, what did you say?” she asks in concern.

“NOTHING!” you shout as you grab your ticket and rush to the others.

“Everyone! There’s Not Much Time! We’ve Got Maybe 10 Minutes before Midnight gets to PostCrush and bucks everything up!”

“Huh?” they all collectively ask.

“AGH! We’re in a Time Loop! Now Quickly! Follow me and we’ll Speed Run this bullspit! And for like the Millionth Time, DON’T SPLIT THE PARTY!!!” you shout as you grab B2 by one hand and Sonata by the other and you start running through the carnival before Midnight arrives.

You quickly buy some food for Sonata and shove it in her mouth, and take a picture with the panda mascot, before you push Adagio, Aria, Flash, Applejack and Rainbow to the booths.

“Play the games! Use Magic To Cheat! Hurry!” you order as you gab Sunset, B2, Humbra and yell back to Rarity and Fluttershy, “Avoid the Alpaca! Give love to the Bull! Trust Me!”

You then round the corner with the others just as Luna walks into view. B2 stiffens, but you yank him even harder.

“Luna!” you shout catching her attention as you twirl and throw B2 into her, causing them both to fall to the ground in a jumble.

“What the-“ she starts as she looks at both of you.

“Alternate Dimensions! He’s the real @#$!@, I call him B2, he never cheated on you, the Band isn’t reforming without you, and everything can be explained with magic just like when Sunset turned into a demon,” you say thrusting Humbra and Sunset forward.

“Uh…” Sunset starts.

“It’s true! It’s all magic! B2, you and her make up while I carry her!” you order.

“What are you-HEY!” she shouts as you quickly tie her arms behind your back with your awesome 4th Doctor scarf, lift her up and put her on our shoulder and start running. Despite her complaints and the confusion of more humans, you keep running, with B2, Sunset and Humbra running right behind you.

“@#%&!, Sombra! What is going on?!” she demands.

“Well, it’s uh…It’s like he said Nimmy. It’s magic and stuff,” B2 says sheepishly as he jogs behind you.

“Yeah…there is magic Vice Principal…even if I’m confused right now,” Sunset corroborates.

“I personally think I’ve finally gone mad and have been hallucinating everything, but sure, let’s go with magic!” Humbra adds.

“B-But…I…” she stammers as she looks back at B2 who stiffens and gets nervous again.

“N-Nimmy…about what happened…I…”

“Compliment her and apologize you dolt!” you call over your shoulder.


“Be Charming!” you declare as you toss her off your shoulder.

“AHHH-Oof!” she grunts as B2 dives forward and catches her before she hits the ground, using his body as a cushion.

“Dude! What the Hell?! You could have hu-“

“Say these exact words and mean them!” you order before you then whisper your charming words from that one awful loop into his ear, before you grab Sunset and lift her above your head like a spear.

“AH! What are you doing?!” she shrieks.

“Using you in battle just like I should have done with my real daughter!” you shout as you rush forward towards the three drunks.

“D-Daughter?” Sunset stammers with a blush.

That one was for you Selly, you smirk.

Oh, Bugze…she coos in gratitude.

What The Buck Is Going On?! Sombra screams in confusion.

“Exactly! Now Sunset Shimmer! I Choose You!” you shout as you javelin toss the teen at the drunks.

“Yo! Mommy Issues!” you call out.

“Huh?” bottle drunk stammers before Sunset’s feet hit him square in the jaw and knock him out.

“What is-“ the other two start to speak but you rush forth, strike one in the nose with your fist, as Selena “Mudas!” the other one.

“Sleep tight punks!” you say as you pick Sunset back up and dust her off.

“Why the buck did you do that?!” Sunset exclaims. “I just hurt that guy!”

“They were gonna harass Wallflower Blush, a girl from your school that people overlook, but they shouldn’t because she’s nice. Show her some kindness after this is all over, but now we need her for backstage passes,” you say as you grab Sunset’s hand and look back at Humbra, Luna and B2.

Sure enough, your honeyed words did the trick as your doppelganger is currently interlocked with Luna in a very, very intense act of public affection.

“Sweet! They’ll come down for the bliss soon, but we need to move them!” you order the very perplexed Humbra and Sunset. You then grab a wagon from the children hay ride, toss the two making out humans in, along with Humbra and Sunset, and start sprinting full speed towards the others.

“What The Hell Is Going On?!!!” Humbra shrieks similarly to his pony counterpart but you don’t answer as you come across Wallflower who seems very shocked at the scene before her. Before she can even say anything though, you grab her and shout,

“Sunset Shimmer is on a goodwill mission, and she really needs your valuable help to see PostCrush! Plus she thinks you’re cool!” You then toss the shocked girl into the wagon next to Sunset.

“I-Wha-It…Is that the Vice Principal?!” she gasps pointing at the indisposed Luna and B2.

“Yeah…Yeah it is….” Sunset sighs as you round a corner, just in time to see Aria destroy the strength test.

“Woohoo! Go Aria!” Sonata cheers as Flash grumbles and crosses his arms in embarrassment. But then he notices you speeding towards him.

“What the-“

“NO TIME TO EXPLAIN! GET IN THE HAYWAGON!!!” you shout as you barrel through the group, causing Flash to fall into the wagon face down next to Luna and B2.

“I’ve missed you so much,” B2 gasps.

“Just shut up and keep kissing,” Luna orders.

“Oh My!” Flash says in embarrassment.

The Sirens, AJ, Pinkie and Rainbow Dash just shrug and chase after you. Along the way, you pick up Fluttershy and Rarity, who hasn’t been spat upon, as you all rush to the concert, way earlier than any of the other times you’ve gone.

“So, why do you all need to see PostCrush?” Wallflower asks nervously.

“Because they’re the key to getting out of this Groundhog Day Nightmare!”you shout back as you storm past the human security guard.

“What the-“

“It’s Okay! My cousin runs the venue!” Wallflower calls back, but you don’t wait for confirmation as you beeline it for the backstage trailers.

As you do, you see the two pop singers, one with packed bags, hurriedly trying to make it towards some sort of tour bus.

“That’s it! I’ve had it K! I don’t want to deal with any more fire and random explosions!” Su-Z exclaims angrily.

“Come on Su! If we don’t put on the most perfect performance, then people could LITERALLY Die!” her partner begs.

“Perfection means nothing when some nutjobs keep setting things on fi-AH! There He Is!” she shrieks pointing at you, and your large barreling group.

“POSTCRUSH!!!” you shout in anger, sick of all these time shenanigans.

“Big Fan!” Pinkie calls out.

“We mean you no harm!” Sunset adds.

“Can You Sign My Face?!” Sonata asks.

The two startled singers though only have frightened eyes for you, as if you are the devil incarnate.

You commit arson several times, and people label you for life, you scoff.

“POSTCRUSH!!!” another angry voice calls from the heavens as Midnight comes divebombing towards them from the other direction, power and fury lighting her up.

“AAAAHHHH!!!” Su-Z and K-Lo shriek and hold each other, just as K-Lo starts to reach for her hair.

“NO! Would You Kindly Bucking Bronco!” you shout thrusting your hand forward. You feel the intense pressure of the genetic power flow out of your human limb as it catches the two girls and shoots them upward, stopping them from resetting time…but just like when using the Flame Plasmid without your glove with a weak human hand, you get injured.

Three of your fingers bend the complete wrong way, and your wrist snaps like a twig.

“AGH!” you grunt in intense pain.

Bugze! Selena shouts in horror, but you keep pushing forward, for you see what the singer was reaching for. A small looking ornament floats, along with her hair in your plasmid field.

Midnight notices as well, and all things considered, she would probably have reached K-Lo before you did with her flying speed, but just like when you were cut up with glass, she is momentarily distracted from her rage by your wounds. And thanks to this distraction, you are able to get your hand on the time piece, just as Twilight grabs the other end.

“AH! My Hair!” K-Lo screams but you and Midnight glare into each other’s eyes as your group and the wagon barrel into you all, causing a pile up. As you and Midnight wrestle for dominance, you being one hand short, the both of you start to hear a cracking noise.

“Let Go!” Midnight shouts as she tugs.

“Not A Chance!” you declare in determination and give a yank.


You both stumble back from each other, each with one piece of the artifact in your hands (along with a clump of the singer’s hair to boot). Suddenly, there is an immense wave of energy that washes over the both of you.


“Here is your ticket sir” the ticket girl says.

“Thanks,” you answer as you reach out for it…and you realize that your half of the artifact is still in your possession.

“Whoa, what the hell?!” you hear Humbra shout.

“What just happened?!” Adagio shrieks as she starts looking around in panic.

“Weren’t we just barreling towards PostCrush like crazed fans?” asks Pinkie.

“Nimmy! Nimmy where are you?!” B2 calls out in alarm, looking left and right.

The rest of the group also voice their confusion as for the first time in 3 months, they remember as well and you give a sigh.

Oh…this is what you were on about, Sombra says in understanding.

Bugze you did it! Selena cheers with enthusiasm.

Yeah…Yeah I did didn’t I? you proclaim and start to laugh.

“Here is your ticket sir,” the ticket girl says again. “ris tekcit ruoy si ereH.”

“Huh?” you turn back.

“Here is your t-t-t-t-t-ticket sir!” the girl stutters, as if she was a faulty machine.

“What the buck?” you stammer and look around, and you notice some more strange things occurring.

For one thing, many of the carnival goers outside of your group are either moving very fast, then very slow, and some of them even appear to rewind in their actions, only to move forward again only at a slower speed.

“…Okay, that’s new,” you say aloud just as another wave of energy washes over you and your group. You then hear many more shrieks of terror by confused carnival goers as objects start to fade in and out. Like an out of conrtrol ferris wheel, the strength machine exploding and reforming off and on, and of course fire appearing. The thing is, just like the fading ins and outs, the screams are warbled, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, and sometimes reversed.

“Bugze! What Is Happening?!” Sunset yelps in terror.

“I Don’t Know! This Hasn’t Happened Before!” you blather and look around at the chaos. “I mean, you guys all remember now I guess because you were near me, but I don’t-“

“Nimmy!” B2 gasps in realization and runs off into the carnival.

“B2!” you shout after him.

“If she remembers too, then she’s very, very confused!” he calls back.

“No! Stick Together! We-“

“BUGZE!” Midnight cries out as she flies above you.

“Midnight!” you call out in surprise and she just glowers at you.

“You Idiot!!!” she shrieks holding her half of the time piece. “You’ve Killed Us All!”

“What are you talking about?!” you shout as the rest of your group look at her, but none of the other carnival humans do as they blur in their movements.

“All of our loops through the last 3 months are collapsing in on themselves at once!”

“What?!” your group shouts in horror.

“Time is fixing itself, but without a focal point, it’s getting smooshed together!”

You pale at that as you look at shades of the past three months and your shenanigans popping in and out. Screams of terror, mixed with cheers of joy, some from the same people simultaneously.

“Give me your half so I can fix this!” Midnight screams.

“No! You Give Me Your Half!” you shout in defiance.

“Are you serious right now?”

“Yes! I know this is Discord’s dream come true, but I won’t let you have this power!”

“Oh for-You Impossible Insufferable Man!” she yells before diving at you, and you take off into the carnival of madness.

“Run For Your Lives!!!” you shout to your group.


Author's Note:

Okay, we went from Groundhog Day to Inception stuff. How chaotic can one changeling be?

Hey Hive-Mind,

Things are going nuts, so it’s a typical day for Bugze. Join me in this psychotic break of an arc and hopefully get things unbucked :rainbowlaugh:

But anyway, just know that Bugze, Selena, Sombra, The Dazzlings, Humane 7, Humbra, B2, Luna, Wallflower, PostCrush, and Midnight are all experiencing this Time Crunch and remember the last loop. The other carnival goers are more like shades at this point and not even really there.

Have fun with the madness, and I’ll see you next chapter,
Brown Dog.

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