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Chapter 1

Big Mac wasn't known for his mind. Nor was he known as a stallion who partied or womanized like others. No, to some Big MacIntosh was known for his giant size, simple speech, and hard working ethic. To others, he was simply an enigma, or to most other colts he was simply known as Applejack's big brother and left it at that. However, to some ponies, he was considered a very close friend.

Caramel was working hard to recover for his earlier folly that month, where in his haste to beat out a severe storm, he had ended up tripping and spraining his leg. Afterwards, he was brought to the hospital by Applejack and Fluttershy, the latter of which had stayed over the very same night he had sprained his leg, attempting to hold out the storm - and get something to eat, as well.

Regardless, it was every day after the storm that his friend Big Mac came to the Hospital. Most of the time it was right after working hard in the orchard. Big MacIntosh was as loyal a friend could be, really, and sometimes he would just sit in the room with him, silent and unassuming, simply helping his friend pass the time while he recovered. He was a very close and loyal friend.

However, in the last days of his recovery, Big MacIntosh had to let Caramel know that he was called on to help sort out a bit of trouble in Appleoosa after his cousin Braeburn was caught in what Big MacIntosh called a 'right mess of a sitch-ee-a-tion' with one of the other locals there. Who it was, Caramel couldn't say, but his thoughts went out to Braeburn. He always seemed to have his heart in the right place, so whatever scandal he ended up in could only be something somepony spun to cause a ruckus. As Big Mac left, however, Caramel was suddenly struck with an almost terrifying thought, and called out to his friend - but it was too late.


Big MacIntosh strode into Appleoosa next to another very imposing pony. Both stallions were built to last and stood a head taller than any other colt in all of Equestria, it seemed. Despite this, neither knew the other very well outside of a mutual respect for their work. "So what brings you to Appleoosa, Big Mac?" The black stallion grunted as they walked through town.

"Well... We got news back at the farm my cousin got himself in a mess out here," Big Mac said simply, gnawing on a piece of grass that hung limply from his mouth. The black stallion nodded slowly. "Ah came to help sort it out."

"Well, I hope you help set things straight, ya look like a capable enough colt. I'm gonna head to the Saloon. If ya got time, I'll meet ya there and buy you a drink. Entertainment tonight's gonna be good, I hear," the stallion mentioned idly, grinning as different ideas floated through his head. "Good luck, Mac."

"'Luck, Black," Big Mac stated, before looking around slowly. He didn't much know where to go, but he seemed to have a pretty firm grasp on wherever he went, so the big Pony simply moved along. Pausing for a moment, Big Macintosh stopped dead in his tracks, peering down the road at what he thought he saw. It looked to be a caramel colored pony, with a strange yet familiar cutie mark walking down the road. The mane style looked dead on similar, and one of the only things stopping Big Mac from pursuing knowledge in this sight was the simple fact that, "That... ain't no colt," he muttered, closing his eyes and shaking his head. Opening his eyes, the strange caramel coated mare had disappeared, leaving Big MacIntosh befuddled.


"Now Braeburn, explain to me slow, what all happened to get you in here?" Big MacIntosh stated, looking about the police station. In front of him sat his cousin, looking fairly sheepish as Big Mac stood over him. "Ah never thought I'd see you like this in a mess like this," he continued, sighing. "What made ya do it, cuz?"

Braeburn looked from side to side, feeling a little stressed. "Well, I didn't mean anything by it. I was just there with the Sheriff and suddenly everything went by so quick." He said, looking positively befuddled. "Next thing I know, I'm sitting here with a dumb look on my face," sighing, he looked back at his cousin. "Cousin MacIntosh, I'm in a big mess, ain't I?"

"Eeyup." Big Mac surveyed the area, but eventually sat down where he stood. "Guess'n you gotta make the most of what you got, Ah reckon. Seein' as the buffalo aren't a problem for Appleoosa anymore. It ain't so bad, really," he stated, pointing at the silver star that adorned Braeburn's vest. "Ah 'spose SilverStar simply thought it was peaceful enough to leave."

"Still though, I can't imagine he'd just up and leave so quickly, Cousin." Braeburn looked at the badge another time, hardly believing it adorned his clothing. "I'm just a simple settler pony, I help watch the orchard. I'm not all that sure what to do at all should trouble start up on my watch." He put a hoof up to his mouth to contemplate, before shaking his head. "It's a right ol' mess."

Big Mac spared his cousin his nigh legendary response and instead wished to direct Braeburn as best he could. "Now ah, you watch the orchards here in Appleoosa, right?" Big Mac asked, leading the question.

"Well I reckon so. Me and a couple other pon-"

"And you know what to do if anypony starts messing with the apples, or if they get infected with some sort of virus." Big Mac reflected on his and Applejack's own work, figuring Appleoosa's orchard farming should be all the different. Especially when it comes to defending their crop.

"Well I reckon I do, but I don't see what that has to do with-"

"And you take action if anythin's amiss."

"A'course I do. It's everypony's livelihood at stake out the-"

Big Mac stood up. "Well Ah suppose that answers your question, nah don't it?"

Braeburn stared a Big MacIntosh, completely dumbstruck. He took a moment to reflect that he really shouldn't keep talking over other ponies so much anymore. Being on the receiving end, he could see why cousin Applejack always had to yell at him. "But I still don't see what that has to do with me bein' sheriff of this here town." He confessed, giving a confused look.

"Ah, it ain't so hard. Just think of your citizens as your apples an' I'm sure you'll do fine." The big pony stood up, heading toward the door. "Now if you excuse me, Braeburn, Ah gotta a free drink over at the Salt Block Ah want to turn in 'fore it's too late."

Braeburn's eyes were out of focus, but he soon blinked it away. "Ponies like apples? How in tarnation does that even work?" Scratching a hoof to his head, he tried as hard as he could to figure out just what Big MacIntosh was trying to tell him.


Leaving the station, Big MacIntosh realized he didn't remember the lay of the land as well as he'd like to, and was soon looking both ways at every opportunity to find the Saloon. On his way over, however, he swore he caught sight of Caramel, but before he got a good look, the pony in question turned down into an alley. Blinking and shaking his head, the big stallion moved slowly toward the alley, peeking into long enough to catch that same toned hair, the similar styled mane, the same exact cutie mark... but the body of a mare.

That, and a very impressive hat.

Zipping his head back, Big MacIntosh inhaled deeply and closed his eyes hard. There was no way in Equestria that he was seeing what he was seeing. Taking a deep breath, he looked again... and saw absolutely nopony. Exhaling hard, he entered the alleyway looking about. "My mind must be playin' tricks on me." Licking his teeth, the big pony stood still for awhile. Listening to the sounds of Appleoosa, it was a very different experience than that of Sweet Apple Acres, or Ponyville. It felt more rustic, mysterious. And he hated to admit it, but it was fairly inviting.

Breaking from his silent stance, he decided that whomever he saw wasn't coming out to greet him. Coming out of the side street the red stallion looked about, catching the unmistakable sign of the giant salt shaker adorned on the parlor. "Well don't that beat all," he mumbled, making his way toward the establishment.


Black nodded slowly, his giant size moving with his head. Big MacIntosh didn't have much to say really, so he just went over today's events for his new friend. "And ya say she's everything your friend is, except the 'she' part," Black grunted, giving a low, gravely chuckle.

"An' tha hat," Big Mac corrected, taking another long sip of his sarsaparilla.

"An' the hat," Black echoed.


Turning around, Black took a gander at the stage which would become the focal point of tonight's entertainment. His mind mulled around what the out-of-towner said, but didn't put all that much thought into it. Big Mac seemed a respectable pony, but to be fair he'd only known him for the day. "Well, that's quite a conundrum you got on your hands, Mac." Black didn't see much reason to mutter the prefix to his name. More like a Normal Mac to him anyway. He didn't exactly go about calling everypony 'Little Braeburn' or 'Little SilverStar'.

"Eeyup," was all the muscular pony muttered, before looking about at the ponies there. They all seemed to fit the town's specific 'western' theme. The most normal among them had hats larger than their heads, which caused Big MacIntosh to raise an eyebrow as the idea of just how these ponies kept their hats from covering their eyes. Still, he wasn't without his own fashion statements, a hoof pushing on the collar that adorned his chest.

The two acquaintances sat in silence for awhile, neither really being big talkers. Every so often they related to each other's work - one a work horse on a farm, the other strong and mighty enough to pull a train full of cargo and ponies. MacIntosh barely realized the sun going down, and Black grunted a bit. "Not much longer 'till the show. Then it's last ride out of Appleoosa for me," he mentioned.

Big Mac glanced casually over to Black. He supposed it made sense - Black was a pony with only two real shifts of work, so it wasn't too far a stretch to believe he worked at night. "How you make sure not to hit anypony out there on the tracks at night?" Big Mac ventured a couple guessed, thinking of a how Twilight Sparkle's horn had glowed quite bright whenever she cast magic.

"Unicorn. We even have a colt strong enough to help lead the charge and light the way." Black's voice had a gravel undertone which suggested more a more incredulous remark than it really was. Unicorns were never known for their physical strength, so Big Mac was fairly interested in seeing this stallion for himself one day. Equestria was full of little oddities everywhere. As he lost himself in his own thoughts like he often did to pass the time on the farm, he didn't notice his own kin take up residence beside him until Braeburn jostled his flank with a hoof almost two hours later.

"Go on, Cousin Mac, watch your tail." Braeburn was trying, rather unsuccessfully, to enjoy himself with a salt cube, but Big Mac's attention toward the stage had left his tail hanging right over the table next to his sheriff cousin. Shifting himself to his haunches, Mac stifled a chuckle before nodding in apology. "S'fine." Braeburn shook his hoof dismissively. "Just gotta keep your size in mind."

Black looked beyond Big Mac, seeing the disheveled Braeburn talking lowly of his new friend. "Now you got a problem with his size, little pony?" He called. Big Mac's expression melted into befuddlement as Black cautioned his cousin. Turning to look at the counter, a number of saspirilla lined the seat where Black had parked himself, fueling the confrontation.

Braeburn, on the other hoof, just looked confused and slightly amiss as he looked between the two. "Well shoot, Big Mac, I never noticed Black here was just as big as you." The colt had completely missed the danger in Black's voice, who now stood up and walked around and stared the beige earth pony down. "Uh... Can I help you?"

"I said have you gotta problem with me bein' big?" He growled. Big Mac stared impassively a moment. The sentiment didn't make much sense to him, as usually teasing tended to come from the bigger to the smaller. Whatever was in Black's head made him sensitive to his size, Mac couldn't guess.

Braeburn smiled, although this time he seemed a bit more timid about it. "Why a course not. I was just remarking on how you and Big Mac have similar sizes, is al-"

"And you seem to have a problem with his size, thas' right?" Black challenged. It was at this point the Big Mac had certainly had enough of the misunderstanding, and stood up rather slowly.

"Now, Black, Ah'm gonna have to ask you to back off from my cousin real slow," he mentioned idly. It wasn't a threat, and there wasn't a quantum of malice anywhere on his features. "He's sheriff now, so you gotta show him a lil' respect, hear?"

Both Black and Braeburn looked down to the silver star adorning the latter's vest, either taking something different from it. Braeburn felt a feeling of possibility, or pride, and responsibility. Black saw it as a challenge. "So you're Silverstar's replacement after he ran off with one of those buffalo." Big Mac's eyebrows rose slightly, but he kept it mostly to himself. He hadn't expected a pony to have run off with a buffalo, nor had he heard of such a thing happening. But to him, no harm, no foal. "You don't look so tough," Black threatened, sizing up Braeburn.

"Well, ya see, it's a new position and all so I'm just trying to keep my saddle on while I get used to it," Braeburn muscled out an excuse that, in Big Mac's opinion, wasn't needed. "But I'm gonna try to keep the peace when I can. I'm sorry if'n I might have offended you, Black, I sure didn't mean anything by it."

Black looked Braeburn up and down as Big Mac eyed him coolly. He mentally hoped the big black stallion would just leave it be, but instead he took a step forward, less than a hoof's length from Braeburn's muzzle. "You 'n Me." The stink of fermented juices emanated from his breath as he stuck a hoof toward the door. "Outside. Now."

"Now just hold on there, Black. Braeburn didn't mean to offend," Big Mac started, but the large stallion looked over at him, almost dangerously.

"Ain't your place, MacIntosh."

"Sure as shootin' ain't yours, either," Big Mac stepped forward, his stance solid. "Now you back away from my cousin. You need to time get that drink through your system 'fore you're called to work, and you can't be riskin' hurtin yourself while yer stupid." Big MacIntosh stared the other stallion down.

Braeburn gulped a bit, but he held his ground regardless. "Ain't no reason to fight now," he breathed, putting his hooves on the floor. Black looked between the two of them. He hadn't much reason to fight, but his blood was boilin' something fierce for some reason or another, and he wanted it sedated.

"Hurmph. You want to defend this little pony? Fine. You take his place." His tone was menacing, but Big Mac continued to look vaguely uninterested. The gentlecolt behind the bar looked feverish, as if he knew something Mac didn't.

Looking about the parlor, all eyes were on him, even some mare's from behind the stage were taking a look at the big red Pony. Now how did I get myself in such a mess. It felt more statement in his mind than fact. Then he noticed her in the back, that same giant hat adorning her head. That Caramel look-alike. Turning between her and Black before him, he realized he kept seeing more and more sweat fall from the brows of mostly everypony here. Black must of had a history here, and it was coming to light just what kind of history he had. Some of the furniture looked newer than most, and the older tables had obvious glue lines holding them together. In just over a year, Appleoosa's primary parlor had seen quite a few fights.

"Ah reckon 'taint no way I'll be talkin' you outta this peacefully," Big Mac stirred. Black snorted, his breath ragged from drink. Walking past him, Mac looked back at the mare he'd been seeing all day, and then to Black. "Well we ain't gonna fight in here. Hope Ah won't have to miss the entertainment tonight. Come on, Black. You too Braeburn. I'm countin' on you to make sure things stay fair."

Smiling with an air of drunken maliciousness, Black confidently and clumsily strode out of the bar, Braeburn and Mac close behind.


"Big Mac, you ain't gotta do this. The town an' the Salt Block's seen a lot outta this colt - he ain't gonna go down easy. Silverstar's simply stopped trying after he nearly broke his hip," Braeburn shook his head. "When I came down ta see ya there, I hoped to avoid catchin' his wrath and to keep you from don't the same," sighing, he looked up at Big Mac, who still held his disinterested expression as he looked at Black, who was trying to catch his balance. "Not doin' a good enough job as Sheriff so far, I reckon."

Breathing in deep, Big Mac shook his head. "Nah, you're doin' fine." Looking down to his little cousin, he shook his shoulders a bit before craning his neck. "Do me a favor and release this collar. Ah'm a bit rusty at this." Looking over at Black, Braeburn slowly moved his attention back to his cousin and started to undo the harness around Big MacIntosh. As he did, a number of patrons from inside the Salt Block to the outside, intent on watching the fight. From alongside back of the parlor came the Caramel-mare, who strode up to Black.

He couldn't hear what the two conversed about, but it didn't take long before the mare looked hurt, and deftly avoided a swinging hoof from Black towards her face, causing her hat to fall off and get caught in his hoof, crushing it into the dirt. This rustled a deep anger from Mac, who stood straighter just as the collar came off. "Now that just ain't right," he grunted. The mare took off running, Black yelling obscenities at the top of his lungs after her.

Braeburn looked over toward Black and what was apparently his girl. "Aw, poor Butterscotch. She's such a nice mare, but Black took a shine to her an'... well, that really was it." Slamming his hoof down, Braeburn shook his mane, "Tain't fair! Nopony should have to follow orders from a bigger pony just 'cause he threatens violence." Big Mac nodded slowly, taking in the fact he hadn't been hallucinating about the 'Caramare'. Her name was Butterscotch, apparently. He mused about the similarities to sugary syrups her name and Caramel's had. Still, there was the matter at hand.

"Careful, Braeburn. You're startin' to sound like a sheriff." Striding forward, it cued Black to step forward, a bit less clumsy than before. Braeburn paused, thinking about what Big Mac said. As he did, he slowly walked off, and then started to gallop towards who knows where.

"Heh, looks like your cousin's a little filly," Black smirked, insulting Big Mac's kin. "I didn't want to fight you, Mac, but it looks like somepony has to put you in your place."

"Guess so."

Big Mac rolled his neck around, getting used to the fact the lessened weight around his neck could let it move a bit more freely. He waited patiently for Black's move, reading the body language of his opponent. It wasn't more than a second before Black rushed blindly, his hulking body roaring towards Big Mac. He could feel the strength the stallion packed behind his legs from moving that train.

However, it was unexpected when Big Mac merely stepped forward, his muscles tensing as Black came into contact with him. Sliding back, Mac took the brunt of the charge, but held his place. His face darkening, he locked his neck around Black and twisted his body quickly, sending the black colt into the ground, his excess momentum carrying him into the ground. Mac trotted around again, spitting out the grass that had hung from his mouth since the start of the day.

Scrambling to his feet, Black's eyes were blazing. Angry that his opponent had so deftly redirected him, he charged a second time. This time he kept his head forward, his hooves beating against the ground below him. The red stallion galloped forward, his mane blazing like the sun behind him. As they met, Black shifted his front hooves forward, intent on tackling MacIntosh in a strong clash. Suddenly, the Red pony shifted his route, and ran off to the left the moment Black raised both his hooves up, causing the black colt to again crash into the ground, the red colt rounding about to look down upon his opponent. "I reckon you're not done yet," he taunted, his eye reading the audience. He wasn't one to belittle an opponent, but seeing the tired, hopeful faces of some of the patrons - he had to bring Black down. He felt it... necessary.

"Shuddup, farm boy!" Black spat out a mouthful of dirt as he got back to his feet. The adrenaline of the situation had all but negated his clumsy hooves, but the anger, brought on by a bit too much ale, was all that fueled his actions. "I'ma teach you what it means to mess with Black."

"I'm sure ya will," Mac said, before snorting a bit. He had to admit - he was taking a little fun out of this. Black snarled and rushed forward again, Mac reading his every move. With speed borne of the loss of the collar, Mac trotted left of Black's rushed, before a sudden, powerful hit caught his flank, causing Mac to lose his footing, sliding his back end down. However, his forehooves stayed grounded, and the pony stood himself up. There was a pause from the crows as Mac struggled to keep his back hooves steady.

Black looked pleased with himself, but expression soon changed as Mac stretched his neck around. "Buckin, now, are we?" He couldn't help himself as he chuckled. "Now Ah know Ah told you my job. You addin' buckin into this match... don't quite add up." Kicking his legs out, Big Mac stretched them out for a good while. "But I guess buckin's in now."

Smirking, Black lowered his head down as his hoof scraped across the dirt, readying his charge again. He had him. He was making excuses. Black charged forward with a whinny, picking up speed. Mac bent low, before charging solidly ahead. Hoofbeats were thunderous as the two forged their way ahead toward each other.

Just as Black started to turn his body, there seemed to be a flash as Big Mac spun in mid-gallop. The train-leading pony could only look on as he couldn't stop his body from spinning so agonizingly slow compared to the farm pony. Mac's face looked almost... apologetic, as suddenly his back legs shot out, the force of the farmhoof's full assault connecting with Black's broadside.

Nopony really expected it. One second Black was against Big Mac, and the next the dark stallion was airborne, flying in a brilliant arc from where they collided, the red colt merely dropping his hind hooves down. By the time Big Mac finally decided to spin about to see his opponent did Black have the decency to hit the ground in a heap. Striding up alongside his fallen opponent, MacIntosh merely shook his head. "Well, I'm sorry it had to be like that," he put simply, his flank a little sore but for the most part unscathed. Turning around, Black grunted painfully behind him. Mac started moving back into the Salt Block, intent on finishing his drink, to the chorus of chatter from the ponies that surrounded their battle.

Behind him, Black groaned back to his hooves, breathing heavily. Back upright, he scrapped the ground, and the onlookers paused in almost paralyzed fear as the dark stallion just couldn't stay down. With a surprisingly loud whinny, Black charged forward again, taking Big Mac by surprise, who only had time to turn to see Black almost upon him.

"Yeeeeeeeeee-haaaaawwww!" Braeburn shouted, a lasso flying through the air and finding it's way around Black's neck. Tightening it's grip, Black found himself detoured around as the smaller colt gripped the rope in his teeth. Bursting through the crowd came Braeburn and a small number of other ponies, both colts and mares, each with lassos in their mouths. Big Mac spun around and was about to take charge until the four companions of his cousin shot out their lassos around Black. One hit his back and slid off, but the others tripped up his feet, causing the large stallion to hit the ground hard, sliding and tumbling and generally finding himself tangled in tough ropes. As he struggled, Braeburn took the lasso from the pony who missed their mark and quickly ran around Black, tying his feet together and knotting it quickly before the brute could do much more than take a breath. Looking over his handiwork, he set to work tying Black's mouth shut. "Now that's how we get things done in Aaahaaaappleoosa!" His expression was met with cheers from everypony, Braeburn staring expectantly toward Big Mac.

Big Mac shook his head quickly to remove the shock that filled him when Braeburn and some other ponies took action. Approaching his cousin with a low chuckle, he looked over the disgruntled Black as Braeburn finished tightening a smaller piece of twine around his mouth, keeping it shut. "Well now, Ah suppose Ah'm grateful." Big Mac commented, looking over the knots and testing their resilience.

Braeburn looked up at his cousin. "Nah, Big MacIntosh. I think we're all grateful to you. You kept him busy while I gathered a bit of a posse." He informed, gesturing to the four ponies that assisted him. The ponies which assisted Braeburn started to drag Black unto a nearby cart, the dark colt struggling but unable to do anything other than mildly inconvenience them. Big Mac noticed that among them was the mysterious Butterscotch, the same pony Braeburn mentioned was forced to be Black's 'girl' and strange clone of his friend Caramel. Braeburn looked between the two a moment before raising an eyebrow, "You okay, cousin?"

Big Mac's eyes tracked about the Appleoosians, giving only a curt nod and a stereotypical, "Eeyup!" As Big Mac answered his cousing, he took a couple steps to make sure the hit he took from Black didn't mess with his legs.

Watching the brutish pony struggle as he was put on the cart, Braeburn shook his mane. "I didn't know you could fight like that, Mac."

Big MacIntosh breathed out slowly, shaking his head. "I was just a silly little colt back then, but there was a time where I was known as the 'Italian Stallion'. A fightin' pony. Haven't done so in awhile, usually there's a code of honor when stallions fight," Big Mac informed with a shake of his mane. "Black foregone that honor when he bucked me." Stretching his neck, he looked back toward the discarded horse collar.

"I didn't know that about you, cousin. You'll have to tell me all about it next time you're in Appleoosa. Maybe next time you won't have to deal with some of our local unsavories." The sheriff mentioned. Looking at his own friends, who had answered his call for help against Black, they all wore crudely fashioned deputy stars. "I guess you were right though, cuz. Bein' Sheriff is a lot like raisin' an orchard. Just need your friends to support you and help you out, and you can sort out just about anything."

"Eeyup." MacIntosh nodded his head simply. He tried chewing the piece of grass he had, but remembered he had spat it out. Sighing, he turned to his cousin and then motioned down to his collar. "Mind helping me with that?"


Stepping off the train, Big Mac breathed in that sweet Ponyville air. His own trip to Appleoosa had been an interesting one, but he was quite happy to have sorted out the mess for his cousin as best he could. Silently he stepped outside the station, passing by a number of ponies who were meeting with their families and loved ones, some having not seen each other for more than a year. He heard a few hoarse whispers about this and that, some relating to Black, but most of the Appleoosian's spoke about Big Mac, something he wished had been simply left forgotten. Still, some praise wasn't always bad.

As he turned to leave, he was suddenly stopped by a familiar sight - this one finally a colt. "Big MacIntosh!" Caramel called, trotting gingerly over to his friend. "I'm out of the hospital!" He stated, as if his presence wasn't obvious enough.

"That you are, Caramel," Big Mac mentioned simply, looking at his friend with a content smile on his face. "Good to see you out and about."

"Oh yeah, never know what you lose until you lost it, right?" Caramel laughed, before giving Big Mac a once over. He paused briefly, looking toward the side of Big Mac's cutie mark. "You got a pretty big bruise there! What'd you do out there, MacIntosh? I thought the mess was scandal, not fightin'!"

"Ah, a little a both, I s'pose. Nothin' the old Italian Stallion couldn't handle." Big Mac chuckled slightly, while Caramel looked incredulous. Last he heard, his friend had given up fighting other ponies. "Eeyup," Mac bleated.

Shaking his mane, Caramel was reminded of what he wanted to tell Mac about at the hospital. "Oh, I was meaning to tell you to keep an eye out for my twin sister out there. Last letter she wrote out to me-"

"Twin sister?" Big Mac echoed, his mind immediately snapping to the caramel colored mare he kept seeing. Butterscotch.

"Caramel!" Before either colt could react, a caramel-colored blur rushed past the large red stallion and almost broadsided Caramel while she was at it. However, just before she hit, she slowed to a friendly hug, taking great care not to harm Caramel's healing hoof. "How're you doing?"

"Butterscotch! I didn't know you were comin' to visit!" Caramel shouted. Turning to Big Mac, Caramel pulled his sister off of him long enough to try and introduce them. "Hey, before anythin', I want to introduce ya to my best friend Big MacIntosh!" He said.

There was a pause for a moment, as Butterscotch took a moment to take the large stallion in. "Oh... um," She started. She hadn't seen him since in front of the Salt Block, and hadn't said a word.

"We've been introduced. I suppose I helped her along, I reckon," Big Mac said simply, a rare sort of smile playing on his features. The mare smiled in return, running a hoof past her hair to clear it from her eyes. "Didn't see her on the train, though. Things are a mess since they lost one of their lead ponies," Mac exposed, causing Butterscotch to actually giggle a moment.

Caramel's eyes darted between the two before saying, "Well I'll be, I suppose you recognized her for me. Same cutie mark and everything, ain't that right, sis?" Butterscotch merely nodded, before pushing Caramel playfully along his flank as to not upset his front hoof. "Hey, watch it!" He cried, still paranoid of what might happen to his hoof.

"Well, I watched your friend here do some mighty interesting things, I'll tell you. He must be tuckered out a bit. Now I know I'm just jumpin' on ya out of nowhere, but I've been trying to get out here for awhile. Just never had the..." She paused. "The opportunity, no strings attached," she finished carefully. "But when you sent that last letter, I wanted to come here straightaway to help you out, and here I am. A little late, but here all the same, brother."

Caramel laughed. "That's quite alright, I missed you sis! Hey Big Mac, listen, I hate to be a bother but I have a couple saddlebags back at the hospital, and I was wondering if'n you could-"

"Eeyup. I'll take care of that for ya." He said, striding forward as the others started to follow. "It's gonna be a nice day, today," he sniffed, breathing in the Ponyville air. Clean and friendly.

"Oh, MacIntosh, I just heard from that pink Earth pony that there's a party tonight in your sister's honor." He mentioned. "'Parrently it's about you-know-what," he added, wincing slightly as he fell on his hoof wrong. He recovered fully after a second, but Butterscotch moved forward and decided to help bolster her brother slightly as they continued.

"Is that so? Well, glad to hear it." As they walked, Big Mac looked down to the twins a moment, wondering what part of their lives warranted a completely similar cutie mark. Staring up at the sky, he saw a certain rainbow pegasi fly across the sky toward Sugar Cube Corner. He supposed he'd leave that question for another day.

Comments ( 5 )

As always happens in any fanfiction I found typos, but less than most, and not enough to bother finding them again. As I have stated on some of your other stories I quite enjoy your writing, and how you try to connect your stories to each other in some way each time. I am not quite sure how Big Macintosh would act at a party though... He would probably stand near the snack table and be quiet most of the time, but he might act more like he did in Lesson Zero. I hope Butterscotch stays a mane character in your stories, but I guess I have to read through the rest to find that out.

This was a very enjoyable read! The story and characters felt canon, and there was enough twists to keep me guessing without excessively drawing out the story or slowing it's pace. :twilightsmile:

Author Interviewer

You oughta consider rewriting this sometime. There's a decent story in it, and I know you could tell it better nowadays.

You think? Hm. Maybe, this whole plot arc is something I've wished to revisit for awhile now.

This is a cute fic and I love poor Mac thinking he's seeing double. I feel like this fic was too short though, nothing really gets resolved except Brae deciding he can try being sheriff after all.

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