• Published 12th Jul 2012
  • 1,775 Views, 25 Comments

Thirty Minute Ponies - kits

Collection of Short Challenge Prompts

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Two Fillies' Secrets [SoL,Com]

"Is the coast clear?" the bush hissed at her.

With a strangled "eep" Fluttershy dove across the path and into the hedge on the other side. Her tail was pulled fully into the bush and a pair of teal eyes, wide with fright looked through the hole she had made. "Who's there!" she nearly choked on the whispered words.

The bush across from her shook and trembled as whatever was inside of it stood. A tuft of red hair, followed by a cascading pool of orange, trimmed by a yellow lock thrust through the green leaves as Rainbow Dash glared at her. She gave another small "eep" and pulled further back into the bush, hiding her eyes under her hooves.

Rainbow Dash glanced both ways before silently extracting herself from her hiding spot, taking great care that her saddlebags didn't catch on any of the branches. Slinking across the path, she glanced into the hole Fluttershy had made. "Come on, Fluttershy," she hissed. "It's clear. We've got to go now."

When she didn't immediately pop out, Dash reached into the bush with her forelegs, wrapped them under her own, and hauled her out of her cozy hiding place. She trembled and looked away from Rainbow.

"Look, Fluttershy," Dash said, running a hoof under her chin and forcing her to make eye contact. Dash's expression had softened from annoyance into sympathy. "I'm nervous too. If the others found out..." Rainbow Dash let the thought hang in air. Fluttershy knew all too well what Dash was worried about.

Fluttershy didn't like keeping things from their friends, but Rainbow Dash had her reasons. When they had been fillies at flight camp, neither had felt the need to hide what they did together. That had changed when the trio of class bullies had discovered them together late one night. While they had plenty of fodder to use against her, it was the first thing those three had ever had on Rainbow Dash. They had taunted her with it ceaselessly.

Her muzzle formed into a thin frown. It had been her fault they'd been discovered. Her cries had certainly been what betrayed them. "Rainbow Dash," she whispered. "If you don't want to do this—" She was cut off as Dash gently placed a hoof against her mouth.

"Of course I want to do this," Dash insisted, her voice breaking slightly. Doubt played across her face as she asked, "do you? I mean, you're still ok with this, right? I don't want to make to do—"

Now it was her turn to silence the other mare with a gentle hoof and the shake of a head. "I've wanted to do this ever since you moved to Ponyville."

"I'm sorry, Fluttershy. I thought that after the– After we got caught– I thought you were done with this."

Fluttershy bumped their noses together. "Never, Rainbow."

Dash stayed frozen for a second before glancing about, looking for any ponies who might be watching. "Okay, the coast still looks clear."

"Are you worried somepony from town will catch us?" Fluttershy wished she could do something to calm Dash's fear. At the same time, the nervous excitement the her oldest friend was displaying was beginning to echo within her. It had been so very long since the two of them had done this. "I never see anypony out this far."

"I'm not worried about just anypony." Dash pressed her muzzle into hers, her eyes glinting eith steel resolve. "I'm worried about Pinkie."

Fluttershy blinked in confusion. Worrying about Pinkie? "But Rainbow Dash, surely you don;t think– I mean– out friends wouldn't–"

"I don't want to risk it." Dash shrugged off the saddle bags, becoming airborne and making a quick circuit as Fluttershy regained her composure. Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity, and Applejack: none of them would mind, much.

She blushed, thinking about what Rainbow and her were about to do. Okay, maybe it was for the best they weren't here. They might not understand. Well, Pinkie probably would, but the others would be offended, if only a little.

"All clear," Dash said, plopping herself down next to the saddlebags, her head disappearing inside. Her muffled voice called out, "are you ready?"

Fluttershy took a deep breath, giddy anticipation spreading her wings as she nodded then added a breathless, "yes".

"Okay, Fluttershy. Get ready for..." Rainbow let the word hang, heightening her excitement. "Princess Dash!" Rainbow sprang towards her, a cardboard horn centered on her head. "And I dub thee, Dame Fluttershy." She cried, tapping her on the shoulders with the horn as she slide a wreath of poseys over her neck. "Come! Let us rid the land of the dreaded pine-tree menace!"

Standing tall, Fluttershy's eyes narrowed and she saluted. It had been so very long since they'd played this game, but it was the one time as a filly she had felt brave. "Yes, Princess Dash!" And with that, the two were away to battle an unstoppable foe.

Comments ( 18 )

It's fine. I just deleted it.

I liked that. Very much so.

Full Disclosure was really nice and symmetric and, well, elegant, but Two Fillies' Secrets is really what gets my heart hammerin' here. Loved it.

That... was adorable.

just a "first"

you should totally take away the "(difficulty: no romance)" part just to mislead the readers. Loved this short story!

I should do it as non-romantic clop. "Oh, he's leading up to something else- what?!"

Yeah... unfortunately, Kits is right... we have a "first-er" in our midst... :ajbemused:

So, depressing, heartwarming, and adorable. I'm glad I got here early. I don't know if I could take further emotional whiplash.

That's supposed to mean she tried to STOP having the dream, but, in the manner of nightmares, was unable to halt it.

Yeah. They're gonna be random like that. I'll try to label them all.

Y'know, I could see Twilight actually being a bit offended by this, and the whole cardboard horn thing. She takes Celestia pretty seriously, after all. (Celestia, herself, would probably be delighted. :trollestia: )

Ch -1: Hmm. Not bad but technically assumes that "Magic is Friendship" rather than "Friendship is Magic".

Ch-2: Ahh the best most embarrassing games you can only play with your closes friends. You could do a bit of a crossover with CC with this and have them randomly encounter "Shadeflower" and "Wild Apple" in the woods. For great justice... and epic lulz.

but if you assume that Friendship is a literal Magical force (much like "light" is EM radiation) it makes more sens. I guess?

What is CC? I don't recognize it. :twilightblush:


Couch Crusader. Via Equestria, Rarity and AJ had a similar thing going in their childhoods.

I like how it leads up as if they're doing something really wrong, then it turns out they're just playing 'Princess' and don't want anyone to know. I LOVE IT!

And you get 5/5 Pinkie Happies for Da'ww.

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