• Member Since 9th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen October 12th



Lyra Heartstrings has been researching Ponyville's resident human ever since he arrived. When she gives Twilight Sparkle a copy of her extensive research, a small notebook slips out unnoticed by everyone except Spike. Curious, he picks it up and starts reading...

While this is a side story for Memoirs of a Reality Jumper, this is also a stand alone story. If you are following Memoirs, this takes place between chapters 32 and 33.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 25 )

happy I could help again ;3

Sheesh. I am actually starting to dislike Spike in the whole series. First he destroys Luna's instructions to help Alex with his magic-problem, then comes across something important about Alex and throws it away.

........ Somehow, I think I missed the part with Lyra... anyway, I like how you play her off as being extremely possessive. Kinda reminds me of her attitude in the story "Monster" by Blackwing.

more than a little creepy

AHHH! So good! This could make a GREAT plot point! With Lyra going all stalker-pony, and Rainbow growing jealous! As they say...




Did I miss something? When did the whole "Spike destroys Luna's instructions to help Alex" thing happen? :rainbowhuh:


Q&A #2.

Princess Luna: Would you be able to help your paladin avoid whatever it is that Twilight found is killing Alex?
Again, her aura caresses your soul, and you are at peace, “We have taken steps to ensure Twilight has all the information she needs. It is unfortunate her assistant destroyed the note.”

I know its not related to Lyra's notebook. But damn if it doesn't mean that Spike might become responsible for Alex's possible death and other misfortunes before that.


Oh okay. I wasn't sure if stuff from the Q&A was considered canon for the story...

"Dude, that's creepy" (We have no Spike smilies....)
Somehow, this doesn't ring a bell, I don't remember a single thing of those which Lyra mentioned. Oh my, better start re-reading the story so I get it heh? xD
Anyway, thanks for taking the time and writing this one. It was strange, but in a good way! You know I love you and your stories.

What the hell, Spike, why would you throw that away?

Omg the bad writing was hard to read. Thanks for the headache!

Good read though :twilightsmile:

898613 What? Rainbow Dash is getting fat? *cue rimshot*

“Good for your mental health” he said. spelling mistake there i think tech, should be "she" instead shouldnt it?


Nope, Alex told (will tell) Twilight to relax a little.

So Lyra had a dream where she played beautiful music, but then when she woke up, she couldn't remember it. Sounds an awful lot like me.

Good story, though!

901339 ahh right, thanks for clearing that up.

SPIKE WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!? :flutterrage:

So Lyra would you say you rather enjoy this human? I'm not sure.


Because he's a little human hating sociopath. :moustache:

Or he's basically a 10 yr old kid, and what do they not give? Fucks, that's what they don't give. :rainbowlaugh:

so this is a sequel to The Memoirs Of A Reality Jumper? or is it during it but through Lyra's Eyes?:rainbowderp:


This is during it. Actually it happens in chapter 34.


Sorry, I feel a little silly / retarded. I answered that a little too early. :facehoof:

What I meant to say was this is a sneak speek in a near future chapter. A part of the chapter where you only see the after effects. These side stories are all basically that, a view backstage at the other stuff going on (usually) related to the main story. Including the occasional 'What If?' story. I generally try to make them readable and hopefully enjoyable on their own. :twilightsmile:

Wait, so this happens between chapters 32 and 33 and takes place in the ponyville library. But at the beginning of chapter 33, they're still in canterlot. This must mean that twilight has a clone working for her! Or my brain is broked again. I'm not sure.:twilightoops:

Okay with writing like that, I'm somewhat worried about Alex meeting Lyra, like she'll try to blackmail him or something.

I really enjoyed this story and your others. I would definitely read Lyra's twelve volume set if those were published. It always impresses me how authors like you and others can organize the thoughts in your mind.

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